Witching You a Merry Christmas

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Witching You a Merry Christmas Page 12

by Colbie Dunbar

  “You really are sick.”

  “What did you think?” He glowered at me, and in that moment, the future didn’t matter. He needed comforting and I enveloped him in my arms.

  The omega sobbed on my shoulder and I kissed his forehead. “You don’t have a fever.” How could I leave the Valley and never see this man again? I couldn’t. I was having a temper tantrum when I told Hugo and the others I was leaving. Feeling sorry for myself.

  Miles gulped, “I wish it was as simple as that.”

  I rested my cheek on his head and inhaled his omega scent mingling with the aroma of shampoo. I wanted something more than he was apparently willing to give. It would hurt, but I’d settle for friendship over nothing. “I can’t imagine how bad you feel, but you will get better.”

  “No,” he howled. “I won’t.” He pulled away. “No. I mean it’s unbelievably amazing. Something I never dreamed would happen. You have to believe me on that, Charlie.” He gripped my coat. “But I’ll lose you and that will tear me in two.”

  His flushed face, uneven breathing and babbling had me wondering if I should take him to the hospital. I lifted up his chin. “Trust me. You’ll never get rid of me.” I led him to bed and covered him up.

  “You don’t understand,” he sobbed.

  “Make me.” In the back of my mind I feared whatever he had was incurable. “We’ll get the best doctors. And you’ll fight with medicine and magic.”

  Miles stroked my face. “Before I tell you, I want to say how you changed my life these past 24 days.”

  “And you’ve done the same for me.” My heart hammered, leaving me short of breath. My fingers and toes were numb, and I was freaking out. On the inside.

  Outwardly, I had to be strong with Miles. The thought of having his life snuffed out was too much to think about. “The wonkiness colored my life. During the other eleven and a bit months of the year, I thought about it constantly. And it affected everything I did.”

  “Same here,” Miles pointed out. “I refused to trust anyone, believing that everyone was out to get me. Coming to the Valley and meeting you allowed me to breathe.”

  I wiped a tear as it trickled over his cheek, and he took my hand and kissed the palm. “Charlie.”


  “Don’t you think it strange, no I’d say weird, that Calista took me to the supermarket that day.”

  Why is he bringing that up now? “We’ll get to that later,” I told him. “Please tell me what’s going on.”

  “I don’t have the flu.”

  “I guessed as much.” I grasped both his hands and kneeled by the bed. “I’m not leaving. No matter what you’re going to say. I love…”

  But Miles moaned and slapped a hand over my mouth. His lips quivered and those beautiful hazel eyes glistened with tears. “Don’t say it. Please.”

  I bowed my head and inspected the patchwork quilt. Earlier I’d assumed he was blowing me off. Then I’d accepted that friendship might be all he was willing to give. But now I had confirmation it was the former. “Okay.” My voice was barely a whisper.

  “I can’t bear to have you put those words into the universe when in a few minutes you’ll regret it and want them back.” He fiddled with a corner of the quilt. “And it’ll be too late. Trust me.”

  “Miles, you’re going around in circles.”

  “It’s… well… it’s unexpected… and I don’t want to lose you, Charlie. I can’t lose you. And now there’s this other person I’ve got to think about.”

  I couldn’t catch the rest as he sobbed and spluttered. But I’d heard enough. He’d plunged a dagger into me with each word out of mouth. He’s in love with someone else. How could I have not noticed? “Just say it.” My voice was sharper than I’d intended but my heart was shattering into a million tiny pieces and after I left, Miles would sweep them up and toss them away.

  He placed a hand on my cheek. “I’ve never been happier than I was the past few weeks. And because of what’s happened, part of you will be with me forever.”

  “What?” Is it the weather that’s making everyone speak in riddles?

  “I’m pregnant!”

  I allowed the words to wash over me. A grief so strong it threatened to tear my heart out clawed at me. I shook my head and stuck a finger in one ear before giggling uncontrollably.

  The hysteria taking control of my body and emotions made itself known through my high-pitched laughter. I imagined myself as a rabid wolf, foam streaming from its mouth. “I may be old but my hearing is perfect. And yet, I could swear you said you’re pregnant.”

  “I did.”

  I jumped up, wanting to put distance between us. “I’m not great with jokes and sarcasm, as you know, but this one isn’t funny.”

  “Not a joke. There’s a baby in here. That’s why I’m sick.”

  I was lost for words. But the range of emotions flooding through me sent me lower with each step. I was so stupid thinking that we meant something to one another. He saw me as a wounded puppy who needed training before being adopted.

  And he was involved with someone else the whole time. How did he juggle us both? The deception picked at my nerve endings as a musician would pluck the strings of a cello.

  I wiped my tears away with my sleeve and headed to the window. I refused to show Miles how hurt I was. Not only had my vision of the future been destroyed, but I’d lost my best friend. There was a gaping hole inside me and it was getting bigger.

  “Let me congratulate you. I hope you and your mate will be very happy.” He’d had a secret life I wasn’t a part of. I’m so stupid. I wanted to bash my head against the wall.

