Book Read Free

The Loner

Page 2

by Alex Villavasso

  “You’re right,” I say to Tyler, cutting off my thoughts. “I’ll try something...when the moment’s right. Maybe next period?”

  “Yeah, you have ABT next, right?”

  “Yeah,” I answer regrettably.

  “Maybe you’ll get paired up with her.”

  “Hopefully,” I say, and honestly, I mean it. Not just because Kaci is Kaci, but because our teacher, Ms. Cosgrove, has been saying that today’s going to be a special day. Our first true ABT exercise. I’ve been so used to calling it gym, but that’s only because of my previous experiences at normal school. Here at the academy, ABT is pretty much like gym on steroids. Since I don’t have powers and I’m with the advanced students, I’m behind, naturally, but while I’m doing crunches and running laps, Ms. Cosgrove and Mr. Hoover are training the rest of the class on how to use their gifts in battle scenarios. Advanced Battle Tactics...ABT. Why teach a bunch of students how to fight? The answer’s simple, really. It’s because we live in the real world. Not the illusion that my parents were part of, the real world. During my short time here, I’ve learned that there are a lot of things I still have to learn about, but one thing’s for sure, while the academy is aligned as “good,” there are others out there who seek to use their genetic advantage to make the world their stomping ground.

  “Ms. C always has a way of making things interesting.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ve lived through it firsthand,” I say, slightly peeved. “You still haven’t told me what the lesson’s going to be about today.”

  “I’m doing you a favor, trust me. You’ll be better for it, plus they change things up depending on what needs to be learned or refined with the class. Since it’s your first real experience, I’m pretty sure that whatever the objective for the session, they’ll use it as a measuring point to see where you fall within your class. They blocked out the rest of your classes for the day, right? You only have half, right?”

  “Yeah. Only half.”

  “Okay, well, I’ll give you two pieces of advice and that’s it. Watch your back, and bring your A-Game. You don’t have powers and everyone else in your class, should. They should be pretty advanced, too.”

  “You know, before I mentioned this to you, I was kind of chill about it, but now, well, you’re not making me feel better about the whole situation.”

  “Tough luck, but it only gets harder the higher up you climb. You’re here for a reason. Remember what you’ve been taught and try your best. You guys have been running paired exercises, so just know that you’ll have teammates most likely. Carry your weight, and you’ll be fine... Now hurry up and get dressed before you’re late,” Tyler says, shooing me off.

  I drag myself to my room, close the door behind me, and change out of my uniform into my battle suit. Not everyone at the academy gets a suit, but as an advanced student, I was able to get one of these custom-made beauties along with the rest of my cohorts, day one. They’re formfitting, black, and outfitted with the latest technology in body armor, refined by the school’s research and development team. While they are cutting-edge, there’s still work to be done. At the end of the day, they are training suits. The tech can be pushed further, and customized depending on the user. These suits can measure biometrics to help the teachers get a more accurate read on not only what they see, but also, what we’re experiencing, to an extent. That data can be used to tailor our gear to the unique properties that each of us has due to our abilities. The data given goes into making our own personal suit, provided we make it that far in the program. It’s cool stuff, but mine isn’t being used to its max potential for obvious reasons.

  I look at my hands, now covered by my battle suit, and tense them in hopes of my body reacting to my will. My powers are still dormant, but one day...maybe. There hasn’t been anything since the day that my parents died. I know it isn’t a race, but the longer it takes, the more behind I’ll get.

  I put on my uniform over my battle suit and rush out the door. Going to class in just my gear would be poor taste. Sure, they can see the black around my hands if they are really paying attention, but running across campus unashamedly decked out in my suit would only bring more attention to me. I know I was given this opportunity for a reason, but right now, that reason is nowhere to be found, and I don’t want any more students coming for my head. Tristen and his crew are more than enough.

