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Dear Miss Cucinotta

Page 23

by Kit Morgan

  Rufi stared at C.J. He was so handsome, despite still being pale. And he seemed better with each passing moment. To think she’d almost lost him because she couldn’t make up her own mind. She wasn’t about to lose him to some sickness caused by Clyde the rooster or whatever it was. “Are you sure you’re up to this?” she whispered.

  He stood facing her in a frock coat and striped slacks. “Are you?” he whispered back.

  “More than anything in my life. Thank you for not giving up on me.”

  “You’re not mad at me for leaving to do what I had to do?”

  “Your grandfather’s very important to you. I look forward to meeting him.”

  He smiled. “Thank you, honey. You’re the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”

  “You’ve seen a lot of brides, then?” she teased as her family gathered behind them.

  He smiled. “I thought I had.”

  Duncan cleared his throat. He and Cozette stood off to one side. “It’s time, you two.”

  Rufi looked at her huge family behind them. Ma had tears in her eyes while Bella shaded hers against the sun, proud as a peacock. Rufi didn’t want to have any one of them walk her down the aisle. Bella had put up a fuss earlier, but soon let it go. Rufi smiled at her sister.

  Calvin stood next to Bella. Was he crying? It was hard to tell. Mrs. MacDonald had them facing the afternoon sun. Why, she had no idea, especially on such a hot day, but the setting was beautiful at the edge of one of the orchards, the sweet smell of apples all around them.

  “Shall we begin?”

  Rufi and C.J. faced forward. Dallan stood before them, a Bible in his hand. “Are ye sure about this, Rufina Cucinotta?”

  Rufi glanced between the Scot and C.J. “What do you mean? It’s why I’m standing here wearing my sister’s wedding dress.”

  Dallan grinned. “So ye’re fully prepared to leave yer family and all that’s familiar to go with this man into a world that’s not yer own?”

  “Yes,” she said forcefully. “Don’t try to talk me out of it now.”

  “I have to ask, lass. What sort of minister would I be if I didna?”

  She stared at him a moment. Apparently the man wanted to make sure she knew her own mind as well. “I understand.”

  He smiled tenderly. “So ye’re willing to submit yerself to this man, Rufi?”

  She looked at C.J. He smiled back. “Yes,” she said. “With all my heart.” She turned back to Dallan. “Now can we get on with it?” she hissed.

  The Scot smiled and nodded at C.J. “Tell him.”

  “Tell him what?”

  “What ye just said. He needs to hear it.”

  She turned to C.J. What could it hurt? With everything moving so fast, no wonder he wanted them to be sure. “I do want to go with you, C.J.,” she said. “Freely and willingly, I want to be a part of your world.”

  C.J. smiled at her. “Thank you for saying it.” He swallowed hard and shuddered.

  “Carlyle Branson,” Dallan said before she could react. “Who is this woman?”

  C.J. slowly turned to him. “You have to ask?” He turned back to Rufi and gazed into her eyes. “She’s mine.”

  “Good answer.” Dallan looked at the family behind them. “Now we can get started.”

  Rufi glanced behind her. Most of the family were shading their eyes against the sun now. “Better hurry before we all go blind,” she said.

  Dallan laughed, opened the Bible and cleared his throat. “Dearly beloved …”

  She’d heard the vows at other weddings, but never imagined them recited at her own in a Scottish accent. Nor was she prepared for the sudden elation that coursed through her when C.J. kissed her. The sun seemed to brighten along with the rest of her world.

  When he broke the kiss she looked deeply into his eyes and couldn’t help but cry, she was so happy. She glanced at her family, who stood awestruck, as if they couldn’t believe she was married now. Was it that much of a shock? But it had all happened so fast – of course it was.

  Ma recovered first. “Land sakes!” she cried and hurried to them. She gave Rufi a big hug. “Congratulations, child!”

  “Thank you, Ma,” Rufi said.

  Ma turned to C.J. “You take good care of her, you hear? Or you’ll have all of us to contend with, young man.”

