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Their Perfect Blend

Page 12

by Sarah Williams

Her mouth dropped open as she looked at the ring-box-sized gift.

  “It’s not that.” He chuckled, still kind of enjoying the freaked-out look on her face.

  Greer carefully unwrapped the box and smoothed out the wrapping paper as though she wanted to keep it. Opening the top, the silver charm bracelet caught a glimmer of sunlight and sparkled. “Oh, Hamish, this is … Oh no, look, you’ve made me cry.” She sniffed loudly and Hamish lunged for the box of tissues. These pregnancy hormones were all over the shop.

  “I only added two charms so far.” He took the box from her, removed the bracelet, and attached it around her wrist. “There’s a cow, representing Emerald Hills, and a baby stroller.”

  “For our baby.”

  He raised her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. He could smell the faint aromatherapy oil she had taken to wearing. It was a mix of various herbs and flowers said to help with maintaining health.

  “I love it. Thank you.” She admired the intricate chain and ornaments for a moment more before looking up and kissing him.

  “You know I want you to be happy, Greer.”

  His heart was swollen with love and affection for this woman who had become everything to him. A future, a family. All those things he’d believed were out of reach until she’d come along to show him that some things really were meant to be, after all. He needed her. He loved her. They belonged together.

  “What’s with all these cars?” Greer asked as Hamish pulled the ute up in front of her parents’ house. “I thought it was a family dinner?”

  “You’re thirtieth birthday is a big deal and all your friends wanted to celebrate with you.” Hamish furrowed his brow. “You’re not angry, are you?”

  Greer smiled. How could she be angry after the day she’d had? Hamish had spoiled her both between the sheets, and out. She glanced at her charm bracelet. It was truly the most thoughtful gift she’d ever received. “No, I’m not angry. Just surprised.”

  “That’s why they call it a surprise party. Now come on.” Hamish got out of the car and came around to open her door. He was always doing chivalrous little things like that.

  The backyard of the homestead was lit up by fairy lights strung from tree branches and candles flickering on tables. Soft music could just be heard over the chatter of guests.

  “Surprise!” they yelled as the couple appear. Greer touched her chest, just above her heart, as she looked around at all her friends and family who had turned up to celebrate. Never had she felt so much love and support.

  Hamish ushered Greer to a cushioned chair and waved for her to sit down as people gathered around her to chat. The evening went too fast with lively conversation and delicious morsels of food.

  As the night grew late and the stars shone more brightly, the birthday cake was brought out. The three-tiered dessert was decorated with delicate fondue flowers, and Greer knew it must have been made by Meredith.

  “It could have been a wedding cake!” Someone exclaimed as the candles were lit.

  After being serenaded with the birthday song, Hamish crouched next to her. “Make a wish.”

  She looked at him, his eyes reflecting the flickering candles. Knowing exactly what she wanted, she closed her eyes for a moment before reopening them and blowing out all thirty candles.

  Hamish kissed her cheek. “I love you, birthday girl.”

  “When do you find out if it’s a boy or girl?” Meredith was swaying just a little bit, drink in hand.

  “We’re not,” Hamish said, hand on Greer’s knee as he sat next to her.

  “I wanted to find out.” Greer smiled. “But Hamish wants it to be a surprise and he’s compromised on so much. Beside the gender doesn’t matter as long as it’s healthy.”

  “Look at this.” Hamish pulled out a folded photo from his wallet and showed his sister. “It’s a 3D image of our baby. Isn’t it amazing?”

  At their latest ultrasound appointment, the baby had been so clear on the screen. It moved and wriggled around in her belly, the space getting more cramped as the baby grew bigger. It wouldn’t be long now until they met. She couldn’t wait to hold her newborn in her arms. To smell its sweet baby smell and touch its tiny toes.

  Hamish was just as enthusiastic. The loft renovations were almost complete and when he’d shown her the paint he’d picked out for the nursery she had almost burst with love for him. He wanted to surprise her when it was finished, but still wanted her to feel included in the design.

