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One More Night (Sweetbriar Cove Book 13)

Page 14

by Melody Grace

  “…the preschool waiting lists are insane…”

  Letitia picked at her food and let her gaze drift around the restaurant. It was a popular haunt, and the place was packed: couples sharing a lazy brunch, families fighting to keep their kids quiet, and—


  She blinked, wondering for a moment if she was imagining things. Was she really that obsessed? But no, there he was sitting at the bar, with his laptop open, deep in conversation with Declan, the owner and superstar chef.

  Letitia felt her cheeks flush. Memories flooded back to her – torrid, gasping, sweaty memories. It seemed almost illegal for him to appear so casual and relaxed in broad daylight like this, when the last time she’d seen him, the moonlight was casting shadows across his face, and his eyes were full of dark passion, driving her to heaven and back.

  Chase glanced up, and saw her. He gave a quizzical smile, clearly as surprised as she was.

  “Tish? Babe?”

  She turned back to the group. “Sorry?”

  “You look flushed,” Rachel said, frowning. “Are you feeling alright?”

  “Fine.” Letitia beamed, suddenly feeling way better. So what if she was the spinster of the group? She’d had the best orgasm of her life last night, and she was betting, none of the other women could say the same. “What were you saying?”

  “Oh, just that I have someone for you.” Kiki announced. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of him sooner.”

  “It’s OK,” Letitia tried to stop her. It was funny, a couple of weeks ago she’d been practically begging her friends for set-ups, but now?

  Now, she was too distracted by the man on the other side of the room to be thinking about her dating plan.

  “No, no, he’s perfect.” Kiki insisted. “One of George’s old fraternity brothers. He’s handsome, great family, so much fun to be around.”

  “Yes, but why is he still single?” Darla asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Kiki looked away. “No reason, really. He just got out of jail,” she added in a mumble.

  “Jail?!” Letitia nearly choked on her eggs benedict.

  “Oh, just a little fraud charge,” Kiki waved off her concern. “Some mix-up about his taxes. But he’s out now, great guy, and you really can’t be too picky at your age.”

  Letitia tried not to laugh.

  “That’s so… sweet of you,” she managed to say. “But really, I’m fine. I’ll be right back,” she added, excusing herself.

  If her only choice for love out there was a former felon… Well, Letitia would take her chances alone. She headed across the room towards the Ladies room - which just happened to take her past the bar, where Chase was sitting, munching on a handful of fries.

  “Well, hey there.” He greeted her with a smile that just about melted her insides. “I swung by the house, but you were already gone.”

  “I forgot I had plans,” she replied, curling her fingertips into her palms to keep from reaching for him. Now that would have moved her to the top of the gossip list.

  “I can see.” Chase shot a look across the room, clearly amused. “How are the Real Housewives of Cape Cod?”

  “Hush,” Letitia scolded, but she was laughing, too. “They’re my friends. Kind of. Mostly,” she added.

  “Well, if you need an escape, I’m just finishing up with Declan.” Chase’s gaze turned suggestive. “Want to get out of here?”

  “You mean, just ditch everyone?”

  “We can sneak out the back,” Chase grinned. “Hop a fence, hitchhike home…”

  Letitia shook her head, smiling. “Tempting, but I think they’d notice. And these aren’t my fence-hopping shoes,” she added.

  “Shame.” Chase’s smile grew downright smoldering, and her insides turned molten. Would it really be so wrong to bail on her friends and—

  Nope. Down girl. She wasn’t going to throw good manners to the wind, just because a handsome man was smiling at her.

  Even if it was a heart-stopping, stomach-melting smile.

  “But we shouldn’t be too much longer...” Letitia added. “If you want to meet later?”

  “Just give me a call.”

  It took all her powers of self-control to walk away without kissing him – but she put a little swing in her step, just in case Chase was watching. She entered the bathroom, and immediately ran the cold faucet over her wrists, trying to cool down. Her reflection in the mirror was flushed and flustered, and she took a deep breath, trying to pull herself together again.

