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Witching You a Merry Christmas

Page 9

by Colbie Dunbar

  I cringed thinking of someone putting their hat on after the movie. Please don’t let it be Hugo. I’d never be able to face him again. Maybe it belonged to the ass in front of us. I’d be down with that.

  Charlie turned and kissed my shoulder. “Did you sleep okay?”


  He kissed my forehead and pushed hair out of my eyes. “What now?”

  I lifted the sheet and eyed the huge bulge between his legs, encased in his red boxers. “While I’d love to stay and play…” Trailing fingers over his chest, I tweaked one nipple and he groaned and nibbled my shoulder. “I have to get ready for work.”

  He stuck his tongue in my ear, and my resolve wavered. “Surely Calista would give you the day off if you said you were due for a thorough fucking.”

  “What?” I squeaked. Who was this bold and brassy Charlie? Whoever he was, I wanted more of him. More of that outgoing personality. More loving and more fucking. I wanted his cock inside me again.

  But not this morning. “Stop.” I seized his hand that was headed for my length. “It’s the week before Christmas and we have tons of work. I can’t let Calista down.”

  “I’d be down with something.” He wriggled his fingers out of my grasp and rubbed my length.

  “We aren’t getting down to business. Not now.”

  “But I can’t put it down.” He tugged at my briefs, and my engorged dick popped out.

  “Slow down,” I gasped. As I tried to sit up, the room spun around. “Whoa.” I flopped back onto the bed.


  “I’m dizzy.” My stomach gurgled. “Ewww. Maybe it was the candy and popcorn I ate last night.”

  “You really should stay home.”

  “No. I can’t. Once this week is over, I can get sick, but not today. Calista’s counting on me. And I’m still on probation.”

  He stuck his arm under my head. “Don’t worry about that. It’s a formality. Besides I could have a word and tell her how amazing you are. In the cloakroom. In bed.”

  “Promise me you won’t do that, Charlie. Please. And what’s got into you? You’re not high, are you?”

  “Of course not. But doing what we did last night was thrilling.” He held up both hands in surrender. “And you have my word I won’t talk to Calista.”

  I kissed the end of his nose and grabbed my clothes. I wanted to wake up next to this wizard every morning. “So, we broke the no sex rules, huh?”

  “I guess.” He dragged his fingers through his messy hair. “There’s no map for what we’re doing.”

  The day dragged, and there was no time for lunch. I ordered a sandwich at my desk but when it arrived, I threw it in the garbage. I dragged myself home at seven and after a warm bath and chicken soup I had in the freezer, my stomach was no longer wobbly. But I was exhausted and it was cold, and I didn’t want to go out.

  I snuggled under the covers as I shot Charlie a quick message saying I was feeling better but I was already in bed. He’d been badgering me during the day to leave work and I’d refused.

  “Got your laptop handy?” he replied.

  “Yeah, why?” I dragged the computer onto my lap thinking he wanted me to watch a movie. My video conferencing app buzzed and I answered.

  “Hey. You’re not as pale as you were earlier.” Charlie was also in bed, but lying on top of the quilt.

  “Thanks. You really know how to make an omega feel on top of the world.”

  He paused, and I imagined his thoughts tumbling around in his head. “Oh, sorry. Do you think it was something you ate?”

  “Nah. There’s a nasty winter bug going around. We’ve had a bunch of elderly patients admitted to the hospital.”

  Charlie hesitated before saying, “I-I had an idea, but perhaps this isn’t a good time.”

  That piqued my interest. “I’m intrigued. Do tell.”

  He nibbled a nail and put his computer to one side.

  “I’ve got a great view of your ceiling and there’s a few cobwebs up there.” Charlie’s laptop wobbled. “What’s going on?” I wondered if he was planning on running over here and surprising me.

  Much as I loved… oh boy, the L word. I just said it. No. No. I thought it. There was a big difference. I rubbed my head. Maybe I should sleep. But as I tucked a second pillow under my head, I caught a glimpse of… holy freaking crap! What was that? “Charlie? Is that you?” What if it was someone else who’d broken into his place and was showing me his enormous freaking… I was having trouble forming the word in my head. Cock!

