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Evren Immortals: Dragons Redemption Volume 1

Page 8

by A. Bulthuis

  Almost zombie like she ambled back into the warm comfort of the bedroom. Tossing herself back onto the bed she lost herself in her troubling thought. For so long she felt unwanted. She remembered her teenage years. She knew the boys appreciated what they saw but when they looked up actually into her eyes something in them shut off and they would turn away from her. It was always so frustrating. Every time. Her own brother had to take her to formal functions. Don't get her wrong her brother was a looker on his own, but it was humiliating to always be seen with only him.

  When she got older the freedom and opportunity that awaited her was over whelming. And the guys that looked at her didn't cringe away. It was frightening but exciting. That's how she had met Matthew. He was sweet and caring and so much fun to be around. He had no idea she wasn't but she thought that their love would overcome the species difference. She chose their 1 year anniversary to tell him. They were on the verge of crossing a boundary that only she would allow her true love to cross. It was a magical night. It seemed made for them and after one breathless kiss she whispered her great secret.

  With a smile on her face she looked at his face expecting love and awe, not fear and revulsion. He had pushed her away and bruisingly rubbed at his lips to rid himself of the feel of her kiss. With a sneer of disgust he stormed away from her and out the door. He never looked back not even when she screamed for him to come back. He wrenched her heart out and she filled it in with anger and hate and coldness.

  All along that tall, brooding teenager that stood back and creeped her out had been the one keeping everyone from her for so long. It hit her so hard. Tears that she had held back always having to be strong streamed down her cheeks. She let her sobs take over and drifted into a pool of self-doubt and sorrow. Darkness swam in her vision as it tried to drag her under, but a strong voice echoed in her head.

  "Child, dry your tears and sit up. You cannot be seen as weak and I will not be attached to one such as that. You are the spark of life and fiery growth. Face our destiny child. I am here to guide you and strengthen you. We are one and now you have finally accepted it."

  Autora could feel the voice smile with happiness. Wiping away the cooled tears she sat up and smiled hesitantly. A sense of peace centering her. Her spirit was right. Time to woman up and accept what has stared her in the face for so long.

  Chapter 18

  Moving to the right dresser Tori pulled out a pair of shorts and her undergarments but thought with a smirk that she would surprise Roni this time. Biting her lower lip she dug thru his dresser and pulled out a soft pull over shirt that smelled incredibly like him as if he was right there beside her. She snuggled it around her like a warm embrace. She jumped though when a set of arms wrapped around her waist pulling her back into a hard body. His strong scent enveloped her and made her shiver.

  “I know I said I would wait for you to come to me but I had this unexplainable urge to be with you and now I'm so very glad I answered it. You little minx stealing my clothes."

  His warm rough lips lingered against her neck and slid slowly up and down the smooth column of her throat.

  "It looks and feels so much better on you."

  The hot trail of his kisses trailed to her shoulders, his lips pushing back the edge of the collar to nip at the tender spot where her neck met the soft skin of her shoulder. A soft growl made her tremble. Feeling like a warm puddle as the tips of his fingers skimmed up her waist, the softest of touches as his thumbs slid across the underside of her breasts. The touch made her moan in longing. Her soft mewling making him growl louder.

  A long protest from her stomach made them both pause. A deep throated chuckle reverberated along her back making her giggle at herself.

  "Now I know where your priorities are. The evil stomach monster strikes again. Its legendary you know that right. Stories are told to hatchlings to get them to go to bed. Either go to sleep or the growly monster will gobble them up." Roni smiled teasingly at her as she batted at his chest.

  "Oh you are just so hilarious. Do you have an off button somewhere so we can eat?"

  Grasping ahold of her hand Rharonis brought her palm to rest against his cheek. Turning his head to the side he kissed the inside of her palm and nibbled playfully. "Your wish is my command my princess. Let's go eat! I wasn't certain about what you wanted so I kind of set out a feast."

  Rharonis blushed slightly. The tinge of pink crawling up his cheeks. Autora didn't think she had seen something that adorable in a long time. "Come on my king show me this feast."

  For the first times Tori came to him with a moment of affection leaning up and kissing his flushed cheek.

  Tugging on his hand she padded barefoot down the front stairs. The front door swung open startling them both. Rharonis swiftly tugged Tori behind him as they waited for the shadowed figure to move further into the front entrance.

  A shocked Crete stood in the doorway seeing his baby sister half dressed in a man’s shirt holding onto Rharonis' hand adoringly. His shock wore away as a knowing smile replaced it, the smile only getting bigger at the flushed look on Tori's face and the self-satisfied grin on Roni's.

  "Well seems like I wasn't missed at all." Tori frowned slightly and let go of Roni's hand, but he grabbed it right back.

  "Never fear my friend, you would have been missed had that evil hungry monster in her belly not arose. We were just headed to the kitchen now. Care to join us?" Clapping his friend on the shoulder Crete nodded and followed behind them. The two men shared a look of understanding behind Tori's back.

