Her Alpha Mismatch

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Her Alpha Mismatch Page 13

by Emilia Hartley

  Regina sat up. “What do you mean?”

  Zara set down the container and her spoon. “When he visited me without you, he promised me something. He said he was the Alpha of a pack in Santa Cruz. He confessed to not being the best Alpha. Something about being distant and closed-off, but he also swore that he was working on it. The way his pack was running at the time wasn’t how it would be. He wanted to be a better Alpha, not just for me, but for everyone.”

  Regina didn’t know what to say. For once, Zara’s voice held weight. It didn’t bite or snap at her. Instead, it cast a kind of hope over Regina.

  “You should give him a chance. I mean, more than the chance you gave him in the hotel.”

  Regina’s cheeks warmed. “How do you know about that?”

  Zara turned her nose up. “I could smell it all over the hotel. I know you didn’t just get it on in your room. The hallway reeked of you two. Shifter nose, remember?”

  Regina couldn’t believe she’d changed him. Not in the space of a few days. Then again, she’d fallen for him and mated in the space of those few days. Was change any more unbelievable than what had already happened?

  “I’m not sure…”

  “No. You’re just scared. You spent your life wanting something perfect, the exact opposite of a fox husband. Now that you have a mate that isn’t quite perfect, you don’t know how to deal with it because it means actually putting in effort.”

  Regina narrowed her eyes. While Zara hit the nail on the head, it hadn’t exactly been nice. She resented the young shifter for her brutal honesty, but she was right. Regina was afraid. She’d wanted happily ever after, that perfect kiss from the fairy tale books. The one where life afterwards was a cakewalk.

  Regina groaned. Zara cocked a brow and smirked. It felt like the teenager was enjoying Regina’s frustration.

  “Fine! Fine.” She shoved away from the table and stormed out of the room.

  “I don’t know what that means.” Zara’s voice was filled with mirth when she called after her.

  “I’m going to talk to him!”

  “Oh, I’m totally coming along for this.”

  Regina wanted to say she hated her, but she didn’t really. Zara was a glimmer of bright light in Regina’s boring life. Their push and pull relationship had kept things lively, and for the most part, kept Regina’s mind off Oscar.

  Zara buckled herself into he passenger seat with a broad smile on her face. “Can we stop for coffee first?”

  At first, Regina was going to tell her she was too young, then decided to say screw it. They deserved a treat. She would order the teen a decaf, though. Zara groaned about it, but otherwise, she could do nothing.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “What’s all this?” Regina was taken aback by the number of cars parked on Oscar’s lawn. What she’d known to be an empty place was filled with shifters at every turn.

  Zara just smiled, as if she refused to be the one who let the cat out of the bag. The teenager ran ahead, leaving Regina on her own. Left and right, shifters chatted over open cans of soda and beer. They moved from group to group, welcoming everyone. At the head of it all stood Oscar. He was helming a yard game, massive wood blocks stacked as high as his head.

  Regina stood back and watched him attempt to pluck one of the wood blocks without toppling it onto his own head. In the end, he managed to retrieve the block, but not without a dramatic wobble from the stack. He placed it atop the stack before turning and noticing Regina.

  She shifted from foot to foot, biting the inside of her cheek as if that might chase away the awkwardness threatening to grip her. What was so awkward about confessing your love to a man who might have given up on loving you at all? Regina’s heart raced.

  Of course, had hadn’t given up on her. Even though Regina had tried to push him out of her mind, it was obvious Oscar still yearned for her. He’d even gone so far as to call her mother. She watched him touch a packmate’s shoulder, say something she couldn’t hear, then turn toward her.

  Her heart flipped, several times. Behind her, Zara laughed. Regina hissed at the teenager, but it did nothing. Zara lingered nearby, still watching with a bemused expression.

  “Hey,” Oscar managed once he reached her. He’d jammed his hands into his pockets.

  She half wished he would pull them out, sweep her into her arms, and kiss her silly like they did in the movies. Then, she wouldn’t have to struggle to find the right words. The kiss would be enough for them both. Then they would walk off into the sunset, hand in hand.

  She was being foolish, but her voice was caught in her throat. This was more than she’d ever thought possible. Finally, she managed to say something. “What’s going on here?”