  “Wow. It’s so clear, and I’m no expert but it looks like a girl to me.” Meredith handed the picture back and Hamish looked at it again with a smile. “You might get a girl first, like us, and a boy second,” Meredith added.

  Greer snuck a peek at Hamish. They’d only ever discussed this one baby, but now that they were a real couple, maybe there could be more children? A year ago she never would have imagined she could be so lucky. With an amazing man at her side and a much wanted baby on the way, she didn’t dare ask for more.

  “And what about the names?”

  “We have a few ideas.” Greer grinned. “I’d like to name him Mark Montgomery after my dad if it’s a boy.”

  She noticed Hamish jolt his head toward her. “What? You don’t like it?”

  “Montgomery? You mean Pearson,” he said.

  Oh crap. Another thing they had forgotten to discuss.

  Hamish went home alone that night and Greer crawled into her own bed by herself. It had been so long since she’d slept without Hamish, that she shivered with cold and loneliness.

  Surely the name thing wouldn’t be a big deal. Hamish didn’t even talk to his parents, so why did he care so much about carrying on the tradition. Children carrying the Montgomery name would be recognised as being from one of Maleny’s founding families, and could be proud of their heritage.

  She sat up as she heard a tap and the door open. “You awake, love?” her mother whispered.


  Nina came and lay down in the empty space next to her daughter, her arm curling around her. “I saw Hamish leave in a bit of a hurry. Is something wrong?”

  Greer burst into tears as she recounted the day’s events. Everything from the gift and declaration of love to the name misunderstanding.

  “Hamish is very special, but he is still a man. And most men still want their children to have their name.”

  “But he didn’t even want to have a baby with me. I had to talk him into it.” The words flooded out of her mouth.

  Her mother stilled beside her. “What do you mean?”

  Greer sat up and arranged the pillows behind her before launching into her explanation. It felt good to tell her mother how her relationship with Hamish had started, and not have to keep it secret anymore.

  “You asked him to donate sperm?”

  “And he signed a contract. We were only ever supposed to be co-parents.”

  Nina rubbed her face as she let the information sink in.

  “Mum? What should I do?”

  “I know you have your entire life planned out to the last dotted i and crossed t. But things change. Life is about the journey not the destination remember? I know you will make a wonderful mother whether you do it alone or not. But you have to remember that Hamish is in this with you.”

  “I know and he’s been so amazing. I hate that he’s cross with me. I really didn’t mean it.”

  “How would you have felt if Hamish strutted around calling bub a name he’d decided on without consulting you first?”

  “I’d have cracked it.”

  “I know it’s not easy. You’re so used to giving instructions and managing the café. But in a partnership, you have to communicate with each other and you have to be willing to compromise.” Her mother’s wise words filtered in and Greer was overcome by emotion.

  “You’re right. I’ll go and see him in the morning. Thank you, Mum.”

  Greer lay back down as her mother kissed her and left the room. With her hands folded over her belly, sh
e drifted to sleep with her baby kicking and cartwheeling inside her.

  Chapter 22

  Hercules gave off a long anxious howl when a car pulled up outside of the roastery the following morning. It was Sunday so the builders had the day off, and even though the loft was a bit of a mess, he kept his living and bedroom as dust-free as he could.

  Hamish strolled out to meet Greer, braced for the argument that was sure to follow. Sloan had always been looking for a fight, and it felt like Greer had been last night too. Anything to get her own way.

  Instead she rushed into his arms, crying an apology. “I’m so sorry. I don’t want to do this without you.”

  Her vulnerability and hormonal tears had Hamish scooping her up and carrying her up to the loft. Placing her on the couch, he kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry too. I just presumed the baby would have my surname.”

  “I’m such a mess.” She pointed to her blotchy red face. “You probably don’t want to be with me anymore.”

