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Daddy's Italian Friend

Page 4

by Lena Little

“Don’t stop, Daddy,” she moans.

  Who knew my best friend’s daughter would be so game for me, so ready, so willing, so fucking delicious.

  “I’m close,” she whimpers.

  “You don’t come until Daddy says so,” I growl into her center.

  “I…I’ve never come before.”

  I smile into her sex as I continue to lap at her opening. I’m about to give her something no one else ever has, nor ever will, but me.


  “This hot cunt is mine, you understand me, little girl?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  I feel my balls pull up and know I’m close, but I can’t let this happen here, now, for multiple reasons. But that’s just me. When it comes to her there’s a need that can’t go unfulfilled. A taste even greater I need to savor. An earthquake I need to feel.

  “I can’t hold on much longer,” she confesses.

  “Let go, principessa. Daddy’s thick tongue is here to drink up your first orgasm.” I reach one hand around and strum my thumb on her clit as I continue dining on her cunt. “You can do it, angel. Make Daddy proud and come all over his face. Do it now,” I growl.

  My little virgin queen explodes on my face, giving me everything her pussy makes as she releases completely. I extend my tongue like a red carpet, her juices sliding right down my throat. Swallowing hard to make sure I don’t drip a drop, I squeeze her ass even harder, tilting her hips like a bowl while Daddy drinks in her warm, tasty, wetness.

  “Oh my, God. Oh my, God, Oh my, God,” she coughs in-between attempts to catch her breath.

  My heart is slamming into my chest just as hard, like a piston on a Lamborghini that’s redlining.

  Suddenly there’s a loud knock on the door.

  “What the hell’s going on in there? Why are the cameras disabled? Open up, you little tramp.”

  I ease Gabriella off my lap, fuming with rage.

  “It’s the club owner.”

  “The one who wanted you to…?” I can’t even say the words.

  She nods, confirming all I need to know.

  “Get dressed. Now.”

  She reaches for her panties, but they’re torn. I take them from her, balling them up and bringing them to my nose where I sniff them hard, my eyes rolling back in my head before I ram them into my pocket. “Nobody calls my baby girl a tramp,” I snarl, before kissing her hard.

  I grab the handle of the door, only now realizing how flimsy it actually is. Not bothering to unlock it I yank it free from the lock, the door breaking free from its hinges as I see a scared bitch standing in front of me.

  “What I was saying, sir,” he trembles.

  “Was nothing,” I finish his sentence for him and then finish his night, with a right cross right across the bridge of his nose, blood spurting everywhere.

  I reach for my baby girl’s hand, ready to guide her over this cazzo, but instead, I scoop her up, remembering she doesn’t have panties on and doesn’t need to be exposed to any of the other customers, who are luckily focused on what’s happening on the main stage.

  I try and move quickly toward the front door so I can get Gabriella out of here without her dad seeing, but it’s too late. He catches sight of us and his chin drops to the floor. I motion him over, knowing he needs to come with us now before the bouncers find out what happened and all hell breaks loose.

  “What’s going on?” Tim asks, staring at Gabriella.

  “She went trick or treating and got lost. Now let’s go,” I say, grabbing his shoulder and forcing him into the front of a taxi, leaving the back for me and his daughter.

  After what she just saw, the violence I needed to dish out, she needs to know I’m here for her, to hold her tight.

  “So we meet again,” A voice over my shoulder cuts through the crisp night air, just as I’m carefully helping her into the cab.

  I turn and see the prick from the waste management place earlier today.

  “And so I’m not interested again,” I say, about to step into the cab.

  “You know, Mr. Gallo,” he begins with a shit-eating grin, proud that he knows my last name. “There’s a price to pay for taking the girls out of my club.”

  “Oh yeah?” I question, cracking my knuckles and stretching out my arms. “And there’s a price to pay for being a human trafficking scumbag,” I throw right back at him before I throw a haymaker right into his ugly face.

  He goes down like a ton of bricks, and I just stare at his single security guard. “What the fuck you gonna do?”

  He takes a step back and raises his hands before saying something into a microphone headset.

  “That’s what I thought,” I add, before sliding into the cab. “Drive,” I command, and we’re gone into the night, but all the problems I thought were gone, left back in Italy, are surely about to come right back.

  But I’ll be prepared because nothing will stop me from keeping her safe. Nothing…because she’s mine.



  “Good morning…Daddy.”

  I run my hand over my face and squint out of one eye.

  “It’s almost time for lunch. Time to get up. Or maybe you need some help with that?” Gabriella asks, grabbing the groin of my boxer briefs with her hand.

  “What the hell’s wrong with you?” I say through gritted teeth, trying to keep my voice down as I grab her by the forearms and get her off me.

  “Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

  “Where’s your dad?” I ask, trying to get a hold of the situation as my mind is still waking up after a long night.

  “You didn’t hear the news?”

  “Listen to me, little girl. Tell me what’s going on right now or,” I pause, lowering my voice, “I’m going to spank you silly.”

