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Skulduggery 8: Building a Criminal Empire

Page 16

by Logan Jacobs

“What do you think?” I asked. “Should we take this to your bedroom before all your girls come to investigate that loud scream you just let out?”

  “Yes, please,” Twila moaned. “There’s just one problem-- I’m not sure I can make my legs walk that far just yet.”

  “Well, I can help you out with that,” I said with a smile.

  I pushed myself to my feet, scooped the blonde beauty up into my arms, and then moved toward the kitchen door. As soon as I opened it, I carried her down the hallway toward her bedroom, and then once the door was shut behind us, I laid her down on the bed.

  After I slipped out of all my clothes, I climbed on top of her on the bed and started to unfasten her skirt, but Twila just reached out to grasp my cock instead.

  “You can take everything off later,” the beautiful blonde hissed. “Right now, I just want you to fucking take me.”

  “If you insist,” I said with a grin.

  I raised her skirts just high enough to see the neat plume of pale hair that led down to her waiting entrance. I positioned my hands on the bed on either side of her head, and then I waited as the golden-haired halfie grasped my cock and guided it toward her slick tunnel.

  The moment that my tip pressed against her soft lips, all I could think about was how much I wanted to fill her up. After I slid my shaft inside her just a little bit, I started to pull back out so I could slowly inch my way into her tight pussy. But before I could pull out at all, Twila reached up, wrapped her arms around my back, and pulled me closer to her.

  “Just shove it in,” she whispered.

  “Are you sure?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “Fuck yes, I’m sure,” Twila growled. “When I said that I wanted you to fucking take me, I meant it.”

  Immediately, I lowered myself down onto my elbows for better leverage, and then I plunged my full length into her tight tunnel. As soon as my cock filled her, Twila dropped her hands from my back and gripped the sheets instead, but she just rolled her hips in pleasure against me, so I started to thrust in and out of her with my full force.

  “Fuck!” Twila cried out every time I thrust into her again. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  “You’re gonna come for me again, aren’t you?” I growled as I thrust into her hungry tunnel.

  “Yes!” Twila cried. “Holy fuck, yes!”

  “Then you better do it now,” I told her.

  Twila cried out again, and her whole body trembled underneath me as the orgasm swept over her and made her pale skin flush pink all along her cheekbones and the sides of her neck.

  “Shit, Wade, that was--” Twila started.

  “Sweetheart, we’re not done just yet,” I interrupted.

  “Oh, I hoped we weren’t,” the golden-haired halfie said with a smile. “How do you want me now? What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to spread those fucking legs wider for me,” I ordered. “And take off this skirt. It’s in my way.”

  Twila giggled, quickly unfastened her skirt, and then threw it on the floor. As soon as it was out of the way, the golden-haired halfie instantly opened her legs even wider on the bed, and I pushed forward a little more on my elbows to change my angle and slide even deeper into her soft entrance. I slammed into her again and again, until the headboard beat up against the wall like someone was trying to break into the goddamn dancehall.

  At least the other girls here knew better than to investigate that kind of sound.

  Whenever I shoved my cock inside her, I watched her tits bounce where they were trapped by her corset, and I wondered if I could fuck her so hard that they would simply bounce right the fuck out. The corset was fastened tightly, but based on the way that her breasts moved every time I slammed into her, I had a feeling that I just might be able to pull it off.

  I slipped my arms underneath hers, so I could grip her shoulders and push myself even further inside her. I pumped my hips so hard into her that the headboard started to make a dent in the wall, but I just kept going. It only took another minute before I saw that her breasts had started to bounce even higher inside her corset, and the next thing I knew, they had slipped out completely to expose her soft pink nipples.

  As soon as they were free, I paused just long enough to rip off the rest of the corset so the beautiful blonde was completely naked underneath me. She covered her bare breasts and gave me a sly smile, so I thrust into her again, shifted my weight onto one arm, and then used my other hand to pull her arm away from her breasts.

