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Hotwife Hall Pass

Page 11

by Max Sebastian

  The burning desire, the throbbing inside his pants was too intense. He had to risk it.

  Noah slid his key card into the slot, and winced as the lock mechanism opened as loudly as ever. He squeezed the handle, moving it ever so slowly to keep things quiet, to make sure no squeaks were going to pierce the morning.

  He slipped into the room as quiet as a cat burglar. Only the sound of the door clicking and the lock mechanism re-engaging offered any real threat to the stillness in there. After a pregnant pause, he felt certain that whoever was in this room had not heard him come in—and he edged forward past the open bathroom door.

  There was a slight humidity to the air around the bathroom door, the moisture in the air lingering from the most recent shower. A few steps into the room, and he could see the first signs of life - Adrienne’s bare feet and calves, showing that only she was lying on the bed now, much to Noah’s relief.

  He approached the bed with more confidence. The air was cooler here, the air-conditioning working on the atmosphere, though Noah felt certain he could still detect a hint of musk, the earthiness of recent sex, still hanging in the air. It had him buzzing inside as he came to stand there at the foot of the bed, gazing down on the sleeping form of his wife, dressed in nothing but a small pair of black panties, lying on her side, her head sunk in a pile of pillows.

  Would she freak out if he woke her?

  He figured maybe it would be better to just lie beside her, get a little more sleep himself if it was possible. He stripped off his clothes, down to his boxer shorts, and clambered onto the mattress. Adrienne stirred very slightly, and murmured in her sleep as though his movement had loosened up a dream inside her head.

  Lying just inches away from her, he closed his eyes, and tried to relax. But sleep was not going to come: with every breath, Noah could detect the smell of sex from the bed, and from Adrienne herself. He inhaled deeply, drawing in the sweet fragrance of her perfume mixed with the soft cologne of another man. Perspiration. Come. Every breath he took was evidence of Adrienne’s infidelity, and every chestful of air merely turned Noah on more and more.

  Jesus, they must have been at it all night. Gerard must have fucked the living daylights out of Adrienne.

  Unable to resist, he lifted his head slightly, looking over her shoulder to see if she was even a little awake. Then he lightly touched his hand on her shoulder, and ran it gently down the smooth but clammy skin down the curve of her back as he leaned in to kiss her neck.

  She moved a little in response to his contact, and he could see the corner of her mouth curl up into a contented smile. He kissed her shoulder, tasting the saltiness on her skin, then her lower neck, and Adrienne adjusted herself to accommodate him, allowing his hand around her body to touch her bare breasts.

  ‘Hey…’ she murmured, still sleepy.

  ‘Hey,’ he replied quietly, kissing up her neck, over her cheek, stroking her breasts.

  ‘You still love me then?’ she asked with a smile.

  ‘More than ever.’

  ‘So tired…’ she moaned, as though he needed an explanation as to why she simply lay there on her side, instead of jumping on him.

  He merely moaned himself, and kissed his way down under her arm, and along the curve of her waist, tasting the unfamiliar flavor of her skin, the lingering traces of another man and a night of adultery.

  As he kissed over her hip, in awe of how her body gave away her recent history of debauchery, Adrienne looked down at him, apparently surprised at his reaction to her. His kisses moved over her behind, down her upper thighs, and then he was peeling her panties down, past her knees and away, his fingers sliding over the smooth, shaven flesh around her pussy, where the smell of sex was so much stronger.

  At first she simply closed her eyes and quietly moaned as he lifted her leg out of the way, so that he could kiss his way around her bare sex. She even gently stroked her breasts while he nudged his face in between her thighs and breathed in that intoxicating scent.

  Then he was licking her there, tasting her there, lapping at her pussy, which seemed so different with no hair remaining, and because it was so puffy, so flushed, and unless he was imagining things, perhaps even a little stretched by her night-long encounter with the formidable Gerard. God, he wasn’t repulsed by it at all—it turned him on more to know that another man had been there, another man had fucked her all night long.

