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Hotwife Hall Pass

Page 5

by Max Sebastian

  God, since when had she ever been able to dance this way?

  Then there was the slow dance, a mix of ‘Let’s Get it On’ by Marvin Gaye—very unsubtle. Noah watched them holding each other, their hands moving over each other’s bodies, neither objecting at all. Adrienne letting him touch her hips, her back, her thighs, her breasts. Her partner letting her sweep her hands all over his chest, his back, his hips, his crotch.

  Noah nearly had a heart attack to see Adrienne stroking the man’s cock through his pants—and the way she was stroking him, knowing exactly in which direction her husband stood, showed Noah exactly how large the guy’s equipment really was.


  A few late-night drinkers milled past, and for a moment or two Noah lost sight of his wife and her new friend.

  Then, there they were again, locked in each other’s arms, her hands on his shoulders, his on the back of her head, lips crushed up against each other.

  More dancers obscured the view. The dance floor seemed to be filling up again, as the remaining wedding guests sensed the end of the reception drawing near, wanting to claim one last piece of the night for their memories. Noah moved once, twice, three times to try to see Adrienne with her new lover.

  Well, that was what he was, almost. A lover. Though it made Noah feel strange and melty and feverish inside.

  He moved again, and felt frustration at being unable to enjoy this moment. Well. What would happen when it came time to take him back to the hotel room?

  Noah suddenly remembered the box of condoms in his jacket pocket. How was he going to get them to her if she was so firmly connected to her new dance partner? He could hardly march up and give them to her. He didn’t have the kind of pick-pocket skills that would allow him to slip them in her bag, or into her hand, unnoticed by the other guy.

  He stepped away from the dance floor, feeling a little funny about leaving Adrienne in the company of another man, a man interested in bedding her. And yet the tension he felt was quietly exhilarating. Let them have a little time together without him observing. Maybe it would give Adrienne the confidence to make a move on him.

  Noah decided the only way he’d be able to get the condoms to Adrienne would be to leave them up in the hotel room where she could get them. If she ended up back at her lover’s room, she’d have to hope he had some condoms, or avoid full penetration.

  Out in the hallway it seemed cold without the crowds and all that dancing. The perspiration was evaporating from his forehead, making it feel like a band of ice around his head. His phone buzzed, and he pulled it out to find a message from Adrienne already. He felt nervous as he tapped out his response.

  [Adrienne]: Are you still here?

  [Noah]: Just heading up to the room quickly to leave your present somewhere you can get it. ;-)

  [Adrienne]: My present? Oh… right. I should come meet you up in the room? Or we could meet somewhere else.

  [Noah]: No need. I was thinking you didn’t want to leave your guy again. You with him now?

  [Adrienne]: Yeah he thinks I’m checking in with my girlfriend.

  [Noah]: What’s his name anyway?

  [Adrienne]: Gerard. If we don’t meet… oh, so I should invite him up to the room?

  [Noah]: If you want to. When you want to. I’ll put them in your bedside drawer.

  [Adrienne]: Wow.

  He was back up to full hardness as he entered the elevator and pressed the button to climb to the sixth floor, and it was the result of that last reply from her. The fact she hadn’t objected, hadn’t said she was reconsidering, hadn’t tried to find some excuse to get out of this. She was just amazed it was all happening, that she was dancing with a handsome stranger, that her loving husband wanted her to spend the night with him.

  When he got to the room, there was another buzz from his phone. Looking at the messages app, he was startled to see a picture come in—a selfie from Adrienne taken with her pressing her cheek up against Gerard’s, his arm slung possessively around her shoulders. She was smiling sweetly, her pretty face and green eyes so filled with brightness and excitement, while the angle of the photo gave Noah an enticing view down her cleavage thanks to the low cut of that dress.

  The caption that went with the photo was simple:

  [Adrienne]: You sure about this???