  “I hope you like it.” His voice trembled as he placed the computer between his legs and he was naked from the waist down. His dick was engorged and he rested it on his palm. I’d almost lost the ability to speak but I managed to chirp out a “Wow!”

  “That’s a good wow, right?”

  I nodded and gulped. “Definitely good. No, great. Amazing. Fucking fantastic.”

  He peered at the screen. “Tell me what to do?”

  “Shake it, babe.” Shoot. Me and my mouth. In my head, I’d called Charlie babe since before we’d had sex but I’d never said it out loud. I was tempted to close the laptop but that’d be chicken. Cluck! Cluck!

  My hands gripped the computer as Charlie bounced his cock on his palm. I stuck out my tongue and brought the computer to my lips. After kissing the screen, I licked it. How long since I cleaned this? Don’t think about that now, Miles.

  When I’d finished, Charlie’s mouth was hanging open. “Did you just…? Never mind.”

  “I did. And you loved it,” I mumbled.

  “I did.”

  “Now show me what you got.” I lay back and folded my arms.

  “Okay, well, I thought we could imagine we’re together and you can pretend I’ve got my hands on you.”

  That was easy as I pictured his fingers digging into my flesh as they had last night in the cloak room.

  “I’m hovering over you and I nudge your knees apart.”

  I spread my legs, as if waiting for Charlie to claim me.

  “The tip of my dick is wet with pre-cum,” he panted. “I sweep it over your stomach and leave a path from your belly button down your happy trail.”

  “Keep going.” I was savoring the earthy aroma of him as slick coated my ass. I wriggled out of my sweats and rubbed my ass over the sheets.

  “I swirl my fingers over your butt so they’re covered in slick and now I’m tapping around your hole. You’re so tight, Miles.” He whimpered, and I lifted my hips as if I were waiting to receive his cock. Sweat dribbled into my eyes and I wiped it away with my arm.

  “I put one finger into your hole. Can you feel it?”

  “Yes. God yes.” I squirmed on the bed, wishing he was with me.

  “Grab your dick.”

  But I was way ahead him. My fingers curled around my erect length and I tugged. “I want your cock, Charlie. Put it inside me. Shove it in. Hard!”

  He was panting along with me and pumping his dick. I squinted at the screen and Charlie’s eyes were glazed, and he could barely get the words out. “Okay. My dick is prodding your wet hole.” He whined, “And it’s so wet.”

  “Go on, fuck me!” I closed my eyes. I didn’t need to see him anymore. With my hand wrapped around my dick and Charlie’s words, grunts and moans, I pictured his length claiming my ass.

  “I’m inside. Plunging in and out and you’re gripping around me. My body’s slapping against yours, and I can’t breathe. I want to stay inside you forever.”

  “Harder,” I screamed. I was writhing on the mattress, with the bedding wrapped around me, while I tugged my cock. Desire prickled over me as a gripping sensation gnawed at my belly. “I’m coming.” Seed spurted over me, the bed and the laptop while spasms wracked my body, and Charlie’s voice echoed mine and he shouted my name.

  I lay on my side until the shuddering had stopped and pulled the bedclothes around me. I peered at the screen and Charlie was spread-eagled on his bed, panting.

nk you,” I whispered, “That was amazing. Night, babe.”

  “Night, love.”

  What did he say? But my eyes were closing as sleep beckoned.


  December Nineteenth: Charlie

  I lay with my hands behind my head inspecting the cobwebs Miles had mentioned. They were sparkling in the small amount of light filtering in between the curtains. The spider who’d made them was long gone. She’d found herself a warm place in the kitchen corner.

  Last night’s video sex was pretty amazing. I was proud that I’d taken the lead and given Miles pleasure without demanding anything from him in return. How many times have we broken the no sex rule?

  But doubts niggled at my brain as I counted the days until Christmas Eve. While I was friends with Hugo and my boss, Bedwyr, I had no experience with confiding details regarding my personal life. To be honest, since being in the Valley, there hadn’t been much to discuss.

