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Revelations (Tattoos & Tears Book 2)

Page 22

by Amiee Louise

  “So you told her then, sweets?”

  Ruby nods. Her and Jax stare dreamily at each other. I have never seen her this happy with a man in all the years I have known her, love looks good on her. I’m so happy for her and Jax; they will be good for each other. I turn and see my mum, dad, Dexter, Grace, Eden, and Jonah walk into the large open living space.

  “Darling,” my mum shrieks and throws her arms around me. I am so happy to see my family; it feels like it has been ages since I last saw them all.

  “God I’ve missed you, Mum.”

  She squeezes me tight. “We’ve missed you too, sweetie, so much.” She kisses me on the cheek. “Now, where’s that handsome rock star of yours?”

  I look around the room, and it is as if Sam and I are drawn together like two magnets. His gaze locks on mine, he casually walks over to me with a beer in his hand and a glass of orange juice in his other hand. I take it from him, and he kisses my forehead.

  “Sophia,” he rasps, and my mum practically melts at his feet. I am glad it isn’t just me that has that reaction to him. My dad hugs me and tells me how happy he is to see me when Dexter taps my shoulder.

  “Sis.” He envelopes me in his arms and lifts me off the floor. “It’s so good to see you.”

  I laugh. “You too, Dex.”

  He sets me down on the ground and narrows his eyes at me. “You look different, sis.”

  Grace hits Dexter playfully.

  “Leave your sister alone, Dex, she looks gorgeous as always. I love your dress!” she says in a singsong voice and hugs me.

  “It’s been forever, we need to set up a meeting to get you fitted for your bridesmaid dress, and we could make a day of it.”

  I am actually looking forward to Dexter and Grace’s wedding, honoured that I have been asked to be a bridesmaid. Dexter rolls his eyes, and it’s my turn to hit him on the arm.

  “What?” He feigns innocence, and we both laugh.

  As the evening progresses the conversation is flowing easily, my parents and Sam’s parents are getting on famously, much to my relief. Milo, Seth, Brody, Lucas, Willow, Brandon, Elijah, J.D., Savannah, and Callum all join the party. Even though I am less than happy to see Savannah, Callum, and J.D., I feel good for the first time in a long time, and I am happy. I am chatting to Amy and Ruby when Sam comes to my side, wrapping his muscled arm around my waist.

  “Are you ready to make our announcement official, angel?” he whispers so only I can hear him, and I worry my lip between my teeth nervously. “Don’t be nervous, angel, it will be OK, I promise.”

  He winks reassuringly and kisses me gently on the lips. He taps his glass and clears his throat.

  “Excuse me, could we get everyone’s attention, please?”

  Sam is interrupted by the arrival of Seb.

  “I’m so sorry, I’m late,” he says, and I see Willow’s mouth drop open from the corner of my eye. I chuckle. Sam shakes Seb’s hand and runs his hand through his hair.

  “Erm, yeah, where was I? First, I want to thank everyone for coming to celebrate the birthday that shall remain numberless.” He smirks, and the room erupts with laughter. “Also, Peyton and I wanted to wait until tonight to make our little announcement official. Christ, I’m no good at this speech stuff … We’re having a baby.”

  There are a few audible gasps and then a rapturous round of applause. Our friends and families, happy to be expecting a new addition to the family, enthusiastically congratulate us all. I feel blessed and relieved to have our news out in the open. My sister stands behind me wearing a white dress with a skinny red belt around her waist, sipping champagne.

  “Wow, who would have thought, my little sister knocked up by a rock star?” she sneers rather loudly, and I roll my eyes. Typical Eden.

  “Can’t you just suck it up and be happy for us, Eden?” I snap, and she cocks her perfectly-plucked eyebrow.

  “Don’t you understand? You have my life! You have the life I want so badly! You’re with a gorgeous rock star who quite clearly worships the ground you walk on, and I’m left with …”

  She gestures over her shoulder where her fiancé Jonah is standing with a bored look on his face. His sandy blonde hair is slicked back, and he is wearing a tan roll neck jumper and dark-blue jeans, his attempt at looking casual. I have only ever seen Jonah wear perfectly-tailored Saville Row suits.

  “He doesn’t even want to be here, thinks this rock star nonsense is beneath him,” she mimics his upper-crust English accent, and I can’t help but feel sorry for her. “At least you got out of Brighton and made a life for yourself.”

  I brush her arm.

  “Yeah and jumped from one failed relationship to another. I’m standing in my current boyfriend’s parents’ house with my ex and the woman he cheated on me with.”

  We both laugh.

  “OK, you win on that one; but you’re in your dream job, and you’re doing fantastic.”

  Wow! Who kidnapped my sister and replaced her with a clone!

  “Who are you and what have you done with my sister?”

  She laughs. “I know I’ve been a bitch to you and Dex for years and I can’t apologise enough, Peyton. I’m sorry; I love you so much, for putting up with my shit for so long.”

  We hug tightly, and with that hug, the past few years of us being at each other’s throats fade into insignificance.