  Rharonis wasn't joking when he said he had put together a feast. There were plates of omelets, bacon, sausage, toast, pancakes, and biscuits. A gallon of milk and orange juice sat out as well. The combination of smells made the beast in her stomach rear its head and had all three of them laughing loudly.

  "Sorry gentleman I'm not going to be ladylike and wait for you slow pokes."

  Grabbing a plate Tori piled it high with an assortment of food as both guys stood back and watched in amazement. It took her clearing her throat before they moved and came in farther filling their own plates, although nowhere near as full as she had hers. By the time all three of them had finished only scraps had been left on the plates with three fully satiated shifters leaning back in their seats.

  "You certainly know how to give a man a welcoming my lord. One would think you made all this for someone special. I'm quite flattered you went thru all of it for little ole me." Crete batted his lashes and gave the worst southern belle accent ever.

  "Oh shut up you idiot. No one finds you that special dear brother." Smiling ever so sweetly Tori kicked her brother’s leg adoringly.

  "Och how ye wound me woman with that serpents tongue ye 'ave. You canna ken how it breaks me heart."

  Rolling her eyes Tori blew him a kiss. "Not even your drunken Scottish will make you desirable brother of mine. This wee lass is far too immune."

  Sitting back in his seat Rharonis watched the easy play between the siblings with a small smile. Things between his siblings were quite the opposite of this duo. Perhaps when things settled down he would reach out and rebuild his relationship with them.

  His two brothers were quite shocked when their father told all of them that their younger brother was going to ascend in his stead. Not that any of them had thoughts of being king. They were all in their prime and only after their father became ill did they start applying to any kind of politics. They didn't think they had to for at least another few centuries. Their father was the one who had brought the shifters out from their hiding and had gained control of the earth. Uniting the clans in their domination. The man had been a genius and everyone, well until this whole mess, loved him and followed him without question. Now here Rharonis was doing his best to stumble along in his footsteps.

  Chapter 19

  Shaking his head from his depressing thoughts he re-entered the conversation as Tori playfully smacked Crete upside the head.

  "Ow, geez do you see what I put up
with? Think you can handle a few concussions man? She's so mean." Tori proceeded to hit him again and turned to Roni with a blinding smile. It stunned him for a moment before he grinned back.

  "Oh I'm sure I can handle it. I like it a little rough." He chuckled huskily and drank her in with a lustful glare making her blush sharply. Bright pink tinging the tips of her cheeks. Crete caught her embarrassment and chuckled ducking out of her reach. Tori pouted playfully as she sat back into her seat.

  "I'm the mean one but he's the no fun one."

  "Yeah, yeah turn on me why don't you. Keep it up and I won't tell you about mom and dad." Strolling purposefully away he wasn't surprised when he felt her hand grab his.

  "Oh please tell me. I'm sorry for smacking you. Please oh pretty please?" Pouting her lip even deeper she batted her lashes and clung to him like a small child. Both he and Roni chuckled at her antics.

  "Go sit with your boy toy over there and I will."

  Smiling happily she strolled over to Rharonis and demurely sat on the edge of his lap. He however had other plans and tugged at her waist till her back pressed against his chest and he placed a warm kiss on the side of her neck making her shiver.

  "They made it back to the clan safely. They were furious when I told them what had happened and I had to beg them to stay where they were. You young lady need to pay a visit as soon as this calms down. Fathers orders. I guess they spoke to our clan leader and have been staying with him so that they are closer to the news as it comes in. Word has traveled very fast of what went down at the council. The silvers clan leader in Russia sends his support your highness. Speaking of leaders your eldest brother sends his regards. Did you know he was there? I don't think any of your family, besides you, has been in Minsk in a long time."

  Rharonis shifted Tori on his lap and shook his head looking up at Crete. "I haven't had the opportunity to speak with any of them really since my father’s passing. Seems like I will be reaching out to them sooner than I thought. It is puzzling he would be there now, but it may just be coincidence."

  Crete sat back down across from them running his hands thru his hair nervously. "According to my parents he's been there since before Tori went on that suicidal mission. You don't think he might have any way of knowing what was going to happen do you? That he would be some way involved? It's just there seems to be so many puzzle pieces that keep appearing and yet we don't know enough of the bigger picture to start piecing it all together."

  Tori sat up straight and slid to the edge of Rharonis' lap. “His brothers didn't even know I existed when we were younger. I think all this intrigue and mystery is easier solved if we just asked. I mean, a dragon can visit where ever they want so long as they have the approval of the ruling clan leader right? Perhaps he is just sending support in his own way. Not everything has to be about devious underhanded slime bags. I simply cannot live my life thinking everyone is out to get me or you."

  Her voice strained on the last word looking back at her mate. Rubbing the flat of his palm up and down her back soothingly. "Don't worry ma cher. Nothing will happen to either of us. Let's move on to other matters. Crete you said that news of what happened at headquarters is already circulating. What exactly has been said?"

