Book Read Free

His Human Subject

Page 6

by Stella Rising

  Turning to Tim, the doctor says, “I’ve stopped the bleeding for now. The wound isn’t life-threatening, but it’s going to require surgery to remove the bullet. Without a proper hospital, the procedure will be risky. I recommend leaving it alone and managing the pain.”

  “Will I be able to walk?” Tim asks, dread in his expression.

  Martina nods. “With a limp, sorry to say.”

  “You can’t be serious,” he replies, looking down at his leg.

  “I know this is difficult,” she says. “But I’d rather not perform surgery here unless it’s absolutely necessary. Exposing you to alien pathogens... we don’t know how well our antibiotics will perform against them.”

  Tim’s lip curls and his face reddens. “This isn’t fair.”

  I shake my head and take his hand. “No, it isn’t.”

  He looks up at me, blinking away tears. “Alexis, I hate to ask this, but I need to go back to Earth. If you talk to the alien, I could go back, get the surgery I need, and return.”

  “Tim, you don’t know what you’re asking,” I blurt, imagining how the conversation with Prust would go. “Sorry,” I say quickly. “I just meant that people will think—”

  “I don’t care!” Tim screams. “I need to walk, Alexis! How am I supposed to hunt if I can barely move? Talk to Prust and get me back to Earth!”

  Hiding a wince, I hope he wasn’t heard by too many people. Maybe they won’t spread it too quickly.

  What a nightmare.

  I totally appreciate what Tim’s dealing with and that he’s in an emotionally charged state, but if people start demanding passage back to Earth when something goes wrong, what are we even doing out here? On the other hand, he’s given me an unassailable excuse to go see Prust, and I hate to admit I’m eager to take it.

  “I’ll ask him,” I say, spotting Kyle returning with a wheelchair. He helps me and Martina to lift Tim into the seat.

  “Take care of him the best you can,” I tell her. “Kyle, go find Steve and Jeanne. Tell them to arrange a watch for that animal or more like it, and to get a tracker to follow it carefully. We need to know where it went and how many more of those things are out there.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he says, running off again.

  Maybe I should have seen all this coming. At the meeting later I’m going to propose we build a fence around the settlement; I doubt anyone will object. For now, I watch Martina wheel Tim away to the makeshift infirmary and take a deep breath. My adrenaline rush subsides, and fatigue creeps in. I head back to my tent to get a little rest. I have a feeling I don’t want to be tired when I go see Prust.

  * * *

  “Congratulations, Alexis, you handled the situation very well.”

  Prust hands me a cup of liquor. Called soek, it reminds me of mead with its golden color and sweet, honey taste. Apparently he distilled it right here on Piskiron, though he won’t tell me what local ingredients he used.

  “Thanks,” I say, sipping the drink. “So why do I feel like shit?”

  He takes a seat next to me on his couch. “Sympathy for your friend, and stress.”

  I throw back a bit more of the soek. “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

  He drinks a little too, then asks, “What brings you to see me, Ms. Miller?”

  With a sigh, I decide I may as well just say it. There’s not much point in beating around the bush. “Tim wanted me to come see you. He wants to go back to Earth for surgery. Can you arrange that?”

  Prust laughs. “Do I look like an intergalactic travel agent?”

  This is what I was afraid of.

  “That’s a no?”

  “Correct. I’m very sorry for this man’s suffering, but injuries requiring surgery are not an unforeseeable occurrence for a new colony. Your people chose to live on an alien world, cognizant of the dangers. I will not ferry humans back and forth to Earth at their convenience. I’m sorry, but no.”

  I had a feeling that’s what he’d say, and I kind of agree with him. Tim knew what he was getting into when he came here, though I doubt he expected to take friendly fire. I’m almost glad for Prust’s denial—how long would the colony last if people started returning to Earth when the going got rough? Even if their reason was pretty good, like Tim’s, how many wouldn’t bother coming back? Still, as the woman in charge, it’s my duty to do everything I can for my people.

  “But wouldn’t it be so easy? Your ships can fly themselves, and it only takes a few days to get to Earth,” I argue.