  It was clear those weren’t the words Oscar wanted to hear, from the way his smile sank a little. He glanced over his shoulder and peered over the crowds. “I’m trying to get to know everyone. I want to show them they can approach me. They aren’t the best people, but they could be better if I’m better.”

  “That was…well worded.” Regina swallowed her laugh.

  He threw his hands in the air, laughing. “At least I’m trying.”

  He was. It was obvious that Oscar wanted to be the kind of Alpha who turned a Pack into a family. This party was breaking down the wall of rumors he’d built around himself. While anyone outside the pack would still believe them, his shifters would know the real man. The guy who had given Lia a choice. Who hadn’t fought back when she destroyed his living room.

  “So, a little fox told me you gave her a call.”

  His face darkened. He shifted from foot to foot, the way she’d done before he approached. “I thought it was…”

  Before he could finish, Regina jumped and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him, swallowing the sound of any words that might have come after. Oscar didn’t try to pull away. Instead, he leaned into the kiss. His tongue explored her mouth like a man starved. He groaned into the kiss, bending her over backward.

  When they pulled apart, both breathed heavily. She could feel his growing need pressing against her stomach. His eyes burned. Gold pressed in at the edge of his irises. The bear was saying hello to it’s mate. Her heart warmed. In his arms, she would happily spend eternity.

  “Go get a room!” Zara shouted from a distance.

  Regina raised a brow. “Do you think you could spare ten minutes away from your pack?”

  “Ten minutes? Do you really think so little of me?”

  “I think that’s a challenge.”

  Together, they disappeared inside. His home was filled with he kind of warmth she’d seen in him on their road trip. Crocheted blankets were thrown over the backs of his chair and couch. Both were plush, but they moved past them toward somewhere more private.

  Shifters in the kitchen gave both Oscar and Regina a strange look, but one man gave Regina a thumbs-up and a stupid smile before they disappeared down a hall.

  “Ignore Jorge. He’s the one who gave my profile to Nessa.”

  “They love you, even though you’re a cold asshole to them.”

  Oscar spun her around and pulled her into his body. The heat that wafted off him sent a ripple of pleasure through her core, and they hadn’t even removed any clothes. This was as close to perfect as she was going to get.

  Honestly, it was pretty damn perfect.

  “Remind me to send him a thank you card later.” She reached for her mate again and pulled him into a kiss.

  Her hands slid down his chest. When they found the button of his jeans, she let out a happy sound. The button wouldn’t come undone, so she jerked it with her shifter strength. The metal button pinged across the room.

  “I’ll sew it back on later.”

  “Don’t care. Kiss me.”

  Instead, she slowly dropped to her knees. As she did so, she pulled his pants over his hips, all the way to his ankles. The expanse of sculpted, brown skin made her stomach tight. She wanted to take him inside her, but needed to thank him
for everything he’d done. And, she knew just how she planned on doing it.

  When her lips first wrapped around the tip of his cock, Oscar let out a surprised moan. He watched her with eyes of gold and brown, his hands fisting in the blanket beneath him. Slowly, she slid her mouth further over him. She stroked the base of his cock.

  In the end, she’d fulfilled her promise. In less than ten minutes, she’d had him howling with pleasure. She knew they should get back to the festivities outside. This whole gathering was part of his path toward becoming a better Alpha, but they couldn’t find it in themselves to leave the bedroom just yet.

  Instead, they wrapped their arms around one another. A sense of true freedom came over her. After years of telling herself she wasn’t allowed to have this kind of love, she’d found it and been given permission to pursue it. She clutched Oscar as tight as she could.


  The bear growled with pleasure inside him. Once upon a time, it had been a monster he’d struggled with. Now, it was only a voice in his mind. No longer did the force slam against his will or tear its claws through his soul. They were in agreement.

  Regina was their mate. She was everything Oscar couldn’t be, everything he was trying to be. This woman who stubbornly held onto the good in the world loved him. She was righteous and soft. She was his.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Nikolai hadn’t been too pleased to lose Regina, but she knew he worried more about losing a friend than losing a shifter. Her old Alpha wanted everyone to be happy, even her. She’d hugged him tight, even though Oscar growled so loud behind her that dust drifted off the walls. Monica’s brows had furrowed as she watched it cascade toward the floor.

  That was the easy part.

