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The Secrets Of Life (The Working Girls Book 1)

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by K. L. Humphreys

  Damien hasn’t made me go into the back room since then, and he has made some serious upgrades on security. He put in a ton of CCTV cameras, along with adding more bouncers. Tommy and Fran are my go to bouncers as I’m comfortable around them, and Damien trusts them to take us home. Us girls feel more secure and know Damien has our best interests at heart. Not only has Damien cracked down on the pervs that were here, he has also cracked down on the drug use. Mike encouraged us to take drugs, as it apparently calmed us down and made us less inhibited. I wouldn’t know as I refused to do them. Basically, Mike wanted money and if the girls were smoking weed or doing coke, they’d lose their inhibitions and do whatever the guys wanted. Hence another reason Mike is no longer the owner.

  The Pleasure Palace has boomed since Damien took over. He looks after his workers and his clients, our tips have also tripled. He took the club from a seedy dive to an upscale club. The clientele is now younger business men who have a lot to spend and don’t want the complications of a relationship. It’s a positive change that makes everyone happy.

  I make my way into the changing room and see Saffron is already here. “Hey Saff, how are you today?” I watch her stiffen when she realises she isn’t alone. Saffron hates it when someone creeps up on her. She mustn’t have heard me come in. It’s a control thing, I think. I believe something happened to her in her past. She has these big ‘keep out’ signs up and I respect that. It’s not my place to ask her about it. I’ve told her I would listen without judging or telling anyone. It was my subtle way of telling her that I’m here if she ever needs me.

  I know all about secrets. Other than my family, only my best friend Stef, Saffron, Damien, and Layla know I have a daughter. We bumped into Layla whilst at the park a few days ago, and she heard Emme call me mummy. I don’t care that she knows, though I’m sure she’ll probably use it to be a bitch towards me. It’s not that I’m ashamed of Emme, quite the opposite. I love my little girl and am so proud of her. I just hate the judgemental looks I get. I hate the way the older generation look down on you for being a young, unwed mother. Or how girls look at you like you’re a slut. It’s so unfair, it’s disappointing and disgusting that so many people are judgmental. They don’t know my story or the fact that Emme’s Dad is the love of my life and I honestly thought we’d be together forever.

  “Oh, hey Jess! How’s tricks? I’m okay, thanks. How’s that precious doll of yours?” Her face lights up when she asks me about Emme. Emme has that special something about her that makes everyone’s face light up. My Emme makes Saffron happy whenever she’s around her. I’m a lucky woman to have such a special daughter.

  “Four going on forty. You know Emme, Saff. She’s a know it all, full of spunk and sass.” I can’t help the smile that comes across my face when I speak about her.

  “Oh, you’re screwed when her teenage years hit, love.” The smile she had when she first asked about Emme has turned a little sinister of her thinking about my daughter growing up to be a monster. I’m glad she feels like she is able to be free around me. She’s usually closed off and hiding behind her fifty-foot walls.

  “Don’t say that! No, my baby isn’t allowed to grow up!” I’m such a drama queen, but the thought of my baby girl being a teenager is something I can’t handle. “I just know she’s going to be a devil. I was a little wild when my teens hit, but my baby, that girl is going to be something else.” I shake my head knowing it will be payback for what I put Owen through. He was always the one to pick up the pieces when things got bad or if the school called to say I wasn’t there, yet again.

  “Jess, love, she’s going to grow up. It’s something you’re going to have to get used to, but her being wild? Nah, that isn’t going to happen. You’re an amazing mum, and that shows with how you treat not only Emme but Simon and Anthony, too. Don’t ever doubt that those kids are great and they are going to grow up to be remarkable, and that is on you.” Her voice is full of sincerity and appreciation, her eyes are full of wonder and hurt. That hurt, it’s all the way to her soul. I want to hug her every time I see it there. I want to wrap her up in cotton wool and whisk her away from all the evilness in the world. I know I’m not the only one that feels that way about Saff. I’m pretty sure Damien feels more protective of her than I do.

  “Thanks, chick.” I’m not good at mushy stuff. Never really had it growing up. I quickly change the subject. “I hope it’s busy tonight, because I need the tips. My brother is coming home, and Si is growing like a weed. His school trousers are almost ankle swingers, and he’s still got a term and a half left at school. Also, Emme’s birthday is next month. You’re still coming to her party, aren’t you? She’s excited to see you.”

  I watch as her eyes light up. “Nothing could stop me. I’ve already got her present made.” Saffron designs and makes clothes. She makes Emme dresses for her birthdays and for Christmas. I’m terribly jealous because she is so talented; the dresses she makes are so gorgeous. Emme tells me every time she puts one on that she looks and feels like a princess. It’s something I’ve always wanted, my daughter to feel cherished.

  “You’re too kind, do you know that?” I ask and watch as she shrugs her shoulders. “What are you doing on Monday? I’m thinking of bringing the kids to the zoo, and I know you, if you don’t come with me, you’ll spend all day studying. So, what do you say? I have free passes, so you don’t need to worry about money.” She gives me a smile, and I can’t help but return it. “You know me, I’m a cheapskate.” It’s true, and we both know it, so we laugh. I really am. It’s the only way to make sure we are all fed and have everything we need. I can tell that Saffron is tight on money as well. The woman hardly eats. I worry about her constantly.