  I make it to the ABT facility on the south campus with just enough time to spare. Class hasn’t started yet, and it doesn’t look like everyone’s arrived yet. I rush into the men’s locker room to ditch my uniform and secure it, but Tristen’s there, waiting for me in his battle gear. At least it’s just him. His goons didn’t quite make the cut for advanced placement, and there are other guys there that can use their powers just as well and aren’t total jerks.

  “So, you heard the news, right?” Tristen asks and steps aggressively into my personal space. My body tenses, and I maintain eye contact, balling my hands into fists just in case. “We’re not going to be indoors today. They have us on the field. You know what that means. Combat simulation. You better hope you’re on my team. On second thought, I hope you aren’t.”

  I stare him down, my mouth sealed shut by his oppressive presence. Fed up with my defiance, Tristen smirks and brushes past me, intentionally bumping his shoulder into mine. He’s bigger than me, but I stand my ground. If this is what my stay is going to look like during my whole time here, it’s going to be hell.

  “You good, man?” a classmate asks.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I answer succinctly.

  “Just let it go, Tristen’s a jerk.”

  “For now, sure. But I’ll be sure to see him on the field.” My face grows hot and I say a curse in my mind, fully realizing what I’d just uttered into the air.

  My emotions got the best of me, but I can’t help the way I feel. Tristen is a menace, a bully who preys on people like me just for the kicks. The second I get my powers; I’ll be sure to pay him back with interest for all the crap he’s done to me since I got here. I know I can be stronger than him. If my powers are anything like when they first activated, I should have more than enough strength to make him think twice about messing with me in the first place.

  Chapter 2

  Combat simulation...that can mean a lot of things. Are they pitting us against each other or are we working to take down a joint objective? All they talk about here is teamwork and utilizing the abilities of your classmates to your advantage. I guess a better way to know your classmates is to go against them.

  I walk out of the locker room and join in with the other students gathered around Ms. Cosgrove and Mr. Hoover. No one’s saying much, but the teachers are looking around to make sure that everyone is accounted for and situated. I glance at Kaci, just to get a read on her, but my eyes involuntarily follow the curves accentuated by her battle suit. As soon as I realize what I’m doing, I avert my gaze in hopes that she doesn’t notice. I think she did though, because right when I look away, I see her look at me, her neck tilted in a puzzled fashion.

  “Class,” Ms. Cosgrove calls out, instantly demanding the attention of the room. Kaci’s head snaps back in front of her—saving me from whatever she had to say. “Today, as previously announced, we will be doing your first true session of ABT—Advanced Battle Tactics.” Ms. Cosgrove is sure to direct her attention to each one of us, forcing us to pay attention by default. “For this exercise, you will be split up into teams of three and will be competing against each other in a game of skill, strategy, and wit. The use of your abilities is permissible, and is, in fact, encouraged. Mr. Hoover and I acknowledge that not all of you are on the same level of development, but you are all still developing, and thus, you all have room to grow.” Ms. Cosgrove’s eyes and what feels like a million others focus on me. Out of our class, I’m the only one who can’t use their abilities at will. And now, we’re fighting? Great.

  “Ms. Cosgrove?” A hand shoots up from our huddle, I don’t even have to matc
h the face that goes with the hand. It’s the same voice that I hate with a passion. Tristen’s. Call me biased, but I bet he’s about to spout off some nonsense.


  “I get that we’re able to use our abilities, but what about those of us who don’t have any? Wouldn’t the team who gets stuck with Aiden be at a disadvantage?”

  Stuck? Wow, he’s not even pulling his punches at this point...

  “I see why you might be concerned, Tristen, but we’ve been monitoring everyone’s progress since enrollment and have balanced the teams as much as possible in regard to the parameters we’ve been using to measure abilities. While it is true that Aiden lacks the ability to use his gifts at his own discretion, his level of hand-to-hand combat and strategic thinking are easily among the top in this class. To be frank, attending an academy like this and functioning at this level has caused him to grow in ways that your cohorts have taken for granted. Aiden is an asset to whichever team he’s on. As the semester goes on, I’m sure you’ll notice once his powers show themselves and develop towards their full potential.” I smile on the inside at Ms. Cosgrove’s rebuttal, but keep my face like stone to the rest of the class. I then shift my eyes to Tristen, and see his cheeks flushed with red from him being the one who’s humiliated for a change. “Any other questions?”