  He buried his face in her hair so she wouldn’t see him smiling. Even with her blotchy skin, he still thought she was the most beautiful, radiant woman in the world. And sexy too, even crying. “I’d still want to be with you no matter what. That’s how much I love you.”

  Every muscle in his body tensed as she moved onto him, straddling his hips, pushing his back into the couch. He was already hard. Had been since the moment he caught the scent of pancake batter. She pressed her hips into his lap and the pressure made him groan.

  He pulled her head toward him and caught her mouth, stroking her tongue with his and tracing her lower lip before sucking it into his mouth. She tasted so sweet and delicious. He wanted her so much he was afraid he was about to lose it.

  She yanked his T-shirt up and he released his grip on her long enough for her to pull it over his head. Then her hands were on him, touching, smoothing, teasing.

  In one swift movement, her maxi dress was on the floor. And to his surprise, she wasn’t wearing anything under it.

  She shuddered as he slid his hands up her torso and across the full baby bump. He loved everything about her body—even the faint purple lines extending over her hips. She felt like warm silk, so smooth and perfect. His palms covered her enlarged breasts, his thumbs finding her nipples.

  She bit her lip as he teased them. “That feels so good,” she whispered, her eyes half-closed.

  He ducked his head and kissed his way down her neck to her chest until he was pulling one hard, erect nipple into his mouth.

  “Oh,” she said. Her body jerked in his arms. Her hands found his head, her fingers burrowing into his hair as she held him at her breast, her breath coming in sharp pants. “So good, Hamish, so good,” she whispered over and over.

  They kissed and grabbed at each other for long minutes, their hips grinding together through the layer of his jeans, the friction exquisite but not nearly enough. He slid a hand over her mound and pressed firmly, feeling how hot and moist she was. Her hands grabbed at his shoulders and her hips lifted.

  Her eyes closed as she gave herself over to the moment. He wanted to be inside her so bad. He slid his hand farther, into her soft curls. She stilled as he sent a single finger probing. Man, she was so wet. Hot and slippery and wet. He pressed his hard-on against her thigh as his finger slid between her folds. She shuddered, her breasts rising dramatically as she pulled in a lungful of air.

  “Don’t stop,” she begged. He lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth, his finger sliding over and over her, delving deeper, lower with each rotation until, finally, he was at her hot entrance and she was tilting her hips in wordless invitation. He sucked hard on her nipple as he slid his finger inside her. Slick, hot muscle closed around him, so tight and wet he groaned.

  “Take off your jeans.” She groaned.

  He loved her. She was so beautiful. Never more so than right at this moment, with her eyes clouded with desire and her face flushed. He moved her to the side long enough to rid himself of his clothes, then she straddled him again, taking him deep inside her.

  Her head dropped back on her neck as her body shuddered with the impact of each stroke, and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth to stifle a cry. Her back arched and her fingernails dug into his shoulders. Her mouth fell open as she shuddered around him, a look of pleasure contorting her face as she came and came. Then his own orgasm hit him like a fist, driving the air from his lungs as he ground himself into her. For long seconds he shuddered out his release, every muscle hard.

  There was no way he could live without this. Without Greer. She was like a drug to him and one he sure as hell didn’t want to give up.

  Greer closed in on the final weeks of her pregnancy in early December. With the days growing long and hot again, she worked hard preparing for the weeks of maternity leave she would need to take. Tilly had stepped up and was now more than capable of taking over, even if it would be at the busiest time of the year.

  “Come on, Greer. We gotta go,” Freya said, tugging her sister out the café door. “You can’t miss your own baby shower!”

  “I can’t wait to see how the loft looks.” Greer climbed into Freya’s passenger seat. Her huge belly protruded in front of her and made her back ache. This was going to be a big baby and she still had a week to go.

  “Me neither. Justin’s already there. Apparently Hamish needed help moving the furniture.”