  How did one man suddenly melt her from the inside out?

  It was because she knew now what that smile promised, every slow, sensual kiss and spine-tingling touch…

  And she wanted them all.

  Crazy? Perhaps. She knew this was a detour from her original plan, but Letitia couldn’t find it in herself to worry – until she returned to her table, and slid into her seat, in time to hear the end of Darla’s story about her new nanny. “He’s so beautiful, I just want to sit and stare at him all day. There’s a riot on the playground, whenever he comes around.”

  “And what does your husband think?” Rachel asked with a smirk.

  “He’s wildly jealous,” Darla said, looking smug. “You should try it. He hasn’t been this attentive in years.”

  “Maybe I’ll ask Tish’s friend for his number,” Kiki said thoughtfully.

  “Huh?” Letitia looked around – and found a table full of knowing smiles.

  “The hottie at the bar.” Kiki explained. “He has ‘dirty, reckless fling’ written all over him. Unless you have dibs, of course,” she added.

  “Oh, come on,” Rachel interrupted, before Letitia could answer. “You know he’s not her type.”

  “I think he’s everyone’s type,” Darla quipped. “Anyone with a pulse, at least.”

  “Yes, but she’s looking for a husband, and a guy like that doesn’t even know the meaning of the word ‘commitment’,” Rachel reminded them. “I bet he’s got ‘player’ tattooed somewhere on that yummy body of his.”

  “He’s the guy you rebound with after a bad breakup.” Darla pitched in. “For the best drunk sex of your life.”

  “Or use to remind your husband that you still have options,” Kiki agreed. “Not somebody you actually date. I mean, can you imagine bringing him to the Philharmonic Gala?”

  They all laughed in agreement, but Letitia could only manage a faint smile. Her giddy good mood was deflating fast, and by the time they finished the meal and said their goodbyes, Letitia was feeling more confused than ever.

  They were right.

  Of course they were right. She sighed, walking slowly back to her car. Chase was a player through and through. Hadn’t she thought the exact same thing when she’d first met him? He’d made it clear, he was there for a good time, not a long time, and nothing he’d said to her since showed that he felt any differently. He was the opposite of everything she was looking for, and there was no question that this fling of theirs was heading nowhere, and fast.

  If she had any sense at all, she’d tell him she was busy later, and spend the afternoon with one of her eligible, commitment-friendly dates. Men who might settle down, and want to meet her family, instead of simply making her head spin and her knees weak.

  On the other hand…


  She turned. It was Kiki, hurrying over. Letitia sighed, bracing herself for more ‘helpful’ suggestions, but when the other woman reached her, she had an apologetic expression on her face. “Hey,” she said, slowing. “I just wanted to say… I’m sorry. I know things can get kind of, judgy, when everyone’s together.”

  “It’s fine,” Letitia said immediately, but Kiki gave her a knowing look.

  “It can’t be easy, being the only single one left. I remember, I was so relieved when George finally proposed,” Kiki confided. “It meant I could finally quit hearing how my special someone was out there, and all I had to do was wait.”

  “It’s… not my favorite to
pic, no,” Letitia admitted.

  Kiki paused. “Just so you know, being married doesn’t magically make everything better, either. Sometimes, I wonder…” she sighed, and then shook her head, a bright smile pasted on her face again. “Anyway, don’t let our silly teasing bring you down. And if you want that guy’s number, just let me know!”

  The felon? “Umm, I will.” Letitia replied. “Thanks.”

  They exchanged air kisses, and Kiki drove away. Letitia watched her go, wondering what she’d almost been about to share. But that was the thing about this crowd: Nobody wanted to admit any weakness or vulnerability, too busy trying to make everything look perfect. Kiki was about as likely to admit problems with her marriage as Letitia was to announce to everyone that her heart was tangled up in knots, and she was secretly scared of winding up alone.

  Some things, they all just kept to themselves.