  “Stay right there,” I said with a grin, as I pinned her arm down on the bed beside her head.

  “Whatever you say, Wade,” Twila gasped as she bit her lip.

  I plunged into her tight tunnel again, and I lowered my body down onto hers so I could feel every inch of our bare skin against each other. Her breasts moved against me every time I gave her another thrust, and the feeling was enough to drive me crazy.

  “I want you to come when I do,” I growled into the beautiful halfie’s ear.

  “I’m almost there,” Twila moaned. “I’m almost--”

  She tightened her pussy around my shaft, so I felt every inch of her as I plunged into her with a few final deep thrusts. When her muscles all started to shake again, I waited until she screamed in pleasure, and then I shoved into her one more time and let my body finally release its load.

  “Fuck!” I groaned as my body spasmed to release my seed inside her trembling body.

  “Ohhh… Waddddeeee!” Her voice was just a few notches softer than a screech, and her entire body tensed as soon as she felt my sperm flood her womb.

  I pumped my hips a few final times into her until I had filled her to the brim with my cum, and then I collapsed against her on the bed as my head started to spin with ecstasy. Our orgasms melded together so that our bodies trembled against each other, and when we had both completely finished, I pulled out and rolled onto my back beside her on the sheets.

  “By the Ancients, that felt fucking amazing,” Twila sighed. “You’re like… oh, never mind, it’ll probably just sound silly if I say it out loud.”

  ‘Try me,” I said with a grin.

  “When we’re together in bed, it’s like you’re a fucking god or something,” the golden-haired halfie said.

  “Like a god of fucking?” I smirked.

  “Well, I didn’t mean-- no, actually, that is what I meant,” Twila said. “It’s like you know everything that I need before I even think of it.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” I said with a smile. “I like to make your legs shake, you know.”

  “Oh, I know,” Twila said. “You’re an expert at it.”

  I leaned over, kissed her, and then rolled to my feet. After I slipped my clothes back on, I helped the beautiful halfie to her feet and buckled her back into her tight corset, so she could then pull on the rest of her clothes again.

  “I’ll see you again soon,” I told her, “but I better go get Ava now, so we can head back to the Gold City.”

  “Of course,” Twila said. “And don’t worry about anything here. Cimarra and I will make sure we keep everything under control for you.”

  “I know you will,” I said with a smile. “I wouldn’t leave this city in the hands of anyone that I didn’t trust completely.”

  After I kissed her again, I left the dancehall and made my way down the street to the theatre. When I found Ava in Cimarra’s room, she had just woken up from a nap, and she insisted that was all she needed to feel restored. Cimarra and Ashlin were both busy adding our new clients from the Gold City to our books, so we told them goodbye and then quickly headed back to the human district.

  The portal room was waiting for us, just like always, so I pulled out my compass and started to open the portal to the Gold City.

  “I wonder how things have been going for Dar and Penny,” Ava said as she slipped her hand into mine.

  “Oh, I’m sure they’ve managed to keep themselves busy,” I said and waited for the portal to begin to glow.

��I just hope they’ve managed to avoid Tevian,” the blonde assassin replied.

  “Same here,” I sighed. “But I guess there’s only one real way to find out, you know?”

  “You’re right about that,” Ava said, as the portal finished opening for us.

  “Then let’s go find out,” I said with a smile, and then I tightened my grip on the assassin’s hand and stepped through the portal with her.

  Chapter 10 - Penny

  I glanced around the open room for all possible routes of escape, even though I didn’t feel threatened. It was one of those old thief’s habits that was hard to break, but I also didn’t particularly feel like it was a habit that I needed to get rid of.

  The room had a high ceiling and tall glass windows along one side that overlooked the massive lake beside the Gold City. The back wall was made of smooth stone, except for several little hollowed out places that held bright lamps to illuminate the chamber. The wall to my right contained an actual fountain in the wall itself, so the whole wall looked like it was crying, and the fourth wall was the only one with a door in and out of this place.