  “I’m not mated. Surely you don’t think I could have kept that hidden and lied about it while we were together.”

  I could hear the coldness in my voice as I spat out, “You don’t owe me an explanation, Miles. If there’s nothing you need, I’ll see myself out.” I stumbled toward the bedroom door but Miles pitched a pillow at my head.

  “Hey! What the hell was that?” I needed to be outside so the cold air could freeze my tears and they’d be a permanent reminder of Miles’ deception.

  “You’re a fucking idiot,” the omega babbled.

  I whirled around. “You got that right. I handed you my heart and you stomped on it.”

  “The baby is yours.”

  “What?” I raked my hands over my scalp. “Come on!”

  “I was sick and Calista became suspicious. She is a doctor, after all.”

  Perfect! “Now the entire town will hear about my humiliation. ‘Not only does he cause chaos each year but he’s been cuckolded,’ they’ll snigger as I walk past. I may as well have loser branded on my forehead.”

  “Will you shut up and let me finish?”

  While I adored Miles’ feistiness, this wasn’t the right time, and I batted it back at him. “Oh, there’s more?” I bowed. “Please continue. Why belittle me in stages when you can do it all at once?”

  He glared at me and gripped the empty bowl beside him. “Have you finished?”

  I thought I heard him mumble “Ass” under his breath.

  “I haven’t slept with anyone else except you. I was being honest when I said the last person I had sex with was my ex.”

  “I can’t impregnate anyone, Miles, much as I would have loved to have been a father.”

  “You could and you did. And I’m aware of the spell that had you shooting blanks!”

  Oh God, I couldn’t take it anymore and flopped onto the floor. The aroma from the carpet tufts filled my nostrils and tickled my nose. I would be reminded of the fragrance and the sensation when I thought of the moment.

  “Dr Evans says I’m definitely pregnant and both Bedwyr and Calista agree.”

  “You should have posted on the Vale Valley Message Board. Everyone would have gotten a laugh.”

  “Shut up, Charlie. I’m talking. Bedwyr explained it to me.”

  I lifted my head. “What… where… who… huh… what?”
My brain couldn’t comprehend what he was telling me. “Say that again.”

  “During December, the yearning or whatever was inside you was looking for something.”

  “That’s what they said when they visited me.”

  Miles continued. “That’s what caused the wonkiness. You always spoke of your childhood with love and wistfulness as though you longed to be back there. And this is me saying this, not Bedwyr, I think you were hankering for a genuine connection.”

  Deep inside I’d known, I suppose, but admitting the truth would have left me wondering about the point of my existence. Instead, I should have been starting afresh. “The wonkiness gave me glimpses of what it was like to be human so the spell was void. Humanity, with all its messiness and foibles, was calling me. And that’s also why I couldn’t see the future.”

  I crawled over to the edge of the bed and poked my head up. “Is this real, Miles?”

  “It is, though after your behavior just now, I’m not sure I want you around.” He crossed his arms and glared at me.

  And he was right. He’d put his trust in me and I should have done the same. “I’ve let you down. That was the last thing I wanted.”

  “Nah. You’ve always been there for me. But you’re unique, Charlie. Scholars will study you and you’ll be written about in wizarding science journals.”

  “Will they talk about my cock and how special it is?”

  Miles giggled. “I hope so.”

  But the smile faded from his face and I grabbed the dish. “Here.”

  “It’s not that. I want this baby more than anything. But I’m not sure about the future. We’re not mated, which is fine. I earn enough to take care of a baby. But you’re a wizard and I’m not and the baby will be what?”

  I’d never considered adopting a child, knowing I’d outlive him or her. I couldn’t bear the thought of my son or daughter growing old and leaving this world while I still roamed through it. I took Miles’ hand. “The mating we can take care of easily, once the little one is here.”

  “I’m not a charity, Charlie. I refuse to let you bond with me because you think I can’t cope or I don’t have enough money to look after a tiny human.”

  “Let me finish.”

  Once more tears filled the omega’s eyes. “But you’ll go on living long after us.”

  “My guess is that the baby will possess magical skills and will live…” As soon as the words were out of my mouth I regretted them. Great heaving sobs burst from the omega, and his body spasmed as the cries took hold of him. I took him in my arms. This is where I’m supposed to be.

  “I’ll die and you’ll both be alive.” He sniffed and blinked away the tears. “But children are supposed to outlive their parents and I’m glad you’ll live long enough to look after him or her.”

  “You didn’t let me finish, Miles. You will give birth to a witch or warlock. And being here in Vale Valley makes that unique. I can’t say for sure, but I suspect bringing the little one into the world will make you special too.”


  Epilogue: Charlie

  I lay with Miles and we cuddled and slept as Christmas Day dawned. I filled him in on what I’d discussed with the wizards, Calista and Rosemary.

  “Magic, huh?” Miles said.

  “That’s how I’d label it. It’s the hope that the darkness will pass. Never giving up and reaching out to connect to people.”

