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Heart of a Rebel: Rebel Aces MC Part 1

Page 25

by K. D. Latronico

  Pushing the blankets off of me, I climbed from the bed and padded barefoot towards the half-opened door to the bathroom. Slipping quietly inside, my gaze locked on Ward in the glass encased shower, one forearm resting against the tile, his head pressed against it as he allowed the water to run off of his tense, muscular form. Eyes closed, wet hair hanging in front of his face.

  Seeing him like this was rough, and I knew that Ward took on everything, but now it was my turn to take care of my man and be his strength. I was the woman to hold him up when the weight became too much. I was the woman to take care of him when he was too busy taking care of everyone and everything else.

  Gripping the hem of my shirt, I pulled it up over my head, tossing it on the floor before my underwear followed. Quietly I walked to the shower, carefully opening the door and slipping inside.

  Ward flinched at the noise, opening his eyes and looking back at me. His eyes flashed with something unrecognizable. Taking a step closer to him, I reached out, wrapping my hand around his forearm and gripping him lightly.

  No words were needed. As I looked him in the eyes, I tugged him away from the wall, slipping my body against his own. My hands began to slowly roam his body, up his arms, along his shoulders, down his chest. Leaning in, I pressed soft kisses to his bare skin, and to my relief, he began to relax; just slightly at first, but I knew I was doing something right.

  Ward let out a heavy breath, his arms wrapping around my body, one hand coming to tangle in my now damp hair. The water cascaded around us, but I didn’t stop. My caresses were tender, gentle but still with enough pressure so he could feel me, feel what was real, feel what I could give him. "I've got you," I whispered, kissing his collarbone.

  His breath hitched and his grip on me tightened. "I know," he said, his voice rough and gravelly.

  Pulling away just slightly so I could tilt my head up to look at him, I raised my hands to cradle the sides of his face, my fingers raking through his beard as I stared into his eyes beautiful, stormy hazel eyes. Remaining silent, my lips brushed against his and he kissed me back, softly at first before we both deepened it savoring each other's taste.

  We stayed like that for a while. Eventually, I pulled away, stepping back from him, taking his hands in mine. I could see then the bruises and cuts on his knuckles; I brought his right hand to my lips, followed by his left. Placing his fists underneath the spray of the shower, I gently washed the dried blood off, my movements tender and attentive.

  Ward stays silent, watching me under heavy-lidded eyes. When our gazes met, I could finally make out his expression. Admiration, though more like adoration, and pure love shined through his light eyes. No longer did he look pained and burdened by outside forces. I had my man back, and I could now properly care for him like I knew he would for me.

  Grabbing the shampoo bottle, I poured some into my palm before setting it back down and rubbing my hands together. Ward continued to watch me as I got to work, leaning up to run my hands over his hair, gently massaging the liquid into his dark locks, making sure to get every inch of his hair. The entire act was sensual, intimate to a point that I couldn't ever be with anyone else. And I wouldn’t want to be. I never saw myself being this way with anyone but Ward.

  I was just as delicate as I washed the shampoo out of his hair, tilting his head underneath the cascade of water, rubbing his scalp with my fingertips and nails. If he were a cat he'd probably be purring, but instead, I get soft grunts and groans of approval, which kept me satisfied.

  Soap came next, and I took my time on every inch of his skin. I explored every pane, dip, and arch of his muscles, every bit of his ink, taking my time on each of the faces and skulls drawn on his arms, chest, stomach, and back. Crouching down, I got his legs, taking a little more time than I needed to on his ass - because, even in tender moments like this, I can't help but admire that beautiful, lush ass of his.

  Once I've completed my task of washing him off, I stand up straight, standing in front of him, my hands moving to brush the wet hair from his eyes. Almost as if something clicked inside of him, Ward's large hands envelop my face and he pulls me close to crush his lips to mine. Cradling my head, he tilts it back at the right angle so he can take over, his tongue exploring my mouth, tangling with my own tongue, positively fucking my mouth in a way that no man had ever done before.