  Chapter Five

  Gerard looked quietly confident yet also mildly impressed with himself that he had apparently snagged such a hot brunette. He certainly seemed large compared to Adrienne, with an athletic frame and broad shoulders. Yet despite his clear self-confidence, he didn’t appear unlikable or cocky.

  Was Adrienne really going to sleep with this guy?

  Noah shivered, but he was so unbelievably excited by the prospect of what might happen. Of how Adrienne would be during the one night stand, how thrilled she would be, how happy. Even if he could only imagine it happening, and then hear about the details later, it seemed like the hottest thing ever to him.

  Adrienne nervously making out with him. Stripping off his clothes. Going down on the first prick that wasn’t her husband’s in years.

  Taking him inside her.


  Inside the room, he closed the door behind him and just leaned against it for a moment or two, as though he was worried he’d fall and hurt himself. He paused, concentrating on breathing. Then glanced again at the picture of Adrienne with Gerard.

  He texted back:

  [Noah]: I’m sure. He’s okay you taking pictures?

  Adrienne came back a moment later with her reply:

  [Adrienne]: Told him I wanted to make my girlfriend jealous.

  [Noah]: Sweet—Love seeing pictures. You’re so beautiful, honey xxx

  He looked up from his smartphone screen, and it seemed to take a moment for his eyes to refocus on the room. Jesus. Was another man going to fuck his wife in this room? On this huge bed?

  Noah was shaking a little as he quietly tidied up the room a little, though it wasn’t in a bad state to begin with. He hid his own suitcase, his toiletries any other signs that Adrienne had a husband or partner, not knowing exactly what story she’d given Gerard.

  Then, content that any one night stand would come into this room believing it to be that of a single woman, Noah headed back out. Just as he got to the door, another buzzing came from his phone, and he pulled it out to find another photo from Adrienne.

  This one must have been taken by a willing bystander, as it showed Adrienne and Gerard posing together, from their ankles upwards. Noah’s cock stiffened again, to see Adrienne like that, in her tiny little skin-tight dress that only came down to her upper thighs, almost showing the tops of her white stockings. Had she pushed up the hem a little since the night had begun? Pressing her body against Gerard, who looked smart in his suit and tie, head and shoulders taller than Adrienne.

  Hand on her hips, flaunting her curves, Adrienne looked so fresh-faced, so smiley, so plainly excited by what was going on. Gerard positively smoldered beside her, confident, but perhaps concealing a hint of disbelief that he’d gotten so lucky tonight.

  Noah held his phone in one hand and stroked his hardness a few times through his pants with the other. God, they looked good together, but it was so strange seeing her beside a stranger like that, in the kind of pose that really identified them as a couple. She was so familiar, and her familiarity was completely tied to him as his wife. Yet this photo suggested she was already someone else’s.

  He shivered again, but then forced himself to calm down and reply to her picture. She was, after all, sending these pictures to test his resolve, to make sure he really was all right with all this—that was the feeling he got, at least.

  [Noah]: You look so gorgeous, honey. And you can tell how much he wants you ;-)

  A few moments later, as he was exiting the room, Adrienne texted him back:

  [Adrienne]: My God he’s really cute

  Noah smiled to himself, chuckled, even though her words were making him feel all light-h
eaded, even a little queasy again. Well, he wanted Adrienne to enjoy herself. It was just terrifying to hear her drooling all over the guy. Perhaps the perfect experience would be having her fuck a guy she really didn’t like other than for his body. Then the jealousy would be a little lighter. But he got the impression Adrienne needed to really like a guy before sleeping with him.

  Back down the other end of the hallway, Noah reached the elevator only to receive another picture from Adrienne.

  This one must also have been taken by a willing bystander. It showed Adrienne and Gerard making out.

  Noah felt his heart seize up.


  He was doubling over, gasping for breath…

  ‘Are you all right, young man?’

  An old lady approached him. Noah did his best to stand upright, straighten up, breathe normally, calm down.

  ‘Uh… yeah… thanks. I’m okay.’

  The old lady smiled knowingly, flashing her eyes at him. ‘You be careful, then,’ she said. ‘Don’t have any more to drink tonight.’