  “Charlie, does this mean your wonkiness won’t return?”

  I hadn’t thought of that. Crazy as it sounded, in some ways I’d miss it. “We’ll have to wait and see.”

  Miles put a hand on his belly. “How are we going to do this?” As he asked the question, I closed my eyes. I was no longer in the omega’s bedroom but at the hospital.

  My first thought was that Miles was ill, or something was wrong with the baby. There was groaning and yelling and unfamiliar sounds and aromas swirling around me. I opened my eyes. I was still holding the omega’s hand but his fingers were clenched around mine and his nails tore my skin. He was on his hands and knees and Dr Evans was behind him yelling, “Push!”

  Sweat coated Miles’ face as he grunted and wailed. And then the doctor yelled, “She’s here.” He handed me the baby as a nurse helped Miles get comfortable. I stood helplessly as I held a squirmy, shouty baby. My daughter!

  I placed her on Miles’ chest and he kissed her damp scalp. “Hello,” he whispered. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

  With my face resting on the omega’s shoulder, we stared at the tiny miracle we’d produced.

  “She’s perfect, Charlie. But I’m scared.”

  “We’ll muddle through. Every parent throughout history has probably felt the same way. We have a daughter and each other.” I jerked my head toward the window where the autumn sun peeked through the blinds. “And an entire community ready to help.”

  Later, when Miles was in his room, we had a stream of visitors bearing gifts. “What did I tell you?”

  Rosemary charged in, followed by Arlo, Hugo and Poppy. Due to Fred annoying the patients on previous occasions, Calista made him stay outside. Ren brought fresh crepes, and everyone oohed and ahhed over the baby.

  Rosemary inquired about our mating ceremony. She’d conducted Arlo and Hugo’s, and I was sure she was itching to do ours.

  Arlo’s eyes lit up as he heaved Poppy onto his other hip. “Perhaps you can have a small someone whose name starts with P scattering flowers around you.”

  But we’d decided against anything public. “Sorry, everyone. It’s going to be just us three.”

  There was a collective groan from the room. “Ohhhh no!”

  “But we’ll throw a huge party afterwards,” I added.

  “Perfect!” The frowns were replaced by huge grins.

  After everyone left, I sat on the bed and placed the baby between me and Miles. “We can do this at home if you prefer, but I can’t wait a minute longer to call you my mate.”

  “Now, please.”

  There was something we had to do first. “But we should name the little one.”

  “Do you have one in mind?” Miles asked. “After your nanny, perhaps?”

  Perfect. “Beatrice.”

  “That’s beautiful, Charlie. We can call her Bea.”

  With one hand on our daughter’s chest and the other clutching Miles’ fingers, I announced, “You helped me see what was right in front of me because I was blind. And in the process, I fell in love. And now we have a daughter to raise.”

  Miles stroked my cheek. “I was also searching for something, but your love showed I’d found it, and I can shape my own happiness.” He slipped the hospital gown off his shoulder and I placed my teeth against his warm skin. “It’s okay, Charlie. Go ahead.”

  My eyes blurred with tears.

  “Charlie. Charlie? Answer me.” Miles wavering voice pierced my consciousness and I blinked. I was in the omega’s room holding the bowl in case he barfed. It was Christmas Day and though he was pregnant, he wasn’t showing. “Where did you go?”

  Not wanting to spoil anything, I kissed his forehead and mumbled, “Can’t tell you.” He deserved to have the full human experience. I wanted to cast a spell and remove his morning sickness, but couldn’t tempt fate. As we in the witching community say, he had to go through it from beginning to end “…warts and all.”

  “You’re keeping something from me, Charlie. Spill.”

  “It’s a feeling, nothing more.” A small, but necessary fib. “But I will say that we’ve got this. It’s going to be okay.”


  “You don’t need me to tell you that.” There was a bump against glass and we both glanced toward the window.

  Miles squinted at the dark shape outlined against the snowy landscape and sat up. “Gerald!”

  “May I let him in?”

  “Sure.” His voice vibrated and he ran a hand through his tousled hair.

  A whoosh of cold air swept into the room along with my fa
miliar. “Hi, buddy. Glad you’re back.” My familiar hovered over the bed and squeaked but I wasn’t sure Miles could detect the sounds.

  But the uncertainty faded from the omega’s face. “He’s talking to me.”

  “You can hear that?” How is that possible? “But I have no idea what he’s saying. This isn’t fair.”

  “It’s between us.” Miles giggled.

  “Ahhh. The bat signal.”

  About The Author

  My characters are sexy, hot, adorable—and often filthy—alphas and omegas. Feudal lords with dark secrets, lonely omegas running away from their past, and alphas who refuse to commit.

  Lurking in the background are kings, mafia dons, undercover agents and highwaymen with a naughty gleam in their eye.

  As for me? I dictate my steamy stories with a glass of champagne in one hand. Because why not?

  If you would like information about newly-released books and promotions, please visit my website, Facebook page, Twitter or send an email.


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  Vale Valley Books

  Season 1

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