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The Captain of the Gray-Horse Troop

Page 25

by Hamlin Garland



  Upon reaching the library each member of the party sank into easy-chairswith sighs of deep relief, relaxed and nerveless. The storm was over.Jennie voiced the feeling as she said, "Thank the Lord and ColonelDaggett." Elsie was physically weary to the point of drowsiness, but hermind was active. Mrs. Parker was bewildered and silent. Even Parker wassubdued by the grave face of the agent.

  Lawson, with a curious half-smile, broke the silence. "There are timeswhen I wish I owned a Gatling gun and knew how to use it."

  Curtis started up. "Well, it's all over but the shouting. I must returnto the office and set things in order once more."

  "You ought to rest a little," said Elsie. "You must feel the strain."

  "I am a little inert at the moment," he confessed, "but I'm Hamlet inthe play, you know, and must be at my post. I'll meet you all at lunch.You need have no further worry."

  The employes responded bravely to his orders. The cheerful clink of theanvil broke forth with tranquillizing effect. The school-bell called thechildren together, the tepees began to rise from the sod as before, andthe sluggish life of the agency resumed its unhurried flow, thoughbeneath the surface still lurked vague forms of fear. Parker returned tohis studio, Lawson sought his den, and there stretched out to smoke andmuse upon the leadings of the event, while Jennie planned a mid-daydinner for a round dozen. "It will be a sort of love-feast to CaptainMaynard," she said, roguishly.

  "Will he return so soon?" asked Elsie.

  "Oh yes, he'll only go a little way. Jack Maynard can smell a gooddinner across a range of foot-hills. Didn't he look beautiful as hesmiled? I used to think he grinned, but to-day--well, he looked like aheavenly cherub in the helmet of an archangel as he rode up."

  Elsie was genuinely amused. "What is the meaning of this fervor. Hasthere been something between you and Captain Maynard in the past?"

  "Not a thing! Oh, I always liked him--he's so good-natured--and socomical. Can you peel potatoes?"

  "I never did such a thing in my life, but I'll try."

  About one o'clock Maynard came jogging back, accompanied by a sergeantand a squad of men, dusty, tired, and hungry.

  Curtis met him at the gate. "Send your horses down to the corral,Captain. You're to take pot-luck with us."

  Maynard dismounted, slowly, painfully. "I've been wondering about thosegirls," he said, after the horses were led away. "One is your sisterJennie, of course; but who is the other? She's what the boys would calla 'queen.'"

  "You've heard of Andrew J. Brisbane?"

  "You mean the erstwhile Senator?"

  "Yes; this is his daughter."

  "Great Himmel! What is she doing here?"

  "She's an artist and is making some studies of Indians."

  "I didn't suppose a man of Brisbane's blood and brawn could have a girlas fine as she looks to be."

  "Oh, Brisbane has his good points--But come over to the house. Of coursethe mob gave no further trouble?"

  "Not a bit, only the trouble of keeping them in sight; they rode likeJehu. I left the chase to Payne--it was what Cooper used to call a'stern chase and a long chase.' Your quarters aren't so bad," he added,as they entered the library.

  Jennie came in wearing an apron and looking as tasty as a dumpling. "Howdo you do, Colonel Maynard?" she cried out, most cordially.

  He gave his head a comical flirt on one side. "I beg pardon! WhyColonel?"

  "I've promoted you for the brave deed of this morning."

  He recovered himself. "Oh!--oh--yes!--Hah! I had forgotten. You saw meput 'em to flight? I was a little late, but I gave service, don't youthink?"

  "You were wonderful, but I know you're hungry; we're to have dinnersoon--a real dinner, not a lunch."

  He looked a little self-conscious. "Well--I--shall be delighted. Yousee, I was awake most of the night, and in riding one gets hungry--and,besides, breakfast was a little hurried. In fact, I don't remember thatI had any."

  "Why, you poor thing! I'll hurry it forward. Cheer up," and she whiskedout of the room.

  Maynard flecked a little dust from his sleeve and inquired, carelessly:"Your sister isn't married?"

  "No, she sticks to me still. She's a blessed, good girl, and I don'tknow what I should do without her."

