Book Read Free


Page 14

by D Kershaw


  Twitter: @CaroledeMonclin

  Selkie Soft Skin

  by N.M. Brown

  A beautiful woman climbed the largest rock near the shoreline; laying on her back to bask in sunlight. The waves didn’t affect her; she had lived in them for decades. Her kind doesn’t age like the rest of us do.

  One sailor rushed the selkie, attempting to steal her sealskin and freedom. If he stole her outer shell, she’d have to marry him, leaving her ocean home forever.

  She couldn’t let that happen. The woman clutched his throat the moment his finger touched her outer layer, making a mural on the rock of his intestines, brain matter and bone fragments.

  SINCE N.M. Brown made her first post to a popular Internet forum, she’s taken the horror community by storm. Her ability to create, terrify, and drive home her stories is insurmountable. N.M. Brown’s published works can be found in multiple anthologies for all to read, but be forewarned, if you do... you may want to call your therapist after, her stories are terrifying, disturbing and devilishly unsettling. She is not only a fright visually, but also has a creepy tentacle in horror podcasting as well. Sinister Sweetheart writes, voice acts and is the media director of the Scarecrow Tales podcast.


  Facebook: NMBrownStories

  When the Balen Strikes

  by D.J. Elton

  Weary sun sinks low, and shadows filter. In dark, cold, blue poisonous blood, the Balen slides forth. A giant salamander creeping on six legs, looking for solace in the open seas.

  An old and ugly creature of the deep, unlike others in packs, its one cruel gift from Nature the Mother is to be alone. For several hundred years, the Balen has slowly grown to immense proportions, devouring all in its path, especially the still and pretty.

  Yet it is significant, the need to breed. Then die, fully satisfied. Oceans spit, whirl, yielding tsunamis as the Balen seeks its mate.

  D.J. ELTON is a writer living in Melbourne’s west. As a child she came from England to Australia, on the last boat down the Suez Canal, where she underwent a sacrificial dunking ritual in the court of King Neptune, and has never looked back. She likes creating speculative micro fiction and short stories, as well as random essays. Her work has been published in several anthologies, and she has written a historical fantasy novella, ‘The Merlin Girl.’ When not playing with a pen, she likes most of all to go to the green country.

  The Last Resort

  by Sara A. Mosier

  Every full moon, he dived into the water until he could thread the gritty sand between his fingertips, feel the grains against his palm. He would turn, rest, cast his eyes upwards where he could catch the glinting light of starlight. Plunging into the dark water night after night, the smell of seawater taking on a heavy smell of blood each time. The world began to grow darker around him, heavier, until he could no longer swim to the surface. It was only then that, instead of the diamond-like sand, he cradled his own skull, hollow eye-sockets swallowing up light.

  SARA A. MOSIER is a Nebraska author, poet, and recent graduate from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where she received a BA in English. Her writing focus is fiction and poetry of which she enjoys typing on an old 1950’s typewriter. She has poetry published in several issues of Laurus Magazine, Cocky-Tales anthology, and University of Nebraska Press’s 75th Anniversary edition of “Voices of Nebraska”. Her romantic short stories “Sparkling Human Conundrum” and “Summer Dilemma” can be found in the anthologies Love Dust and Salty Tales on Amazon.


  by V.A. Vazquez

  “Chase me!”

  The tourist boy came tumbling after her, unable to get any traction on the ice. Qallunaat. Outsider. She’d watched him disembark from the cruise ship that afternoon, trailing behind his mother, sugar-sticky thumb stuffed into his greedy mouth.

  Her grandmother told her stories about the qalupalik, monsters that snatched children and dragged them under the ice. “Take him,” she thought as the outsider boy’s sneakers slipped out from under him again, his fall silhouetted by the glow of the floodlights. “Take him.”

  The ice cracked underfoot. Tree-branch fingers snatched the boy by his ankle, and he was gone.

  V.A. VAZQUEZ writes urban fantasy and paranormal romance. She currently lives in Glasgow, Scotland with her husband and small doggo.


  The Fins

  by Alanna Robertson-Webb

  I watched as a wrinkled, finned creature breached the surface, its finned head scanning the water around it.

  I didn’t dare move, or scream, in case it noticed me. The gilled face peered towards our ship, its blind eyes twitching away drops of salt water as it sniffed the air.

  Needle-like fangs extended, and it let out a primal, blood-curdling scream. Within moments a dozen more fins sliced through the surface, and the creatures began ramming against the boat.

  I felt my grip on the rail slipping, and a wordless cry escaped my lips as my fingers lost their hold.

  ALANNA ROBERTSON-WEBB is a New York author who enjoys long weekends of LARPing, is terrified of sharks and finds immense fun in being the chief editor at Eerie River Publishing. She lives with a fiancee and two cats, all of whom like to take over her favourite cozy blanket when they think they can get away with it. She is currently an MRO support member by day, and an editor and author by candlelight. While she has been published before, which is wonderful, she one day aspires to run her own nerd-themed restaurant.