  “No, ma’am,” he voices succinctly.

  Serves him right, although I’m probably going to hear from him later at the rate that I’m going. There was the altercation this morning, and now, this. This one wasn’t my fault, but he’s still furious, and he’s going to have to save face. I just know it. Tristen’s vindictive like that. He’s totally fine with dishing out insults and making my life hell, but if someone does the same to him, he explodes. I’d legit give him a good punch or two before he torched me if being expelled wasn’t an option.

  Uncle Erwin told me to play it cool...learn what I can...and I’m trying. I don’t want to mess this up.

  “Good. While your unique gifts may prove useful during this exercise, it wasn’t your powers alone that allowed for you to have this opportunity. You’re all exceptional, bright students here at the academy, and I advise you all to use that to your advantage if you wish to get the upper hand.”

  Another hand rises from the sea of students. This time, it’s Derik.

  “So, what is it we’re doing, exactly?”

  “Right. The objective of this exercise is to neutralize an opposing group’s teammate. Since we’re doing teams of three, that means that one of the three members of each team will have to be selected and identified as the leader. There will be further instructions regarding that process once your team assignments are made known. The exercise will be out in the field behind this gymnasium. Mr. Hoover and I have the functions of your suit programed to our HUDs.” Ms. Cosgrove raises her right arm up from its folded position, highlighting the minicomputer fastened to her arm. “In addition to this we’ll also be able to monitor you all from the drones deployed around the area and the computer setup upstairs. “I’m saying this to let you know that while we won’t be physically there with you, we’ll have eyes on each one of you during this exercise. This is a team effort, but there will be factors that are measured on an individual basis, too.”

  “As Ms. Cosgrove stated earlier, the use of powers is permitted, but please show some restraint. You can defend yourself, but it goes without saying that killing or maiming is entirely off the table. However, should an accident happen, I’ll be sure to rush over immediately and provide medical care.” Mr. Hoover extends his hand and a green, swirling aura of light washes over his fingertips. “I’ll be monitoring your biometrics and will step in if necessary, but you all are competent enough to hold your own against those of relatively equal skill. Alternatively, if you want to retire from the exercise, you can press and hold the crest in the center of your suit. It’ll notify the other students of your wishes and should earn you free passage to leave the battlefield.”

  “Notify?” Clarissa, another student, asks.

  “I haven’t activated it yet, but the heads-up-display on your forearms will have a sonar customized to recognize your opposition. We won’t directly give your position away in order to not compromise strategy, but the frequency between the scanning intervals for your opponents should increase the closer you are to them. Your teammates will also be available to you on your HUD, but they will be seen as blue, solid dots. If your opposition is within a certain range and has not been detected, they will remain invisible to your sonar. However, if they make contact with you, they will show up as red on your display until they evade you again. In the event that you press the panic button on your suit, you will be shown as a yellow dot for all students actively in combat. If you are incapacitated in battle for an extended amount of time, your marker will be changed to purple. Critical injuries that require immediate attention will be indicated by a flashing, purple marker. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”


  “So, the objective of this exercise is to incapacitate the leader or get them to surrender, then?”

  “Correct. It’s as simple as that. Get them incapacitated or make them surrender—the team as a whole or the leader. Given the range of abilities you all possess, there are a variety of options to accomplish this goal. The choice is yours as long as non-lethal means are employed. These suits are highly durable, so unless you have the intent of inflicting life-threatening harm on someone, they should be okay. That being said, due to the nature of this exercise, there is a strong chance that you will experience some bodily harm. We were clear last class about this, but I wanted to reiterate that just in case anyone was unsure of what’s to come. Everyone seems to be here, so that’s a good there anything else that needs to be discussed before we begin?” I look around at my fellow classmates, curious to read the room to see what they’re thinking. I don’t care much for who’s on my team, but I know that isn’t the case for everyone. As long as I get Kaci on my team, and I don’t have to deal with Tristen, I’m good.