  "You mustn't be selfish," remarked Maynard, reflectively. "But see here,I must knock off some dust, or I will lose the good impression I made onthe ladies."

  "Make yourself at home here and we'll have something to eat soon," saidCurtis at the door.

  The dinner was unexpectedly merry. Every one felt like celebrating thearmy, and Maynard, as the representative of the cavalry arm, came nearblushing at the praise which floated his way on toasts which were drunkfrom a bottle of sherry, a liquor Jennie had smuggled in for cookingpurposes.

  "I admit I did it," he rose to say, "but I hold it not meet to have itso set down."

  Parker was extravagantly gay. "I'm going to do a statue of Maynard onhis horse rushing to our rescue," he said. "It will be a tinted piecelike the ancients used to do. That white helmet shall flash like snow.Sheridan will no longer be the great equestrian."

  "Leave off the broad smile," interrupted Lawson. "Captain Maynard'ssmile made light of our tragic situation."

  "I don't think so; it was the smile of combat," exclaimed Elsie. "It wasthrilling."

  Maynard bowed. "Thank you, Miss Brisbane."

  "It was Jack Maynard's murderin' grin," said Curtis; "it was the lookthe boys used to edge away from at the Academy. I must tell you, Jacknearly got shunted into the ways of glory. He could whip any man in WestPoint in his day, and a New York sporting man offered to back him for acareer. Thereupon Jack wrestled with the tempter and 'thrun 'im.' He nowsees his mistake. He might have been 'Happy Jack, the Holy Terror,' bythis time, earning two hundred thousand a year like the great O'Neill."

  Maynard sighed. "Instead of which, here I am rescuing beleaguereddamsels, like the hero of a dime novel, on two thousand a year."

  Jennie spoke up sharply. "I will not have Captain Maynard made fun ofany more. It was a noble deed, and he deserves better treatment for it."

  Maynard bowed. "I have one defender," he said, soberly.

  "Here's another," cried Elsie.

  "With two such faithful defenders I defy the world!" he shouted,valorously. Thereupon they left off joking him.

  As they rose from the table, Curtis turned to Elsie: "Would you like togo with me to make a tour of the camp?"

  Her eyes lighted up. "I should like it exceedingly."

  "Very well, about three o'clock we will go. You will have time for a_siesta_. You must be tired."

  "Oh no, I am quite rested and ready to go any time," and her bright eyesand warm color confirmed her words.

  With military promptness the horses were brought round, and,accompanied by Maynard and Jennie, Curtis, with Elsie by his side, ledthe way to the camp. She was a confident horsewoman and rode a finebrown pony, and Curtis, who had never ridden with her before, glowedwith pleasure in her grace and skill.

  As they galloped off up the road a keen twinge of remorseful pity forLawson touched Elsie's heart. He was grown suddenly older, it seemed toher, as though he had definitely given up the attempt to remain young,and this thought made her rather sober. He was being left out of herplans now almost unconsciously, while the other--

  "One of the real heroes in this affair," Curtis was saying, "is Crane'sVoice. He has been in saddle nearly thirty-six hours, and is willing tostart again to Pinon City if I ask it."

  "Of course you will not?"

  "No. I will send a white man. The settlers might do even Crane's Voicean injury."

  All was quiet in the camps, with little sign of the precipitate flightof the morning, either in the faces of the men or in the disposal of thetepees. The old men and some of the women came out to greet their LittleFather and the soldier of the good heart, and Curtis gave out atranquillizing message and asked, "Have you called the council?"
  "Ay, for sunrise to-morrow," answered Elk and Two Horns.

  "That is good," he replied. "Where are your young men?"

  "Some are in the hills, some are gone as messengers, others are watchingthe ponies."

  "Call them all in. I don't want them riding about to-night. Keep them incamp, close by the soldiers--then no harm will come to them."

  So, scattering greetings and commands, he rode through the two circlesof tepees. The redmen were all eager to shake hands with Maynard, inwhom they recognized a valiant friend as well as an old-time enemy.

  They found the camp of Grayman less tranquil, for the stragglers werestill coming in from the hills, and scores of women were busy resettingtheir tepees. Grayman himself came forth, nervous and eager. "Ho, LittleFather, my heart is glad that the soldiers have come."

