The Naked Socialist
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1.Promote Socialism, Demean Capitalism: Eliminate laws and the popular stigma against socialism. Promote socialism as the best alternative to capitalism. “Once the vast majority makes the decision in favor of socialism,” says World Socialism, “then it will elect socialist representatives or delegates to ... administer the elimination of capitalism and the creation of socialism.”744
2.Promote the U.N.: Renew popular support for the U.N. as the only hope for the world. Rewrite its charter so it can establish a single global democracy745 with its own independent military force.746
3.No National Boundaries: Eliminate all borders and national sovereignty. “Socialism will be a world without countries,” says World Socialism. “Borders are just artificial barriers that belong to a past and present that is best left behind.”747
4.Install Environmental Rulers: Support U.S. acceptance of a “global green economy” and the U.N.’s World Summit on Sustainable Development. Compel the U.S. to accept the cap-and-trade market for carbon.748
5.One-world Currency: Create a new “global currency” to replace the dollar, euro, yen, and all other national currencies. The “global currency” would be managed by a “Global Reserve Bank.”749
6.Control the Internet: Form a specialized agency of the U.N. to absorb or replace ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), and regulate all Internet traffic, prices, and taxes—and censor content according to the ever-changing mandates from U.N. charter nations. Also, mandate construction of wide-area networks covering the entire inhabited world.750
7.Establish Economic Rulers: Use the European Union model to create a super-legislature under the auspices of the U.N.’s economic development and social councils. Infuse the super-legislature with power to bypass economic decisions of its member nations, and subordinate to this group all other laws and constitutions.
8.Economic Equality: Use the U.N.’s Declaration on Social Justice to force all nations to guarantee employment, protection, participation, and uniform labor practices regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, or disability.
9.Rulers’s Law: Legalize the general use of dictatorial powers by rulers, such as the Executive Order as used in America, to bypass national or constitutional law without checks and balances interference from congress, parliaments, assemblies, or a supreme court.
10.Render Congress Irrelevant (U.S.): Increase the number and powers of regulatory agencies of the executive branch as the primary law-making bodies of the federal government. Bypass Congressional authorization. Instead of seeking permission and approval, obligate Congress to override any new laws and rules enacted by the many agencies with majority votes, a much more time-consuming and debate-intensive process.751
11.Subordinate Local Government: Use technical decisions by the courts to bypass the laws and court decisions made by local and state governments. Make all decisions dependent on approval by leaders further up the chain of control.752
12.Destroy Representation (World): Resist any attempt to allow free elections that dethrone the ruling parties.
13.Uphold 17th Amendment (U.S.): Inflame suspicion about repealing the 17th amendment, warning that making senators beholden to the state legislatures will unleash back-door deal making and collusion. Keep this link of representation cleanly severed because it otherwise brings too much control by the people over the federal government.753
14.Deflate Constitutional Convention (U.S.): Spread fear that a constitutional convention would open the Constitution to a complete re-write and destruction. Hide the mechanics of protection the Founders gave to this act of last resort.754
15.Regulate All Transportation: Nationalize the transportation industries. Create cooperatives with car and truck makers to force government-mandated levels on fuel efficiency and to meet pollution limits. Expand tax-funded mass transit into all major cities.755
16.Regulate All Energy: Nationalize energy production and prices using as an excuse the terror of pollution and the fairness of equal access to every nation’s natural resources.756
17.Eliminate Private Property: Adopt the U.N.’s land policy (1976), “Land ... cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals ... Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice ... The provision of decent dwellings and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole.”757
18.Destroy Family Culture: Encourage the collapse of ties between husband and wife, children and parents, people and church by promoting pornography as a right granted by freedom of speech.758
19.Redefine Normal and Healthy: Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as a new class of people “normal, natural, healthy.” In 2011, the U.S. backed a successful U.N. resolution endorsing certain rights for gay, lesbian and transgender people.759
20.Destroy the Sacrament of Marriage: In the name of equality, remove all authority from church marriages so only those unions decreed by a clerk of the court according to established laws and requirements, with properly signed papers, may constitute a marriage.760
21.Discredit the Traditional Family: Dilute natural family structure by compelling by law the acceptance of any union of consenting adults without regard to gender, gender preference, or numbers involved.761
22.Destroy Gender Distinctions: Compel all institutions to recognize, accommodate, and facilitate any individual regardless of gender or sexual identification. Blur the biological differences between men and women and eliminate any requirements based on that distinction.762
23.Universal Access to Abortion: Transfer protection of reproductive rights to the U.N. In 2011, the U.N. said “States must take measures to ensure that legal and safe abortion services are available, accessible, and of good quality. ...Criminal laws and other legal restrictions that reduce or deny access to family planning goods and services, or certain modern contraceptive methods, such as emergency contraception, constitute a violation of the right to health.”763 In 2012, Barack Obama obeyed the order by forcing U.S. insurance companies to provide free contraceptives and “day after” abortion drugs, a mandate still under judicial review.