  Noah tried to smile back at her as casually as possible. ‘I won’t. Thank you. I’ll be fine. On my way back to my room…’

  She nodded and turned to walk away. Noah stepped into the elevator and allowed the doors to close behind him before looking at the screen of his phone again. God. The picture had such a powerful effect on him. It wasn’t explicit or anything—just a shot from their shoulders upward, Adrienne and Gerard with their heads tilted, eyes closed, tenderly kissing like lovers at the end of a first date.

  Adrienne seemed slightly flushed, but so into the kiss. Terrifying—and yet thrilling.

  Back downstairs, Noah rushed back to the wedding reception, his feet hardly seeming to touch the floor. He felt almost panicked, the confusing mix of emotions inside him threatening to tear himself apart as he ran—the terror that he was in the process of losing his wife balancing the burning lust and desire to witness them together.

  Finally reaching the dance floor, he caught sight of Gerard leading Adrienne back out into the middle as the band started playing another slow number. Her arms went around him, his arms went around her, and then they were kissing again, only this time right before Noah’s eyes. So good together, the affection, the obvious attraction was just frightening.

  But Noah was almost painfully hard watching them, the arousal burning brightly within his body.

  The two of them broke apart after a long, passionate kiss and Adrienne was smiling, giggling, flirting, lost in Gerard’s eyes. Two dance steps, and then they were back together, lips locking, tongues delving, hands roaming.

  It felt like there was little Noah would be able to do to keep Adrienne from wanting to take this guy back to her room. That was what he wanted, though, wasn’t it? He wanted the powerful, smart, charming African American man to take his wife for a ride.

  Noah watched the kiss break up again, Adrienne resting her head against Gerard’s shoulder as she held up her smartphone to send a text message. He watched his wife send the text, and felt his own phone buzzing in his pocket as it arrived.

  [Adrienne]: Where are you? Somewhere near the dance floor? I can’t see you.

  Gerard gave a half smile, amused that his dance partner was apparently still trying to tease her girlfriend, show off about the guy she’d seduced on the dance floor. Noah knew the truth, but he was enjoying texting with his wife while she was in the process of seducing this guy.

  He replied:

  [Noah]: I’m here. I can see you. Naughty girl ;-)

  Adrienne smiled at his text, and tried to look out through the remaining dancers to the people milling around the edge of the dance floor, but the lights were all directed toward the dance floor, not outside it.

  [Adrienne]: You’re really, really sure about this? He’s so hot!

  [Noah]: I’m really, really sure. I’m so hard watching you with him. It’s going to be so hot when you get him back to the room :-P

  And at that, Noah felt a flash of awkward heat surge through his system. Shit. He’d forgotten to drop off the box of condoms for her. He’d gone all the way up to the room purely to do that, but when he’d got there he’d been too distracted. He’d cleaned up the room, gotten everything ready—except that he’d left the condoms in his pocket.

  He watched as Adrienne gave one last glance outward to look for her husband, then appeared to give up, and stretched up on her tiptoes to coax her new lover back into a passionate kiss.

  Then he withdrew from the edge of the dance floor again, and slipped out of the wedding reception, back out into the cool air of the large hallway that led to the elevators up. Noah felt a little crushed—his stupidity meant he was going to miss seeing them getting cozy on the dance floor. The final intimate steps they took before Adrienne finally invited him up to her room.

  The elevator was painfully slow, frustratingly slow. Noah tried to hang on to positive thoughts. At least Adrienne was having fun, at least things were going well with Gerard, at least the two of them were unbelievably hot together, even if he would miss much of seeing them together.

  When he came out the other end, on the sixth floor, another text message came in from Adrienne:

  [Adrienne]: He’s such an amazing kisser. I’m so wet already

  Noah broke into a run down the hallway back to the room, more and more certain that he was running out of time to leave the condoms safely in the room.

