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The Heirloom Obsession

Page 18

by SD Saunders

  Dressing in a white mid-calf slip dress, the tiny green flowers dotted all over making her feel summery and fresh, straightening the frills around the sweetheart neckline, she tied the string in the middle of her bust into a bow. Leaving her hair down, she applied a little sage green eye shadow and black mascara; satisfied with the look, she powdered the freckles over her nose. A light spray of perfume and she was done. On impulse, she picked up the lip gloss and swiped a little onto her lips. Hearing Alex arrive, she stuffed her feet into her white canvas pumps and headed down to greet him.

  Arriving at Christina’s, a smiling Anne showed them through to the sun room where Christina and Jack sat waiting for them, pot plants grew vigorously throughout the sunny room reminding Melody of a jungle, a whirring fan above them gently rustling the leaves, cane furniture dotted around the room, a cane and glass coffee table sat in the middle, a tea set and a full matching double tiered cake plate set out for them all, rising up from a high backed cane chair, Christina rushed over to them, hugging Melody tightly.

  “I’m so glad you came”, she greeted them as Jack shook Alex’s hand. Taking a seat on the two-seater, Alex turned to pull Melody down beside him. Pouring them tea, Christina placed it beside them and turned to sit back down next to Jack. “I must say I never would have believed cousin Primrose would have been behind all this”, Christina gestured helplessly. “I’m so sorry you got dragged into this craziness”.

  Jack placed his hand over Christina’s, “it’s okay love, I’m sure they don’t blame you”.

  “Of course we don’t”, Melody sighed, the last person she would have ever blame was Christina.

  Alex leaned in, his expression tight. “Detective Lawson tells me they have enough on them to lock them up for an awfully long time, they won’t be hurting anybody again”. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out the black velvet box. “This belongs to you”, he passed the box to Christina.

  Lifting the lid, she stared at the necklace. “So much hurt over such a silly thing”, she whispered placing it on the coffee table.

  “I had the jewellers remove the listening device, you would never even know it had been there”. Alex shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

  “How clever of you to have thought about having it put there”, Christina praised unconcerned if it had damaged the necklace, “quick thinking like that probably saved Melody’s life”, turning to Melody, tears filling her eyes, she repeated, “I’m so sorry my dear”.

  Shaking her head, Melody soothed “it’s okay Christina, no-ones to blame except them”.

  “So tell me, how did that scoundrel Timothy get past your guys”, Jack asked Alex, his voice raw with emotion.

  “He stole the identity of a waiter named Owen, drugged him and changed his appearance to match Owen’s, while we were looking for a man with brown lank hair, he slipped in under our surveillance with his short blonde spiky hair and stolen identity”, Alex growled, a frown settling on his face.

  “And this Owen, is he okay”? Christina spoke softly, recognising Alex’s guilt at having missed Timothy’s crafty disguise.

  “Yes, he was found by his sister and taken to hospital, fortunately he had only managed to drink a little of the drugged whiskey, anymore and we would probably be looking at a murder charge”. Christina’s face paled as the horror of what could have been washed over her.

  “I’m afraid there’s more bad news”, Alex spoke quietly, looking from Jack to Christina, “it came to light that Philip, your cousin was the one who attacked you on your eighteenth birthday” pausing for breath, he leaned in adding, “detective Lawson says he’s looking into it but he probably won’t be tried for it, as he’s in a nursing home with dementia”.

  Christina’s eyes filled with fresh tears, “I got a call late last night”, she sniffed dabbing at her eyes, “the nursing home informed me that he died peacefully in his sleep yesterday evening. I knew he was obsessed with the necklace, but I never imagined for one moment he would have…” her words trailing off as a soft sob escaped her.

  Jack moved closer to her handing her his handkerchief, “don’t waste your tears on him my love”, he soothed, stroking her hand gently. Melody watched as they shared a loving look, at least they had each other now, she mused, feeling her eyes fill with unshed tears.