  With each move of his jaw, each stroke of his tongue, I felt cherished, like I was the Holy Grail Ward had just found, as if I were the most precious thing in the world to him. I could feel it every time we were together. My man treasured me, and the intensity of that could scare some girls off, but it only drew me in more.

  I felt the same way about him, and now, at this very moment, I needed him to know that.

  Breaking away from his kiss, my mouth immediately began to trail down his jawbone, his neck, his chest, my hands roaming over every curve and indent of his body. My knees brought me down to a crouch, one hand resting on a wide, muscular thigh, the other wrapping around his cock, which had been hard from nearly the moment I had gotten into the shower with him.

  Ward's steel blue eyes locked on mine, his breathing shallow, and I completely take over.

  With my right hand I stroke him, slowly at first, admiring him from every angle. My tongue darts out then and I swirl it around the head of him, relishing in the sound of his groan as it echoes off the tile walls. My goal here is to make the man that I love feel as worshiped as I do every single time I’m with him. All I want is for him to see how much I care about him, how much I truly love him, and how badly I want to take his burdens away.

  I would do anything for him, and while there isn't much I can do for the man who constantly led a motorcycle club through dangerous territories, I can be that woman that held him up and steadied him when he needed it.

  Ward’s moans grew louder as I continued. Eventually it became too much, because the hand that had been buried in my hair tugged me away from him and he leaned down, scooping me up into his arms.

  No words were said, but I know his intentions as he turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. Setting me down, Ward grabbed the large towel he had gotten for himself and began to dry me off before he did the same for himself.

  And then I was back in his arms, legs wrapped around him as I clung to him, our chests pressed firmly together. It didn’t take long for him to get us to the bed, and when he did, he turned around and sat down on the mattress, leaving me to straddle his lap.

  That apparently disturbs the cat, who chirped in protest from her spot on the very end corner of the bed. Uncurling herself, she stretched out, before hopping down and meandering into the bathroom - likely to lick the inside of the shower now that it’s wet, which is one of her favorite activities.

  Our concentration on one another was momentarily broken. Ward chuckled low. “You’ve got a weird cat, you know that?”

  I grinned, nudging my nose against his. “I know, but she’s adorable.” Brushing my lips to his, I let my tongue slide out and ever so gently run along his lower one. “But that’s not the pussy I want you focused on…”

  For the first time since dinner, Ward let out a genuine laugh, his hands on my hips gripping me tighter. “Baby, your pussy is the only pussy I’m ever focused on.”

  It was my turn to laugh, but it morphed into a moan when Ward pulled my hips towards him, causing the pussy in question to rub against his hard cock. With my arms looped around his neck, I leaned back, rolling my hips forward a few times until his moan mimics mine.

  Unable to waste any more time, I righted myself by bringing my upper half parallel to his, and with one arm still on his shoulder; I reached between us with the other to grab his cock. Using the power of my legs to lift me, I aligned the head against my entrance and slowly sat back down, sliding him all the way inside me and filling me in ways that still surprised me even now.

  With a loud groan, Ward palmed my ass with one hand, the other sliding up my back to grab a hold on my red locks, searing
his lips to mine as I began to move. We didn’t start out slow. The moment he was completely inside of me we both become desperate, two beings fused together to become one, moving together like their souls were connected.

  Because they were. We were. Every bit of us was connected, and it went back years. I may have been slightly punch drunk from the pleasure currently coursing through my five-eight frame, but I couldn’t deny this feeling.

  I was meant to be his as much as he was meant to be mine.

  Pulling my mouth away only to breathe, my head fell back as I let out a cry, my thighs working overtime to pump my hips against him, though he was putting in the same amount of work. Ward’s lips sealed themselves to the pulse-point in my neck and it was enough to push me even closer to the edge. My fingers were tangled in his hair now as I held on for dear life.

  There wasn’t a sliver of space between us. We were touching in every possible way, rutting like two animals in the wild, without a care in the world about whether someone could hear the bed bouncing, or our mutual moans, grunts, and panting breaths.