  Letitia was stuck with a sudden restless urge. She’d had enough pretending for the day – she wanted to just be herself, no more fake smiles and acting like everything was OK.

  She pulled out her phone and dialed.

  “Chase? The girls just left. I’m all yours.”


  “A little higher...” Chase murmured softly, feeling the swell coming, just right.

  Letitia stretched. “Like this?”

  “To the left. You’ll know it when you feel it.”

  She bit her lip with concentration. “I’m not sure I can keep my balance in this position…”

  “Hold on, it’ll be worth it.” Chase adjusted Letitia’s hips, lining them up perfectly.

  “OK, here it comes…”

  The wave swelled towards them. Chase helped keep the surfboard steady as Letitia scrambled up into a standing position. “Go!” he called, as the tide caught her, propelling her forwards towards the shore.

  “I’m doing it!” Letitia exclaimed, wobbling unsteadily. “I’m actually surfing—”

  She lost her balance and toppled into the wave, surfacing a moment later spluttering and coughing – but with a massive smile on her face.

  “I almost had it there!” she called excitedly, swimming back to meet him in the shallows. “Did you see?”

  “I saw,” Chase laughed, pulling her closer. “You did great.”

  He kissed her, a salty and sea-drenched kiss, and for a second, there was nothing else in the world. It already felt so natural to hold her like this, as necessary as breathing, even though it was only last night that she’d shown up on his doorstep, spitting fire. She’d talked him into bed with a smooth determination that he would have applauded – if his hands hadn’t been busy elsewhere. He’d done his best to resist her, but Letitia wasn’t to be denied.

  This woman would be the death of him. But what a way to go.

  Finally, she broke away. “Can I go again?” she asked.

  “Sure,” Chase drawled, kissing her again.

  Letitia laughed, and pulled away. “I meant on the board!”

  Her hair was wet and tangled, and her borrowed wetsuit was way too big, but her eyes were bright with exhilaration.

  Chase thought she’d never looked so beautiful.

  “Are you sure you haven’t had enough?” he teased, as she adjusted the ankle strap that kept her tethered to the board. “You’ll turn into a prune if you keep this up.”

  Letitia grinned. “A sexy prune,” she teased, kissing him again. “I can see why you like it so much. That moment when the wave catches you, and you’re just flying....”

  “There’s nothing like it,” Chase agreed. At least, that’s what he’d thought before spending the night tangled up with her in the sheets, hearing her moan his name, gasping for more.

  Flying didn’t even come close.

  “How about you show me how it’s done?” Letitia suggested. “Now that I actually understand what it takes.”

  Sure, it was shallow, but Chase couldn’t resist the chance to impress her, just a little. “OK,” he said, taking the board. “Watch and learn.”

  Letitia’s laughter followed him as he scrambled onto the board, laying on his front as he paddled his way out past the break line. He bobbed there, waiting for just the right set of waves to come rolling in. This was always the place where his mind emptied, where the world receded, and there was nothing but the water, and the sky, and the feel of the ocean swelling beneath him. It was almost like meditation: no distractions or stress, just the simplicity of the vast horizon making everything else seem so small.


  But today, Chase’s mind was anything but empty. Letitia was waiting on the shore, and damn, if even the distant sight of her didn’t send his focus spinning. He didn’t know what had made her come to him like that, despite everything, but by the time she slipped that silky nightgown from her shoulders, he knew, this heat between them couldn’t be denied.

  To hell with plans, and good intentions. He still had no idea what this meant for their friendship, or her commitment master-plan, but if they were going to screw everything up, then damn, they’d do it in style.

  He felt the water shifting, and saw a break rolling in. This one, his instincts told him. He paddled into position, and waited, for just the right moment. When it came, it was like he was part of the ocean itself: buoyed forwards, leaping to his feet in one smooth, practiced motion, riding the surge of the wave as it sped towards the shore. His heart pounded in his chest, and for a moment, he was pure motion – at one with the wind.

  Letitia’s cheers greeted him from the shore as the wave finally fizzled out.