  "We are all glad," replied Curtis. "Where is your son?"

  Grayman looked troubled. "I do not know. He is away with Cut Finger, mysister's son."

  "Cut Finger is bad company for your son."

  "I know it; but they are blood-brothers, as is the way of young men.Where one is, there the other is also."

  Maynard and Jennie were not as deeply interested in the camp as they hadgiven out to be at starting. He was recalling to her mind some of theparties they had attended together at Fort Sibley. "Really, CaptainMaynard," she was saying, as they rode up, "you would have it appearthat we saw a great deal of each other in those days."

  "That's my contention entirely," he replied, "and it is my _in_tentionto continue this Indian outbreak indefinitely in order to go intocantonment here."

  "You always were susceptible to good dinners, Captain Maynard."

  "Say good company, and you'll be right entirely."

  Curtis, having caught Maynard's last remark, called out in the bitingtone of the upper classman at West Point.

  "Are you on special duty, Captain Maynard, or riding in the park?"

  He saluted imperturbably. "By good luck I am doing both, at yourservice."

  "Merely cast your eye around so that you can report the Tetongs peacefuland in camp, then you may ride where you please."

  Maynard swept his eyes over the village. "It is done! Now, Miss Curtis,let's try for the top of that hill?"

  "No, no, you have been riding all night."

  "Why, so I have! In the charm of your presence I'd forgotten it. I'msupposed to be fagged."

  "You don't look it," remarked Curtis, humorously, running his eyes overthe burly figure before him. "At the same time, I think you'd betterreturn. Your commissariat wagons will be rumbling in soon."

  Maynard again saluted. "Very well, 'Major,' it shall be so," and,wheeling his horse in such wise as to turn Jennie's pony, they gallopedoff together, leaving Curtis and Elsie to follow.

  "It's hard to realize that disaster came so near to us," he said,musingly, and Elsie shaded her eyes with her hand and looked up at thehills.

  "There is a wonderful charm in this dry country! I have never seen suchblinding sunshine. But life must be difficult here."

  "You begin to feel that? I expect to stay here at least five years,providing I am not removed."

  She shuddered perceptibly. "Five years is a long time to give out ofone's life--with so little to show for it."

  He hesitated a moment, then said, with deep feeling, "It's hard, it'slonely, but, after all, it has its compensations. I can see results. Theworst side of it all is--I can never ask any woman to share such a lifewith me. I feel guilty when I consider Jennie--she ought to have a homeof her own; she has no outlook here."

  She looked straight ahead as she replied. "You would find life hereintolerable without her."

  "I know it; but in my best moments I realize how selfish it is in me tokeep her."

  "Suppose you were to resign, what would you do?"

  "I would try to secure a chance at some field-work for the EthnologicBureau. It doesn't pay very well, but it would be congenial, and myproficiency in the sign language would, I think, make me valuable. Ihave determined never to go back to garrison life without some specialduty to occupy my mind."

  "Life isn't a bit simple when you are grown up, is it?"

  "Life is always simple, if one does one's duty."

  "That is a soldier's answer; it is not easy for me to enter into thatspirit. I have my art, and no sense of duty at all."

  "Your position is equally strange to me; but duties will discoverthemselves--later. A life without duties is impossible."

  "I know what you mean, but I do not intend to allow any duty tocircumscribe my art." This she uttered defiantly.

  "I don't like to hear you say that. Life is greater than art."

  She laughed. "How different our points of view! You are Anglo-Saxon, Iam French. Art counts far more with us."

  "Was your mother French? I did not know that."

  "Yes--a Canadian. I have her nature rather than that of my father."

  "Sometimes I think you are your father's daughter. Did your mother liveto enjoy her husband's success?"

  "Not to the full. Still, she had a nice home in Alta, where I was born.She died before he was elected Senator." They had nearly reached theagency now, and she shook off her sober mood. "Shall we go in with adash?"

  "I'm agreed."

  She put quirt to her horse and they entered the lane at a flying gallop.As he assisted her to alight at the studio door he said:

  "I hope your father will not require you to join him in the East. It isa great pleasure to have you here." His voice touched something vibrantin her heart.