  The drive home was silent as both she and Alex digested all that had gone on at Christina’s, the fact that Christina had told them that she would be donating the emerald necklace to the ‘Hopes and Dreams’ charity seemed fitting; Melody could understand not wanting to have it around, it seemed so tainted by all that had gone on because of it. If not for the heirloom, Jack and Christina would have not been parted for all these years. Fingering the bump on her head, she winced at the thought of what had nearly happened to her because of the necklace.

  “Is it hurting”, Alex’s concerned voice broke her reverie.

  “No, I was just remembering”, she sighed, turning to Alex. “It’s all going to be okay now Alex”, she soothed, trailing a finger over his clenched jaw.

  “If anything had happened to you, I’d never forgive myself”, he grimaced, staring intently at the road.

  “Well, it’s all okay, you rescued me once again”, smiling, she trailed a finger down his neck, “my handsome knight”.

  “All yours, milady”, he gave her a lop-sided grin. Yes, he thought to himself, she was safe and the future was bright and all theirs for the taking.

  Chapter 17

  Saturday morning seemed brighter today, Melody thought as she got ready for Lucy’s birthday party. For the past week, Alex had been so extra caring, taking on all of her chores, fixing them meals, barely letting her raise a hand, running Lucy’s dress over to Sarah while she rested at home, he seemed to be keeping close by her and when he had to leave, he would always check that she had everything she could possibly need. He had even started taking Toby on his morning runs every day to make sure he was well exercised. She knew he blamed himself for not protecting her but gradually she had worn his barriers down, and the sparkle was finally back in his gorgeous grey-blue eyes. The fact that he had told her he loved her regularly still brought tingles to her skin, she loved him too she could not imagine her life without him now.

  Smiling at her reflection, she pulled the brush through her hair, the cut on the back of her head now healed but still tender, the bump having long since gone, she slowed the brush strokes over it. Deciding to wear it down, she pulled the sides up and placed a butterfly clip in. She was really looking forward to Lucy’s party, all their friends would be there too. Sarah had insisted the adults deserved a party too, and Melody had happily helped plan the event, albeit from the comfort of her sofa. It would be great to catch up with them all, she leaned into the mirror, applying her makeup, the soft apricot eyeshadow understated for the occasion, sweeping a black liner across her eyelid, following the lash line, she made a flicked wing at the end, adding mascara, the look enhancing her long lashes. Dabbing a little apricot lip gloss on her lips, she pouted at her reflection.

  Pleased with her overall look, she headed to her wardrobe, selecting a white pair of capri pants, and a sheer apricot blouse, its colour enhancing her tan perfectly, grabbing a spaghetti strap t-shirt in white to wear underneath the blouse, she dressed carefully avoiding getting her makeup on the clothes. Slipping on her white canvas pumps, she strolled over to her full-length mirror to inspect the look, casual but smart, she acknowledged puffing her cheeks out. “You’ll do”, she sighed, spraying a little perfume on her pulse points.

  Sitting in the kitchen a while later, gazing at Lucy’s present all wrapped up, she remembered the porcelain doll, heading to her craft room she retrieved it, with its new outfit now a replica of Lucy’s party dress, the bows in its hair the same ones Lucy would be wearing. She had procrastinated all week on whether to take it today, biting her lip she decided to take it. “I’m sure she will love it”, she mused remembering Alex’s reaction to it. Smiling at the thought of Alex�
��s aversion for the doll, ‘men’ she muttered, rolling her eyes, her mind made up, she headed with it back to the kitchen, sitting the doll on the table, she went into the front room to get some wrapping paper and tape. “Might as well wrap it up”, she laughingly told Toby as when re-entering the kitchen, she caught him eyeing the doll warily, “and don’t you start that again”, she wagged a finger at him sending him back to his bed.

  Walking into Sarah and Lucy’s home, the party well under way, Melody and Alex made their way to the kitchen. “Melody”, Sarah called out, rushing to greet her, throwing her arms around her as several pairs of eyes turned to them.

  “Aunty Mel”, Lucy squealed in delight, joining the hug as she wrapped her arms around Melody’s legs.