  “Yes, it would be easy,” says Prust. “The answer is still no, unless everyone wants to return.”

  I nearly choke on the last of my soek. “What?”

  He takes my cup and goes to get us each a refill. “If you all decide coming to Piskiron was a mistake and want to leave, I will arrange for everyone to return to Earth. But you all have to come, unanimously. I want humanity to be united—that means all of you, too. The last thing I need is a thousand bitter humans waxing nostalgic about their time being free in space, all of which was built on a lie.”

  His words sting, and I turn down the second drink. “If I can’t get Tim back to Earth, I have to make this right, somehow.”

  Prust nods, eyeing me intently. I shy away from his gaze, images of him naked flashing through my mind.

  Dammit. I can’t believe I’m doing this again.

  “Can’t you just tell me what to do?” I ask. “Would it be so hard for you?”

  Prust steps toward me with agonizing slowness. He takes my chin and raises it until I meet his stare. “No, but it wouldn’t be much fun, either.”

  I wish his words didn’t send a surge of heat through my core, that his dominant touch and deep voice didn’t soak my panties in seconds. I wish I hadn’t been waiting for an excuse to come to Prust with an urgent need.

  “Is it going to be like the last time?” I ask, my ass already tingling with anticipation.

  “Not exactly,” Prust replies. “Get down on your knees.”

  Chapter Eight

  If I were in my right mind, I’d already be out the door letting loose a series of elaborate curses. Instead, I lower myself to the floor, as instructed, with embarrassing speed—almost eagerness, if I’m being honest with myself. Is it better for my pride or worse that I’m willing to do this not as an exchange, but because it somehow appeals to me? I’m not a stranger to giving pleasure; it’s been a while, and I’m not very skilled, but I do enjoy the task.

  Still, it’s not something I ever expected to do for a Dominar. And would I rather be getting spanked? Probably not. At least after this I’ll be able to sit down. Then again, remembering the immense size of Prust’s package, I quail at the idea of taking him in my mouth.

  “Have you done this before?” he asks.

  “What, that’s not in my file? I thought you know everything about us AAL personalities.”

  He chuckles. “Maybe I do, but wanted to see how you’d answer.”

  Blushing, I tell him the truth. “Yes, but I’m not very good at it.”

  He nods. “Then it’s time you got some practice.” Pulling down his pants, he reveals an already firm erection. He lets me take a good look. My jaw hangs as I gaze.

  “You’ll have to open wider than that, pet.”

  Pet? Is that how he sees me? Is it because I’m some kind of animal, or because he owns me? Or both? He says the word softly—affectionately, but not without an air of superiority.

  “Don’t call me that,” I snap. “I don’t belong to you, asshole.”

  “Is that so?” he replies, pressing his cock to my lips. “Then why are you on your knees, staring at my cock? If you don’t want this, get up and go.”

  If not for the churning in my core, I would scream in rage. What I wouldn’t give to get in a jet and fly as far from here as I could get. Except, that would mean letting Prust win, and I’m not going to let that happen.

  “You’re going to tell me what I want to know,” I say.

  He laughs. �
��Suck my cock, pet.”


  My face burns as I obey. However, when I start to reach for his shaft, a pair of telerings emerge and lock around my wrists. They then pull my arms behind my back.

  “Just your mouth, Alexis.” He has to make this as difficult as possible, doesn’t he?

  I start by licking the head of his cock, getting it wet, as if that will somehow make it easier to take in my mouth. Prust doesn’t complain. He looks down at me, holding my hair in his hand. Somehow, that part of the act feels dirtier than anything else. That’s what makes me feel used. I should object to it, but I’m too focused on Prust’s mammoth cock. I nearly giggle, finding his green-toned skin’s salty flavor surprisingly strange—as if it should somehow taste minty.

  “Stop stalling,” he says when it feels like I’ve been licking a long time. “Use your whole mouth.”

  I hadn’t meant to delay, but I suppose that’s what I was doing. “Sorry,” I pause to say.

  Prust pulls my hair back, keeping his cock out of reach. “I am your superior. Say ‘sir’ when you address me.”