  "Oh, I don't think he will when he fully understands the situation. I'msure I don't want to go. I shall write him so."

  Curtis rode away elate as a boy. Something which he did not care todefine had come to him from her, subtle as a perfume, intangible aslight, and yet it had entered into his blood with most transformingeffect. He put aside its analysis, and went about his duties contentwith the feeling that life was growing richer day by day.

  Wilson, seeing his shining face, sighed and said to himself: "I guessthe Major has found his girl. He's a lucky dog. I wish I could pick upeven a piece of plain calico, I'd be satisfied." And he ran through alist of the unmarried women within reach, to no result, as usual.

  Meanwhile the supply-wagons had arrived, and Captain Maynard wasoverseeing the laying-out of the camp just below the agency. LieutenantPayne and his command returned at five o'clock, and in a short time thelittle village of white tents was in order. Curtis came over to insistthat the officers take dinner with them at "the parsonage," and, asCaptain Maynard had already spoken of the good company and the excellentdinner he had enjoyed in the middle of the day, Lieutenant Payne wasquite ready to comply, especially as his lunch had been as light as hisbreakfast.

  The meal was as enjoyable as the mid-day dinner, and the Parkers derivedmuch comfort from the presence of the soldiers.

  "I guess I'm not fitted to be a pioneer artist," Parker confessed, andthe hearty agreement he met with quite disconcerted him.

  Mrs. Parker was indignant at the covert ridicule of her husband, and wassilent all through the meal; indeed, the burden of the conversation fellupon Jennie and Maynard, but they were entirely willing to bear it, andwere not lacking for words.

  "It is good to hear the bugles again," Jennie remarked, as one of thecalls rang out on the still air, sweet and sad and as far removed fromwar as a love song.

  "They're not so pleasant when they call to the same monotonous round ofdaily duties," said Mr. Payne.

  Curtis smiled. "Here's another disgruntled officer. What would youdo--kill off the Indians and move into the city?"

  "To kill off a few measly whites might insure completer peace andtranquillity," replied Maynard.

  "You fellows couldn't be more righteously employed," put in Lawson. "Youmight begin on the political whoopers round about."

  "What blasphemy!" cried Jennie. "These 'noble pioneers!'"

  "Founding a mighty State," added Curtis.

>   "Founding a state of anarchy!" retorted Lawson. "They never did have anyregard for law, except a law that worked in their favor."

  Parker got in a word. "Lawson, do you know what you are? You're whatNorman Bass used to call 'a blame a-riss-to-crat.'" This provoked alaugh at Lawson's expense.

  "I admit it," said Lawson, calmly. "I am interested in the cowboy andthe miner--as wild animals--as much as any of you, but as founders of anempire! The hard and unlovely truth is, they are representatives ofevery worst form of American vice; they are ignorant, filthy, and cruel.Their value as couriers of the Christian army has never been great withme."

  Maynard was unusually reflective as he stared at Lawson.

  "That's mighty plain talk," he observed, in the pause that followed."You couldn't run for office on speeches like that."

  "Lawson's living doesn't depend on prevarication," remarked Curtis. "Ifit did--"

  "If it did I'd lie like the best--I mean the worst of you," repliedLawson.

  "In a few years there will not be an Indian left," Parker remarked.

  "The world will be the poorer."

  "They will all be submerged," continued Parker.

  "Why submerge them? Is the Anglo-Saxon type so adorable in the sight ofGod that He desires all the races of the earth to be like unto it? Ifthe proselytizing zeal of the missionaries and functionaries of theEnglish-speaking race could work out, the world would lose all itscolor, all its piquancy. Hungary would be like Scotland, Scotland wouldbe Cornwall, Cornwall would duplicate London, and London reflect NewYork. Beautiful scheme for tailors, shoe-makers, and preachers, butdepressing to artists."

  "You must be one of those chaps the missionaries tell about, who wouldkeep men savage just to please your sense of the picturesque."

  "Savage! There's a fine word. What is a savage?"

  "A man who needs converting to our faith," said Jennie.