  Nothing existed beyond us.

  And when I exploded into a million pieces after my climax, and Ward followed, both of our names coming from each other’s lips, it’s as if I exist only for him, was made for him, and this man, the love of my life, is the key to my hopes and dreams, my happiness, my future.



  IT WASN’T FULL LIGHT yet when I started to wake up, the dull rays of the sunrise falling on the bed as I stirred, familiar weight and warmth pressed against my naked body. I didn't even need to open my eyes to know that Leah was still curled in my arms. Her scent filled the space between us, her soft breathing indicating that she was still sleeping. Tightening my grip on her as I pull her closer, my lips curve into a smile as I bury my face in her hair.

  Eventually, I'll have to get out of this bed and get back to the reality that was waiting for me in the basement. This was going to be a long day, but for now, my need to steal this moment with my woman in our bed was far greater than the one to get down to business.

  Our bed. It wasn't, and I knew that. This was only temporary, but the thought brought back an earlier one. I wanted Leah in my bed permanently. Every night, every morning, I wanted to have her by my side. Despite the circumstances, having her here this week had been utter bliss, the bright spots in an otherwise crappy situation. This was the life I lived, though, and there would always be more shitty hands dealt to us - having her by my side, every single day, would be my fuel to get through it all.

  This brings me back to last night. I had left that basement with the entire world on my shoulders. The burden of knowing that the clock was ticking and that I desperately needed to get answers weighed heavily on me. And looking in Hernandez's eyes, knowing he had something to do with the threats against Leah, and he was linked to the club that took everything away from her and her siblings had brought a rage in me that I hadn't felt in a long while. If my self-control hadn't been sharpened for as long as they were, there was a chance I would have snapped right there, right then.

  I needed to get my shit together. I can't go off losing my control and killing off the only link we may have to anything pertaining to Los Chingados. He may either be the key, leverage, or both, and he was of no use to us dead. Not until all of this was taken care of.

  But something had shifted last night. Maybe it was having him there, knowing he was the enemy, but I had gotten back to our room wrecked, afraid to even be near Leah until I had calmed down.

  This beautiful woman in my arms took matters into her own hands and healed me. She showed me love, showed me such care that I hadn't been aware I was needing. With each touch, kiss, caress from her, Leah put the pieces of me back together.

  I may spend the rest of my days vowing to protect her in every single way, to shield her from outside horrors, to mend her body, heart, and soul when needed, but the reality was that I needed her for all of that, too.

  If I, the president of a one percenters motorcycle club, was going to spend the rest of my life with one woman, she would have to be strong - of mind, body, and soul, independent, and resilient.

  Leah was all of that and more.

  Her stirring from her sleep brought me back from my thoughts. She stretched, almost like a cat, before she opened her eyes and looked up at me. The realization that I was right there provoked a sleepy smile to tug at the corners of her lips. God, was she beautiful. With wild, sex and sleep hair, tired eyes, and a makeup-free face, she was the picture of perfection. A goddess. My goddess.

  "Good morning," she murmured before stifling a yawn.

  "Good morning, beautiful." One hand brushed back her hair, smoothing it slightly, and I leaned in to kiss her forehead. "How did you sleep?"

  Leah curled closer to me, closing her eyes for a moment while she continued to smile. "Amazing." Her voice was low, heavy with fatigue, which was ridiculously sexy to me. "I always sleep better when I'm in bed with you."

  I press my smiling lips to her forehead. "Good thing we're gonna be doing that permanently, then."

  Lifting her head quickly, Leah looks up at me, her brown eyes wide now. She was definitely awake. "Seriously?"

  I nod, and as I speak, I slowly roll her onto her back and myself on top of her. "Seriously. I'm moving you in, Leah. You and that crazy cat..." I pause, shifting my eyes to the side, waiting to confirm my suspicions. "...who is currently climbing on my back."