  And while blundering through December, blind, and with mishaps nipping at my heels, I’d avoided reaching out to people.

  “I see you.”

  I leaped out of bed searching for whoever had surprised me. I’d grown complacent the last few days as the chaos had eased, but the world was giving me a gentle reminder that this really was December.

  I ripped off the covers and searched under the bed.

  “Over here, silly.”

  That voice is familiar.


  “Miles!” My eyes flicked around the room. Has someone been teaching him magic?

  “Not there. Here!”

  My gaze rested on the computer. The omega had one eyebrow raised and was giggling. It is magic. “How did you do that?”

  He ignored my question and stated, “You’re naked.”

  I glanced down as my cock rose up to greet him.

  “Well, hello there.” He poked out his tongue.

  With both hands on my waist, I pushed my hips forward, and my length saluted the omega. This is the perfect start to the day.

  “Sorry, I have to love you and leave you, beautiful, but I gotta work.”

  Is he talking to me or my dick? “How are you? Feeling better?”

  “I think so,” he replied as he buttoned his shirt.

  Pulling the laptop onto my lap, I inquired, “Have you been spying on me the whole night?”

  “Nah. I woke up a few minutes before you did and watched you sleep.”

  Much as I wanted to have a repeat of last night’s long distance sex session, this wasn’t the right time. “You drool when you sleep.”

  “Oh, we’re doing this are we?” The omega shoved his face at the screen. “Your snoring is atrocious.”

  “Liar. I don’t snore.” Do I?

  “Oh yeah?”

  Did he record me? “Where’s the evidence?”

  Miles narrowed his eyes and fumed. “How do you know I drool?”

  I tapped the corner of my mouth. “It’s right there.”

  “Damn! Sneaky wizard.”

  God I love him. I was stunned into silence as I admitted that. But what if…? I took a deep breath. I can do this. “Thought you were leaving.”

  “Trying to get rid of me,” he asked as he brushed his hair.

  “Just repeating what you told me.” I wrapped my hand around my cock and waved it at him. “What you told us.”

  His eyes grew wide and he plonked himself on the mattress. “Perhaps I’ll stay home.”

  “Phone Calista. She’ll be delighted to discover you’re staying home with me and my dick.” I waggled my brows and grinned.

  Miles threw a pillow at the screen. “I hate you.”

  “I’m pretty sure you don’t.” I scrunched up my nose. “And that’s not what you said last night.”

  “I’m turning off my computer, Charlie. What are our plans for this evening?”

  “We could go for a drink at Incubus.”

  “Okay. I’ll probably be working late, so I’ll head there when I’m done.”

  It was after eight when I entered the bar and sat at a table in the corner. While my confidence had grown, I wasn’t going to sit in the center of the room. As I eyed the rows of bottles and clean glasses, I calculated how much it would cost to replace them. Perhaps Hugo or one of the other wizards would work their magic if I broke them.

  Five young alpha shifters arrived and sat at a large table near me. The whispered words ‘mistake’, ‘useless’ and ‘paralyzed’ reached my ears as the group ordered drinks and sniggered.

  In the early days when I attempted to push through December and accept my wonkiness, I’d been subjected to gossip. But locking myself away hid me from reality.

  After staring at my phone and ordering a beer, Miles arrived. He kissed my forehead. Our first public display of affection.

  “What’s wrong, Charlie?”

  “Nothing,” I lied.

  “You’re wrinkling your worry line.” He placed a finger between my brows. “Should be using more moisturizer.”

  “Right.” I attempted a grin as I gestured to a waiter. “What’ll you have? Wine?”

  “A plain soda water, please.”

  I frowned and assumed I now had more than one worry line. “Still sick?”

  “My tummy’s jumbly. But tomorrow’s my last day of work before Christmas, so me and my bed are going to be spending a lot of time together.”