  “That was amazing!” she exclaimed, beaming. “But now I feel bad, you were humoring me for my crappy performance.”

  Chase splashed off the board, wading closer. “Hey, I was plenty crappy when I started out. But it’s like anything, you suck until you don’t suck anymore.”

  She quirked an eyebrow, and suddenly his blood ran hot despite the chill.

  “Dirty mind,” Chase said, pulling her closer.

  Letitia smirked. “I didn’t say a word.”

  He kissed her then, loving the heat of her mouth and the way his blood roared at her nearness. Never mind the perfect wave, this was pure exhilaration, right here.

  “Lesson’s over,” Chase said, tearing himself away long enough to lead her up the beach towards his RV. He needed to get them both out of these wetsuits, and fast.

  But Letitia tugged his hand, changing direction. “My place this time. No offense,” she added with a grin, “But I have running water, and a king-sized bed.”

  Chase didn’t argue, not when she was already peeling off her wetsuit, leaving a trail of wet footsteps across the porch as she skipped inside. He followed, up the stairs, and into the bathroom, where Letitia was stepping naked under the hot spray of the shower jets.

  Did life get any better than this?

  “OK,” he agreed, already reaching for her. “I can see the appeal of running water.”

  Her lips met his eagerly, her body pressing closer. Chase groaned, pushing her back against the tiled shower wall. God, he could kiss this woman forever, hot and passionate in his arms. Every inch of her was a miracle, hands sliding in a wet rush as she gasped and moaned, arching into him. He couldn’t get enough.

  But even as he lost himself in her body, and fell headlong into her hungry gaze, a part of him was waiting.

  Waiting for her to remember all the reasons why he was so wrong for her.

  Waiting for this brief taste of heaven to be gone.

  But until that moment came? He was going to savor every last second he could get.

  It was evening by the time they came up for air. Letitia stretched in the bed beside Chase, letting out a satisfied yawn. The sun was sinking outside the windows, but it felt like no time had passed at all, tangled up in her sheets as one pleasure-filled moment melted into the next.

  “Tired already?” he asked, a playful smile on his face.

  “Well, surfing is a strenuous activity…” she teased,
and he laughed.

  “I can think of a couple more strenuous sports that might wear you out.” Chase idly traced circles on Letitia’s bare back, and she shivered, still electric to his touch.

  “Only two?” she asked, quirking an eyebrow.

  His smile turned wolfish. “Give me time.”

  He rolled them suddenly, trapping her beneath him, and Letitia let out a happy sigh of anticipation. She still wasn’t used to it, the delicious weight of his body pressing her into the mattress; how a simple touch could make her heart race, and her body ache with craving. She arched up, ready and willing to explore his body all over again, but after just a brief kiss, Chase pulled away, looking reluctant.

  “Hold that thought?” he asked, getting out of bed. “I’m already running late.”

  “Oh.” Letitia blinked. Whatever it was, it better be important, leaving her naked in bed like this.

  As if reading her mind, Chase gave a bashful grin. “I’m sorry. It’s family night at Earl’s. We all get together for dinner. I’ll never hear the end of it if I don’t swing by.”

  Letitia exhaled in relief. Family obligations, she could understand.

  She sat up, watching as Chase hunted around for his swim trunks. “I think they’re somewhere in the hallway,” she said, blushing at the memory of just how fast they’d torn their clothes off. “But you’re welcome to borrow a robe.”

  “For the night?” Chase quipped. He pulled on her fluffy peach bathrobe, and struck a pose. “What do you think – will I get weird looks at dinner?”

  Letitia laughed. “I don’t know, just how crazy is your family?”

  “Not quite this crazy. I’ll swing back to the van and grab some real clothes,” he said, leaning down to drop a kiss on her lips. Letitia caught him to her, deepening the kiss until they were both breathing hard, and that look of pure desire was back in his eyes.

  Chase gave a low growl. “I can’t believe I’m leaving you like this.”


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