  Like I announced her entrance, Zee the cat crawls across my bare back, and Leah's gaze shifts quickly over my shoulder. I know when the cat pops her head over because Leah bursts into laughter. It scares the feline slightly, causing her to draw her claws and sinks a few in my back. I hissed in pain, and Leah continues to laugh.

  "I'm sorry, are you okay? Oh my god." She covers her face with her hands as she laughs, and I can't help myself from following her. Zee just settles on my back and lays there, purring in my ear. "I'm sorry, that's-- oh god, that's great. Sorry, she does that..." Her words fade into more laughter.

  "Is she gonna do this all the time?"

  Leah nods, her grin wide, but she has the decency to look sheepish. "Yup. As soon as she sees I'm up, she jumps on my chest."

  "Or my back."

  "She's not picky."

  Dropping my head, I chuckle into her neck. "Well, there goes my plans for the morning. I can't fuck you with a cat on my back."

  Leah's laughter stops and her face grows serious. She's seriously adorable like this. "Zatana, down."

  The roar of laughter that leaves me scares the cat, who jumps and takes off, which just makes us both laugh even more.

  "So," Leah piped up once our hilarity calmed, wiping her fingers underneath her eyes, "about those morning plans?"

  Two more rounds and a mutual shower session later, we're getting dressed for the day. "Today's gonna be busy for me." I turn to look at her over my shoulder as I pull my belt through the loops in my jeans. "And probably the rest of the guys. There'll still be prospects and a few patches around to take care of things, do security rounds, but this is kind of an all hands on deck situation."

  I hadn't gotten a chance to tell Leah much of anything, not that I really would. There were just certain things that she didn't need to know, even as my old lady. that had been one of my deterrents, in the beginning, knowing that I would have to lie to her often, but I've now realized that it's all about compromise. I give her a little, what she needs to know, and she understands that the rest has to stay with me and the club.

  "Okay," she says as she tugs on her leggings. "That's fine. We'll be fine." I'm distracted as she wiggles her hips as she's tugging the fabric over them, hopping once and then grabbing her shirt to pull over her head. Once it's on, she pauses, looking over at me.


  Leah bites her lip. "I hate to ask you this now because you've got so much on your mind, but is there any way you would maybe have an idea when this lockdown is going to be d
one...?" Quickly she holds up her hands as if I'm going to jump down her throat for asking. "I only want to know because people are gonna ask. The kids are getting restless, people have to get back to work. And even us, we need to get a date together for the reopening. So I know you probably don't have a lot of answers, but, just...throw me a bone and maybe give me an idea?"

  A small smile tugs at my lips. "Did you think I was gonna get pissed at you for asking?" When she brings her shoulders all the way to her ears and shrugs, giving me an awkward expression, I laugh. "Baby. I get it. You're gonna be the one they all go to." With my shirt still in my hands, I walked over to her, reaching out to tuck one of her damp locks behind her ear. "Tell them within the next few days, okay? I'll have an answer by tonight. I promise."

  Her face lights up. "Really? Oh, that'll be great!" She grabs my face and kisses me quickly. Leah turns to hurry away then but she stops, pausing to look back at me. "Please be careful today?"

  Just seeing the look on her face makes me want to say fuck it and not leave the room, but I know I can't. "I will." Reaching to her, I cup the back of her neck and pulled her to me, leaning in to kiss her hard, making sure she feels every bit of it. "Promise."

  Her brown eyes sparkle when she looks up at me. "I love you." She presses a kiss to my nose. "Be safe."

  "I will. I love you, too." I pull my t-shirt over my head, then grab my cut and shrug it on. Leah is sliding her feet into flats and running her fingers through her hair. My own hair goes back in a messy bun to keep it out of my face.

  "Gonna go and start breakfast before everyone starts hounding me." Pausing at the door, she looks back at me and blows me a kiss, before sashaying out the door.

  Shit. I could watch her for ages. I file that into my good memories bank to go back to when shit gets really dark - which it's about to, as soon as I leave this room.


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