  “Promise?” she moves back toward me. “Because I promise to like it.”

  “I promise you won’t this time,” I counter.

  “Dad went to work.”

  “Work? I specifically told him not to. Those guys are going to be coming for us, which is why I stayed up all night trying to secure the house. Your dad is supposed to be on watch duty right now.”

  “I don’t think we have much to worry about when it comes to them anymore?”

  “You don’t understand how these guys operate.”

  “They’re not going to be operating for a long time.”

  She holds up her phone and I read the headline. Apparently the feds had been building a case against those guys for the last six months. Human trafficking. Money laundering. The list goes on and on. And last night, after I decked the bastard that was their cue. The story is accompanied by a picture of the ‘security guard’ who was protecting Marroni. Seems he was actually with the federal government, in combination with the Italian government, to bring down an international crime ring that was bigger than any in history. And all that happened here, in this little town?

  I passed out thinking two steps forward and one step back. I’d left Italy after turning in another scumbag who was trafficking only to find another one here. I would say what bad luck, but in a way, it’s good luck because I’ve been able to help a lot of people…and get to know Gabriella in the process.

  “What did your dad say about last night?”

  “He blamed it on my mom, said I was acting out because my mom ran off with some guy and that he was lucky you were there to spot me and save me.”

  “So he thinks…I’m the good guy in all of this?”

  “You know how much he likes you,” she says, running a finger over my cheek, but this time I don’t resist her advances.

  “What about his business?”

  “He’s too naive to understand how these guys were laundering money. Not only that but they were laundering most of it to Italy, via fake construction projects, so how could he have verified any of that information.”

  “He is naive, that’s for sure.”

  “That may be true, but his daughter’s not, and she’s rea
dy for you to verify a different kind of information.”

  “What kind of information is that?” I cock an eyebrow.

  “That this, little girl,” she says, taking my hand and rubbing it over her mound, her panties the only thing separating me from the slickness I can feel seeping through, “Is untouched and has been waiting on Daddy all these years.”

  I pull my hand away, still processing the crazy night we had. It makes that movie The Hangover look like child’s play, and I didn’t even drink.

  “You deserve better than this couch,” I remind her.

  “I know. That’s why I prepared a different place.”

  The front door comes flying open and Tim walks in, Gabriella jumping away from me.

  “You’re awake?”

  “Just woke up,” I say, reaching for a pillow and nonchalantly sliding it over my raging need.

  “Gabriella fill you in?”

  “Just now.”

  “Feds are going through all my records. They took statements and all kinds of stuff then told me to go home, that I was in the way. They’re seizing everything. I might not have enough to pay for Gabriella’s tuition.”

  “I’ve got it. Don’t worry.”

  “You’ve got that kind of money?”

  I nod, and if I didn’t I’d rob a bank to make sure my little girl started her college education on time. As her Daddy, I’m fully invested in anything and everything that moves her life forward.

  “I can’t accept,” he says.

  “You probably won’t have to.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Guys at this level have rewards attached to their capture. If the government uses some of your recordkeeping in court then you’re sure to see a nice payday. It won’t be the whole amount, because you didn’t tip them. The other part of the reward will go to…me, and I’m investing it into Gabriella’s future.”

  “You what?”

  I turn to Gabriella and then back to Tim. “You know what I like the most about you two?”

  “Gio, what the hell are you talking about?” Tim says.

  “Your innocence, and naivety.”

  “Huh?” Gabriella says, joining her father in absolute bewilderment.

  “You think I just called you after all these years because I was down on my luck?” I pause. “Do you think a kid from Italy really comes over here for an exchange program, but when it’s your turn to go to Italy it’s ‘a bad time’ and the plans fall through?”

  “What are you saying?”

  I take a deep breath in, realizing I’m about to verbalize what has become the climax in my life, in real-time.

  “I was an orphan, Tim. The mafia adopted me, I had little choice in the matter by the way, and after the Italian police started cracking down on them they looked for other ways to expand their empire. They sent me, and a lot of kids, to America with fake papers. Remember how I joined all the sports teams and was the outgoing Italian guy who was always meeting new people? That’s not my personality. I was scouting the area to provide information when I got back, to avoid getting into some serious trouble.”

  “You’re joking?” he says, clearly not believing me.

  “It gets better, mio amico. I’ve been trying to get out from underneath their grasp for years, but in Italy, things are interconnected and it’s not easy. Silvio Berlusconi, the man who served as Italian Prime Minister under four governments, is well known to be connected to mafia activities. Not only that he controls the media, so what am I supposed to do…run to the press? That’s a sure-fire bullet in the face.”

  “You came here because…?”

  “Because I was able to bring down one human trafficking ring, but the Italian authorities weren’t going to give me a full pardon unless I could pay off a debt they had with the U.S., who was breathing down their necks. They knew I’d come over as a foreign exchange student, and knew there was some nefarious activity in the area. I was supposed to come over here and lay low, get a regular job, and sniff it out and report back. Well, when you took me to see Marroni I recognized some of his jewelry and it was like the Madonna herself was giving me a gift. I called it in right away, and they confirmed he was involved, told me to find out what else he was involved in, which was impossible considering I’d told him I wasn’t interested during our, shall we say interview.”

