Revelations (Tattoos & Tears Book 2)
Page 17
He laughs and runs his finger down my arm, causing goosebumps over my whole body.
“God, I need to be inside you, but I’m not sure if I should be kissing your feet or spitting mad for that floor show,” he says huskily, and I look at him.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me, and I was so fucking angry.”
He smiles crookedly. “Green is a colour that definitely suits you, babe.”
I suddenly start to feel angry towards Sam for not telling me about Lyla before.
“Why didn’t you tell me about her before?”
“She is not important; she is in the past.”
I fold my arms, suddenly filled with an overwhelming sense of jealousy.
“She doesn’t seem to think so, she was in love with you, and she still is by the looks of it.”
He tips my chin up, and I look into his eyes.
“She is nothing to me, angel, you have to believe me, I’d never do anything to hurt you.”
“I can’t be around you right now, Sam, I’m so fucking angry,” I say through clenched teeth, and he frowns.
“Please don’t be like that, angel, I’m sorry.” I shake my head and jab my finger in his direction. “I need to be on my own for a while, please don’t follow me.”
I spin around and run towards the club exit. As I run towards the exit, I collide with a hard chest. Strong arms catch me before I fall, and I look up to see Brody standing in front of me.
“Whoa! Where’s the fire, sweetheart?”
His eyes are wide and glossy. As I look at him, I realise he is completely off his face on drugs.
“Jesus Christ, you’re high.”
“As a kite, babe!” He winks and clicks his tongue. “You didn’t answer my question, where’s the fire?” I roll my eyes. “You’re bleeding, sweets, come on. Let me take you back to the bus and get you cleaned up.”
He grabs my arm and pulls me towards the exit. We step out into the cool night air and Skip drives us back to the o2 arena car park where the bus is parked. My emotions and the events of the night start to flood into my consciousness. I start to shake uncontrollably in the back of the car.
“Hey, I’ve got ya, sweets.”
Brody pulls me close to him, drapes his arm around me, and I look at him. He smirks.
“Not that I care, but Sam would kick my arse all over the bus for letting you bleed everywhere.”
“God, do you have to be such a prick?”
“It’s all part of my charm, babe.”
Skip parks the car and makes his way over to the bus. He checks the bus for unwanted guests, and when he deems it safe, Brody and I step out of the car and onto the tour bus. He steers me to the sofa and sits me gently down.
“I’ll be right back; Lex has a first-aid kit here somewhere.”
He strides off, and I realise that it is the first time I have been alone with Brody. A few minutes later, he comes back with two shot glasses. He puts down a bottle of Jack Daniels on the table and places the first-aid kit next to it. He sits on the table in front of me and is inches away from me. He opens the first-aid kit in his lap, taking out some antiseptic wipes and some cotton wool. He looks at me, and I cock my eyebrow at him.
“Are you not familiar with the concept of personal space?”
He laughs, and I can feel his warm breath on my cheek.
“You really don’t like me very much, do you?”
He leans closer to me and cleans the blood from my nose.
“I didn’t say I didn’t like you.”
He raises his eyebrows. “So there’s hope for me yet.” He winks, and I wince as he swipes the antiseptic wipe under my nose.
“Are you always such a baby?”
I hit him on his arm. “You could at least be a little gentler.”
He holds his hands up in defence. “OK, I’ll be gentle, I promise, scout’s honour.” He salutes. He smiles, and he actually looks sincere.
“By the looks of it, you had the pleasure of being introduced to the delightful Miss Hudson?” He laughs, and I narrow my eyes.
“Why didn’t he tell me about her before? Surely, you were all aware I knew nothing about who she was.”
Brody shrugs. “Look, babe, I’m not interested in yours and Sam’s proclivities, sexual or otherwise. If he wanted you to know, it was down to him to tell you. Personally, I don’t give a shit, it’s always been bros before hoes, that’s just the way it is, darlin’. I know I come across as an arrogant prick, because, well, I guess I just am, but he’s turned into a cockless wonder since he met you. We used to have fun before you came along, he was my best mate, we shared women, we took drugs, and every night was a party.”
He stands up, throws the antiseptic wipe in the bin, and goes to the sink to wash his hands. He comes back over to where I am sitting, pours us both shots of Jack Daniels, and he pushes the shot onto my side of the table. We both down them at the same time, and I grimace at the after burn as it slides down my throat.
“I know you think I’ve taken your best friend away from you, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I don’t want us to be enemies, Brody. Look, I know what happened to your mum, and I can’t even begin to imagine what you went through—”
“Wait, Sam told you about that?”
I nod, and he pours us both a second shot of Jack. “Motherfucker! He had no fucking right; it wasn’t his story to tell.”
“Brody, it’s OK to talk, I’m a good listener, and I’m actually kind of starting to like you. You’ve shown me a different side of you tonight, you didn’t have to take care of me tonight, but you did, and I’m grateful for that.”
I smile, and he knocks back his drink.
