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Spring It On Me

Page 19

by Weston Parker

  I whimpered, my body reacting in a way I couldn’t have predicted. I couldn’t remember ever being so wet. “I think about you inside me and wake up wet, clenching my legs together to stop the orgasm.”

  “Don’t stop,” he ordered. “Don’t stop.”

  I was so close. I was hanging on the edge. The feeling of being on the verge and yet not allowed to fall into the blissful oblivion only served to tease me higher. “I want to scream,” I whispered.

  He reached around, clapping his hand over my mouth. “Shh,” he said again and began to move faster.

  His hips rocked against me. The desk scooted forward. I found my arms were suddenly weak. I collapsed onto the desk, my cheek resting against the schedule I had just given him. He fucked harder. His thighs pushed against the back of my legs as his hand stayed over my mouth.

  When the eruption between my legs happened, I ended up biting his palm, my body jerking and spasming around his. He grunted out soft moans and gasps for breath as he struggled to keep himself quiet. He dropped against me, his chest covering my back.

  “Good?” he whispered near my ear.

  “Good,” I murmured.

  He stepped away from me. I quickly stood up and brushed my hair away from my face. I wasn’t sure why I was the one sweating. He had done all the work. I turned to face him, a slow smile spread over his face. He stepped close to me, his hand going to the back of my neck as he held me in place. His mouth closed over mine, languishing in the aftermath of a violent orgasm that had rocked both our worlds.

  He stepped away from me and quickly did up his pants. I looked to the floor where my poor panties lay torn. “I guess I won’t be putting those on.”

  “Sorry,” he said, not sounding at all apologetic.

  I pulled on my skirt, tucking in the blouse and quickly zipping it up. “I’m glad no one comes back here.”

  He chuckled. “Me too. I don’t think the door is locked.”

  “It isn’t.”

  “Did you know what you were going to do when you came in here?”

  “Not at all,” I told him.

  He chuckled. “Liar.”

  “I’m not going to say I didn’t want it to happen, but I didn’t think it would happen again.”

  “I’m glad it did,” he said, leaning his head forward and dropping another kiss on my lips.

  He was never so affectionate. I was afraid of what that meant. I didn’t want things to get complicated. But I liked this other side of him. The softer side of him. “I guess I’ll be going commando for the rest of the day.”

  He closed his eyes, inhaling through his nose. “Goddammit.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I’m not going to be able to think of anything except you without panties.”

  I laughed. “Good. I think I like that.”

  “Do you have to go home right after work again today?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I do. I don’t have a babysitter.”

  “Okay,” he said, and I got the feeling he was bummed.

  “Are you doing anything this weekend?” I asked, knowing it was a huge risk.

  His eyes brightened. “No.”

  “I’m going to be taking Jake to the beach. You’re welcome to come along. We like to go and watch the people and just hang out.”

  It was stupid. I shouldn’t have asked him. I was blurring the line. I was complicating things. I wanted to take it back. I could see the discomfort in his eyes. “Hang out? With you and your son?”

  “I’m sorry,” I blurted out, pissed I had ruined something that was a lot of fun.

  “Don’t be sorry. I’d like that. I don’t want to interfere with your time with him.”

  “You won’t be,” I assured him.

  “Then I would like to hang out for a bit.”

  I smiled, the knot in my stomach untwisting a little. “I should probably get back out there before they suspect something is going on in here.”

  He smirked. “Fuck them.”

  I laughed. “I don’t want to be known as the office doorknob. I can’t go around fucking everyone.”

  That got a small laugh out of him. “Right, like doorknobs do. But that’s good to know. I don’t share well.”

  “Good, because neither do I.”

  I walked out of his office and headed for the bathroom to clean up a little. My legs were a little shaky. It had been a wild ride. One that was definitely going to be the catalyst for some very vivid erotic dreams.

  Something was wrong with me. I had never been a risk-taker. I had never been the girl banging her boyfriend in the backseat or under the bleachers. I had always been pretty vanilla. Beds and missionary style were my thing.

  Now, I was banging the man in places I had never thought about having sex before I met him. He brought out the wild in me. He made me feel completely uninhibited. Ashton was giving me the chance to live the twenties I had missed out on. While all my friends had been out clubbing and doing wild unspeakable things, I had been at home with my little boy.

  Ashton was that little bit of wild that every girl needed in her life. I wasn’t going to feel bad about it. I wasn’t going to be ashamed. Once it was over, it was over. I would be able to walk away with some pretty wild memories.

