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Doctor Love: A Medical Romance Series (Medical Heart Throb Series)

Page 11

by Andrea L. Smith

  “What can I get you to drink?” she asked.

  “Scotch,” he replied. “Neat.”

  The heated look that followed made her warm all over. Her heartbeat quickened as she rushed to prepare his drink. The robe she wore felt like a transparent cloak as she returned to him and his scrutinizing gaze. Was he wondering—hoping she had nothing on beneath it?

  She handed him the glass. Dylan took it with one hand and clutched her wrist with the other. He turned the glass to his head and emptied it in one gulp, then shot to his feet and reached for the back of her head.

  She had no time to protest before he brought his lips down to meet hers. Not that she wanted to. Not when she wanted this so much. His kiss was like a balm; soothing her. She molded in his embrace and gave him as much as she got. She could taste the scotch on his breath. Her tongue licked his mouth, sucking the lingering residue.

  His hands traveled all over, wild and hungry, and soon her robe was no more. She stood before him in her naked glory, her pussy leaping with excitement, ready to feel him inside her once again.

  “You’ll be the death of me, Carina,” he said, the agony brimming in his eyes. She could see his inner battle, could feel it, and wanted to assure him there was no need. They could be together. There was nothing standing in their way. Mateo knew and trusted him; no way would he disapprove of their relationship.

  But for now, she didn’t want to think about that bridge. She wanted some good, hard sex to connect them again. She reached for him. “Make love to me, Dylan, please.”

  With a groan that resembled a trapped animal, Dylan pushed her to the sofa and dropped to his knees before her. She softly panted as he parted her legs and drew a finger along her slit.

  “So wet,” he whispered, spreading her lips. He eased a single digit inside, moving in and out with deliberate slowness, teasing her to no end. “And so fucking tight…”

  Carina could hear the slick sounds that came from her moistened sex as he pumped and it aroused her further. She rolled her hips, grinding against his finger.

  “Oh, Carina,” his voice washed over her, thick with lust and need. “I want to fuck you so hard right now.”

  Her body vibrated in response and her mouth parted, releasing heavy breaths when he added another finger, making circular motions within her. Her pleasure increased, and she closed her eyes. It was too good, too soon. She wanted this to last as long as possible.

  Just as she approached the edge, Dylan removed his fingers and spread her thighs. A swift lash of his thick, broad tongue followed. Groaning, Carina gripped the back of the couch with both hands and her butt raised from the seat as he devoured her. His tongue was like a painter’s brush, creating a work of art with each lick, delivering pleasure she never experienced before.

  His warm mouth took over, clutching her clit, sucking with a fervor that left her gasping for air. Her hips bucked as she fucked his face in response. She gripped the roots of his locks, her toes curling in anticipation of an explosive climax. It came in a wild rush, rendering her to an incoherent mess.

  Dylan continued to milk her dry, lapping all her energy away. She sagged against the couch, spent, struggling to catch her breath. But Dylan did not wait for her recovery. He moved up to kiss her breasts, slowly, moaning each time his lips connected to her skin. The sound of his moans renewed her energy, bringing with it a full blast of arousal. She was insatiable, it seemed. That was the only way to explain the resurrected lust.

  His tongue skimmed each nipple before he settled on one and nipped it with his teeth, gauging her reaction. She released a soft hiss, then another, as his lips went to work, simultaneously nibbling each erect bud. She could feel the tension building in her core again. The thought of him inside her moistened her once more.

  His cell phone rang, cutting into the moment. He ignored it at first, still sucking her breasts as if his life depended on it. But when it continued to ring, he broke away, giving her a repentant look as she protested. “Sorry. I have to take this.”

  She already missed his touch, but she consoled herself, knowing his phone call would just take a minute.

  But when he checked the phone, the concern on his face altered her optimism. “It’s Dana,” he said. “She never calls me at night unless it’s an emergency.” He swiped the screen and placed the phone to his ear. “Hey, what’s up?”