  When I glanced at Dar, I saw that his eyes were scanning the whole room, too, so I figured that he must be thinking the same thing as me. This wasn’t the kind of place that we would want to be trapped in, since even though one entire wall was made of windows, they didn’t look like they opened, so we would have to jump straight through them if we needed to escape.

  I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes at myself. We were just here for a fucking meeting, not a fight, so there was no reason to get so worked up about escape routes. After all, this was a spa, not an elven jail or even a target’s house that we had just stolen from.

  “How long do you think it’ll take for them to come back?” Dar swallowed. “This is taking way too fucking long, in my personal and very humble opinion.”

  “Oh, please,” I snorted. “Since when has your opinion ever been humble?”

  “Well, am I wrong?” Dar asked. “And should I remind you that this was your contact, not mine?”

  “Mine and Ava’s,” I replied. “And I still stand by it. I mean, we just handed over their first barrel of whiskey to them, and they just gave us one hundred and ten gold for it. Would they have done that if they were planning to slit our throats or something?”

  “Fair enough,” Dar said. “I just don’t know why they insisted that we should stay around while they get us a little something special. We should have just said that we couldn’t stay.”

  “That would have been rude,” I pointed out, “and besides, this is one of the most exclusive fucking spas in town, so if they want to give us a little something special, then I don’t plan to turn it down.”

  “Well, if they come back with--”

  But Dar didn’t get to finish his sentence, because just then, the single door into the large room opened, and the halfling woman who ran this spa bustled over to us.

  “Sorry that took so long, my dears,” she sighed. “There was a small spa emergency that sidetracked me for a minute. The water in the float pool wasn’t heating to an even temperature, so I had to go tell them how to adjust the stones to make sure-- you know what? It’s not important. I’m back now, that’s all.”

  “We were beginning to wonder about you,” Dar said as he glanced over at me with raised eyebrows.

  “We were not,” I said. “We were actually just admiring the beautiful view of the lake that you have here.”

  “Oh, thank you,” the halfling woman replied. “People really seem to like their spas to have beautiful scenery, even though I’m not sure why since their eyes are closed almost the whole time. But if they’ll pay for it, I’ll provide it, you know what I mean?”

  “Oh, we know exactly what you mean,” I laughed. “After all, that’s kind of what our whole business is about.”

  “That’s right,” the halfling woman said. “And about your business, I just wanted to give you a little extra something to thank you for thinking of us and offering your very fine product to us. Our clients will love the whiskey, and that’s a damn guarantee.”

  The spa owner handed over a handful of service vouchers, and as I glanced through them, I realized that they were for every single service that the spa had to offer, and they were all completely free. Since I’d seen the prices of everything when we first walked in here, I knew that this was a goddamn bargain, and I also noticed that there were no limits to the number of times these vouchers could be redeemed.

  “Is this for real?” I asked. “I mean, are you giving us these vouchers?”

  “Absolutely.” The halfling woman cleared her throat as she sat down across from us. “You see, the thing is-- I’m sure you’re well aware that things are quite… relaxed… around here.”

  “We’ve gotten that impression, yes,” Dar said.

  “Well, that’s certainly true,” she replied and then lowered her voice a little more, “but we still live in an elf’s world, you see? And if any of the elves in the Gold City suddenly developed some kind of morals and decided that they didn’t want people around here to drink any kind of alcohol at all, then of course, things could go very badly for all of us who profit off of that alcohol.”

  “So where do these vouchers fit into the picture?” I asked.

  “Right,” the halfling woman said. “So that’s just my way to express my thanks to you, and to assure you that if anything ever goes wrong, you have my business’ complete loyalty.”

  “That’s very generous of you,” I said as I raised an eyebrow.

  “You sound suspicious,” the spa owner laughed.

  “Should I be?” I demanded.

  “Easy, Penny,” Dar said. “I think she just knows a good bargain when she sees it-- is that right?”

  “Well, you don’t get to be one of the most exclusive spas in a resort town if you don’t recognize a good bargain when it slaps you across the face,” the halfling woman said. “And your whiskey is the best goddamn bargain that I’ve ever seen.”