  Chapter 31


  I wasn’t sure how to dress. I normally spent my days in suits and ties. Willow had repeatedly told me I had better not show up wearing a suit. I stood inside my massive closet and turned in a slow circle, taking in the assortment of suits in every color and cut, and I grimaced. I had jeans. I had a few pairs of shorts, but it was just weird to wear them. In a way, I felt a little naked without my suit. It was my own personal style of body armor.

  After far more debate and consideration than I cared to admit, I settled on a pair of khakis and a T-shirt that was brand new. It was a black cotton shirt that was remarkably comfortable. I slipped on my Nikes and took a look in the mirror. I supposed I looked like the average beachgoer. I was supposed to be meeting Willow and her son at the Lands End recreation center. I didn’t tell her I had never really explored the area. I had grown up in and around San Francisco, but my foster families had not been all that interested in taking the problem child out sightseeing.

  I had been to Alcatraz a handful of times. I had a feeling it was more about scaring me into obedience than actual recreation. I was glad Willow said we would not be visiting the tired tourist site. If I was going to be out and about with a kid in tow, I wanted to do something fresh and new.

  I drove my Audi to the area and immediately spotted Willow and her son. I sat in my car a second, steeling myself against the onslaught of desire I felt when I saw her in the little cut-off shorts with a loose sweater hanging off her shoulders. It was sexy and fun and so her. She was wearing a pair of tennis shoes, making her appear so much younger than she did when she wore the usual office attire.

  “Hi,” she greeted me. “You remember Jake. Jake, this is my boss, Ashton.”

  “Hi, Ashton,” Jake said in a small voice.

  “Hi, Jake.”

  I looked at Willow for guidance. I wasn’t sure what to say or how to act around the kid. I was completely out of my element and I was sure it showed.

  “Do you want to hang out up here, or would you like to check out the trail?” she asked. “It’s a steep staircase down, but it’s worth it.”

  “You’ve been here before?” I asked.

  “You haven’t?” she shot back.

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “You’re in for a treat. Your legs are going to be on fire by the time we’re done, but the view is gorgeous.”

  “I think I’ll survive,” I said, not about to be shown up by a petite woman and a little boy.

  Willow giggled before looking at her son. “We’ll remind him he said that when we are on our way back up.”

  The boy grinned, looking very much like his mother. “He’s going to be tired.”

  “How often do the
two of you come out here?” I asked, following behind as they led the way to a trail.

  “Not all that often, but it’s off the beaten path, and you won’t find a lot of tourists out here. They are all more interested in the bridge.”

  I nodded. “I’ve noticed.”

  She was walking at a slow clip, giving me a nice view of her ass as we walked. Jake kept turning around to look at me. It was freaking me out a little. I didn’t know if I should smile or say something. It felt a little weird.

  “We like to look for shells but mostly find a lot of trash. Usually, I bring a couple of grocery bags to kind of clean up, but today, we are just here to play.”

  It was another nugget of information about her that I didn’t previously know. “I have a boat,” I blurted out.

  Willow stopped walking and turned to look at me. “You do?”

  I nodded. “I do. Somewhere.”

  “Did your boat sail away without you?”

  I thought about it, and before I knew it, I found myself laughing. “I don’t actually know.”

  She raised an eyebrow, putting a hand on her hip. “You don’t know where your boat is?”

  I shrugged. “I’m sure I could find out.”

  “Are we talking a little rowboat, or is this a yacht?”

  “Not a yacht. Not a rowboat. It has a bedroom. And a kitchen. A nice big deck.”

  She nodded. “Okay then. How long have you had this boat?”

  “A couple of years.”

  She looked confused. “Wow. But you don’t know where you put it? When Jake loses his toys, I tell him to retrace his steps. Maybe you need to have yourself a little sit-down and backtrack.” She was teasing me.

  “I have the number for the marina somewhere. I just don’t remember the name.”

  She laughed. “The perils of being rich. I guess I’m glad I don’t have to worry about losing my boat or Ferrari or any other expensive toys.”

  We kept walking until our feet hit the sand. I stood on the beach and surveyed the area. It was gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful. There were a few other people on the beach, most of them carrying walking sticks.

  “Can I get my feet wet?” Jake asked.

  “Absolutely,” Willow answered. She turned to look at me. “Are you going to get your tootsies wet?”

  “My tootsies?” I asked.

  “Your toes!” Jake said with a giggle.

  I shrugged a shoulder. “Sure.”

  I sat down on the sand next to Jake and took off my shoes, stuffing my socks inside them.

  “Ready?” Jake asked me.

  I nodded, getting to my feet. “I think so.”

  “It’s a little bit cold,” he explained. “You should go slow.”

  “Thanks for the information,” I told him.