  For Treasure

  by Clint Foster

  Many of us there are that would brave the tempestuous waves and whims of the water. Many of us there are that the landlocked might consider brave. Many more might consider us fools, and damned ones at that. Yet, when we come ashore with the plunder and booty of a hundred ships, and a hundred scars each to show for it, there is only one word upon our minds, and once our fortunes are spent on cheap drink, cheaper love, and a meal fit for kings, we hark upon the waves again to search for that which we love—treasure.

  CLINT FOSTER lives with his herd of four cats, beloved Basset, Zero, and wonderful wife, Nik. He loves to tell stories just as much as he loves to read them and is excited to share his work. A long-time consumer of media of all kinds, he enjoys giving back what he hopes everyone else thinks are good stories.

  Facebook: ClintFosterAuthor


  by Dawn DeBraal

  Her fear of water was great. Convinced, she hesitantly went shallow diving.

  “The saltwater won’t let you sink,” her boyfriend told her. Babette put on the mask and snorkel, plunging her face into the water. Her heart pounded out of her chest. Finally, she realised she was breathing underwater, and she was floating in the saltwater—it wasn’t so bad.

  Babette slowly propelled herself forwards, around the coral reef, snapping pictures of coloured fishes. It was mesmerising. The images on her underwater camera showed colourful tropical fish, jagged teeth, and the open mouth of the oncoming shark who ate her.

  DAWN DEBRAAL lives in rural Wisconsin with her husband Red, two rat terriers, and a cat. She has discovered that her love of telling a good story can be written. Published stories with Palm-sized press, Spillwords, Mercurial Stories, Potato Soup Journal, Edify Fiction, Zimbell House Publishing, Clarendon House Publishing, Blood Song Books, Black Hare Press, Fantasia Divinity, Cafelit, Reanimated Writers, Guilty Pleasures, Unholy Trinity, The World of Myth, Dastaan World, Vamp Cat, Runcible Spoon, Dark Christmas, Siren’s Call, Iron Horse Publishing, Falling Star Magazine 2019 Pushcart Nominee.


  Angels of the Deep

  by Stephen Herczeg

  “Can you hear them, Dmitri?”

  “It’s nothing, Nikolai. I
t’s the boat moving against the rocks. It’s the pressure on the hull.”

  “I can hear singing. Voices like angels.”

  Nikolai moved to the periscope and peered through. The rest of the crew simply watched. We knew we were dead. The submarine was holed and filling fast. The depth charges had seen to that.

  “I can see them out there,” he said, climbing into the conning tower before anyone could stop him. “I’m going to join them.”


  He blew the emergency exit charges. Water flooded the cabin.

  It wouldn’t be long.

  STEPHEN HERCZEG is an IT Geek based in Canberra Australia. He has been writing for over twenty years and has completed a couple of dodgy novels, sixteen feature length screenplays and numerous short stories and scripts. His horror work has featured in Sproutlings, Hells Bells, Below the Stairs, Trickster’s Treats #1 and #2, Shades of Santa, Behind the Mask, Beyond the Infinite; The Body Horror Book, Anemone Enemy, Petrified Punks and Beginnings. He has also had numerous Sherlock Holmes stories published through the Belanger Books - Sherlock Holmes anthologies.


  Facebook: stephenherczegauthor

  Still Waters

  by D.B. McKenzie

  Sarah hated going to the beach. She hated the people, she hated the sand, and she hated the fish that kept touching her no matter where she went.

  Kicking out at the latest offender, Sarah scowled at the dark water.

  “Cut that out,” she snarled when something slimy trailed across her ankle.

  The touch had bile clogging her throat, and Sarah was about done with this stupid trip.

  She turned, suddenly ready to be back on solid ground, when something tugged at her leg.

  “Cut that out,” someone whispered in Sarah’s ear, in a perfect mimicry of her own voice.

  D.B. MCKENZIE is a 29 year old university graduate of Jamaican descent who has been writing horror and fantasy for over twenty years and is heavily influenced by the works of Neil Gaiman, Frank Herbert and Dean Koontz.


  The Lure

  by E.L. Giles

  “Land!” The voice from the crow’s nest resonated, waking the slumbering crew. They jumped to their feet, eyes wide, staring at the horizon, toward the dark mound drawing closer.

  The captain joined the gathering of exited seamen, doubtful. He gazed out over the water, staring for a moment. Dread grew as he realised what was going on.

  A faint movement—barely perceptible yet unmistakable—triggered some primal fear. He turned to his second officer, who seemed to understand. The land was moving.

  “That’s not land!” the captain yelled. “Kraken! Turn us around!”

  “It’s too late,” answered the second officer. “Fire!”

  E.L. GILES is a dreamer, passionate about art, a restless worker and a bit of a weird human. He started his artistic journey as a music composer until the need to put his thoughts and stories down on paper grew too strong for him to resist it any longer. He lives in the French Province of Quebec, Canada, with his girlfriend and two boys.