  “If you knew he was connected why wouldn’t you agree to work with him?” a perplexed Tim asks.

  “Just like the amazing accountant you are, Tim. Putting the pieces together and making sure they add up, that they balance. The fact that I didn’t accept doesn’t balance unless you knew that I killed a man named Marroni years ago, back home, and he wore a similar coat of arms as a medallion. I knew Marroni would relentlessly research me if I took the job, and I didn’t need that. But it turns out he needed to research me anyway, which is why he addressed me by my last name last night. He already knew which is why I punched a known mob boss right in the mouth and we took off.” I pause. “That’s why his security guard didn’t act against me. They needed my testimony, don’t worry it was a John Doe, to burn this whole thing to the ground and put everyone away. And with the arrests complete, or so it seems from what I read a few minutes ago, we’re both going to get paid and a bunch of human traffickers will never smell freedom again.”

  “You put me in danger, Gio. You put my daughter in danger.” Tim’s bottom lip quivers.

  “You think that makeshift security nonsense I put up around the house last night was going to stop anyone? But you also notice how I wasn’t worried?”

  Tim does nothing.

  “Your block is crawling with Fed’s right now. They get a whiff of any license plate or person that doesn’t own property here or have passed through here recently and they’re pulling them over and having a word with them, a very deep conversation at that.”

  “This is…”

  “The adventure you said you were always looking for. Those books on the mafia that you had when we were kids? The ones you said would always be cool to experience? You’re welcome.”

  I stand, my erection had finally subsided, and I stroll into the kitchen. “Coffee anyone?”

  I look over my shoulder to see Tim look at Gabriella, who just raises her arms in disbelief.

  Tim’s phone rings and after a few short replies he says exactly what I predict. “The Feds want another statement…from all of us.”

  “After coffee,” I say, firing up the Bialetti.

  “You can’t tell the Feds to wait.”

  “We’re holding all the cards here, Tim. And they know we’re not going anywhere…they’ve got guys surrounding the house, have since last night. Remember?”

  Tim just stands there in complete and utter disbelief.

  “I thought a little adventure could help you get past your wife running away. Did it work?”

  Still, nothing and I realize I’m being too much of a smart ass, not that I care right now.

  “With sugar or without?” I ask, holding up a coffee mug that says ‘World’s Best Dad.’

  Where can I find one that says, ‘World’s Best Daddy’? Because now my requirements here are done, that’s what I’m devoting all my time to doing…for my little girl.

  But it’s clear from Tim’s expression that I can’t break this news out now. After all the planning that went into this, he’ll think I planned what’s happened in such a short period of time with his daughter, and that’s the furthest from the truth.

  But when we do sit down and have an honest conversation I’m going to have to break it to him, that she’s never going to be further than an arm’s length from me for the rest of her days.

  She’s mine.



  I spend the rest of my day at the police station talking to Feds, explaining how I wound up in a strip club, how I was solicited for sex and everything else that transpired. Surreal.

  Of course, I leave out the most important part…the ‘why’. And the
answer, is, of course, him.

  I thought I was in control here, or at least I was starting to get some, but after Gio’s mic drop reveal earlier today I have no idea what to think. All I know is this is as crazy as some of the reveals I’ve read in the Lena Little stories on my Kindle. And to think…I thought I was just reading steamy romance and stumbled upon an actual plot. Well done, girl. You’re definitely a one-click buy for me from now into eternity.

  An eternity is exactly how long I want to be Gio’s little girl, having spent more time learning about it after I got home. It’s like I finally understand who I am. There was always this feeling, but now it’s been replaced with a knowing and I know we’re the perfect match.

  But what I don’t know is why there are footsteps creaking outside my bedroom door at seventeen minutes after one in the morning right now.

  Slowly the door opens and the moonlight from the window reflects on his big frame, only covered by the black boxer briefs which cover his obvious need.

  He moves into my room, and I don’t even try and pretend I’m asleep…or clothed. I’ve been thinking about him all night, despite the long day we all had.

  Slowly he shuts the door so it doesn’t make a sound, and then moves closer to my bed.

  “I thought I was going to have to wait,” he admits with anger in his voice. “Thought this was going to take more time to play out and I was going to die in the process, or you’d be gone to college.”

  “I’d wait for you. Always.”

  That anger quickly turns to a smile. “Remember how I said we were going to play special games together?”

  I nod, knowing in this particular case that talking isn’t the wisest move, which he quickly confirms.

  “We’re going to play a game called ‘Quiet, Please’. Nod if you understand.”

  I comply as he slowly slides off of his underwear, his huge erection springing free and my immediate thought is where in the world is he going to put all of that?

  “The way ‘Quiet, Please’ works is baby girl stays quiet while Daddy pleases her. She can’t make a sound or the pleasing stops because other people might hear. Understand?”


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