  We all assemble around the table for a three-course meal of mushrooms on ciabatta toast, pie and mash, and banoffee pie, all of Sam’s favourite foods. I am sat between Sam and Seb. Sam chooses to eat one-handed, refusing to let go of my hand. I observe everyone, and the table is alive with the cacophony of animated conversation. Marlowe, Milo, and Seth have my dad and Dexter in stitches with their stories. My mum, Grace, Amy, and Lori are locked in a fashion debate. Lucas and Brody are discussing music with Brandon, Elijah, J.D., and Cole. Jax and Ruby are fawning romantically over each other, it is sweet to watch. Eden and Jonah are having an awkward whispered argument; Savannah is shamelessly feeling Callum up across the table in a lame attempt to evoke a reaction from me. Needless to say, it isn’t working, and Callum’s face is beet red. Willow is staring dreamy-eyed at Seb from across the table, and I catch him staring back at her.

  I nudge Seb and whisper. “Someone’s got the hots for you, babe.”

  Seb chuckles throatily and shrugs as he takes a sip of his beer.

  “She is cute.”

  I laugh. “You should go for it, honey, you deserve to be happy. She is a smart girl, you could do worse.” I wink as I get up from the table.

  “Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom, the trouble with being pregnant I need to pee all the time!”

  Everyone laughs, and I leave the table. I use the bathroom, and as I come out, Callum is leaning against the wall waiting for me; I get a feeling a déjà vu.


  I go to walk around him, and he grabs my arm.

  “I’ve got nothing to say to you, Callum; we’ve said all we need to, time and time again.”

  “So you’re pregnant? I’d like to congratulate you, but I don’t like it, baby cakes, not one fucking bit.”

  I snatch my arm away from him.

  “The last time I checked it has fuck all to do with you and stop calling me baby cakes!” I snap.

  “It should be me; you should be carrying my baby!” he blurts out, and I am taken aback.

  Where the fuck did that come from? I quickly recover from the shock of his statement.

  “Don’t you dare! You had your fucking chance, Callum, but you cheated on me with that … that fucking whore!” I lower my voice, and he smirks.

  “Wow, you always were one not to beat around the bush, baby cakes.”

  “And that was a dick move, by the way, letting her practically wank you off under the table just to get a reaction out of me. Nice, Callum, really fucking grown up.”

  He hangs his head. “I had nothing to do with that, Peyton, I swear.”

  I shake my head.

  “I fucked up, I know, babe, and I’ve said I’m sorry countless times, I don’t know how many more times I can say it. But you and Newbolt, I fucking despise him, Peyton. He is going to hurt you I know him; he walks around with his stupid rock star swagger thinking he is God’s gift to women.”

  I smirk at Callum, and he frowns.

  “You always were the jealous type, Callum.”

  “Because you deserve so much better than that prick, baby cakes.”

  I roll my eyes. “Like you, you mean?”

  He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, and I hear footsteps approaching.

  “Get your hands off her, you filthy fucking worm!” Ruby’s voice cuts through the silence, and she steps behind him.

  “I suggest you get the fuck away from her, now.” She raises her voice and Brody storms up the stairs towards Callum, grabbing his arm.

  “So you’re the famous fucking ex?” Brody retorts and regards Callum with a look of pure disgust on his face. “I’ve got this, babe, take Peyton downstairs and make sure we’re not disturbed. Callum and I need to have a little chat, man to man.”

  Brody winks at me, and I smile warmly at his concern. I am glad we have become close friends; I love all the boys like brothers. Ruby takes my arm and leads me downstairs. The party has spread out onto the outdoor deck area, it is relaxed, and people are still chatting easily as if they have known each other for years. Ruby finds us some spare seats, and we sit down.

  “What the fuck was that all about, babe?”

  I shake my head. “Callum being Callum, he just can’t leave it alone.”

  She takes my hand. “He is just jealous because you’ve quite clearly moved on and he is stuck dealing with his mistake, fuck him.”

  We both laugh, and she gets up. “I’ll get us some drinks. Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back.”

  As Ruby vacates her seat, J.D joins me. Great.

  “Peyton,” he snarls.

  “What the fuck do you want, J.D?” I snap. I am so not in the mood for his bullshit tonight. He cocks his eyebrow.

  “I wanted to congratulate you,” he leans in and whispers in my ear. To the observer, he is just leaning in to kiss me on the cheek, but he whispers, “Don’t think I can’t see what you’re doing, I know you’re trapping him.”

  What the fuck? I am getting sick and tired of his stupid mind games.

  “How the fuck did you work that one out? I didn’t force him to make me pregnant, it just happened. I’m getting sick of your twisted fucking mind games, J.D.. When are you going to get it into your thick head that Sam and me are for keeps?”

  He is about to reply when I see Sam approach, and it is as if someone has turned on a switch with J.D.. One minute he is dripping poison in my ear the next he is being sickly sweet. He is a good actor, and his performance is Oscar-worthy.

