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Reign of Rebels: A High School Bully Romance (Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep Book 6)

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by Rachel Angel

  Reign of Rebels

  Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury

  Prep #6

  Rachel Angel

  Reign of Rebels

  Published by Romance On the Go, an Imprint of Sparklesoup

  Copyright © 2020 Rachel Angel

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Do NOT post on websites or share this book without permission from copyright holder. We take piracy seriously. All characters and storyline is an invention from Rachel Angel/Kailin Gow. Any resemblance to people alive or dead is purely coincidental.

  For information, please contact:

  First Edition.


  This series is dedicated to all of the strong women who have had to face bullying, are facing bullying, and who have had to overcome it.


  Tossing the Black Envelope is tradition. Now Tempest Ryan has received it, anyone in school can bully her.

  Make her leave.

  That's the K3's decree. That's what she gets for trying to mess with us Royals.

  Kingsbury Prep is a 500 year old institution.

  Only those with royal blood can attend this school.

  A commoner like Tempest Ryan does not belong.

  We will break her, break her will, break her heart.

  She will wish she never stepped foot into Kingsbury.

  Only now, she is getting under all of our skin like a burn that can't stop itching.

  Kingsbury Prep's K3 Royals have made it known they don't want me here.

  Being at the receiving end of the notorious Black Envelope is no laughing matter.

  I'd learned someone had died from it. Another nearly died but left Kingsbury just in time.

  These guys are cruel. They started a war against me. Even though I am reeling from the pain, I have some secrets of my own.

  Love and Hate is a fine line, especially when they all seem to hate me, but can't stop wanting me.

  ***REIGN OF REBELS is reverse harem/mature high school bully romance novel. This is book six of six in the series. Contains foul language and sexual scenes; any sex featured is consensual.




  Although Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep is fiction, there was a school in history that only allowed those of royal blood to attend. It was a school to train them to become global rulers and diplomats. The names of the countries of the royals have been changed for fictional purposes. In the writing of this series, specialists such as a weapons specialist, a fighting specialist, and a lawyer were consulted to accurately depict certain scenes, while being fiction. While this takes place at a high school level academy, due to the maturity of the themes, language, and sexual content; this series is best suitable for a mature audience. Tempest and her lovers are seniors and at least 18 years old.

  This is also a Reverse Harem, which means the main female character will have three or more love interests.

  Possible triggers in this book for those sensitive to these issues: suicide, bullying, attempted rape.

  The entire series for Bad Boy Royals of Kingsbury Prep takes place during Senior Year for Tempest and the K3s. Events may go faster than a typical bully romance RH Academy book, which takes place 1 book per year. Tempest, Book 1, is told from her point-of-view and the language will reflect this. The structure of events and timing will reflect her point-of-view to keep with the integrity of the storytelling. Please keep an open mind for the way this book is told, as it may not fall within the typical style of RH Romances and Bully Romances. Contrary to typical RH Romances and Bully Romances, this series has a twist to it.

  As this book series has been optioned as a film and is based on a mix between genres (manga, mature comic, and contemporary romance), there will be more action rather than description.

  Finally, this is a bully romance which means enemy to lover romance. By no means do we promote or advocate any bullying of any kind, but seek to prevent it in real life. If anyone is facing bullying in real life, there are resources and help available out there. One we recommend is:

  Shy Girls Social Club Handbook on Dealing with Bullies and Other Meanies by Kailin Gow



  San Francisco

  10 Years Ago

  Tempest Age 8

  “Mommy, where are you going without Daddy this weekend? And why can’t Lily and I go with you?” I asked my beautiful mother, who was the smartest person I knew.

  My mother’s blue eyes that would turn violet sometimes depending on the light, like a purple opal with brilliant hues of blue, green, and gold specks; was exquisite, prettier than any dolls I had ever had and any woman I had ever seen. No wonder my father cherished her so much.

  “Oh, Tempest my sweet little girl,” Mommy hugged me tightly. “I wish I could bring you and Lily, but I can’t right now. Someday when you are older, I will.”

  “But why isn’t Daddy going with you?” I asked.

  “I have to visit my family’s burial grounds and do something there that you and Lily wouldn’t understand right now. Daddy can’t go because he wasn’t allowed to. You see, my family didn’t want me to marry your daddy. And his family didn’t want us to get married too.”

  “Like Romeo and Juliet?” I asked.

  Mommy laughed. “You’re reading Shakespeare?”

  “I read Romeo and Juliet last year, Mommy,” I said. “It’s one of my favorites. But I like Hamlet, too.”

  Mommy shook her head. “Sometimes I forget what an extraordinary girl you are, Tempest. Reading Shakespeare at 7 when most kids read Shakespeare in high school. I know we talked about sending you to a school for the gifted when you were little. Do you want to consider going now that you’re older?”