  Fiddling with the door key card, his hands were shaking so much he dropped it, and even simply stooping to pick it up again felt like he was wasting so much time. Then, inevitably, the key card failed once, twice, three times. Another text from Adrienne:

  [Adrienne]: He has his hands under my dress. They’re so big and strong and warm… I hope nobody can see! Except maybe you, honey…

  Finally, the little green light came on and the lock mechanism clicked open. Noah jumped on the door handle to launch himself into the room, dashing headlong toward the bed, and the bedside table on the right-hand side, where Adrienne would usually lie.

  He slid open the drawer, pushed the Gideon Bible out of the way—then on second thought, removed it from the drawer entirely—and placed the box of Trojan Magnum condoms right there in the middle of the drawer where no one could miss it.

  [Adrienne]: He was slipping his fingers under my dress and stroking my breasts, even my nipples… God… I think I very nearly came just like that…

  He dived over the bed and transferred the Gideon Bible to the other bedside table on the other side of the bed, feeling bad about leaving it in a drawer with a box of condoms, even if he wasn’t all that religious.

  Only, now he’d messed up the bed. It looked like someone had slept in it already.

  Oh, it was stupid, but he wanted it to look perfect, pristine.

  [Adrienne]: Oh Jesus, honey… he had his hands all over my butt… and then he was stroking me… there… through my panties… are you there, honey?

  Finally, the room looked perfect again. Noah stood still for a moment, catching his breath, surveying the scene. He pulled his phone out to check on his messages from Adrienne and very nearly came himself as he read them.

  [Adrienne]: Sweetie are you there? You gotta tell me if you don’t want this… God… I can feel his thing pushing against me… it’s so huge… I want it so badly…

  Noah felt his heart beat racing, his cock was so unbelievably hard reading about his wife being so flirty and naughty on the dance floor with Gerard.

  [Adrienne]: Are you there honey? The wedding reception’s kind of over. I guess it is nearly midnight. The DJ said this is the last song. I asked G if he wants to go with me to my room… hope you don’t mind.

  Noah checked the time stamp on the message, and it showed that she’d sent it five minutes previously. Where had all that time gone?

  His blood ran cold. If she’d sent it five minutes previously, the two of them would already be well on their way up to the room. Certainly in the elevator, if not the hallw

  It wasn’t safe for Noah to even leave the room.

  He had to find somewhere to hide.

  Chapter Six

  Adrienne was giggling and laughing as the two of them virtually fell into the hotel room, the door slamming shut loudly behind them.

  ‘Your friend, the chaperone, gonna be okay with me coming up to your room?’ Gerard said, his voice a deep, rich baritone.

  ‘Of course!’ She grinned, pulling him toward her, reaching up to kiss him again, her hands clutching him around the waist.

  He stooped a little and kissed her deeply, his hand venturing down to cup one of her buttocks as one of hers snaked around the back of his neck to lock his mouth to hers.

  ‘Is she gonna want any more pictures?’ he asked Adrienne regarding her made-up girlfriend on the other end of her phone, now holding her hips with both large hands, moving her bodily toward the bed.

  Adrienne moaned as they continued to kiss, and she allowed him to place her down on the edge of the bed, then lie on top of her.

  ‘I’m not sure…’ she answered him, and moaned again, clearly loving the feeling of being completely swamped by this large, strong man, feeling his body heavy against her, his powerful muscles seeming as though they could snap her like a twig if he so wanted, and the hardness between his legs now resting against her hot, sensitive sex felt just plain huge…

  ‘I’m not sure I want to keep stopping for pictures,’ Gerard said, breaking away from their kiss now, pushing himself up above her on his elbows. ‘And I’m not sure I want your friend to have more pictures…’

  Adrienne smirked up at him and giggled. ‘Just a few then,’ she said, ‘and they can be for me, not my friend.’

  ‘For you?’

  ‘I don’t know if I’m going to see you again, do I?’ she laughed.

  ‘You can if you want,’ he said, his smile broad, his teeth perfectly white. ‘But what d’you need the pictures for?’


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