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Heart of a Rebel: Rebel Aces MC Part 1

Page 12

by K. D. Latronico

  But she was stubborn, as always, and any time she even sniffed out what I was thinking, my feisty redhead would shut it down quickly. Of course, then came the distractions. I really liked the distractions.

  "Honey, if you're gonna stand around in my way, you better put those big muscles to good use and carry out this tray of mac and cheese!"

  Laughing, I turned in the direction of Rita's bossy voice, extending my arms to take the massive metal pan from her. "Yes, ma'am. Out on the table?"

  "Yup," she called as she moved back into the kitchen to take care of something in a pot on the stove, "the big table running along the back where the rest of the food is. And make sure the boys are keeping an eye on the meat and not just drinking and goofin' off?"

  "You got it. I'll be back to grab more."

  Rita grinned. "Good boy."

  Walking out of the side door towards the back of the clubhouse, I could hear all kinds of noise coming from the group enjoying our massive yard. We were having our annual Fourth of July barbecue, which was why Rita had been running around with the Sweeties and other old ladies all morning cooking enough food to feed the entire neighborhood. And sometimes, it felt like the entire neighborhood was here.

  Whenever there was a big celebration, everyone close to the club was invited. Retired members, other chapter members or nomads that were in town, and obviously family, friends, and associates. As the years went on, the families kept growing, but luckily there was plenty of room inside and out.

  The Rebel Aces clubhouse was built with a sense of family in mind. The entire second and third floor had rooms and apartments for people to stay in when they needed. The kitchen was big enough to be confused for a school cafeteria, and there was a park built on our land outside for all of the kids that were raised around the club. That had been updated recently, but it had been a place that I had played in a lot growing up. We, as an MC, may not seem like the most conventional people, and many may cross the street to get away from us when we're headed in their direction, but we do what we have to do to provide for our families and friends.

  Sometimes by any means necessary.

  Passing a few prospects as I made my way outside, I called out to them. "Go inside and help Rita bring the rest of the stuff outside."

  Once I placed the macaroni and cheese tray in the spot that I assumed it should go, I turned to survey my surroundings. Naturally, my gaze ended up on the vibrant red hair that never seemed to not catch my eye. She had her head tossed back and she was laughing at something as she sat at one of the round tables with a few others. Her hair was piled up on her head and she wore a gorgeous floral sundress that I had nearly tore off of her when I saw her in it. I still couldn’t get over just how beautiful she really was. And it wasn't just her outer beauty that caught me stunned sometimes. Leah was genuine and kind, one of the strongest women I knew, and when I was with her, she made me better. Made me want to be better, for her.

  I was falling in love with her. Or maybe I had been all along and was finally allowing it to happen.

  "You gonna stare at her like a creeper all day or are you gonna go over there and be possessive?"

  Turning towards the familiar voice, I grinned at my sister. "I'm just admiring the view. And I am not possessive."

  Kim snorted, coming to stand next to me, her arms crossed. "Yeah, sure. Every chance you get you've got your hands on her and you're pulling her along with you. You forget that I've spent my entire life around alpha males. You're just like dad in that regard."

  That wasn't exactly a lie. I learned from my father how to treat a woman just by watching him with my mom. He was still a different generation and had a little bit of a different idea of what a wife should be like, but even still; my mother was everything to him, and everyone around them knew it.

  "Okay. Maybe a little." I couldn't help but grin, and Kim bumped her shoulder against mine. We were five years apart, with her being the older sibling, and while we didn't always get along growing up, we had become a lot closer over the last few years. Since she had come back to Port Townsend and gone through her divorce, and having her boys, we had bonded more. Even if we did still bicker like normal siblings.

  "How are things?" I asked, looking over at her. "Really." The last word was added with purpose because Kim had a habit of skirting around any real issues she may have in her life and remaining vague when she could. Most of the time she would blow off my questions or give a simple answer, but that wasn't enough for me.