24.Limit Family Size: Remove all tax advantages from parents for their dependent children. Promote “responsible” family planning to reduce world population.764
25.Replace God-centered Religion with Humanist Religion: Infiltrate the pulpits to create a “social religion” that promotes social and political agendas. Inject the mainstream with messages of moral guilt for all aspects of human advancement. Promote a neutral belief system founded on financial and material goals, not God.765
26.Destroy Church Economies: Eliminate tax-exempt status for church properties and associated employees. Eliminate tax deductions for charitable donations.766
27.Eliminate Cash in the Market Place: Expand the network of electronic banking into every nation, allowing a digital economy with centralized electronic records to be kept of all transactions; make accessible to appropriate authorities as needed.767
28.International Health Care: Nationalize health care in every nation and place it under an international board of control. The U.N. World Health Organization said, “In the 21st century, health is a shared responsibility, involving equitable access to essential care and collective defense against transnational threats.”768 Shared and equitable access means government control.
29.Supreme World Court: Expand the international role of a world court system with power to bypass state and national laws and constitutions. Today, it exists in part as the U.N.’s International Court of Justice (also called the World Court), headquartered at The Hague, Netherlands.769
30.Create One-World Super-Legislature over the environment. Gain control of economic development by gaining control of energy production and the environ
31.Environmental Rights Supersede Human Rights: Lift environmental issues to a level that is equivalent or higher than human rights. Put forward the claim that preservation of the environment for the good of all living things must take priority over human needs.771
32.Nationalize All Natural Resources: Assume ownership and regulatory power over all national resources regardless of who owns the property on which the resource is found. Use this assumed control to promote ecologically correct choices—low- or non-flush toilets, battery-powered cars, low-energy light bulbs, recyclable containers and packaging, mandatory recycling, low-energy appliances, rationed energy access, and more—all of this mandated by government, not driven by free-market incentives and invention.772
33.Unilaterally Destroy Nuclear Weapons: Develop the illusion that dismantling all nuclear weapons would be a demonstration of moral strength. In February 2012, President Obama announced he was contemplating destroying up to 80 percent of America’s deployed nuclear weapons.773
34.Neutralize Israel: Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian issue by U.N. fiat and force Israel to surrender all disputed lands, including half or more of Jerusalem, to the Palestinians.774
35.Nationalize All Industry: In the name of ecological sanity, grant regulatory authority to the U.N. over all heavy industry such as steel, mining, automobiles, machinery, railroads, airlines, etc.
36.Sync Animal Rights With Human Rights: Legalize human rights in animals. Tax meat out of the marketplace. Prohibit all medical testing of animals, and human use of animal products for any purpose.
According to a writer for PETA, who was responding to a U.S. judge denying the animal rights organization its petition that the 13th amendment be applied to captive whales:
“Women, children, and racial and ethnic minorities were once denied fundamental constitutional rights that are now self-evident, and that day will certainly come for the orcas and all the other animals enslaved for human amusement.”775
37.Infiltrate and Regulate Education: Get control of the schools. Promote socialism’s goals and ideologies. In 1992, the U.N. adopted Agenda 21 as a blueprint of action to reduce human impact on the environment. Thoroughly indoctrinating the world’s children in how to sustain the environment is one of the U.N.’s mandates for every member nation.776
38.Control Information: Infiltrate the media. Promote the successes of the new order and disparage the inhibiting drag of the old order. Ridicule the old order, celebrate the new, hide the excesses of the ruling class.
39.Infiltrate and Regulate Labor: Unionize all labor at all levels, and rule them by an international body of regulators. Install overseers to ensure that government mandates are obeyed.
In 1999, the U.N.’s International Labor Organization declared its purpose to provide “a strong social dimension to globalization [of labor] in achieving improved and fair outcomes for all ... to accelerate progress in the implementation of the Decent Work Agenda at the country level.”777
40.Uphold All Labor as Optional: Make labor voluntary by providing financial safety nets for unemployment, illness, and retirement.
41.Discredit the U.S. Constitution: Re-educate the people regarding the American Constitution to cast it as inadequate and old-fashioned, a hindrance to cooperation between countries worldwide.
42.Discredit Freedom Heroes: Discredit America’s Founding Fathers and other heroes of freedom—cast them as elitists whose selfish desires left them no concern for “the little people.”