  "A man to exercise the army on," said Maynard.

  "A man to rob in the name of the Lord," said Parker.

  "You're stealing all my oratorical thunder," complained Lawson. "When aspeaker asks a question like that he doesn't want a detailed answer--heis pausing for effect. Speaking seriously--"

  "Oh!" said Maynard, "then you were _not_ serious."

  Lawson went his oratorical way. "My conviction is that savagery heldmore of true happiness than we have yet realized; and civilization, asyou begin to see, does not, by any construction, advance the sum ofhuman happiness as it should do."

  "What an advantage it is to have an independent income!" mused Maynard,looking about the table. "There's a man who not only has opinions, bututters them in a firm tone of voice."

  "I am being instructed," remarked Elsie. "I used to think no one tookthe Indian's side; now every one seems opposed to the cattlemen."

  "When we are civilized enough to understand this redman, he will havedisappeared," said Curtis, very soberly.

  "Judging from the temper of this State at present, I reckon you're aboutright," replied Maynard. "Well, it's out o' my hands, as the fellahsays; I'm not the Almighty; if I were I'd arrange things on a differentbasis."

  "We are all transition types," remarked Curtis, harking back to a remarkof Lawson's making.

  "Even these settlers are immortal souls," said Parker.

  "Consider!" exclaimed Lawson. "How could we live without the Indianquestion? Maynard would be like Othello--occupation gone. Curtis wouldcease to be a philanthropist. Elsie Bee Bee would go sadly back topainting 'old hats' and dead ducks. I alone of all this company would bebusy and well paid. I would continue to study the remains of the race."

  Jennie rose. "Put a period there," said she, "till we escape, and,remember, if we hear any loud talk we'll come out and fetch you away,"and she hurried out into the sitting-room, where Elsie and Mrs. Parkeryielded up valuable suggestions about dress.

  * * * * *

  As the Parkers rose to go, Lawson approached Elsie and asked in a lowvoice: "_Are_ you going home to the mess-house to-night? If you are, Iwant to go with you."

  "I'll be ready in a moment," she replied, but her eyes wavered. As theystepped out together quite in the old way, he abruptly but gently began:

  "It is significant of our changed relations when I say that this is thefirst time I've had an opportunity for a private word since our campingtrip. There is no need of this constraint, Elsie. I want you to be yourgood, frank self with me. I'll not misunderstand it. I am not charginganything up against you. In fact, I can see that you are right in yourdecision, but it hurts me to have you avoid me as you have done lately."

  There was something in his voice which brought the hot tears to her eyesand she replied, gently: "I'm very sorry, Osborne. I hoped you wouldn'tcare--so much, and I didn't mean--"

  "I've tried not to show my hurt, for my own sake as well as yours, butthe fact is I didn't realize how deeply you'd taken root in my thoughtstill I tried to put you away. It is said that no two lovers are everequal sharers in affection--one always gives more than the other--or oneexpects more than the other. I was perfectly sincere when I made thatbargain with you, and I know you were; but you are younger than I, andthat has changed the conditions for you. I am older than you thought,and I find myself naturally demanding more and more. I think Iunderstand better than I did two days ago why you gave me back the ring,and I do not complain of it. I shall never again refer to it, but we canat least be friends. This cold silence--"

  She put out her hand. "Don't, please don't."

  "I can't bear your being stiff and uncomfortable in my presence, BeeBee! You even called me Mister Lawson." There was a pathetic sort ofhumor in his voice which touched her. "Let us be good comrades again."

  She gave him her hand. "Very well, Osborne. But you are mistaken if youthink--"

  "Time will tell!" he interrupted, and his voice was strenuouslycheerful. "Anyhow, we are on a sound footing again. Good-night."

  * * * * *

  The presence of Maynard and the troop was a greater relief to Curtisthan he realized. He laid down for a moment's rest on his couch and fellinto a dreamless sleep at once, and Jennie, deciding not to arouse him,spread a light shawl over him and withdrew softly. Maynard's comingbrought a deeper sense of security than a stranger could have given withtwice the number of troops. "Jack Maynard is so dependable," she said,and a distinct note of tenderness trembled in her voice.


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