  Baby furniture! Greer had left clues for Hamish to follow. Open catalogues with pictures of white wooden change tables and convertible cots circled. It had been a challenge for the control freak in her not to sneak a peek on the nights she had stayed over, but she knew this was important to him and that he wanted to surprise her.

  “And how are the wedding plans coming along?”

  Freya grinned. “We’ve booked the celebrant, photographer and florist now. We just need to go dress shopping with Mum. Thank you again for agreeing to be my maid of honour.”

  “Thank you for asking me. Of course you’re only giving me one month to lose the baby weight, you know.”

  Freya and Justin had opted for a quick engagement and were getting married at Emerald Hills on the Australia Day long weekend in January. It would be a small, intimate affair before their honeymoon to Canada.

  “You’ll look beautiful regardless with that ‘new mum’ glow’. And I’ll make it up to you with hours and hours of babysitting when we get back.”

  “Damn right. It’ll be good practise for you and Justin for when you decide to start your own family. You remember how we always planned on having kids close together?” Greer smiled at the memory.

  “So they can be more like siblings than cousins. I remember.”

  Freya parked the car outside Hamish’s house and was greeted by their parents, Justin and Meredith, who had also been invited to the party. It was to be a combination of nursery unveiling and family baby shower.

  Greer hugged and greeted everyone before turning to Hamish. “Is it all finished?”

  He nodded. “I can’t wait to show you.” He took her hand and led her up the stairs and through the living room, then paused at the new door the extension lay behind. “Everyone ready?”

  The group nodded excitedly before Hamish opened the door and Greer took in the light-filled room.

  “Oh my gosh!” A matching mahogany cot and change table sat on one wall opposite a child-size bookcase decorated with toys and baby books. A plush recliner sat next to the window with a view out to the fields. Greer ran her hand over the baby blanket in the cot, which was decorated with little black and white dairy cows.

  Hamish came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it.” She turned and kissed him. “Our baby is going to love it too.”

  “What a great picture!” Nina said as she studied a photo on the wall of Hamish and Greer. It had been taken at the Spirit House by their waitress while they weren’t looking. They had been gazing at each other, so happy and in love. />
  “There’s room on the wall for more photos,” Hamish said. “I want to put pictures of all of you up so that our baby knows just how loved and cared for they are.”

  Meredith wiped at her eyes. “When did you become such a softy?”

  A cramp-like pain had Greer lowering herself into the recliner. Nina moved to her side. “Are you okay? You look pale.”

  Greer waved her away. “It’s just a cramp. I’m okay.” She reached out her hand and touched the rocking horse. “This is amazing.”

  “It’s a present from Justin and I.” Freya knelt beside the toy and rocked it gently. “I can’t wait to take bubs riding.”

  “And the cot is from us,” Mark said.

  “It’s the same cot you girls had when you were babies,” Nina added.

  “The one from the shed? I’d completely forgotten about that.” Greer looked at it again. It could have been brand new, but knowing it was from her own childhood made it so much more special.

  “Thank you. All of you.” Greer couldn’t help her emotions as tears streamed from her eyes.

  “I have a surprise of my own.” Meredith stepped forward with a decorated box in her hand.

  Greer placed the box on her lap and carefully unwrapped it. Damn, those cramps kept on coming. “It’s a cooking set!”

  She took out the child-size apron, egg beater, wooden spoon and plastic bowl. “How sweet.”

  “With your combined skills, this little one could be a future master chef!” Mark chuckled.

  Greer buckled with pain as another cramp rocked her and the box slid off her lap.

  “Greer?” Hamish’s voice was filled with worry. “Are you okay?”

  Her stomach clenched again. “I thought it was just cramps but now I think I’m in labour.”

  Chapter 23

  “But you’re not due for another week.” Hamish sprung up, his mind whirling. “First babies always come late.”

  “Someone needs to call Skye.” Greer stood, hands on her lower back, and waddled around the room. Around her everyone bolted into action


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