  "They know that the current prime advisor was found practically dead in your room which was destroyed by the way. I'm assuming that's your doing sis?" He winked at her as she nodded with a proud smirk. “Half the council that was found locked away in the dungeons has been questioned. They were told that they were in danger by Palturn and his cronies. Locked away for their protection from you, your majesty. He apparently has been spewing filth and lies for weeks now gaining support by convincing people that you are unstable and incapable as a leader. He had enough members to overtake your guards and capture the council. His supporters scattered when the news broke that he was found broken. But sir, I don't believe the rogue council members are your worry at this point. Amongst the council locked away was a man that was screaming Tori's name. He's not from any clan we have on record. It's my opinion that this is the slimy bastard that kidnapped her both times. He's the only one who knew she was there. He's been moved to a secure location waiting for a closer interrogation."

  The wicked gleam in his eyes put a smile on Rharonis’s lips knowing just exactly who wanted to perform the questioning. He wasn’t the only one who quivered in anticipation. Tori fidgeted in his lap practically bouncing up and down. Tapping the side of her thigh he looked up at her with a questioning glance. The fury radiating from her face could put the strongest warrior to shame. He knew she wanted to do and despite the fact she probably deserved to be able to pound into this prisoner he couldn’t have her anywhere near him. He couldn’t risk it. Not since he had her safely beside him.

  “Tori, I know how…” Cutting him off Tori flew from his lap and stood with her arms crossed. “Don’t you even think about denying me my right to knock his teeth out. You were doing so well; don’t dig yourself into a hole.”

  Pacing back and forth in front of him she clenched her fists around her stomach to keep from hitting him instead. Crete reached out as she passed and hauled her against his chest. “Calm down there fire cracker and put away the crazy eyes. You’ll get your revenge. Your big brother will make sure of it. Roni can’t stop me from guaranteeing it. Can you my lord?” Crete gave Rharonis a look that said play along over Tori’s shoulder when she turned to see her mate’s reaction. With an exaggerated sigh he nodded curtly, winking at her brother when she turned to kiss Crete on the cheek.

  “Oh my hero. See it doesn’t take much to appease me. Learn from this.”

  Patting Roni on the cheek she strolled away and out into the hallway. A few seconds passing as the upstairs bathroom door closed. Roni jumped from his seat and pressed a finger against Crete’s chest. “What the hell are you playing at?! You know I can’t let her within sight of that dead man. She is already too wrapped up in this as it is and I can’t protect her from the down fall if she goes after him. You know she’ll shift around him from the intensity. You are such a bloody fool!”

  Crete backed up against the kitchen island as Rharonis kept pounding his point into his chest. “Look my lord just trust me in this. I don’t want her there either. But I had to diffuse her somehow. Give me a little more credit than that. Oh crap she’s coming back. We can talk about this later.”

  Chapter 20

  Stepping back Roni grabbed a glass from the counter and filled it from the sink, taking his time to swallow down the liquid and his anger before Tori fluttered back into the living room. Looking between the two males she could sense the unease and frowned. They had been talking about her and she had to hide her disappointment in them both. Knowing that the dragon population was already spreading information about her, she didn’t need the two guys she was closest to, to be talking about her behind her back. Smearing on a smile for their benefit she planned on questioning them individually when their guard was own. They both turned to her and smiled in return. Setting the glass down on the counter after finishing it off, Rharonis clapped his hands together.

  “So my princess what would you like to do today? Besides pulverizing a traitor that is?”

  Rolling her eyes she ignored his princess comment. “What would you want to do my dear King? I am perfectly happy just staying here. I’m not sure if I’m ready to face the ridicule of the entire planet yet. I already feel like an outcast let’s not add on to it. How about we make some popcorn and settle in with a movie. Sound like a plan?” Autora settled back into her chair, crossing her legs she watched the two of them squirm slightly.

  “We can’t hide away forever Ma Cher. Believe me when I say I wish we could. How about a movie theatre instead? The people need to know that their king and his chosen have not abandoned them during this upheaval. If you hadn’t already noticed, but my ascension has already reduced the stability of the order surrounding the crown quite a bit. I’m still working on building my reputation with my people. With you, m
y beautiful creature, beside me the people can rejoice in the crown’s strength once again.”

  A loud snort broke thru his mini speech. “Oh look, I wondered where his majesty had gone. Do not spout propaganda to me. I may be your mate but I will not be used as a tool. If you cared for me in the slightest you would not use me like some smiling beauty queen. I would rather face that pile of scum Palturn all over again than be paraded around town.”

  Crossing her arms over her chest she glared at him furiously. A deep growl of anger rumbled from Rharonis’s chest. “You are not just some tool to me. Why would you even think that? I am not going to make you put on a show for anyone. Despite your thought that I only want you around because of your looks, I love you for your mind and outgoing personality. Not because you are one sexy piece of arm candy. Excuse me for wanting to admire the exquisite nature that is my bride to be. Despite all I’ve done so far you still doubt everything I’m doing. Weren’t you the one that just said you can’t live your life as if it’s constantly in danger. Don’t start by contradicting yourself already. I don’t want perfection or some mindless bimbo. Do you honestly think the clans would stand for some vapid queen? Give our species a little more credit than that.”


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