  As he listened, the alarming look increased. “What? When?” He gripped the back his head as he listened again. “Ok. I’ll be there in a few.”

  Carina hid her disappointment as she rose from the couch and reached for her robe. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s my dad.” Dylan rushed to the door and she followed. “He’s in the hospital.”


  Dylan hummed a tune as he tucked away the file for his last patient of the day. His spirits were high, not because of the end of an early work day, but how good his life had been for the past two months. A heart attack scare renewed the bond between him and his father, the client list for the medical center doubled in size within a month, and he’d almost saved enough where he could repay Mateo with interest.

  But the best reason of all was his affair with Carina. After leaving her house that night, the last thing on his mind was going back for more. But the relief that came with his father’s recovery pushed him right back in her arms.

  Yes, it was wrong as hell, and the guilt that came from sneaking around left him unsettled. But he’d take what he could get, if only for a while. It was better than nothing. Better than living without the touch he craved so much. Not that it was just about the sex. Carina was like a breath of fresh air, not in a hurry for a wedding ring and kids like so many other women he’d been with. She still possessed an untapped innocence that he wanted to peel away.

  Not for the first time, Dylan wished she was someone else’s daughter. He longed for them to do more than have dinner and make love in his apartment or sneak quickies at work.

  Still, he cherished those moments, getting to know more about her, unearthing her sexual fantasies. She wasn’t a kid any more. A grown, sensual woman adorned his bed each night, leaving him with a longing that was far beyond carnal. There were times when he wished for more. Not marriage or babies, which were way down on his list of goals, but an official relationship that could develop into something long-term after a year or so.

  But that was all he could do; wish. He’d never dare step on Mateo’s toes. He knew a day would come when he would have to let her go. The thought brought a sorrow that threatened to suffocate him.

  His extension rang. Seeing the front desk number flashing on the dashboard made him hesitate for a moment. He was packed and ready to leave, with plans to meet Carina at his apartment. He’d given her a spare key so she could come and go as she pleased. It was a convenient way to keep their romance on the down-low.

  The line continued to ring. Damn it. A walk-in would cut their time together in half. A week had passed since he and Carina were last together. He had been looking forward to being with her tonight. But duty called. Business first. He reached for the handle. “Yes, Emily?”

  “Oh, good, you’re still here. Mr. Morales is here to see you.”

  Mateo? It had been ages—a couple years actually since his last visit. What did he want?

  “Send him in Emily, thanks.”

  A sudden dampness formed on his palms. He wiped them on his jeans and inhaled deeply as the sound of footsteps grew louder. He pushed the seat back and stood, willing the nerves to take a backseat. But they ignored him, filling his entire being.

  Mateo knew. That was the only explanation for a surprise drop-in. Holy fuck.

  The big man entered without knocking with two burly bodyguards flanking him. They filled the room, not just physically, but with a menacing presence that increased his anxiety. The smile that Mateo wore should have made him relax, but he knew the man well enough. He’d seen that same smile before he cut his corporate enemies down.

“Dylan, my boy. How’s it going?” he asked while offering his hand.

  Dylan took it, not missing the firmer-than-usual grip from him. “It’s been great. Can’t complain.”

  Mateo took the seat before him. “I bet.” He wore an unreadable expression, but he directed his gaze to Dylan, not blinking once.

  “So, what brings you here, Mateo?” Dylan asked while resuming his seat.

  “Just checking in. It’s an impulse thing, if you understand.”

  Dylan shrugged. “I can’t imagine a man with your schedule making time for a casual visit.”

  “Well, there are times when it’s necessary.” A flash of fury crossed his features, so quick that Dylan wondered if he imagined it. But the calm look was back in place. It disturbed him even more.

  Mateo gestured to the two men standing behind him. “You remember Tiny and Bambi, don’t you?”

  Dylan looked to the men whose nicknames contrasted with their size and personality and gave them a nod. They glared at him in response. Mateo crossed his legs and clasped his knee. Dylan braced for what was to come.