  And a night-long master class in pleasuring Ginny that way seemed to have given him extra skills, and no small measure of confidence, in making love to Adrienne with his mouth. She was moaning like he’d never seen before, gently writhing under him, completely taken aback at what he was doing between her legs.

  But then as her hand came down to stroke his head, she seemed to wake a little more, and seemed to realize what was happening.

  She gently pushed him away a little, said, ‘Wait… I was gonna take another shower…’

  ‘No…’ he stopped her, overrode her. ‘Wait, I like it…’

  ‘But… I’m all dirty…’ she complained, hesitant about letting him continue.

  ‘It’s so hot…’ he said, moving her hands out of the way, pushing apart her legs again, before resuming his feasting of her.

  ‘Oh…’ Adrienne said, surprised but more than a little turned on. ‘Oh God…’ Then, after a little while longer, quietly, she murmured, ‘Go easy on me, honey… I’m a little sore…’

  He tended to her gently, tenderly, intimately, and yet it was more than just a husband doing his utmost to bring his wayward wife pleasure. He was exploring her sex, re-familiarizing himself with it after its use by another man, reclaiming it as his own—if he could ever lay any kind of claim to it in the first place.

  He so wanted to find out what she had done with Gerard all night, after he had left, but to begin with the important thing was to reconnect—and for Noah, to experience firsthand his wife’s consented infidelity. He wasn’t squeamish that another man’s cock had been there, stretching his wife’s soaking pussy, filling her utterly, thrusting right up against her cervix. He could smell the man on her, perhaps even taste him, and it simply made the experience of taking her back that much more intense.

  Had Ginny been right? Had Adrienne run out of condoms part way through the night? It still didn’t put Noah off. Who knew how long he was down there between her thighs, but she came once, twice, maybe even three times before he came up for air, looking down at him with just plain astonishment at what he did to her, how he responded to her infidelity, what it might mean for them.

  ‘Honey…’ she said, breathless, and apparently somewhat concerned. ‘You’re not… worried… are you? You do know I’d never leave you… even… after what happened last night?’

  Noah looked up at his wife. ‘Of course,’ he said with a half-smile. Half, because even her voicing the straight denial of ever wanting to leave him somehow seemed to confirm that it was, even unlikely as it may be, an option.

  She said, ‘You don’t have to… you know… do things…’ Her eyes flicked down to him, to her pussy, referring to what he was doing.

  Noah laughed. ‘I want to,’ he said. ‘I’m not doing this because I’m worried you’ll leave me. I like doing it…’

  ‘But you don’t want me to shower first?’

  ‘No…’ he said. ‘I don’t know… just knowing you’ve been with him… makes me want you more. Makes me feel like I’ve been taking you for granted for… ages.’

  ‘Oh, you haven’t…’

  ‘After seeing you with him…’ Noah blushed, feeling somehow embarrassed about hiding in their room as Gerard had fucked his wife. ‘After seeing you so close with him… on the dance floor… I just want you more and more…’

  Slowly, he coursed his tongue through her pussy lips as though to make his point, lapping up her copious wetness.

  ‘Okay…’ she giggled. ‘I like the sound of that…’

  But then the mood was jarred very sharply by an intensely loud rapping on the door.


  Chapter Thirteen

  They were laughing about it—even though they couldn’t get a last-minute late check-out—as they just about fell into the hotel parking lot at a few minutes past noon, when they had been required to vacate their room. Neither of them had had a clue what time it was they’d woken up, nor how long Noah had been leisurely lying between his wife’s toned thighs tenderly bringing her a couple of fine orgasms with his eager mouth.

  They’d been able to pull on jeans and t-shirts before stuffing everything else into suitcases for the rapid escape, but that was about as far as time had allowed. There hadn’t been time to straight up the room, air it out, or do much of a tidy-up at all.

  Clambering into the SUV, out of breath, Adrienne said, ‘They’re gonna know I had sex in that room.’

  Noah chuckled, ‘What? Who?’

  ‘You know… housekeeping.’

  Noah checked his mirrors and as calm as possible, pulled out of the parking space, to head out of the parking lot and away. He could still smell his wife’s arousal, still taste her on his lips. It made him feel like a teenager again.