  “Nah,” I said. “I want to stay here with you and Daddy. Plus Lily needs me. I’m her big sister. I’ll take care of her.”

  Mommy laughed, hugging me tightly, “You are the best daughter in the whole wide world, Tempest. Daddy and I are so lucky to have you as our little girl.” She kissed my cheek, “I’m going to miss you.”

  “How long will you be gone?” I asked.

  “Two days, but even if I was away from you for just a day, I would miss you and Lily so much!”

  “Me too! I’ll miss you, Mommy!”

  “Don’t worry, baby, Mommy will be back from Arcadia before you know it.”

  Chapter 1


  Kingsbury Prep Academy

  Island of Arcadia

  Present Day

  Tempest Age 19

  I turned to Jordan who was pulling on his jeans as he handed me my clothes. We were still in Kaz’s room after Kaz surprised us, having sex on his bed.

  “I didn’t know he was still in his room,” I snapped at Jordan. “Why didn’t you tell me Kaz was still in this room, but in the bathroom when you went down on me? We shouldn’t have had sex in here.”

  Jordan was grinning. “You’re not with him anymore, Tempest. You’re with me. And as far as Kaz is concerned…he won’t be Ki
ng at Kingsbury Prep any longer. He and his friends, the K3 who bullied you, my Queen, will not be at Kingsbury much longer too.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him and asked, “Why?”

  Jordan finished dressing and took the dress in my hand to begin dressing me, caressing me with his adventurous hands. His eyes were still filled with hunger as he took my entire body in. “Tempest,” he said almost with a growl, “forget about him. He’s not here. I’m here, and I’m still hungry for you.” He leaned his head down to kiss me from my neck to my collar, licking and sucking until he was unbuttoning the top of my dress, undressing me again. He pulled down the top of my dress until his mouth was devouring my breasts, licking and sucking on my nipples until I was arching my back and moaning.

  He gently pushed me down on Kaz’s bed where his tongue and mouth made their way down to feast on my core, licking and sucking on me like he was starving. “God, Tempest,” he groaned, “I want you more than anything. Being here at Kingsbury, you’re more irresistible than ever. I can’t stop craving you.”

  “Jordan,” I said, hating to stop him from going further, “we have to stop.”

  “Stop?” Jordan asked, looking up at me from between my legs, making me almost change my mind. His blue-black hair was covering half his face, where his turquoise blue eyes looked hungrily at me. He looked rakish, with a devil-may-care look instead of the well-put-together handsome prince and young businessman that he always appeared to be. With his shirt unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up, showing his strong muscular arms wrapped around my stomach where he was now kissing, he’d never looked sexier.

  “Can I pretend I didn’t hear you say, ‘no’?” Jordan asked, hesitating to go on.

  “No,” I sighed. “I want to, but now is not the time to be having sex on Kaz’s bed in his bedroom in his house a second time right after he was clearly upset about seeing us at it.”

  Jordan let out a deep breath. “Kaz again.”

  I reached out my hand to run my fingers through his silky black hair, massaging his scalp, before bending down to kiss his lips. He kissed me back, pulling me against him. I pulled back and leaned my face against his. “Jordan, honey,” I said. “I may have wanted revenge against him before, but I don’t now. He’s paid for what he’s done. I’m not going to keep torturing him over it.”

  “You want to go back to him?” Jordan asked, his expression unreadable.

  “I don’t want to…” I started, but before I could finish, the door burst opened.

  Kaz was standing there with Hunter and Ori.

  And here I was, my face nuzzled against Jordan’s while I was half-dressed, my breasts bare and nipples hard, while the skirt of my dress was hitched up high where Jordan had just been devouring me below.

  “Oh Tempest,” Ori said, almost in a wail, but mostly in shock and disbelief.

  “I didn’t want to believe it,” Hunter said. “But seeing is believing, Kaz.”

  Kaz’s face was in a whirlwind of fury.

  I pulled myself out of Jordan’s arms, fixed my dress, got up and out of bed to stand. “Kaz, Ori…Hunter, I…”

  Kaz wouldn’t even look at me, and walked past me to where Jordan was still on Kaz’s bed. He grabbed Jordan’s shirt and pulled him out of bed to stand facing him. They were both tall and built, the same height and build. “Older brother or not, Jordan, I won’t let you take what is mine. You want my kingdom? You want my woman? Then you’ll going to have to fight me for them. If you want a war, you’ve got a war.”

  With that, he punched Jordan hard in the face, that Jordan’s head went sideways before he fell back onto the bed, knocked out.