  “Hey munchkin”, she smiled, reaching down to Lucy. “Enjoying your party”.

  Turning her face to Melody, she grinned, “Yep, and I got some new crayons too, look”, she pointed proudly to the small table where her friends sat drawing a box of a hundred crayons sat open.

  “Oh, I hope I’m going to get another picture”, Melody laughed, handing her the two presents. “These are from me and Alex”.

  Ripping the wrapping paper off, Lucy clapped her hands in delight, “look mummy, my very own makeup”. Picking up the pink princess makeup box, she showed it to her mum, delightedly picking out little pots of sparkly eye shadows and lip-glosses. “Can I put some on, please mummy”.

  Taking the box, Sarah crouched down, “of course you can sweetheart, but how about you open aunty Mel’s other present first”.

  Rushing back, she carefully opened the other present, her eyes widening in surprise as she saw the porcelain doll, “she’s wearing my party dress”, she laughed delightedly, hugging the doll to her, turning to Melody, she announced, “I’m going to call her Lulu, cos she matches me”.

  “Now Lucy, what do you say”? Sarah laughingly admonished, rushing at Melody and Alex, she threw her arms around their legs. “Thank you aunty Mel”. She looked up at Alex, a cheeky grin on her face, “thank you Uncle Alex”. Joel’s bark of laughter rang out loudly, making everyone turn to him.

  “Uncle Alex would probably like to play tea parties with you, Luce”, he pointed at her new tea set still in its box, Charlotte’s elbow jabbed into his side, stopping his teasing midway.

  “How about we show aunty Mel your new bike”, Lindsey suggested, diverting the attention from a rather awkward Alex.

  Leaving Lucy in the garden playing with her new bike, Melody strolled back into the kitchen and over to Sarah. “She seems happy”, Melody smiled.

  “She is, and getting spoilt too”, Sarah gazed lovingly out at her daughter and her friends as they played with Toby and Rex, “not sure how long the dogs will put up with that though”, she laughed as they watched the girls dressing the tolerant dogs up in hats and sunglasses.

  “How’s the new job going”? Melody asked stepping back to look at her sister, drying her hands on a towel, Sarah looked up, a broad smile on her face.

  “Oh Mel, it’s wonderful! I feel so alive, I’ve picked it up quickly, they are sending me on a part-time computer course this September, and I might even try out a photography course, I’ve always had a thing for it”.

  Grabbing Sarah’s hands, she squeezed them excitedly, “I remember when we were kids, you always had some kind of camera attached to you, snapping shots of bugs and stuff”, grimacing at the memory of Sarah’s childlike voice instructing her to ‘hold that leaf carefully, don’t let the bug fall off’, while she zoomed in for the shot.

  “I think I have an album of those photos somewhere around”, Sarah sighed, heading to the bookcase full of photo albums.

  “Um, I think I’ll give it a miss”, Melody laughed, escaping into the front room to find Charlotte.

  “Coward”, Sarah called out, her laughter following her as she headed away.

  “Who’s a coward”? Charlotte enquired as Melody sat down beside her.

  “Oh, just me for not wanting to look at photos of bugs”, laughing at the puzzled look on Charlotte’s face, she added, “don’t worry it’s just a sister thing”. Sitting back, she fixed her gaze on Charlotte. “Something’s different with you”, she tilted her head, trying to place what it was.

  “It’s my hair, Mel”, she fingered her short blonde hair, the absence of her usual brightly coloured spiky tips suddenly registering with Melody.

  “No pinks or blues today, huh”.

  Casting a cautious look towards the door, Charlotte lowered her voice, “I just wanted to look more feminine today”. Taking a closer look with fresh eyes, Melody noticed her subtle makeup and floaty dress, a softer gentler look. Her usual spikey hair now combed back in soft waves.

  “It’s Joel, isn’t it”? Melody saw the confirmation in her friends’ eyes; never before had Charlotte changed for a man, this must be serious, she thought smiling at Charlotte. “Love is in the air”, she whispered as Charlotte cringed, blushing to her roots.