  Kim didn't seem to fight it and she just shrugged, looking towards the park where Liam and Noah were playing. "They're alright. Mostly just work and the boys, honestly. There's this huge case we're working on that's been a real pain in the ass. Dave has been a huge help with the boys, so I can't complain..."

  She trailed off, and I didn't push her to reveal anything else. If she had something to say, she would. I knew it was a big adjustment for her, coming back here, integrating back into club life, being a single mom and running her practice, but she had owned every second of it. But I could tell, just by reading her when she was around the clubhouse, that something else was going on, or at the very least something in her life was missing.

  "The case giving you trouble?" I offered, pulling her thoughts back to something simpler.

  "Yeah. It’s been a few dead ends, but I'm totally behind this guy that he's innocent. If we don't win this case, he's getting life for a murder I believe he was set up for. So, you know, no fucking pressure or anything."

  Grimacing, I stuck my hands in my pockets. "Shit. That's a hell of a situation."

  Kim nodded. "Yup." Her gaze traveled back towards the park, and I could feel her tense slightly. Following her attention, I spotted Liam tossing a football back and forth with Tank, and I knew instantly why my sister reacted that way. She and my VP had dated for almost all of high school, done the whole first love thing together, and it hadn't ended well. Kim had big goals that didn't involve staying in Port Townsend or becoming an old lady, and she and Tank clashed greatly on their future plans. It ended when Kim packed up and left for college in California, and Tank was left in the dust, brokenhearted.

  They had both moved on, gotten married to other people, and Kim had her kids, but these days they found themselves back in the same place, both divorced, and with a lot of tension between them. At the most, they could be considered friendly, barely, though Tank had taken to spending time with my nephews, which they loved. I don't know what went through Kim's mind while she was watching them toss the ball back and forth, but she couldn't say it didn't affect her in some kind of way.

  "Have you ever sat down and talked with him?" I asked, taking a risk of getting punched in the nuts for even suggesting it. Luckily, I just got a glare, but then she sighed, shaking her head.

  "What is there to talk about? It's not like we're gonna get back together."

  My eyebrow arched. "Would you?"

  Groaning, she shook her head again. "I really don't want to talk about this right now, Ward."

  In my defense, I held my hands up. "Listen, I'm just suggesting you two clear the air so it's not ridiculously fucking awkward when you're both in the same room. You could end up getting back a friendship with him. You guys spent over four years together, grew up together. It's not like he was awful to you. I guarantee you he still cares a lot about you."

  Kim's answer wasn't something I expected from her at all. "Well, he probably shouldn't." Letting her arms down at her sides, she rocked back on her heels, taking a step towards the park. "Go, find your woman. I'm gonna see if I can get Noah to eat."

  So that was how it was going to be. I should have realized that I would meet some kind of resistance from her on this subject. I shrugged. "Alright. All I'm gonna say, though? I got my shit together finally, and it's the best thing I've ever done. Maybe you should consider it."



  SOMETIMES I DIDN’T BELIEVE the stories that came out of my brother and his friends’

  "So, we come walking out of the hospital, and there's this guy in a wheelchair. He's smoking a cigarette, he's got crutches attached to the chair sticking straight up, and he starts wheeling himself with one arm towards this hill. And this mother fucker is going in circles, because he's only using one hand."

  Moose cuts in on Eddie then to add to the story. "And we're so busy watching this guy, we don't see that there's a bunch of fucking geese guarding this walkway. So I accidentally almost kick this one, and that pisses him off for sure. And then fucking Satan's soldiers start coming at us, flapping and honking and making all kinds of noise. One almost bites me in the goddamn crotch, and another comes up and actually bites Silver right in the ass!"

  We're all howling with laughter at this point, and I have tears in my eyes as they go on.

  "And it still fucking hurts! But the best part? We manage to fight these little fuckers off, and we turn around just in time to watch the guy in the fucking wheelchair rolling down the hill, right into the goddamn bus stop!" Eddie slapped his leg, still laughing and barely even being able to get the story out as he recalled what may or may not have actually happened to him and his friend.