“Let’s play a game, if you’re up for it?” he says, completely changing the subject. I raise my eyebrows and knock back my second shot.
“OK, I’m up for it.”
He takes a seat next to me and crosses his legs at the ankle. He pours us more shots and smiles.
“Let’s play a little truth or dare game.”
I nod.
“Here are the rules, if you choose truth you have to take a shot.”
I smile, suddenly enjoying Brody’s company.
“You start.”
I lean back and take off my heels. I get comfortable, tucking my legs underneath myself.
He points to the shot glass, and I take my shot.
“OK, has Sam fucked you in the arse yet?”
I almost choke on my drink.
“Using the whole ‘I want to be the first and last man back here’,” he says putting on Sam’s deep voice. He seems amused, and I can feel myself burning with embarrassment. I pause, not knowing how to answer, I just feel pure humiliation. I vow to talk to Sam as soon as he gets back. Brody laughs. “From the silence, I’m assuming that’s a yes? I fucking knew it! That boy has no shame; it’s his signature move.”
I feel the tears stinging my eyes. How could he discuss something as personal and intimate as that? He leans forward sensing my unease.
“Seriously, don’t sweat it, babe.”
I swallow back the lump in my throat and shake my head. Then I remember I am close to my period, which explains the mood swings, sore breasts, and extreme fatigue I have been feeling lately. I suddenly feel silly for overreacting at such a trivial thing, boys will be boys after all. I smile.
“It’s fine, really.”
“OK, my turn, I take dare.”
A few hours pass, and a whole lot of truth or dares later, Brody and I are extremely drunk, after polishing off a whole bottle of Jack Daniels and half a bottle of tequila. I have had such a good night getting to know Brody and his quirks. We definitely got off on the wrong foot, and my drunken mind thinks it could be the start of a beautiful friendship. I giggle at the thought, and Brody gets to his feet.
“I’m off to bed, babe, I’m fucking fucked!” We both laugh. “Care to join me?”
He wiggles his eyebrows, a
nd I attempt to roll my eyes, which makes Brody laugh hard.
“You wish, rock star!”
He laughs.
“You don’t know what you’re missing, sweetness!”
He winks cheekily and staggers to the bunks at the back of the bus, leaving me to pass out in a drunken haze on the sofa.
I am not sure how long I have been here, and I don’t remember how I got here. My mouth feels dry, and I feel the start of an epic hangover. I am woken by a heavy weight pressing me into the sofa. My eyes fly open expecting it to be Sam on top of me, but I am terrified at who I find: J.D.. It takes me a few seconds to gather my wits, and I go to scream, but he covers my mouth with his hand.
“Shhh, do not fucking scream, if you make a sound, I’ll hurt you,” he whispers harshly.
Even though his frame is tall and wiry, I struggle to push against and break free of the iron grip he has on my wrists. His eyes are wide and maniacal adding to his frightening demeanour. My heartbeat is thundering in my chest, and I can feel myself trembling underneath him. I am trying to fight back the tears that are threatening to escape. My thoughts turn to what is actually happening. He is going to rape me. I try to get my erratic breathing under control, but he laughs.
“I can feel and smell your fear; good, you’re finally frightened of me.”
He laughs wildly. I find my strength and I try to buck him off me. He pushes himself further onto me.
“If you’re going to act like a whore, I’ll treat you like one. You deserve to be used and abused. Once I’ve had you, you’ll be tainted. Sam doesn’t do damaged goods.”
I struggle and thrash against him. He releases my wrists, grabbing and roughly pawing my sore aching breasts. I cry out in pain. I expect Brody to come to my rescue, but nothing happens.
“Get the fuck off me, J.D., you’re sick,” I choke out, still fighting to get him off me. He rolls his eyes dramatically.
“Blah, blah, blah, every time I hear you speak I feel my brain cells committing suicide one by one.”
He thrusts his hips into me, and I let out a strangled sob.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make this quick, it will be over soon. The sooner you get the fuck out of Sam’s life, the better; you’ll be just another one in a long list of whores.”
I fight him wildly, and I manage to scratch my nails down his face.
“I always knew you’d be a fighter.”
He slaps me ‘round the face with the back of his hand, and I am stunned at the brute force. He reaches down and undoes his belt.
“Get the fuck off me now!” I spit angrily.
“All in good time, angel. That’s what Sam calls you, isn’t it?”
My heart clenches at the thought of Sam, and I can’t fight back the tears anymore, I sob hard. J.D frees himself from his trousers. He strokes my face, and as he goes thrust himself closer to me when I hear the thud of loud footsteps across the tour bus floor. Before I know what is happening, J.D. is removed from on top of me and being flung across the floor like a rag doll. I look up and Lucas is standing over J.D. with his foot pushed into his chest. Lucas’ usual gentle features have become harsh, and he looks positively murderous.