  ‘What’s housekeeping gonna care?’ he said. ‘People have sex in hotels. Lot of people.’

  ‘I suppose… but it was a lot of sex…’

  She looked at him and her pretty face broke into a smile as though she suddenly realized it was her husband sitting next to her, and maybe she shouldn’t have said such a thing about her wild night of infidelity.

  ‘It’s not like you purposefully trashed the room,’ Noah said. ‘They’ve seen far worse, I guarantee it.’

  Nevertheless, as they drove out of the hotel parking lot, Adrienne was blushing fiercely.

  ‘It’s not like we’re going back there—or that even if we did, they’d remember us,’ Noah said.

  His wife nodded. With a glance to the side, he saw that she was still breathing deeply, and her stiff nipples pushed against the thin t-shirt. Maybe she didn’t mind being a little naughty. Whatever. He attempted to distract her from the awkwardness of their escape.

  ‘So you enjoyed it, then?’ he said with a beaming smile.

  ‘God!’ she squealed. Then, ‘Did we really just do that?’

  ‘Uh-huh, I think we did.’

  She looked over at him like a mischievous schoolgirl, ‘And you’re still okay that we did it?’

  ‘Of course.’

  He felt her hand slide over his lap even before he caught sight of her reaching over to him—and then her fingers were seeking out the bulge in his jeans, exploring the topography of his hard cock through the denim, and after a little triumphant giggle, she was cooing as she stroked him.

  ‘You are okay with it…’ she moaned, but he batted away her hand before she could get his zipper open.

  ‘I don’t want to crash on the way home, do I?’ he laughed.

  She gave a mock pout up at him, and seemed to have trouble tearing her eyes off his crotch. Then she said, ‘Wait... What’s this?’

  He felt her fingers digging into his hip, and glanced down to see her attempting to tug something from his pocket. He had no clue what it was she’d found, until she said, ‘Are these Ginny’s?’ Then her tone changed. ‘They’re mine...’

  He glanced to the side to see her holding up her panties, the ones she’d been wearing at the start of her night with Gerard. Noah’s blood ran cold.

  ‘Uh...’ he said, not knowing what to say.

  ‘I was looking everywhere for these,’ she said matter-of-factly. Then she looked at her husband and her jaw dropped. ‘For you to have these... you had to have been in the room when...’

  He blushed. ‘I didn’t mean to...’

  ‘You watched us?’ she was amazed—but he couldn’t quite tell if she was angry with it.


  ‘You didn’t make a sound. I really had no idea—’

  ‘I ran into a delay delivering those condoms for you. I got caught... Couldn’t get out before you guys came up,’ he said.

  He looked to the side again, and she was still looking at him, aghast. Then very slowly she broke into a smile, a mischievous, deviant smile. ‘Did you... enjoy watching?’

  Her hands returned to his crotch, feeling his bulge some more. He groaned.

  ‘Seems like you enjoyed it,’ she purred, and now fiddled with his zipper. ‘I guess if you hadn’t enjoyed it, you wouldn’t have let it continue all night...’

  His cock sprang free, totally exposed before her fingers curled around it.

  ‘Hey!’ he hissed.

  ‘It’s okay,’ she insisted.

  ‘Someone’ll see.’

  ‘No they won’t. God, look how hard you are. You must have loved watching me with Gerard...’ she stroked him right there in the car. He was certain some cop car was going to sidle up beside them and catch them. Pull them over. ‘...did you watch me... sucking him?’

  She dropped down on his crotch, and as he felt the intense heat of her mouth envelope his hardness, he very nearly lost focus on the road ahead—even swerved the car a little.

  Adrienne sat up very suddenly, stiff as a board.

  ‘You see?’ he said. ‘It’s dangerous.’

  She sighed, wiped her mouth on her sleeve. Then laughed, ‘So I don’t need to tell you what happened that night, huh?’

  He said, ‘I was only there for a little while. Until you guys hit the shower.’

  ‘So you weren’t totally shocked by it? Or jealous?’

  ‘Not really.’