  “What’s with the blush, pixie”? Joel sat beside Charlotte, cupping her chin as her blush intensified. “Are you two talking about us”? He turned to grin at Alex as he sat beside Melody.

  “Never question two gossiping ladies, Joel”, his growl of laughter infectious as Lindsey appeared with a tray of drinks.

  “What’s the joke”, she asked, putting the tray down on the coffee table.

  “Just these two being wise guys”, Melody laughed, rolling her eyes.

  “Well, grab your drinks, and come into the garden, it’s time for Lucy to blow her birthday candles out”, Lindsey admonished, shaking her head at her best friends, glad to see them so happy.

  Standing beside Alex, his arm securely wrapped around her waist, Melody looked happily at her friends and family as they all stood watching, whilst the children all sat excitedly around the trellis table as they sung happy birthday, the feeling that everything would work out for them all washed over her. Lindsey had finally gone on a date with Andy, Sarah had a new life with Lucy, even Charlotte had met her match in Joel; glancing at them, she smiled to herself as she saw the way they leaned lovingly into each other. Yes, they all seemed content, happily ever afters could happen, she mused, thinking of Christina and Jack’s love story. As Lucy blew the candles out with Sarah’s help, everyone clapped, bringing Melody out of her musings. With the cake served up to all the children, Alex pulled away from Melody.

  “If I could have everyone’s attention”, he tapped his glass as all eyes turned towards him, she looked at him standing tall in his cream chinos, his pale blue shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbow, the muscles in his arms flexing as he raised his glass for everyone’s attention. Licking her, lips she pulled herself together; no time for fantasies, she chided herself, tearing her eyes from his open neck shirt and the tantalising glimpse of his chest. Catching Joel winking at him, she turned her attention back to Alex, his grey-blue eyes twinkling as he gazed upon her.

  “Melody”, he started as a hush fell over the guests; dropping to one knee, he pulled a small box from his trouser pocket. “From the moment I met you, I was smitten”, he paused, his expression turning serious, “I never realised I could love someone so much”. The crowd sighed making him pause once again; Melody felt herself blush, as every pair of eyes seemed to be watching her. “Will you do me the honour of marrying me”, he held the ring box up, its lid open, revealing a solitaire diamond.

  Time seemed to stand still as Melody looked from his adoring eyes to the sparkling ring, the feeling of love so intense for him washing over her. “Yes”, she answered, her voice thick with emotion. Rising up to his feet, he placed the ring on her finger and swung her up into his arms, lowering her quickly to passionately kiss her parted lips. A roar from the guests broke out as they finally drew back, the sound of champagne corks popping as a smiling Sarah filled everyone’s glasses up.

  “To the happy couple”, she exclaimed excitedly, wiping away a few stray tears.

  “To Melody and Alex”, they al
l chimed in.

  Alex glanced down at Lucy as he felt her tugging on his trouser leg. “Uncle Alex, Uncle Alex”, she beamed up at him.

  “Yes sweetie”, he responded, crouching down to her level.

  “Can I be a bridesmaid, please”, she implored, her missing front tooth making her look cute as she hopped excitedly from foot to foot, her doll hanging from her hand. Glancing questioningly at Melody, he caught her slight nod of approval.

  Turning back to her, he pulled one of her bunches playfully. “Yes sweetie, we would love you to be our bridesmaid”.

  Suddenly turning shy, she raced back to her mum. “I’m gonna be a bridesmaid, mummy”, she announced grabbing Lulu her doll tightly to her and casting a shy look towards Alex.

  “You’ll get used to her”, Melody laughed at the look of confusion on Alex’s face.

  “She sure is a whirlwind, I see a lot of you in her”, he grinned, wrapping a curl around his finger and giving it a tug.

  Joel sauntered up to them, a grin splitting his face. “Can I be your best man, Uncle Alex”? His imitation of Lucy’s sing song voice making Melody giggle.


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