43.Rewrite History to Discredit American Culture: Remove know-ledge about the advances coming out of the Great Enlightenment and subsequent American Revolution, and white-wash U.S. history as relatively insignificant flotsam on the tides of history, an awkward child of the great enlightenment, 1500-1800. Emphasize the rich hist-ories of other countries such as China, India, and Australia.
44.Promote All-powerful Government Regulation: Support any movement that seeks government control over education, welfare, mental health clinics, social agencies, the arts, etc.
45.Install Socialism Everywhere: For any emerging nation, move quickly to install socialism. Promote it as the most efficient model to achieve political and economic stability.
46. Legislate by Crisis: Trigger widespread disorder to justify massive changes in the governments of the world. Use periodic chaos as the means to expand top-down control and restrict personal rights.
Learning to Recognize Socialism
How many of the goals of socialism involve neutering or otherwise rendering impotent the U.S. Constitution? Why must that remain high on the socialists’ list? Explain.
Why must the power of a constitutional convention of the states impose amendments to the Constitution be demeaned and demonized by the socialists? (p. 495)
Can such a constitutional convention resolve today’s national issues? What would it take to hold such a convention in safety?
How many of the 46 goals are directly aimed at destroying the family? List a few and explain. Why should socialists want to destroy the traditional family, and how does family stand in their way to taking all political power?
Why is the elimination of religion and reading of the Bible, and other activities that help refine the individual, on the socialist’s hit list? Is a morally bankrupted populous weak and easier to control, or not? Explain.
What happens to the next generation if socialists control education? If children are taught that the government owes them everything, how will this affect what they’ll vote for as adults?
Why is unionizing the workforce so important for socialism? Is that process static, that is, has the demand for more money and privileges by established unions ever ceased? What happens to the property rights of business owners when government stands behind unions to support their demands? Is this happening today?
List some American heroes whose images and biographies are no longer promoted in public schools and society in general. Who has replaced those icons of freedom and progress? Do the new heroes stand for virtue, freedom and traditional values? Explain.
How many of the 46 goals do you think have been completed?
How many of the 46 goals would you say are already so far underway that there is no turning back (without a complete collapse of society, war, or anarchy)?
Which nation in the world seems to be targeted by these 46 goals of socialism more than any other? Can you explain why?
“Government may not possess more rights than those held by the individual. The individual may delegate certain rights—defense, justice, and raising revenue—but the government may not simply assume them. When it does, that is tyranny.”
* * *
743 These goals were compiled by the author from the vast accumulation of writings on socialism, and from national and U.N. efforts now underway to further these causes.
744, Socialist Party of Canada, Frequently Asked Questions, 2012.
745 See Jean-Philippe Therien, The United Nations and Global Democracy, From Discourse to Deeds, Cooperation and Conflict, December 2009, Vol. 44 No. 4, pp. 355-377.
746 United Nations, U.N. body urges support for treaty regulating private military, security companies, U.N. News Centre, April 30, 2010.
747, Socialist Party of Canada, Frequently Asked Questions, 2012
748 See Outcomes on Human Settlements,
749 See Decian McCullagh, United Nations Proposes New “Global Currency,”, September 9, 2009.
750 Numerous proposals to this end have been offered. In September 2011, Russia, China, among others, petitioned the U.N. General Assembly for “an international code of conduct for information security.” See Trent Nouveau, Pentagon Opposes U.N. Regulation of the Interne
t,, October 21, 2011.
751 See W. Mark Crain, et al, The Impact of Regulatory Costs on Small Firms, SBA, September 2005; Administrative Procedure Act, Title 5, United States Code, Chapter 5, Sections 511-599.
752 See World Socialist Movement goals at
753 Typical of numerous scare tactics is this from Gerry Connolly running for Congress in Virginia, “Repealing the 17th Amendment would strip your right to vote for your U.S. Senators and allow political insiders in Richmond to decide who represents us in the Senate.” See He avoids mention that the state legislature is more accessible than Washington, D.C., and therefore more responsive to constituent demands. The Founders knew this and created that direct link to the federal levels through the legislature.
754 Multiple references are available on the Internet. Nearly all promise the immediate destruction of the Constitution should such a convention be held. Close to none explain the parameters necessary to prevent a runaway convention. Progressive socialists win by paralysis, and America’s great escape clause remains unused—it’s as good as repealed, a sorry ending.
755 Ibid., Marx, Engels, Communist Manifesto.
756 See United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Division of Environmental Law and Conventions, among dozens of others.
757 Report of Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Conference Report, Vancouver, May 31 - June 11, 1976.
758 See Ginsberg vs. New York, Miller vs. California, New York vs. Ferber.
759 AP, U.N. Gay Rights Protection Resolution Passes, Hailed as ‘Historic Moment,’ June 17, 2011.