  Kaz turned to me next, with murder in his eyes. I had to step back. He had never looked at me like that even when he was bullying me. It sent tingles up and down my spine. He turned to Ori and Hunter. “Take that bastard brother of mine out of here. I want to be alone with Tempest.”

  Ori and Hunter came over to the bed and lifted an unconscious Jordan off of the bed, hoisting him over their shoulders out of Kaz’s room, closing the door after them.

  As soon as the door was shut, Kaz turned back to me and pushed me down on his bed, crashing onto me, crushing me with his hard body, his mouth on mine.

  I was lost in his kiss.

  He pulled back before both of his hands grabbed my face, his thumbs rubbing my cheeks while his beautiful azure blue eyes searched my face. “I want to see the real Tempest in this beautiful face of yours,” he said. “If I look hard enough, can I find her?”

  “Kaz,” I whispered, “I’ve always been the real Tempest to you.”

  “Then why are you with Jordan?” he asked, almost choking with pain. “Why?”

  I looked down while shaking my head.

  Kaz said, “Look at me, Tempest. I want to see your eyes when you tell me the truth.” He lifted my chin so I could look directly into his eyes. “Why are you with Jordan?”

  “Because you broke my heart,” I said simply. “You and the K3s.”

  Kaz’s eyes flinched, and he said, “I never meant to break your heart, Tempest. God, I was so in love with you.”

  My heart fell. Did he still love me?

  “Kaz,” I said softly, reaching out to touch his face. My fingers traced his lips as I watched his beautiful full lips tremble.

  “Careful,” he growled. “Don’t play with me, if you don’t mean it.”

  “Play with you?” I asked.

  Kaz’s eyes hardened and he said, “You know you did.”

  My fingers continued to trace his lips as I said, “I did? Are you sure I was the one playing or was I being played?”

  Kaz’s eyes closed before his mouth opened and captured my fingers in it, licking and sucking on them.

  “Oh Kaz,” I moaned.

  He finished sucking on my fingers before taking my hand to place it in front of his boxer shorts. He was rock hard. “If you have any doubt as to who was playing who, all you have to do is check it up front. The one who can’t hide his true wants and desires is the one who can be played. As you can feel, I’m the one who was played, and you’re the one playing me, sweetheart.”

  I squeezed his dick hard and stroked it over the thin cotton cloth of his boxers until he was groaning. Then I pulled him tight against me, letting his hard-on rub against my stomach. “Like this?”

  “Yeah, like that,” Kaz said, his eyes on my face, filled with want.

  “Do you like me playing with you?” I asked, reaching into his boxers to stroke his hard throbbing flesh. He was bigger now and his veins were protruding beautifully.

  “Oh yeah, baby,” Kaz groaned. “I love how you’re playing with me.”

  I pushed him down on his bed and slipped his boxers down and off him. He was glorious to see, naked and hard, waiting for me. “Do you want me, Kaz?” I asked. “Or am I just another lay for you, when you can have any girl you desire?”

  He sat up then and twisted me around, flipping me down to my back where he was on top of me. “I want you like my life depends on it. I want you like the world depends on it. I want you beyond reason because nothing and no one could explain this feeling I have for you. Tempest, I can’t stop wanting you.”

  I stared back into his eyes, “Jordan, you…”

  Kaz’s eyes widened, and he muttered, “Jordan?” He drew in a deep breath. “You’re in bed with me, but you’re thinking of him?” He made a fist and punched the area on the bed besides my head so hard, my head bobbed up and down. He gritted his teeth and said, “I’m going to make you forget Jordan…especially in bed.”

  He hiked my dress up and tore off my panties. With a deep thrust, he plunged into me hard. Riding me hard as his fingers played and squeezed my nipples.

  I was in sensory overload.

  “Kaz,” I moaned, “Oh Kaz…”

  “Kaz now, is it?” He chuckled. He plunged in deeper and thrusted in and out of me faster, harder until I was buckling underneath him, my fingers digging into his back, making him groan in pain an
d pleasure.

  “Yes, yes, yes, Kaz!” I cried, encouraging him for more.

  “Oh God!” Kaz cried out as a wave of intense pleasure rolled through me.

  He rode me harder, faster, and deeper until I was shuddering and shaking.

  “Tempest,” Kaz cried out. “You. Are. Mine!”

  I climaxed the same time he exploded.

  “Oh Kaz,” I shuddered. “I wished it was that easy.”

  Kaz kissed my temple and rubbed my back, like he always did when we were together. “God, I missed this…just holding you in my arms in bed. Unfortunately, my dear Tempest, with me, it won’t be that easy.”

  I wanted to answer him back, but his massaging was lulling me to sleep. Soon I was out.

  Chapter 2



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