  “How’s Carina settling in?”

  Dylan blinked, not expecting the question, wondering what Mateo had up his sleeve. “Uh…she’s doing well. Tremendous, in fact.”


  A short silence ensued.

  “I guess that explains the late nights, right? What did they say? The reward for hard work is more work. You’re not overtaxing my baby girl, are you?”

  “I would never, Mateo, you know that.”

  “Well, then, there’s a mystery that I need to unravel. Carina’s been coming home long after midnight. Claims she’s working overtime.”

  Dylan’s mouth went dry. He tried to swallow but there was no moistness left. Why would Carina lie to Mateo? And why the hell did he care what time his adult daughter got home?

  “See, I need to know if my daughter’s telling the truth, or not. I have many enemies, as you know, Dylan. Sure, I’m a changed man with a new life, but there are people from my past who’d want to get at me. I need to know where Carina is at all times.”

  He tried to hold Mateo’s unblinking gaze. “Understood.”

  Mateo leaned closer. “And who she’s with at all times.” He paused, as if to let the last point sink in. It sunk in all right. Dylan got the message.

  “I love Carina and I want the best for her. The best man for her. She’s too young to understand what that means. She has no clue what she wants. My job is to ensure she keeps on the straight path until she’s settled down, which I expect any day now.”

  Dylan dropped his gaze as a defeated feeling overcame him. Carina told him of Mateo’s constant attempts to hook her up with Raphael De Leon. It came as no surprise, knowing Mateo as much as he did. But he’d found comfort in Carina’s lack of interest in him. Now, he wasn’t so sure if that was enough. What Mateo wanted, he got, including an arranged marriage.

  There was one thing he knew for sure. It was time to say goodbye to Carina. Mateo would never accept him as her lover.

  Mateo stood and re-buttoned his jacket. “I would hate to cut our ties, Dylan. You’re a decent man. I need to know we’re on the same page.”

  Just not good enough for your daughter. He knew what ‘cut ties’ meant. He heard the stories of Mateo making men disappear. “We are,” he simply said.

  Mateo clapped his hands with a wide smile. “Great answer.”

  “It was good seeing you, Mateo.” Dylan pushed to his feet and came around to shake his hand once more.

  “As always, my boy. Say, I have a party at the house in a couple weeks. You should come.”

  “I’ll think about it.” It wasn’t a good idea, not after what he was about to do.

  “Don’t think, just do. I have someone for you to meet. She’s the friend of a friend, definitely your type.”

  “I’ll try my best,” he replied while ushering Mateo out. Closing the door, he leaned against with a rough exhale. Fuck my life.

  He waited for a few minutes while giving Mateo enough time to leave, then grabbed his car keys and headed out. This was the hardest decision of his life, letting Carina go, but it had to be done. He did not miss Mateo’s subtle hints. They all connected.

  Dylan wasn’t a man given to fear. He had a licensed firearm and years of martial arts and krav maga skills. He could take care of himself. But he was no match for a man with a small army of bodyguards and a cold heart.

  Here goes nothing. He reversed into the parking space at his apartment complex and got out, taking long, heavy steps to end his happiness.


  Carina raised up from the bed when she heard Dylan’s front door close. She quickly adjusted the sheet that covered her so it showed the rise of her breasts and her bare thighs. Just enough skin to tease him.

  She still found it hard to believe that she’d gotten a key to his apartment. Just after a month. The swiftness of their relationship gave her hope for something more permanent and she was more than ready to tell Mateo about their love affair. The constant lying had become a burden, but the guilt was a necessary sacrifice for preserving their budding relationship.

  But soon, the guilt would be no more. Any day now, they would take the next step to making it official and she would break the news to her father. Then finally, he could throw his wish for her and Raphael through the window and accept her choice.

  Within two months, her affair with Dylan graduated from a fling to something much more. She could tell, not just from her growing feelings for him, but by the way he looked at her. The raw in emotion in his gaze before he entered her each time, it came from deep, vulnerable place where only love existed. Yeah, he was definitely on his way to being in love with her; she could feel it.

