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DIRTY ALPHAS: The Alpha Bad Boy Collection

Page 13

by Franca Storm

  “I can’t believe you asked him here knowing he was with that Barbie doll!” Chloe thunders at Mitch who’s standing awkwardly at the door, clearly uncomfortable being in the ladies room.

  “I didn’t know,” he snaps back at her.

  “Oh really?” she shouts, taking an angry step towards him.

  He meets her with his own and glowers down at her. “Yes, really. Now calm the fuck down and, while you’re at it, stop being a complete bitch to me, will you?”

  Chloe steps back like he’s just slapped her. “What?”

  “You heard me. Ever since we….” he catches himself and glances at me quickly before looking back at Chloe. He tells her in a commanding, uncompromising tone, “Ever since the slip up you’ve been on me. I’ve let it slide for a while, but I’m done. It ends now.”

  I watch a power struggle taking place between them as they stare one another down. And then Chloe heaves a heavy breath. “I’m sorry.”

  The look on Mitch’s face mirrors what I’m feeling: shock. Chloe never apologizes.

  We’re all standing there in silence, each wrestling with our issues—me with the John thing and the two of them with God knows what—when the bathroom door bursts open.

  My breath hitches in my throat as I see that it’s John.

  “You’ve got some nerve. Get out,” Chloe fumes.

  “Mitch, control your woman,” John growls.

  His woman? What?

  “Excuse me? I’m not a piece of meat, caveman!”

  “Thanks a lot,” Mitch complains to John.

  “Just take care of it. I’m not in the mood for this shit,” John barks.

  Somehow, Mitch manages to coax Chloe into leaving the bathroom. She calls back quickly, “John, you upset her more than you already have and you can find yourself a new drummer.”

  John rolls his eyes and takes a breath before fixing me with a hard stare.

  Expecting him to have come here to apologize and try to weasel his way out of this, I’m stumped when I see that angry, intolerant expression on his face. What does he have to be angry about?

  Before I can get a word out, he stalks towards me, yelling, “What the fuck was that out there?”

  “You’re asking me?” I fume. How dare he try to turn this around onto me?

  “Yeah, I’m asking you. You threw a fucking drink in my face and started a fight.”

  “Me? That Barbie doll of yours made the first move.”

  “After you threw that beer all over the two of us!”

  I slam my hands into his chest, knocking him back. “How could you do this to me?” I scream, rabidly, completely losing my cool.

  “Do what?”


  I go to lash out at him again, but he’s ready this time and he grabs both my wrists. Before I know it, he has me pushed up against the wall, pinning me there. “This is what you wanted.”

  “What? I wanted you to screw around when we’re supposed to be together?”

  “We’re not together!” he grits out, his eyes flashing wildly with barely contained rage.

  “We…yes we are,” I struggle to respond. What is he talking about?

  He releases my wrists and steps back. He turns away, throwing his hands up in the air as if he’s silently reaching out to some invisible entity for guidance. And then he spins back around, causing me to jump in surprise at the suddenness of it.

  “You made it clear at the ravine that you didn’t want to be together. So this…me with other women…is what that looks like, Nicki.”

  His condescending tone gets under my skin. “I didn’t say anything like that.”

  “I asked you repeatedly and you gave me nothing but silence. I didn’t hear fuck all from you over the last two weeks...didn’t get anything from you to tell me otherwise.”

  “John, no, that’s not—”

  “I don’t like being manipulated, Nicki! You know that about me and yet that’s exactly what you did. You harangued me into a relationship so I’d fuck you, because you knew I wouldn’t do it as a one-night stand.”

  “I do want us to be together.”

  He scoffs with derision.

  “You don’t believe me?”

  He shakes his head. “Look, let’s just leave things as they are.”



  “I can’t just do that, John. Not after what’s happened…the things we’ve done together.”

  He crosses to the bathroom door. “I’m done, Nicki.”