  “Yeah, that actually sounds really good. Thanks for asking me. You know that I love spending time with your family. You all make me feel like I’m part of it.” I walk over to her and do what I’ve wanted to since seeing the hurt in her eyes. I give her a big hug. As soon as my hands touch her, she stiffens, then quickly relaxes into my embrace.

  “Saff, you’re a part of our family, and there isn’t anything you can do about it. As you know, we can’t help the family we were born into, but we sure as hell can surround ourselves with new ones. Not all family is blood. Sometimes water is thicker than blood.” I don’t know if that even made sense. Hell, I probably sounded cheesy as hell.

  “I know, and I’m so grateful for the day I walked into this place. I know how stupid this is going to sound, but I found a place I belong. I found a family.” We’re both as sappy as the other at this point. I’m glad to have this woman in my life, she’s truly amazing.

  “Aww, lookie, the kids are hugging. Isn’t that cute.” The sound of Layla’s voice grates on my nerves and I feel Saffron stiffen within my embrace. I give her a squeeze, letting her know that I’m here. I hear her quiet sigh. “How they let kids up on the pole is beyond me. Especially ugly fat ones.” I hear laughter, and know there’s an audience, so Layla keeps spewing her venom. She loves the limelight. “How could anyone impregnate a fat cow? She must be easy.” I release my embrace on Saffron and turn to the bitch. Her platinum blonde hair is teased to the max, her nails are as fake as her boobs, and she has an ugly sneer on her face. “And as for that thing? God. She’s disgusting.”

  My control snaps. I have let this bitch get away with her vileness for a very long time. “Listen up you washed up, dirty, old whore. You’re just jealous! Nobody wants to pay to watch you take your clothes off. Hell, they will pay you to put them back on. You think I’m ugly? I don’t give a shit. You think I’m fat? Please, I weigh less than you, and that was before you bought those nasty arse tits. You think Saffron is disgusting? Have you looked in the mirror lately? Layla, you’re pathetic. There isn’t one thing about you that isn’t fake and nasty. Your boobs, your hair, your nails, hell even your nose. Is there anything about you that is real?” I’m breathing hard. Everything that I have ever thought about saying to her has literally tumbled out of my mouth

  “You whore! Who do you think you’re talking to?” She’s screaming at me. I feel slight tremors behind me and know it's Saffron standing close to my back, shaking. I hate that I’ve made it worse for her, that it’s causing her to feel threatened and scared. I wouldn’t let anything happen to her. I’d put myself in harm’s way just to make sure that nothing hurts the innocent woman at my back.

  “Enough!” The roar has Saffron right at my back, cowering behind me. I look to the left of Layla and see Damien standing there, his eyes on me. Or what’s behind me. He looks so pissed off. “Layla, Jessica and Saffron, my office now! The rest of you, doors open in ten minutes. Make sure you’re ready.” He’s still roaring, and with every word that comes out of his mouth, Saffron jumps. I have never heard Damien so mad before. He gives us one more look then turns and walks away.

  I don’t give the girls or Layla another look. I turn so I’m face to face with Saffron, who’s still shaking. I take her hands into mine, squeezing every few seconds. “Saff, listen to me. Don’t let these girls get to you. You need to show them that what they say or do doesn’t affect you. I’m here, you know I won’t let them do anything to hurt you.” This time when I squeeze her hand, she squeezes back. That’s a good sign; she’s coming back to herself. “Come on, we better go to Damien’s office before he gets angrier.” I wink at her and turn towards the door.

  Chapter Three

  “How dare you talk to members of my staff like that? To speak to other women like that? Do you enjoy trying to tear women down? Does it make you feel good?” Saffron and I hear Damien as soon as we walk down the hallway to his office. He’s seriously going mental at Layla. I have never heard him talk like that to anyone before. “Why Layla, why would you do that to those girls?”

  “Did you hear what that bitch said to me? She called me fake and that I’m fat.” I can hear the fake tears from the other side of the door, god I hope Damien doesn’t fall for that.

  “Layla, you do realise that I heard everything. You called her a fat cow and said she’s easy, not to mention calling Saffron disgusting. There was absolutely no need for it. They hadn’t even spoken to you and you just went off on one. I want to know why?” Damien asks her. He’s seemed to have calmed himself down, yet I can still hear the underlying anger in his voice.

  “Do you have a thing for young girls? It’s kind of sick if you ask me. What the hell do those two have that I don’t? You take me off the pole and make me a waitress? Why? I am the best dancer here, everyone knows that! You have humiliated me! Ever since you bought this club, all you’ve done is made my life hell. You’ve demoted me from looking after the girls, and then you took me off the pole. I don’t understand why you hate me so much?” she screeches at him and god, I kind of feel a bit sorry for her. I never knew she felt that way.