  "And this entire time," DT chimes in, "I was inside, and I come walking out and these two jabronis are on the goddamn ground, in tears, and can't even fucking tell me what happened!"

  Trying to get my breathing back to normal, I hold my stomach, leaning over in my chair as the others at the table do the same.

  "You two just can't go out in public, I swear," Lana said as she lifted her giant black sunglasses, dabbing at the tears that were coming from her eyes.

  "This is like the peacock story all over again," I added. "What is it with you and birds?!"

  "I don't know, maybe they're intimidated by Moose's big ass."

  Everyone laughs again. Eventually, Moose practically sniffs out the food, his head popping up above all of ours to look in the direction of the table. "Fuck yeah, I'm starving!" Despite his broad, six-foot-seven frame, the behemoth of a man sprang up from his seat and practically ran towards the table, with both Eddie and DT on his heels.

  I rolled my eyes playfully, sitting back in my chair. "Who wants to bet there will only be scraps left for us by the time we get over there?"

  "Not if I have anything to say about it," a familiar, deep voice rumbles from behind me as I feel large hands cover my shoulders.

  As my face lights up, I crane my head back, looking at him upside down. "You gonna make sure I get fed, baby?"

  Ward's smile spreads across his lips before he leans down, getting his face as close as possible to mine. "Oh, I'm gonna make sure you get fed," he whispered, before pressing his lips to mine.

  "Ugh, you two are gross," Lana finally cut in once we started to get a little carried away. Ward chuckled, moving away from me briefly to sit in the empty chair next to me. Instead of just taking my hand, though, he reached over and drags me into his lap. I happily let him take me wherever he wanted, my arms looping around his neck.

  "On THAT note, I think I'm gonna steal some food." With that, Lana and Camilla stood up and left the table, but it wasn't like either of us was paying attention.

  "Having fun?"

  I smiled, settling myself closer to him. "Mmhmm. Especially now. I've got the best seat in the house."

  There was a flash of heat in Ward's light eyes as he studied me. "Someone's being a little naughty today," he murmured, the tone of his voice a little playful, but not lacking the desire that I was clearly enticing in him. "If you're not careful, I'm gonna drag you out of here before you get any food, and you know you're gonna need your energy for what I have planned for you tonight."

  Heat rushed through me and I licked my lips, just imagining the promises he was making. "Maybe that's my intention. What have you got planned for me?"

  Ward's laugh rumbles in his chest. "Nope. That's a surprise for you later."

  My pout makes him laugh again, which just makes me swat at his chest. "No fair! It's still so early." I leaned in to whisper in his ear, "why don't you take me upstairs and give me a little preview?"

  I feel Ward's breath hitch and he groaned. "You know I want to do just that, baby, but we gotta stick around. It won't look good for the President and his woman to disappear during a family event."

  Warmth filled my chest. "His woman, hmm?"

  "Of course. You questioning that?"

  "Nope, I just like hearing you say it."

  Ward laughed again, closing the gap between us and kissing me, one of his hands moving to rest on the side of my face. "Well, you are my woman." His teeth grabbed my lower lip and he tugged gently as he growled, "mine."

  Right at that moment, we weren't in the middle of the yard surrounded by family and friends. There even weren't children around. Nothing existed beyond him and I and everything we wanted to do to one another. If he had thought that this was going to keep me distracted and not have me begging him to drag me upstairs and have his way with me, he greatly misjudged the situation.

  Moaning, I wiggled my ass against his lap and knew instantly that I wasn't the only one thinking exactly that.

  Pulling away, I tilted my head to whisper in his ear. "I'm going to go inside, and you're going to follow me, take me into your office, into a room, wherever, and you're going to fuck my brains out." With a swift movement, I was up and off of his lap, smoothing my hands down the skirt of my dress. "I won't wait long."

  With pure, unadulterated hunger for me etched over his features, Ward licked his lips, raking his gaze along my entire body. "You better get that pretty little ass in there." He stood then, stepping forward to look down at me. "But when I get you inside, I'm gonna make that ass so red, you won't forget who calls the shots here."