  Straining against the telerings and his grip on my hair, I sneer. “My superior? Did you really just say that?”

  “I am your master, your owner—I could leave you here on this planet and let you live out a short, unfortunate life. Instead, I’m here, helping you humans struggle to survive. So, yes, you will address me properly, and be glad for the opportunity to do so.”

  There’s so much I want to scream in reply my head hurts, but Prust doesn’t give me the chance. He presses his cock to my lips, and on instinct I open my mouth to let him in deep. His rod fills me up until my jaw hurts and I can barely breathe.

  “Inhale through your nose,” he says. “And don’t forget to suck.”

  Humiliated, my lips sealed around his cock, I perform as directed. Prust tugs gently on my hair, prompting me to bob my head. I jerk against my bonds, wishing I could make this easier by using my hands.

  As we develop a rhythm, I start to feel good. Prust grins, likely enjoying my submission as much as my physical efforts. Then he shoves his cock a little too deep; feeling it in my throat, I cough and pull away.

  “Easy, pet,” he says, giving me a moment to regain my composure. “Now try again.”

  Cheeks burning, I take him in deep once more. Did he know that would happen, and make me gag on purpose? Or was he just dissatisfied by how little of his cock I’d managed to suck?

  Regardless, I’m determined to please Prust. It’s not that he deserves it, and I probably shouldn’t be looking to prove myself by getting a man to climax—I’ve accomplished far more difficult tasks—but I want him to see that I’ll strive to succeed at literally anything.

  His cock throbs in my mouth, releasing pre-cum. “Oh, that’s better,” he says.

  Damn right it is.

  “So much effort. Keep going, Alexis. Show me how dirty you are.”

  I pick up speed, encouraged by his response. Saliva drips down my chin, and sweat beads on my forehead. I gaze up into Prust’s eyes, my lips stretched around his thick shaft. The sight makes him twitch, and then I taste his hot release.

  “Don’t stop,” he says, thrusting his hips as I suck hard, milking every last drop of his essence. Following his order, I keep my lips sealed until Prust withdraws, fully sated. Seeing his glistening cock, I sigh, sheepishly grinning.

  Prust smiles. “Did you enjoy that, Alexis?”

  “No,” I lie, prompting him to smack my bottom. Even through my jeans, it still stings.

  “It’s okay if you did,” he says. “There’s nothing wrong with liking the act of giving pleasure. That’s a very endearing quality to have.”

  I suppose he’s right. “I wanted to hate it, but I didn’t,” I admit.

  “Good,” he replies, releasing my telerings. “I don’t want you to hate the things I do to you.”

  “Really?” I say, shaking my arms, getting the blood flowing. “I’m surprised you care.”

  “I am too,” he mutters.

  I pause, feeling the slight indents in my skin left by his restraints. Am I something more to him than a pet human here to fulfill his deviant cravings, or is this how he treats those he actually cares about? If he actually has some kind of feelings for me, how could he treat me this way?

  As usual, my time with Prust brings more questions than answers—but I’m not leaving here empty-handed.

  “So, if you’re not taking anyone back to Earth, what can we do for Tim?” I ask. “Can you heal his injury with your tech?”

  Prust sighs, pouring himself another glass of soek. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Even if your friend was willing to accept my help, I’d rather not interfere so directly.”

  “You’ll just interfere through me, right?”

  He growls, his lips twisting. “Correct. Thank you for pointing out my hypocrisy. I’m aware.”

  That makes two of us, and neither of us needs a reminder.

  “Okay, but then what can I do to fix this?”

  Prust sips his drink and exhales. “You can’t fix it, but you can convince Tim to accept it. You’re his leader. It’s time for you to lead.”

  * * *

  “Now I know that this is a scary proposition,” I say into a megaphone, looking out at nearly a thousand faces. Everyone’s come to hear my speech. Tim sits next to me in a wheelchair, his leg wrapped in gauze. “Getting hurt out here will be a much more serious matter than it would be on Earth. But we didn’t come here for an easy life. Why did we come here?”