  I’m floored by this. How can he just turn it off like that? One minute we’re…together and he’s all in. Then, the next, it’s over as if nothing ever happened. The awful feeling in the pit of my stomach is threatening to make its way to the surface. I need to cast it out. And, so, I can’t stop myself from screaming out, “You hurt me!”

  He freezes at the sound of my words. Several second pass before he finally responds, “Right back at you.” His voice is so quiet, just above a whisper, that I barely hear it. The raw emotion in his words shocks me.

  His hand on the doorknob, he turns his head to look back at me. All the fire in his eyes has dissipated. There’s something else…dejected emptiness. Oh my God. He meant it. I hurt him.

  “I don’t date, yet I was willing to give it a go—for you. And you basically spat all over it, Nicki. You played me. My fault. I shouldn’t have let my guard down.”


  But before I can finish my sentence, he pushes through the door and walks out.

  I stare at the door, where he’d been mere seconds ago. It slams shut, reverberating around the empty bathroom. I can’t wrap my head around what just happened here. How the hell did this night go from light and playful to…this…to everything being ripped to shreds?

  I slump against the wall, exhaustedly. “Shit.”

  Chapter 25


  My eyes snap open and I wake up to darkness. I know something must’ve woken me up. I don’t wake up randomly during the night; I’m a heavy, deep sleeper.

  It takes me a moment to get a handle on my surroundings.

  “Hey,” a voice murmurs suddenly.

  Oh shit. I almost jump out of my skin as I see Nicki sitting there at the foot of my bed.

  “What are you doing here? Are you competing for creeper of the year, because you have my vote? Shit.”

  “Mitch let me in. I knocked several times, but you didn’t answer.”

  Mitch? Great security, buddy. We’re gonna discuss that bullshit. “I’m tired.”

  I can tell by the look on her face that she’s here to talk. Screw that. I said my peace earlier. There’s nothing left to say. I was right the first time; keeping it casual is the saner way to live.

  She slides off the bed but she doesn’t make any move to leave. My eyes have now adjusted to the dark and I can clearly see that she’s standing there in a black silk robe that falls just above her knees. The belt is loose and I can make out the outline of her tits. My dick responds immediately and I shift in the bed and adjust the covers.


  She cuts me off by leaning into me and pressing her finger to my lips.

  “I know you don’t believe me, but I wasn’t manipulating you. I would never do that. I didn’t answer you at the ravine, because I was embarrassed, I guess. I’m not as comfortable talking about stuff like that as you are. I didn’t know…I don’t know how to do these things, John. I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”

  I bat her hand away from my mouth. “You should go. Give me a couple of days and things will be back to normal with us.”

  She shakes her head. “I can prove it to you.”

  “Prove what?”

  “That it’s not what you think between us…that it is more to me.”

  “Just forget it.”

  She doesn’t listen. Instead, she climbs onto the bed—onto me.

  She’s straddling me. Shit. I don’t think my dick can take this.

  “The way I figure it, the only way to prove it is for us to…do it…and for you to see that I’m not gonna be going anywhere afterwards.”

  “No,” I say, shaking my head.


  “I need you to go. Now. Leave.”


  I grip her waist to lift her off me. “Point of no return, remember? This is it.”

  Before I can lift her off me, she unties the belt of her robe and pushes it off her shoulders.

  Fuck me; the robe is all she was wearing.

  My eyes sweep over her naked body, taking in every delicious inch of her. Her tits would bring any man to his knees; full and perky. My gaze dips lower to her tight stomach, her tiny hips, her sexy thighs. I linger between her legs for a few seconds as memories of tasting that sweet pussy of hers run through my head, teasing me, tempting me.

  I actually manage to think without interference from my dick for a second and irritation rises within me. She keeps putting me in no-win situations. She keeps tempting me, knowing I can’t go over the line. And my patience is at an end now. Stripping in front of me like this grates on my last nerve. I’m not superhuman.

  So, before I can stop myself, I’ve wrestled her beneath me and I’m snarling down at her.