  She longed for the day when she could declare her love for him. Until then, she would keep the knowledge to herself. Self-perseverance. No use baring her feelings before confirming his.

  “Carina?” Dylan called.

  The sound of his voice made her smile. She drew the sheet further up her thigh and ruffled her hair some more. “I’m in your room.”

  A few seconds passed before Dylan stepped in, wearing a grave expression. He stopped short at the sight of her semi-nakedness and released a curse.

  “Dylan? What’s wrong?”

  Sighing, he dropped his bag on the armchair and sat on the edge of the bed, his back to her. “Get dressed, Carina.”

  His voice was so low she almost missed his response. Pushing up on her knees, she shimmied over to him, losing the sheet on the way. She wrapped her arms around him and placed her head on his shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

  His body stiffened and he pried her arms from around him. “Get dressed and go home,” came his gruff response, “before your father finds you here.”

  “Huh? I don’t understand.”

  “Mateo knows. He freaking knows we’re fooling around.” He stood, spinning to face her, his eyes glossing over her nakedness. “Fuck,” he whispered, averting his gaze. “Carina, you need to go.”

  “Wait a minute. Is that what we’ve been doing, fooling around? I thought we had something.”

  “Look, we both know this wasn’t a long-term thing. Your father—”

  “No, no.” Carina scuttled from bed, still naked, advancing on him. “Leave my father out of this, what do you want?”

  He kept his gaze focused on the ceiling. “What does it matter?”

  “I need to know, Dylan.”

  “Fine,” he said after a sharp breath. “I want a relationship where I don’t have to look over my shoulder, or sneak around.”

  “Sneaking around was your choice, not mine.”

  “I had no other choice, Carina. And now I’m thinking that was a mistake. I should have kept away like I’d planned.”

  A hard blow to her face would have rendered less damage. She recoiled, her eyes watering as reality hit home. So, this was just a fling. She was nothing but a temporary toy for hi
s pleasure.

  She shouldn’t have been surprised. He’d fought his lust for her from the beginning. She’d witnessed the internal struggle as he tried to keep his distance. It shouldn’t come as a shock that he would want a relationship that did not include her overbearing father.

  But it did. There was no way she read wrong, that his tenderness and loving gaze had been a figment of her imagination. Within the two months they were together, she cultivated the hope that maybe, just maybe, he would grow to love her enough to claim her in the open.

  He didn’t, and it hurt like nothing she’d ever felt before. Clearly, she wasn’t worth fighting for. Without another word, she moved to the chair where she left her folded clothes and donned them while keeping the tears at bay. No way would she allow him to see her weakness.

  “Carina…” He came towards her but stopped at a distance. “I’m sorry, truly.”

  “No need to be.” She tucked in her blouse and zipped her skirt. “You’re doing what’s best for you.”

  “Quit with the sarcasm, Carina, please. I’m doing what’s best for us.”

  She grabbed her bag and swung the strap over her shoulder. “Whatever. Have a nice life.” She stomped past him and through the living room, taking deep breaths so the tears did not fall. She could hear his footsteps behind her.

  “I hope this won’t affect our working relationship,” he said, as she opened the front door. She swung around to face him with a disbelieving glare.

  Did he really think she would face him at the office after this? That she could bear being around him? “What working relationship?” she asked. “I quit.”


  “You look like you’re going to a funeral, not a party,” Gina said, running the flat iron over a handful of Carina’s locks. “What’s up with you?”

  Carina met Gina’s gaze in the mirror and shook her head, the effort earning her a soft slap. “Keep still. I’d hate to explain a burn to your father.” With just eighteen years between them, Carina saw Gina as an aunt rather than a substitute mom. She’d taken to the red-haired woman after she and Mateo met her in a supermarket five years ago. It seemed to have been love at first sight, for she and Mateo wed a mere three months later. After living as a widower for over a decade, Carina was more than relieved to see him move on.


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