  ‘And you won’t be if I told you he had the most dreamy cock… so big… so hard…’ Now her hands were fumbling with her own zipper, forcing open her jeans, and Adrienne was burying her fingers between her thighs.

  ‘Tell me what happened the rest of the night,’ Noah said, grinning at his wife’s inability to control her lust, even on the drive home.

  Adrienne squealed again as though there was so much passion inside her, it just had to escape like steam from a kettle. ‘Oh, but it was so amazing, honey… I just… I never even saw one like that before… I mean… I love yours, honey, I do…’

  ‘It’s okay,’ he chuckled at her obsession with the guy’s cock, ‘I know I’m only a little more average.’

  ‘Oh, but you’re not average,’ she said. ‘You’re a good size—’

  ‘You don’t have to sugar coat it. I like that he was different. That he was good,’ Noah said, and he wasn’t lying. It felt weird to be talking about this out in the open, even if it was just them in the car. His wife talking about cock, for God’s sake.

  ‘It was just…’ she seemed to be scratching for the words needed to describe her experience. ‘Out of this world...’

  Then they were pulling into their driveway, and Noah was glad they’d made it home without getting involved in an accident. Then even as they climbed out of the SUV, Adrienne grabbed his hand to drag him into the house without even stopping to get their suitcases from the trunk.

  ‘So how was your night with Ginny?’ she asked on the way into the house.

  Noah glanced over a shoulder, checking to make sure there weren’t any neighbors around who might hear her talking about such a scandalous subject.

  ‘Good,’ he said, not able to tell what his wife really wanted him to say—whether she wanted him to have had a good time, or that she’d prefer he’d had a bad time so he would only want her in future. ‘You really want to hear about it?’

  Adrienne giggled. ‘Of course! I did let you go with her, didn’t I?’

  Inside, it was a relief to have the front door close behind them, sealing them off in their own private sanctuary.

  ‘We had fun,’ he began, before Adrienne suddenly shoved herself against him, up against the wall, her lips crushing against his for a deep, deep kiss.

  ‘She’s very pretty,’ she said, breathless, as they parted again.

  ‘She is,’ he agreed, wary of stumbling into some kind of trap.

l bet she was good in bed…’

  ‘She… was…’

  Adrienne laughed. ‘You don’t need to be scared—I’m not gonna be suddenly angry with you for sleeping with her. I wanted it to happen.’


  She peeled his shirt off from his body. ‘She seemed nice. And she’s been through a real ordeal with that ex-husband…’


  ‘I don’t know… I have to admit I don’t really like the idea of you being with other women…’ she said, and he could see the guilt in her eyes, from wanting other men so desperately when she was less comfortable about opening up the deal to him as well. ‘… But… I don’t know… I’m okay about her…’

  ‘We had a lot of fun,’ Noah said, as though he might get away with only an additional tiny nugget of information. He pulled Adrienne’s t-shirt off now, revealing her bare breasts, and pulled her in for another long, deep kiss as though to distract her from the topic at hand.

  But she insisted, ‘Tell me! Tell me everything. She was a good kisser?’

  ‘Uh… yeah, she was good.’

  Adrienne led him to the couch, and pushed him down on it before climbing onto his lap. ‘Tell me!’ she said, her eyes flashing.

  He kissed her, then said, ‘She was… different… to you. It was… nice…’

  ‘Nice?’ Adrienne rolled her eyes. ‘Nice? That’s all you’ll say? Did she have a nice body? Nice breasts? A nice pussy? Tell me!’

  He kissed her neck gently, and down to her full breasts. ‘She had great breasts,’ he said. ‘That what you want to hear? Small… but… you know… felt good… I liked touching her…’ he felt so awkward, so lousy at this.

  Adrienne smiled, ‘You want me to tell you about the rest of my night?’


  ‘So open up, Mister.’ Adrienne unzipped his fly, pulled out his hard cock as she perched back on his lower thighs. ‘Did she suck your cock?’

  ‘Uh-huh,’ he said, fondling her breasts. ‘It felt good… really good… but I think… when she did it, it made me think of you… and who you were with… and what you might be doing just then…’


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