  “You want my cock, Nicki? You wanna be fucked? You’ve been toying with me, pushing me with that hot little body of yours. Now, I’m gonna take you long and hard. Is that what you want? For me to treat you like just another girl? Another meaningless fuck? Is it?”

  “Okay,” she gasps.

  What? What did she just say? I look down at her. Her eyes are wide with disbelief and something else…fear or wonder? I can’t tell. She’s breathing in short rapid bursts. But she makes absolutely no move to stop me, to push me off her. It throws me, because that’s what I’d expected her to do; what I’d been counting on.

  “John?” she whispers, hesitantly.

  “Yeah, baby?” I manage to choke out, completely stunned by her shocking vulnerability.

  “Do it,” she tells me.

  Fucking hell. Right then, all my irritation and frustration leaves me. All I can see is her lying beneath me, wanting me, trusting me.

  I brush a strand of hair out of her eyes and tuck it behind her ear.

  She seems put off when I don’t say anything and just continue to stare at her, probably assuming that I’m gonna turn her away again.

  “I want to do this,” she says.

  I lean down and kiss her softly. She gasps as I deepen it, claiming her mouth. She trembles beneath me and I feel her hands on me, hesitantly stroking my arms. They move away quickly—awkwardly—and I realize she can’t decide what to do with them.

  Smiling, I grasp them gently and tell her, “There’s no wrong way to touch me. Anything you do gets me going, baby. Feel, don’t think.”

  She nods. “Okay.”

  I chuckle. “Good.” I lick my way down her neck, along her collarbone, to her right tit. She gasps as I draw slow circles around her nipple while my hands sweep over her stomach, her hips, her sides. By the time I treat her left tit to the same teasing torture, she’s writhing beneath me and moaning quietly. Quietly? We’ll see about that.

  I free her nipple and settle myself between her legs. Her sweet pussy is glistening with her arousal, so wet for me. I run my finger along her lips, brushing her clit and she bucks against me. God, she’s so responsive, so eager. I expected much more hesitation from her, given her issues with being touched. But there’s none, not here, not with me.

  I tease her pussy with the tip of my finger. I push inside and she clenches around me as I slide it in deep and pull her towards me. She’s already so wet. I can feel my dick throbbing, eager to fill that sweet pussy of hers. The anticipation is killing me. I’m actually sweating, struggling to fight myself here. I’m not used to holding back, to taking my time like this. I’ve never touched a woman so gently before. Touching her is almost foreign in a way; completely new to what I’m normally used to.

  Easing a second finger inside her, I feel her resistance, her pussy clamping down around me. I rub her clit with my thumb, drawing small circles. It drives her crazy and I watch her throw her head back. A tiny moan escapes her lips. I pick up the pace, pumping my fingers in and out of her in a scissoring motion, stretching her open for me.

  “Okay, baby?”

  She nods her head. “More.”

  Music to my ears.

  I start to finger fuck her hard, pounding into her as my free hand works her clit.

  “Oh shit…ah…John!” she cries, riding my hand.

  Her crying out my name is almost too much to take. My dick is throbbing almost painfully now. I’ve never been so hard in my life. The sight of her tits bouncing in time with her thrusts, her eyes glazed over with desire, my fingers buried deep—it’s a fucking work of art.

  She’s drenched, her juices running down my fingers and she’s gasping out rapid breath after rapid breath. I see her body tense and I know she’s close; right on the edge.

  I pull out, my fingers leaving her pussy, my thumb releasing her clit.

  She cries out.

  “Not yet. The first time you come, I wanna be inside you, baby.”

  Rising up over her, I reach for the top drawer in my bedside table and rip it open. I fumble around for a few aggravating seconds, searching in the dark until I finally feel a condom packet. I snatch it up and settle myself back between her legs and roll it on quickly.