  So. Fucking. Sexy.

  "Don't threaten me with a good time." With a spin I practically skipped towards the door to the club house, my entire body buzzing with anticipation.



  "I’M TAKING YOU OUT tomorrow night. On a date."

  It was well after we had gotten home from the barbecue. Ward and I were in a position I never really thought my big, bad biker would be in - seated in his bathtub, legs sprawled out, his hair piled high on his head in a messy man-bun that nearly matched mine. Not exactly the picture of stereotypical manliness, but he really hadn't put up a fight. It probably helped that I was naked and in between his legs, my back resting against his chest. Who could really argue with a man in a bath that had a woman's ass resting against his cock?

  Maybe the blue and purple bath bomb would put a wrench in that argument, but whatever. Ward had his whiskey, I had wine, and we were soaking our aching bones from a day out in the sun and a lot of rough sex that left me so deliciously sore.

  "A date, yeah? And what if I was working tomorrow?" I asked, tilting my head back to look at him.

  The knowing grin on his face said it all. "Do you really think I wouldn't have checked first?"

  Snorting a laugh, I playfully rolled my eyes. "Oh, right, I forgot you have access to my schedule. Sneaky."

  Ward's lips found my temple, his beard gently nuzzling the side of my face. "Sneaky when necessary. It's been a hell of a few weeks, and I haven't gotten a chance to take you out. Nothing crazy, but you deserve to be wined and dined."

  The smile on my face couldn't get any bigger, and I could feel the warm fuzzies tingling in my stomach. Who was this man? Had I dreamt him up or something? Because he was just too perfect sometimes. "You know you don't have to do that."

  Ward looked down at me, one of his eyebrows raised. "I don't have to, I want to." Reaching out with his free hand, he brushed a few strands of my hair that had fallen in my face. "You've gotta understand something, Lee. I may have spent all these years trying to avoid just this, but now that I've abandoned that? I'm all in. I want to give you everything. Things that you may not think you deserve, but I know you do. I want to make you happy, and to be the reason that beautiful smile i
s on your face every minute of every day."

  With my mouth slightly agape, I stared up at him, and my heart pounded so loudly in my chest that it filled the silence between us. "Holy shit," I murmured softly, my hand to my chest. "You're gonna make me cry."

  He placed his glass on the edge of the tub before taking mine and placing it down as well. Shifting, he moved me so that our faces were close, nose to nose. "Don't cry," he murmured, the pad of his thumb brushed against my cheekbones.

  Smiling, I leaned into his touch. "Happy tears, Ward. Why do you think I kept chasing you all these years?" I wrinkled my nose at him, cocking my head slightly. "I'm a stubborn brat when there's something that I want."

  That made him laugh, loud, genuine. "Your words, not mine." When I swatted at him he laughed again. "In the best damn way possible. Because if you hadn't been, I'd still be holding back like an idiot."

  Deciding that two could play that game, I quipped, "your words, not mine." A squeal escaped my throat when he surprised me by leaning in to bite playfully at my nose, causing me to splash the water over the side of the tub.

  "Hey! You make a mess, you clean it."

  Pouting dramatically, I turned and laid back against his chest. "You said you were going to take care of me!" I whined.

  Another deep chuckle rumbled in his chest. "Never said I'd be your maid."

  "Ugh, what kind of boyfriend are you?"

  Ward’s eyebrows shot up. "The kind that makes you come three times before I even let myself get off. Also, none of this boyfriend shit. I’m your man."

  My eyes popped open and I looked at him, feeling the familiar warmth of desire wash over me. "So what are you, my manfriend?"

  Ward laughed loudly, his head falling back against the tile. “Just your man. We’ll talk about real labels later.”

  The two of us managed not to make more of a mess as we finish up our drinks, drain the tub, and shower off the remnants of the bath bomb. Luckily for Ward, I never bought ones with glitter in it, because glitter was like the herpes of the performance world.


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