  “Now, that’s definitely the truth,” I said, “so for that, I’ll say thank you for the vouchers, and don’t you worry-- I’ll definitely be back soon to use them.”

  “Please do,” the spa owner replied. “As you can see, our list of services that we offer is… extensive.”

  “Thanks very much,” Dar said, “but for now, we’ve got some other errands to run, so we’ll see you in two weeks for your next delivery, alright?”

  “Unless, of course, you decide that you need more before then,” I said. “And in that case, you just send word to the address that we gave you, got it?”

  “I remember,” the halfling woman said. “Good luck on the rest of your errands.”

  She escorted us out the single exit and then all the way to the spa entrance itself, and as soon as we were out of ear shot, I elbowed Dar in the ribs.

  “Holy shit, can you believe all these vouchers?” I grinned. “Talk about a good way to show loyalty.”

  “Fuck yeah, I wish that all our clients here owned spas,” Dar said. “That’s one hell of a deal, both for her and for us.”

  “So just one more delivery to make today, right?” I asked as we reached our delivery wagon. “Hold on one second.”

  I reached into my pocket, pulled out a few coins, and then paid off the halfling who had been watching our whiskey wagon to make sure that no one fucked with it. As soon as he disappeared, Dar and I climbed up into the front seat of the wagon, and I took the reins of our horse.

  “So what were you saying?” Dar asked.

  “I said that we just have one delivery left-- to the caterer, right?” I asked. “And then we can go scout out the casinos for some poor elven bastard that we can exploit?”

  “Yep, that’s the plan,” Dar said with a glance up at the mid-afternoon sky. “Even though now, I kind of wished that we had waited to deliver the whiskey to Madame Felicity last.”

  “That’s just because you want to see all her girls dress
ed up and ready for an evening of business,” I said with a roll of my eyes.

  “That is just not true!” Dar said. “See, I was actually hoping that we would finish at Madame Felicity’s, so I could pay to see one of her girls get all undressed.”

  “Ugh, you’re disgusting,” I groaned, and then I flicked the reins so that the horse jolted forward, and Dar almost lost his seat in the wagon.

  “I just can’t help myself,” Dar said as he grabbed hold of the wagon’s seat to stabilize his body. “But don’t worry, we’ve got to finish at the fucking caterer’s, not Madame Felicity’s, so my virtue is completely safe.”

  “What virtue?” I snickered. “You say that like you’ve ever had any.”

  I adjusted my grip on the reins and returned my attention to the streets in front of us. We had studied maps of the city enough when we first came here to know basically where everything was, but we had also done almost all our research on foot, so I still had to think about where I needed to go when we used the horse and wagon.

  “Do you want me to tell you where to turn?” Dar asked as we approached an intersection.

  “Don’t you dare,” I growled. “It’s definitely the next left.”

  “Are you sure?” the halfling asked.

  “Yes?” I pressed my lips together. “Yes. I think.”

  “Okay,” Dar said with a shrug. “Suit yourself.”

  “I know you’re just trying to make me doubt myself, ya ass,” I said. “So don’t even pretend like that’s not the right answer.”

  “Even if it’s completely and entirely wrong to take the next left, you and I both know that you would never believe me,” Dar sighed. “You’ll do whatever you want to, anyway.”

  “Well, I can’t say that you’re wrong about that,” I admitted. “But I kind of think it’s part of my charm, don’t you?”

  “It’s part of your… something,” Dar laughed.

  “Ugh, maybe I’ll just drop you off at Madame Felicity’s and deliver the last whiskey by myself,” I said.

  “You say that like I would be upset about it,” the halfling said.

  I just rolled my eyes again as I came up on the intersection where I needed to turn. I started to pull the horse ever so slightly to the right, but as soon as I did, I saw the tiniest smile start to form on Dar’s face, so I immediately steered the horse to the left instead, like I’d planned to from the beginning.


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