  “The postings for your team will be transferred now.” Ms. Cosgrove taps against the screen of her HUD. “You should receive it in your notifications.”

  Please be Kaci, please be Kaci, please be Kaci, please be Kaci.

  My wrist buzzes, interrupting my silent plea. The students around me going through a myriad of emotions. Some excited, some neutral, some clearly pissed. The update for our displays is live, which means that the information for our teammates is available. My heart flutters as I open the notification.

  Summer and Erik. Being that I don’t have any abilities at the moment, I can’t complain. I’ll take what I can get and try my best not to be the weak link of the group. The teachers supposedly balanced the arrangements for today, so I’ll trust whatever conclusion they came to. I see that there’s another page for the notifications, so I swipe to go to the next screen. It’s the listing for our opposing team, Team Red. We’re Blue.

  Wayne, Tristen, and Kaci.


  Not only did I manage to go up against the person I hate the most, but he’s on the same team as Kaci. Tristen’s going to be gunning for my head, and Kaci’s going to have a front row seat to the whole ordeal. It’ll be tough to take him out solo, but with the help of my teammates, maybe we—

  “Okay, Team Blue and Team Red, you’ll have the first sector of the field, and Teams Purple and Orange will have the second sector. Sector three is designated to Team Black and Team Yellow, and Sector four will be for Team Grey and Green. Proceed to the rendezvous points marked on each of your HUDs and take note of the field of play where you will be doing this exercise. There are barriers set in motion to prevent interference from non-competing teams, but it’ll be in your best interest to be mindful of your borders. Each team will have approximately twenty minutes to discuss battle strategy and decide on who will be the team leader.” I watch Ms. Cosgrove tap on the screen of her display and my wrist vibrat
es shortly after. I look at my HUD and see that there’s a timer counting down in the corner of the screen. “You’ll have an additional five minutes to find your teammates and traverse to your assigned rendezvous points, so in twenty-five minutes, the exercise will begin.”

  “Also, be sure to wear your cowls. Press and hold the button over your left shoulder and it should come out. I can heal your injuries, but I can’t bring you back from the dead. Safety first. Protect your head!”

  Nice, Mr. Hoover.

  I make my way to the exit point for the first sector and rally with my team; Summer and Erik. Summer has the ability to manifest and manipulate ice, and Erik is a mass manipulator—his power allows him to transform into a more muscular version of himself but only for brief periods of time. Summer can handle long-range threats and Erik should be able to knockout anyone who comes in close. His strength isn’t superhuman, at least, not yet, but it’s formidable enough to kill someone if he really wanted to with a well-placed strike to the head. I run my hand along my neck, feeling the fabric that keeps it secure. The material’s lightweight, but at the same time provides protection with the same shock-absorbing technology as the rest of the suit. Still, I’d hate to be on the receiving end of one of his punches—even with the cowl and the protection it provides.

  For our opponents, we seem to have our work cut out for us. Wayne’s body is extremely durable, Kaci can make psychic barriers, and Tristen has flame manipulation. Tristen and Kaci will likely be on the offensive, leaving Wayne as the objective. Kaci can protect Wayne if he’s close enough, and Tristen’s fire is perfect for zoning. Alternatively, Kaci can protect herself while Tristen and Wayne keep us away. Their strategy’s flexible, but either way it goes, Summer and Tristen will be the deciding factors—their abilities have the potential for the most destruction.

  “Hey, you ready for this, Aiden?” a feminine voice echoes from beside me, taking me away from my analysis. I shift my sight to the left and see Summer looking for my response with a neutral expression. “That’s a strong lineup we’re up against, but I think we can take them. This whole thing’s stupid, by the way.” She folds her arms and sighs. “I don’t get the point.”


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