  “Congratulations, darling, I am so happy for you and Sam.”

  He smiles a little too brightly. He gets up, and Sam takes his place at my side.

  “I’ve been aching to get you all to myself all night, angel,” he rasps and puts his arm around me. I rest my head on his shoulder.

  “You look amazing in that dress, babe; I can’t wait to strip you out of it later.” I laugh, and Sam nuzzles my neck. “God, I fucking love you, angel,” he slurs, and his smile disarms me.

  “Are you drunk, Mr. Newbolt?” I raise my eyebrows, and he bites his lip in a roguish way.

  “Maybe just a little tiny bit.”

  He closes one eye and chuckles to himself. Marlowe approaches and smiles warmly at both of us.

  “Would you mind if I borrowed my son for a moment, Peyton?”

  I shake my head. “No, of course not, go ahead, he is all yours.”

  Sam gets to his feet and leans in to kiss me.

  “I’ll be right back, angel.” He winks and leaves with Marlowe.

  I get to my feet and go back inside the large living space. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Seb and Willow looking cosy in the corner of the room; he is standing close to her, his large frame towering over her tiny one. I hear the deep rumble of his laugh and her soft chuckle. I almost feel like I am intruding on an intimate moment, but I can’t tear my eyes away. He reaches a tattooed arm out to her, tucking a strand of her hair away from her face then he leans down and kisses her on the lips. I am so happy that Seb followed my advice. He deserves to be happy, and he is such a kind, sweet, gentle, loyal, and genuine man.

  When I finally tear my eyes away from Seb and Willow, I see Brody and Callum walking down the stairs. Brody whispers to Callum, and Callum looks as if he has seen a ghost. He shakes Brody’s hand robotically and rushes off sheepishly. I narrow my eyes at Brody and approach him. He has his hands tucked casually in his pockets, and a cocky grin plastered all over his face.

  “What did you say to him, Brody?”

  Brody feigns innocence and shrugs. “Nothing whatsoever, babe, we just had a nice friendly man to man chat.”

  Something in the way he looks at me tells me that is far from the truth. He pulls me in for a hug.

  “Don’t worry, let’s just say he won’t be bothering you again, babe.” He winks and pulls away from our embrace. “I wanted to congratulate you and Sam on the baby; you’re so good for each other. I wanted to take this opportunity to apologise for the way I reacted in the beginning, the night of the album launch. I was in a bad place, I-I lose my shit when I’m on drugs. I say stuff I don’t mean, I do stuff I regret. That night on the tour bus was probably one of the best nights I have had in a long time, I felt like I was myself again. You make me that way, Peyton, I can be myself around you, and I’ll always be grateful to you for that. I know I’m no good, I lead people astray, but you make me want to be better. Let’s be clear I-I don’t fancy you or anything and I definitely don’t want to get into your pants. You’re the first girl I’ve ever wanted to just be friends with and not fuck!”

  My eyes glaze over at Brody’s words, and it warms my heart to think that I make him want to be a better person.

  “The other boys don’t know what happened on the bus that night between us. I haven’t told them, and I’m grateful that you didn’t either. That night felt pure, and I saw clearly for the first time ever. I don’t want to be that man anymore, Peyton. I don’t want to constantly be off my face, shagging random birds and waking up wondering how the fuck they got in my bed. You see me; I mean you really see me, the man I am in here.” He puts his hand to his chest, and I can see it in his face that he is struggling so I brush his arm to reassure him. “I was such a prick to you in the beginning, and I’ll never be able to apologise enough for that, but you’re a close friend, Peyton. You’re family to me now, to us all; you’re one of us. You brought Sam back to life, you made him whole again.”

  I am actually crying now, and I curse my pregnancy hormones to hell for making me react so strongly. I will always be grateful for that night on the bus with Brody because it showed me a different side of him and made me see him in a completely new light. Brody pulls me in for a massive bear hug.

  “I can’t wait to be an uncle,” he says against my shoulder, and I chuckle softly. I pull away from him and give him a watery smile.

  “This baby is going to be so spoilt!”

  He strokes my stomach gently. “Definitely. Hey, kid, I’m your uncle Brody, I can’t wait to meet you.”

  He laughs in a childlike way, and I can’t help but wonder what sort of childhood Brody had. I know his mum died of a heroin overdose because Sam told me, but I never really found out the whole story. I figure now is a good a time as any to probe further because he seems in a talkative mood.


  His hand is still on my stomach.


  “What happened after your mum died?”

  He moves his hand and looks at me. His face filled with something that resembles sorrow and regret.

  “That’s a story for another time, babe.�

  He winks and my mum approaches, ending our conversation.


  Brody smiles. “I’ll catch you later, Peyton.”

  He winks at me and casually saunters off. My mum looks puzzled.

  “What was that all about?”

  I shake my head.

  “Nothing, mum, that’s Brody, he is the guitarist in Sam’s band.”

  She nods and eyes the length of my body.

  “Why didn’t you tell us sooner that you were pregnant with Sam’s baby?”


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