  I grabbed a handful of nuts and threw them in my mouth. The saltiness combined with the malty beer prickled my taste buds, but it was the omega’s scent that caught my attention. In the last few days there had been subtle changes. I put that down to his not feeling well.

  “We don’t have to stay. We can go home.” I said home. Not his place or mine. Which one was I talking about? And then I recalled something Nanny used to say as she patted her chest. “Home is in here.”

  “Do you mind?”

  “Of course not.” I asked for the check but as I pulled out my wallet, there was a kerfuffle at the next table. A wolf shifter stood up and two others attempted to sit him down. Miles peered over his shoulder but I leaped up and stood in front of him. “Can I help you?”

  The guy glanced at his friends. “He wants to know if he can help. From what I’ve heard, buddy, you’re the one who needs help.” There was a collective chortling and banging of fists on the table.

  “Look, my friend and I were just leaving.”

  The shifter leaned around me and spoke to Miles. “This guy is flawed. I’d get as far away from him as possible.”

  The omega made to get up but I muttered, “I’ve got this.”

  “You think so, do you?” The guy poked me in the chest.

  Inside I was jelly but I growled, “You really don’t want to do that.”

  “Why not?” He shoved me, but I glued my feet to the floor.

  A crowd, which included Bedwyr, had gathered behind the shifters’ table.

  “This is why.” The guy’s hand that was against my chest shrunk a couple of inches.

  His eyes grew wide as he stared at it, and he blustered, “It’ll go back to normal soon enough. I’ve heard the stories. Even your mistakes aren’t permanent.”

  “Tell that to the eggs.” His other hand shrunk to half its normal length. He waved his uneven arms in the air, reminding me of a children’s wobble toy. “I placed money on the table for the drinks and took Miles’ arm. “Ready?”

  He nodded, and we strolled out of the bar. “That was amazing.” He kissed my cheek. “Can you do it again?”

  I shook my head as adrenaline pumped through my veins. I hadn’t backed down, I’d kept my cool and showed the guy he couldn’t mess with me.

  “Charlie, will he be all right?”

  “Mmmm tomorrow. But for the rest of the night his arms will get shorter until they’re tiny stubs.”

  The omega snuggled into me as we strolled away. “Was that the mishap for the day?”

  A huge crash and splintering of glass had us turn around. “Nope.
That was.” But as I went to message Bedwyr, he texted me saying, “I’ll take care of it.”


  December Twentieth: Miles

  I wish this day would end. It was mid-afternoon and I’d been dragging myself through the hours while sitting at my desk. It’d probably be after nine before we finished, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it.

  I couldn’t face coffee and had drunk countless cups of tea. My body ached, and there was a terrible taste in my mouth I couldn’t get rid of no matter how many breath mints I sucked. But when Calista walked into my office with a stack of files, she took one look at my face and dropped them. That was so not like her. Maybe she’s got the flu too.

  She stepped over the scattered paper as the files reassembled and landed, perfectly stacked, on my desk.

  “Miles. I had no idea.”

  “It’s stomach flu. I’ll sleep it off over the next few days.”

  “That’s doubtful.”

  She knows about me and Charlie. My cheeks flushed. Does she think we’ll be fucking and not getting any rest? I peered at my computer and tapped absentmindedly on the keyboard.

  “We must speak to Bedwyr.”

  “Why?” Is she going to spread gossip about Charlie and me?

  Dr. Pond twisted my chair around to face her. “Miles, you and Charlie…”

  Having to discuss my sex life with my boss was worse than awkward.

  “I wasn’t sure this was possible.” She rested her chin on her hand.

  I hunched over my desk wishing she’d leave. The embarrassment was worse than being sick.

  “Miles, I… I’m… well… I’m not sure how to tell you this, but you’re pregnant.”

  Calista wasn’t the type to joke and this wasn’t funny, but Charlie had a hard time with 21st century humor. Maybe my boss did as well.

  “Ummm.” I was waiting for the punchline, but she had her phone out and was typing furiously. Perhaps this was a Vale Valley initiation. A weirdly uncomfortable one. Should I expect my colleagues to jump out and yell, “We got you!”


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