  “Freedom!” the crowd shouts back at me.

  “What did you say?”

  “Freedom!” they scream.

  “That’s right!” I say, pacing across a makeshift stage. “We are going to help one another! When one of us is hurt, the rest of us will try harder! We bought this one-way ticket because we believe in ourselves. Together, we are going to show this planet that humanity is here to stay!”

  The audience bursts into cheers and applause.

  “Together, we are going to show the Dominars that we don’t turn and run at the first sign of difficulty!”

  They howl happily, their mirth contagious.

  “Today we met our first real threat on Piskiron, a dangerous wild animal, but we are all of us descendants of hunters. Today we were caught off-guard, but that won’t happen again. Like our ancestors before us, we will hunt these animals and make them afraid of us!”

  While they cheer again, I motion to Tim, who wheels himself toward me.

  “As for the animals,” I continue when the crowd quiets, “I thought it only right that Tim gets to name them.”

  I take his hand and pass him a crutch. He stands up and waves, eliciting cacophonous applause.

  “Back in high school,” he says, unable to keep a grin off his face, “they used to call me T-dog.”

  They erupt in laughter, and I can’t help joining them.

  Don’t let him tell you before the speech, Prust had instructed. Let them see your genuine reaction.

  “That’s perfect,” I say, giving Tim a gentle hug, careful not to bump his leg. “T-dogs!”

  Tim looks at me, his expression sobering. He whispers, “Can I say something?”

  My heart thumps, wondering what he wants. This wasn’t part of the planned presentation; Prust didn’t say anything about how to handle such a circumstance.

  “Sure,” I say, handing him the megaphone and hoping my instinct hasn’t steered me wrong.

  “Thanks, everybody,” Tim starts. “I just have to set something right. Yesterday I said things that I want to take back. I was upset, and had a bad reaction to some bad news. I was wrong. I don’t want to return to Earth. For the last six years I’ve dreamed about being here with you all, and I’ll never give it up, no matter what. Thank you!”

  I wrap my arm around Tim’s back and together we wave to our people. Smiling wide, soaking in the adulation, I try to forget that, once again, I couldn’t
have done this without Prust.

  * * *

  “Alexis. All went well?”

  “It did,” I say, stepping inside Prust’s residence. He’s standing and scanning through a series of holograms, wearing just a pair of black briefs. I should be glad for the alluring sight, but I’m too upset with myself. “Thank you.”

  He shoots me a cross look.

  “Thank you, sir,” I correct myself. “Once again, you were right. Tim’s feeling a lot better, and colony morale is probably as high as it’s ever been.”

  Prust nods, waving away the holograms. “People rally around each other in times of hardship. It’s essential to the survival of any great civilization.”

  I lean against the wall, my hands crossed in front of my chest. “That’s a nice way of looking at it. I feel like I just got them to swallow a bitter pill by telling them it’s sugar.”

  We’re never going back to Earth. On some level, I don’t think I ever believed that until now. It was always an option—a fail-safe, in the event of a catastrophe. Having Prust hovering around the outskirts meant the worst that could happen was we’d all hop a ride back home. Now I know that’s not true—Piskiron is home, like it or not.

  Have I not seen the truth until now because I’ve spent so much time with Prust? I should be thanking my lucky stars that Tim wasn’t hurt more seriously. What if he’d died, and several people suddenly changed their mind about this experiment? What would have happened when I had to tell them we’re all stuck here? I suppose I could still find out—our world isn’t exactly safe. There will be more injuries in the future, more doubts to quell.

  “You showed them the truth in the best possible light, but it was still the truth,” Prust offers. “If your people didn’t believe in you and your world, they wouldn’t have supported you.”

  “Maybe if I told them who they really believe in...” I mutter.

  “Maybe if I stopped leading from the shadows,” Prust counters.

  “Excuse me? Is that what you’re doing? Taking over my colony through me?”

  He takes my hand and leads me to his couch. He sits us both down and slips his arms around me. “No, that’s not what I meant. I’m saying I shouldn’t be helping you. I’m supposed to be observing the experiment, not affecting the outcome.”


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