  Her eyes lock with mine as I rub the head of my dick over her pussy. I push in gently, barely an inch and she whimpers and squeezes her eyes shut. Fuck. Even after prepping her with my fingers, there’s still so much resistance. Her grip is out of this world and I have to fight everything in me not to rush things, not to bury my dick in her as deep as I can fucking go. It’s torture. But the look on her face is enough to set me straight.

  “Try to relax for me,” I tell her as I tease her clit.

  Her fingers latch onto my arms, her nails digging into my flesh. Her face is a mixture of fear, wonder and uncomfortableness.

  “Are you sure, Nicki?”

  “Yes,” she cries. Then she grins and tells me, “It’s…I didn’t know you were…” she glances down at my dick “…that big.”

  I can’t stop myself. I burst out laughing. Right in the middle of sex. That’s a first. I can’t believe what this woman does to me. She starts laughing too. My dick is partially buried in her pussy, my fingers working her clit and we’re both hysterical.

  “Oh, baby. I love you,” I say, as our laughter subsides.

  What? I freeze. What did I just say? Oh, fuck me.

  She gasps and I can see she’s as shocked as I am.

  I’m not sure what to do, so I step up my assault on her clit. Her pussy relaxes enough for me to ease my cock in the rest of the way. Jesus Christ!

  I hold still, waiting on her to adjust to the size of me. And then I ease in and out slowly.

  “Ready?” I ask as I pull almost all the way out, with just the tip of my dick still inside her.

  “Yes,” she pants.

  I thrust into her hard, driving deep and taking her virginity in the process.

  She screams, her nails digging harder into my arms and drawing blood. Fucking hell, I’ve never felt anything as tight as this. Her pussy is squeezing the life out of my dick. I can barely breathe, barely move inside her. It’s so fucking intense that I have to fight not to come right away. I’m right on the edge. But this is her first time, not mine. And I’m gonna do everything in my power to give her the best here—screw what my dick wants.

  And so I still for a second and claim her mouth with mine. I keep my left hand on her clit to maintain some relief while my dick is lodged inside her. I shift my weight slightly and slide my fingers into her hair, stroking it reassuringly as my mouth devours her. She responds wildly, forcing her tongue into my mouth. I lose control and start pumping my dick inside her. She moans into my mouth and wraps her
legs around me.

  Breaking our kiss, she chokes out desperately, “More.” She grinds against my hand, rubbing her clit hard against me. “Please,” she begs.

  I pick up my pace and before I know it, I’m pounding into her, fucking her hard. My fingers are moving so fast over her clit that my hand is basically vibrating.

  “Oh my God! Ah, John! Shit!”

  “Come for me, baby. Come all over my cock.”

  Her body tenses, her legs squeeze my waist. And then her pussy clamps down around me as she comes, screaming my name. Jesus Christ, every spasm of her tight pussy sends shockwaves of pleasure through my dick. It’s so intense that I can’t hold on any longer.

  “Fuck, baby,” I grit out harshly as I come inside her.


  I wince as John pulls out slowly. Oh God, I’m so sore. But it was worth it for the mind-blowing orgasm I just experienced and having him deep inside of me.

  “You okay, baby?” he asks me, his face full of concern.

  I nod and smile. I can’t speak yet. I think he fucked that ability out of me.

  “I’ll be right back.” I watch him grab his robe off the back of the door and shrug it on. And then he opens the bedroom door and slips out. For a second I wonder where he’s going. And then I realize: the bathroom, to take care of the condom.

  I can’t believe it; we just had sex. I just had sex. I honestly never believed the day would come when I’d be able to let a man be with me like that. But with John, everything is different and I wasn’t afraid. I know in my bones that he’ll never ever hurt me.

  He was so gentle with me, so patient. So…loving. Oh, baby. I love you. He’d actually said those words. Just thinking about it warms me. And I’m not sure if it’s because it’s my first time, or whether it’s just my relief at finally letting go of years of anxiety and closing myself off, but I can’t seem to control myself. I start crying. Not a stray tear here and there, but full-on sobbing.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” I hear John’s concerned voice suddenly.


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