  Oscar’s territory was an hour north of her home, of her job. She loved him and wanted to be with him, but it hurt to give up the things she’d worked to achieve. The entire library staff broke down and cried with her when she announced that she’d be leaving. They would miss her, a family she’d never realized she’d had.

  Left and right, Regina realized that she’d had family all along. Her past made her feel alienated. There were few who could understand the fear she’d lived in, the uncertain future that had loomed over her. Now that it was out of the way, her future in her own hands, Regina could see her life for what it was.


  Both she and Zara moved in with Oscar. Zara had to sleep on the couch while they added an addition to Oscar’s house, but the teen’s behavior didn’t change.


  Zara was still sullen and snappy, but they both knew that was more a product of her age than any kind of unhappiness. Truth be told, as she settled in, Regina basked in the warmth of their unconventional family. Oscar made dinner most nights, while Regina scoured the internet for new job opportunities, and Zara complained about being so far away from civilization.

  “Hey, Red Fox,” Zara said one night. It was how she’d come to address Regina since calling her “Mom” felt more than strange for both of them.

  “Yes, Black Fox?” Regina returned the favor.

  “The library in town has an opening. I thought you’d like to know.”

  Regina narrowed her eyes as she watched Zara stalk into the kitchen. “You didn’t hurt anyone to open that spot did you?”

  Zara feigned offense, slapping her hand over her heart. Oscar appeared behind her, arms folded over his chest. Neither of them thought Zara would do such a thing, but they still didn’t know much about their adopted teenager.

  “No. I’m honestly surprised you aren’t yelling at me for hitchhiking to town.”

  Oscar’s jaw dropped. Zara only shrugged before opening the fridge and bending to see what was inside. She mumbled something about being a shifter and emerged with a can of soda.

  Oscar met his mate’s gaze. “I thought foxes were supposed to have survival instincts!” He went to sit beside Regina, throwing his arm around her and pulling her close. “This kid is going to be the death of me.”

  Regina laughed, but it was shallow. Her mind was on the open library position. She was too distracted to reprimand Zara. Instead, she opened a browser on her laptop and punched in the library’s web address. Sure enough, there was an open position.

  “Library director!” Regina nearly fell off the couch.

  “That’s good, right?”

  Regina balked. “That’s the highest position apart from the regional board. I, uh, just…”

  “Apply for it. If you don’t, I’ll do it for you.”

  Turmoil swirled through her chest, leaving hot trails in its wake. She clutched her hand to her chest, trying to will it away, but the thoughts wouldn’t settle. Regina had worked for the Monterey Public Library for years, but she’d never done more than shelve books and organize small events.

  No, she wasn’t being honest. Her job had her doing more than what she’d been hired for. If something had to be done, Regina had figured out a way to do it. On paper, she didn’t look all that experienced, but in truth she knew she could take on this job.

  She looked up, glancing between her mate and Zara. Both nodded. Zara made it seem like a no-brainer. Regina’s heart thumped. Tears burned her eyes. They both believed in her, supported her.

  There’d been a time when Regina thought she’d be trapped raising kits and washing dishes while her husband barked at her. She feared having to bend over backwards for a man who didn’t love her.

  The universe had chosen, instead, to grant her a mate who loved her more than she’d ever experienced before. On top of that, it had brought the surly teenager into their lives. Oscar’s home was filled with warmth and happiness. They cared for one another, in ways foxes never knew.

  The Pack, too, had grown warmer. They filtered in and out of the house more often. Jorge and Red would make coffee for Zara even though Regina said no. They’d tell her dirty jokes and teach her how to mod foam dart guns so they hit harder.

  Regina sucked in a deep breath. This job was the cherry on her sundae. There was a chance she wouldn’t get it, but she wouldn’t know unless she tried. It was worth fighting for the things she wanted, she’d learned. The rewards could be more than she’d ever expected.

  Oscar smiled and kissed the top of her head. She could see the pride in his eyes when she opened the application file. His hands slid down her waist and sent a shiver up her spine. She bit her lip while filling out the application, trying to focus while her mate lovingly touched her.

  As soon as it was done, they leapt off the couch and tried to inconspicuously run to their bedroom. Zara shouted her disgust at them, but they slammed the door. They waited for Zara’s footsteps to retreat outside before tearing at each other’s clothes.

  It wasn’t like a movie, by any means.

  It was far better.

  Thank you!

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