  “This is all because of me?” Damien sounds baffled. Like why would she take it out on us, when she blames him? “Look Layla, this is my business and it’s making more money now than it ever has. My business, not yours. You shouldn’t have ever been in charge of the girls; they don’t need to be looked after. They have their schedules and they know what is expected of them. Also I have a secretary who deals with everything.” He’s being very diplomatic towards her and I know that Layla won’t leave it at that. She’s like a dog with a bone once she gets going.

  “Yeah? Well I was before you got here! I was good at my job! Why did you take me off the pole?” Oh dear, she sounds desperate, almost as if she’s pleading for her job. I doubt Damien will sack her.

  “Jess, I don’t feel comfortable eavesdropping.” Saffron whispers to me, like she doesn’t want anyone to know that we’re here.

  “We’re not eavesdropping, they’re talking loudly. Now shush, I want to hear what they are saying.” She’s got me being all whispery like her. I’m so nosey, but I can’t help it. This shit could be on Jeremy Kyle.

  “Excuse me, what the hell did you just say? What are you implying exactly?” Layla’s screeching brings me back to their conversation. Crap, it looks like I missed what he said.

  “I said that I’m not Mike. He gave you that position as he was sleeping with you. Business and pleasure should never be mixed. I don’t respect women or men who sleep their way to promotions. That is what you did, you slept with Mike to get the job of looking after the girls, and you kept sleeping with him so you wouldn’t lose that job, not to mention having the best slot for your routine. You abused that position then by being a complete bitch to those very girls you were meant to be looking after.” Oh crap. Calling her a whore would have been kinder. How did I not know she was sleeping with Mike?

  “Business and pleasure shouldn’t be mixed? That’s laughable. Then why the hell are you sleeping with half the girls here? Aww is it because the one girl you want doesn’t even acknowledge you?” She’s being really bitchy now.

  “Enough. Are you forgetting that I’m your boss? Don’t you dare speak to me that way! I’ve had enough of your bullshit. Get your stuff and get out, because you’re fired.” Oh shit! I didn’t see that coming, I thought he’d give her a warning or something similar. Although she deserves getting the sack, the silly cow. The door opens and Layla storms out staring daggers at us. I don’t cower to her look. I stand tall and stare right back at her. I was taught from a very young age to never back down to anyone who is trying to bully you. She doesn’t intimidate me, but I don’t even have to look to my left to see that Saffron is intimidated by her. I can’t help but slide my eyes to Saff and see that she is standing with her head down, not making any contact with Layla. I hate that she feels like she has to hide. I know not everyone is strong enough to stand up to hatred., but watching someone you care about be intimidated into a cowering position is so hard and it makes me want to slap that smarmy grin off Layla’s face.

  “This place is going to go down the pan now I’m not here. Everyone knows that I’m the reason people came here. Who’s going to want to see a mum up on the stage? Better yet, who’s going to want to watch a mouse up there? No one! You’ll be begging me to come back in a few days Damien, just you wait and see.” Ugh she drives me insane with the fantasy world she lives in. She is so full of herself; I’ve never met anyone who was so far up their own arse before. “When you do come begging, I’ll make you grovel for the way you have treated me.” She is delirious, I know that she is talking to Damien but she has her eyes firmly set on Saffron.

  “I don’t grovel and I certainly don’t beg. Even if I did, I wouldn’t be begging you to come back. You’ve been a pain in my arse for long enough. Now are you going, or do I need to have you escorted out?” Damien asks, obviously having had enough of listening to her shit for the last while. He’s standing in the doorway of his office with his arms crossed, looking like he really doesn’t give a shit if she is escorted out or not. Layla starts to sputter and Damien does this cool trick where he raises his eyebrow and she shuts up. I really need to learn that with Emme. Layla finally realises that she has lost and quickly walks away, not before throwing one last filthy look over her shoulder.

  “You two, in my office.” Damien tells us, pulling my eyes away from the retreating Layla, to look and see him standing there waiting for us to move.

  I walk past Damien into the office and watch as Saffron scurries around him and into the room. The sooner he gets her trust, the happier the two of them will be. He needs to stop waiting and take the bull by the horns so to speak. I look around the office and not for the first time notice how bare it is in here. It’s elegant yet boring. All glass as you’d expect from Damien, no seventies wood effect like Mike had. Everything in this room is classy with everything in its proper place. The huge glass desk is a bit pompous but it suits him and the layout of the office.

  “How long has she been treating the two of you like that?” I go to answer him, but he glared at me and it stopped me before I even got a sound out. “Don’t, for the love of God. Don’t open your mouth and lie to me Jess. Now how long has th
is shit been going on? I have never been more furious in my life.”

  “Since we started here.” Saffron’s quiet hushed tone falls over us, both Damien and I turn to face her.

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” Damien’s voice has a harsh bite to it, we both watch as Saffron flinches.

  “How about calming down? It isn’t doing anyone any good, you biting our heads off, and as why didn’t we tell you? Because this is our job, she has been doing it long before you got here and we just got on with it. Look Damien, she’s a bully plain and simple, most of the time we ignore her, but today I couldn’t and I lost my temper, and for that I’m sorry.” I know that he doesn’t want to make Saffron upset but this is his business and he has every right to be angry at me for causing a scene. Thankfully we weren’t open yet.


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