“What the fuck, J.D.?” he shouts. J.D. is breathing heavily, and Lucas drags him up from the floor. He pins him to the wall. “Give me one good fucking reason why I shouldn’t get Sam and let him fucking deal with you?”
Lucas raises his voice, and J.D shakes his head nervously.
“Let’s not be hasty. Luke.”
Lucas clenches his fists.
“You were going to fucking rape Sam’s girl; you’re a piece of shit. Just when I thought you couldn’t get any lower, you do something like this. What the fuck, J.D.?” Lucas bellows and I don’t think I have ever heard Lucas raise his voice before. He is usually so quiet and laid back. I manage to pull myself up shakily and sit up on the sofa. I am shaking and sobbing softly.
“You need to get the hell out of dodge, J.D.,” he says, his voice barely a whisper now, a stark contrast to a few moments ago.
“Please, please, Luke, don’t tell Sam, I don’t know what came over me,” J.D. pleads.
Lucas pushes him harder into the wall, lifting him a few inches from the ground, draws his fist back, and punches him square in the jaw. Lucas lets go of J.D. and runs his hands through his hair. J.D. side-steps Lucas and runs off the bus. Lucas crouches down in front of me, I look at him and lose it completely, sobbing uncontrollably.
“Shhh, honey, it’s all right.”
He gets to his feet, sits down next to me, and I flinch as he moves closer. His face is marred with concern.
“I’m not going to hurt you, honey, and I won’t let him hurt you, I promise.”
He pulls me into his strong arms; I cling to him tightly and sob into his warm chest.
“Fuck,” he curses softly and pulls me tighter against him, trying to soothe the trembling. He strokes my back softly. “I’ve got you, he can’t hurt you anymore,” he says tenderly. “Shit, I should have come sooner, what if I’d been a few minutes longer?”
He sounds genuinely distraught at the thought, and I start to wonder if something happened in his past for him to react like this. I pull away and look up at him, stroking his cheek softly.
“None of this is your fault, babe,” I say in reassurance, and he shakes his head.
“We should tell Sam, honey, he needs to know, he can deal with J.D.”
My thoughts turn to Sam, and I start to thinking would he still feel the same about me knowing what J.D tried to do? Sam would most likely kill him if he found out and I swiftly change the subject.
“Where is he?”
Lucas pulls away from our embrace and scrubs his hands down his face.
“He’s been trying to sort things out at the club with Ryan; it was one hell of a fight. Tate has been on the phone all night trying to keep it out of the papers, but the police were called. Sam and Draven were taken in for questioning, but they got released around an hour ago. Sam’s been going out of his mind wondering where you were, he said you just took off.”
“Brody bought me back here, we were chatting and drinking.”
He nods.
“Since when have you and Brody been buddies? Last I checked he couldn’t be friends with a girl without trying to get into her panties!”
“Looks like he’s proved you wrong, he was quite the gentleman.”
Lucas cocks his eyebrow. “Right, are you sure we’re talking about the same guy?” he says with a smirk. “I should call Sam, but first you need to tell me what happened, honey.”
I close my eyes, reliving what almost happened, and I let out a shaky breath. I recount the events of the evening, and by the time I’m finished, I feel a little better for sharing it with someone.
“We should call the cops on that fucking son-of-a-bitch,” Lucas says flatly. I am about to reply when Sam strides across the bus floor. He crouches down in front of me and cups my face in his hands.
“There you are. Thank fuck, I was going out of my mind.”
His hair is dishevelled and looks like he has been constantly running his fingers through it. He has the beginning of a black eye, stitches in his lip and eyebrow, a swollen nose, and a dark bruise marring his cheek. Even with cuts and bruises all over him, he still looks ruggedly handsome, the ultimate bad boy rocker. He frowns at my obvious rumpled look. My hair all over the place, my tear-stained and mascara-streaked face.
“Are you sure everything’s OK, angel?”
My stomach flips, and I shudder at the term ‘angel’ after J.D used it. Lucas looks at me, and I turn my gaze to Sam. I put on a fake smile and nod.
“Everything’s fine, baby.”
Sam turns to Lucas and narrows his eyes as if to say, ‘you’re going to tell me what’s going on’. I shoot Lucas a look, silently pleading with him not to tell Sam.
“I’m so sorry I took so long, angel, I wanted our last night to be spe
cial. But if you want, we can go to bed and just snuggle. After tonight, I just need to feel you in my arms.”
I nod. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
I smile, and Sam kisses me gently on the corner of my mouth.
“I’ll be up in a second, babe, I just need to speak to Lucas.”
He winks in reassurance, and I go up the stairs to the upper deck. I go into the bathroom, take off my makeup, step out of my dress, and throw it in the laundry basket, not wanting a constant reminder of the events of tonight. I spend five minutes in the shower washing away the remnants of the night’s events, enjoying the sting of the hot water as it cleanses my skin. After my shower, I crawl into bed in my underwear, and a few minutes later Sam opens the door. I can’t see his expression, and I start to wonder whether Lucas has told Sam about J.D.