  C.J. smiled. “I will.”

  Ma backed up a step and studied him. “You look … a lot better. Thank the Lord for that!” She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

  Harlan was next to congratulate them, followed by Samijo, Charity, Arlan and Ebba. Daniel stood off to one side and just stared, as if he couldn’t believe his eyes. But here she was, married and about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. It was what she’d secretly dreamed about for years, and now the dream was coming true. But would her family really accept C.J.? What if they never really did?

  C.J. shook Arlan’s hand as she watched, then hugged Samijo. Those two moved out of the way to make room for Rufi’s siblings. He hugged Gabby and smiled like a loon. He was now her husband, her everything. And her family was his family. Realization struck like a heavy fist and made her stumble.

  “What’s the matter?” Shona asked. “You looked so happy a moment ago and now you look so forlorn.”

  “It’s nothing,” Rufi said and smiled at her new husband.

  C.J. smiled back, though his was a little crooked. “I have a family now. A very large …” He winked at Calvin. “… somewhat violent family.”

  Benjamin burst into laughter, slapping Calvin’s back so hard he almost knocked him over.

  Shona put an arm around Rufi. “I know what you’re thinking,” she said softly. “Don’t worry. Your family will come to love him.”

  Rufi’s eyes widened. “How did you …?”

  “Trust me, I went through the same thing.”

  Dallan joined the two and smiled. “Ye make a lovely bride, lass. I ken ye’ll make him verra happy.” He leaned down. “And dinna fash. He’ll be better in no time. As will you.”

  “She’s more worried about her family,” his wife said.

  “Och aye.” He looked at the twins, Arlan and Daniel now gathered off to one side staring at them. “Mayhap they need something to help them … bond with her new husband?”

  “Oh dear,” Shona said. “Dallan?”

  He rubbed his chin with one hand. “Aye, that’ll do.” He looked at his wife and grinned.

  “Oh no. No, no, no …”

  “What’s this?” Duncan asked as he joined them.

  “What are you thinking?” Rufi asked, though she had to agree with the thought. She wanted to know C.J. was fully accepted. Words were one thing, actions another. That and Ma’s four sons were looking more and more like the shock of the wedding was wearing off.

  The big Scot smiled, grabbed C.J. by the arm and marched him over to the Weaver men.

  “Here we go,” Mrs. MacDonald tossed up a hand.

  “What’s he doing?” Rufi asked in alarm.

  “Don’t ask.”

  “Gentlemen!” Dallan boomed. “A wagonload o’ supplies says the five of ye canna toss me into that wee well over there.”

  Arlan, Benjamin, Calvin, Daniel and C.J. glanced at the well on the other side of the barnyard. “What?” C.J. said, perplexed.

  A devilish smile formed on Daniel’s face. “It’s a family tradition.” He looked at his brothers. “Think we can take him?”

  “Five against one?” Arlan scoffed. “Course we can.” He glanced at C.J. “Ya up to it?”

  He looked at them and took a deep breath. “I’ll do my best.”

  “Yer best’s good enough for us.” Calvin slapped him on the back. “Welcome to the family.”

  C.J. smacked him in return. “Thanks, Calvin.”

  Dallan smiled and fell into a crouch. “Weel, ladies, what’re ye waiting for?”

  All five men smiled at one another. “Let’s get him!” C.J. cried. They charged.

  Rufi smiled as her
new husband and the rest of the men tackled the Scot. It might be her wedding, but it was also just another day with the Weavers.

  Also by Kit Morgan

  Check out the Prairie Bride Series here: You’ll be glad you did!

  All of Kit Morgan’s books can be found at her website Be sure to sign up for Kit’s newsletter to learn more about upcoming books and special surprises!

  About the Author

  Kit Morgan lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She grew up playing cowboys and Indians and has always loved Westerns! She and her father watched many Western shows and movies together and, though not a western, also enjoyed the quirky characters of Green Acres. No wonder Kit’s books have been described as Green Acres meets Gunsmoke and have brought joy and entertainment to thousands of readers around the globe.




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