  Facebook: elgilesauthor


  Peaceful Beast

  by Matthew A. Clarke

  I’ve heard that eighty percent of the ocean is still unexplored. That sounds accurate to me.

  Once every ten years, I must surface for air. Perhaps once or twice I’ve seen a boat, and I’ll give them a little show. I like to think I’m spoken about in tales of horrific sea beasts. It makes me chuckle.

  They’re good at navigating on top of the sea, I’ll give them that, but they still haven’t figured out how to reach me yet.

  But they might, one day. My survival may depend upon my reputation.

  Until then, I enjoy my peaceful sanctuary.

  MATTHEW A. CLARKE is a new face in the world of horror. He has been writing short fiction as a hobby for two years and has decided to share his passion with likeminded people. Matthew loves all things that go bump in the night, having been introduced to slasher movies at a young age. He lives on the South Coast of England with his fiancé, Isabelle, and a little dachshund called Frank.

  Facebook: matthewaclarkeauthor

  Mama Qucha Calls

  by A.R. Dean

  The village elder has come to our home. At moon rise it’s our families turn to give. I gather the lama and my youngest brother, Dusi. We walk through the village to the cliff that overlooks the sea.

  The elders wait for us. I hand them the rope to our lama. They gather, chanting. A blade sparkles in the moonlight. They stab it before sending it hurtling over the edge to the waves below.

  I’m crying as they reach for Dusi. He will bring pleasure to Mama Qucha. I scream as they throw him struggling to the rocky coast below.

  A.R. DEAN is a dark and twisted soul. Dean has spent their whole life spreading fear with the tales from their head. Best known for stories that terrify and show the evilest side of human nature. So, look for Dean haunting your local cemetery or under your bed, because they’re here to spread the fear. Turn off your lights and enjoy a scare. Dean is being published in Black Hare Press’s Beyond and Unravel Anthologies. Keep a lookout for more stories.

  Facebook: A.R. Dean Author & Ghoul

  The Frozen Sea

  by Lyndsey Ellis-Holloway

  I thought I was free; thought I had escaped it.

  And for a time, I think, I was.

  I dragged myself from the frozen sea, the place I had always known. Fled the cold and saw the world beyond the ice-bound waves.

  But when it’s in your veins, when the frigid waves gave birth to you, there is no true freedom.

  All the warmth was stolen from me, freezing once more.

  I could feel it, pulling at me, calling me home, back to my grave.

  I never wanted to go back to the ice, but it wouldn’t let me go.

  LYNDSEY ELLIS-HOLLOWAY is a writer from Knaresborough, UK. She writes fantasy, sci-fi, horror and dystopian stories, focussing on compelling characters and layering in myth and legend at every opportunity. Her mind is somewhat dark and twisted, and she lives in perpetual hope of owning her own Dragon someday, but for now she writes about them to fill the void... and to stop her from murdering people who annoy her. When she’s not writing she spends time with her husband, her dogs and her friends enjoying activities such as walking, movies, conventions and of course writing for fun as well!


  It’s Your Turn

  by Eddie D. Moore

  Didrik grunted as he sat the treasure chest on the deck, and his eyes flicked nervously around the empty ship. He shouted into the night air, “You can have it all!”

  Gold coins rained into the ocean as Didrik emptied the chest over the side of the ship. As the last of the treasure sank beneath the waves, apparitions appeared around him. Didrik let the empty chest fall over the side and asked with a trembling voice, “Happy now?”

  A spectre resembling the captain pointed at a bottle of poisoned rum and softly said, “You did this. It’s your turn.”

  EDDIE D. MOORE travels hundreds of hours a year, and he fills that time by listening to audiobooks. When he isn’t playing with his grandchildren, he writes his own stories. You can find a list of his publications on his blog or by visiting his Amazon Author Page. While you’re there, be sure to pick up a copy of his mini-anthology Misfits & Oddities.




  by Tracy Davidson

  The creatures gently guided the shipwreck’s survivors towards shore. Bruised, battered and exhausted, the humans gave thanks to their unidentified protectors. They knew full well the dangers of sharks in these waters. But sharks stayed well away. There was safety in numbers. The beach was almost in reach...

  The creatures gently guided the
fresh meat towards their nursery, safe in the shallows.

  Bruised, battered and tenderised, the humans would fatten up their young. Then they could spread, make new nurseries further along the coast, well away from the toxic spill that first created them. The oceans would soon be theirs.

  TRACY DAVIDSON lives in Warwickshire, England, and writes poetry and flash fiction. Her work has appeared in various publications and anthologies, including: Poet’s Market, Mslexia, Atlas Poetica, Writing Magazine, Modern Haiku, The Binnacle, A Hundred Gourds, Shooter, Journey to Crone, The Great Gatsby Anthology, WAR and In Protest: 150 Poems for Human Rights.


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