  Willow walked on the other side of Jake as we all made our way to the water. I winced when the cold water washed over my feet.

  Jake burst into laughter. “I told you,” he squealed.

  “I guess you did,” I answered.

  We kicked around a little before Willow declared her feet were ice and she was getting out. I found the water refreshing and decided to stick with it. Jake wanted to play a little longer as well. I glanced over my shoulder to find Willow settling in on the sand, her dark sunglasses shielding her eyes. I could see the smile on her face. I knew without seeing her eyes that she was watching her son like a hawk. I had seen her doing it all morning. She was always reaching out, making sure he didn’t trip, watching him, warning him to be careful.

  “How old are you?” I asked Jake, already knowing but I felt like I should talk to him. I didn’t know what else to say.

  “I’m nine. How old are you?”

  I chuckled. “I’m thirty-four.”

  “My mom is thirty. She turned thirty a couple of months ago. She was really sad.”

  I grinned, shaking my head at the boy’s honesty. “I don’t think you’re supposed to tell people how old a woman is.”

  He looked at me, seemingly baffled. “Why not?”

  I shrugged. “You know, I don’t really know why, but it’s a rule. Guys know they can’t ask that question just like we can’t dig in a woman’s purse.”

  His eyes widened. “What? I get in my mom’s purse all the time.”

  I winced. “Maybe there is an exception for kids, but I would never dare put my hands inside a woman’s purse. It’s sacred ground.”

  He seemed to be digesting the information. “Oh. Okay.”

  “Do you want to walk down the beach a little ways?” I asked him, noticing a cool outcropping.

  “I have to ask my mom,” he said.

  I nodded, agreeing with him. He shouted toward the beach, asking her permission. “Stay close to the shore,” she hollered back.

  I wondered if I should hold his hand or something. I looked at him, decided he was big enough to walk alone, and headed toward the rocks. “Check it out,” I pointed to a cool-looking rock.

  “Wow!” he exclaimed.

  “There are some little fish over there.” I pointed to a small tidepool.

  His interest in the rock faded as he raced over to check out the fish. “Come look!” he hollered.

  I walked through the water and bent down to see what he was looking at. “Want to see if we can catch one?” I asked him.

  He grinned. “Can we?”

  “Why not?” I turned to look back at Willow, who was still watching us with an eagle eye. I gave a slight wave, letting her know that everything was okay. She waved back.

  Jake and I splashed around, playing in the water without any hope of catching a fish.

  “We should go back and see what your mom is up to,” I finally said.

  “She is probably hungry,” Jake commented.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked him.

  “A little. Sometimes, we bring sandwiches with us.”

  “Did you bring those today?” I questioned.

  “No,” he said with a hint of disappointment.

  “I saw a taco truck up there,” I told him. “Maybe we can grab some tacos.”

  He wrinkled his nose. “I don’t know. It’s a little bit expensive. Mom says we can hang out at the beach, but we can’t always eat out.”

  I nodded, understanding the situation. “We’ll ask your mom. This will be my treat.”

  “Your treat?”

  I forgot he was nine. “I’ll buy it. It will be my way of thanking you guys for hanging out with me today.”

  He shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t mind hanging out with you.”

  I chuckled. “Thanks.”

  “What did you guys find over there?” Willow asked, standing up and dusting the sand from her backside.

  “Fish!” Jake exclaimed. “And some cool rocks!”

  “Really?” Willow asked, pushing up her sunglasses and looking at me.

  I nodded. “Yep. Are we going to go on that trail? Jake told me there were some pretty cool things to see on it.”

  “Sure, if you want to.”

  “I do,” I said.

  “Ashton says he wants tacos and it is his treat,” Jake announced.

  Willow looked at me. “You don’t need to do that.”

  “I want tacos,” I insisted. “I told Jake I owe you guys for hanging out with me. You guys are my personal tour guides.”

  She didn’t look convinced. “Thank you. Jake, can you lead the way?”

  Jake darted out toward an obvious trail. Willow fell into step beside me.

  “He’s not too bad,” I said.

  She laughed, looking up at me. “Gee, you sure know how to make a kid feel good about himself.”

  “I’m sorry. That didn’t come out right. I meant he’s a cool kid.”

  “I think so too,” she replied.

  “Has he had any more trouble at school?”

  “No,” she answered. “Thankfully not.”


  She was quiet as we walked along. Jake was up ahead bouncing a
nd pointing out various trees and flowers. I was surprised about how much he knew and realized they were obviously frequent visitors to the area. I was glad of their company.

  After a long afternoon hiking, I was absolutely exhausted. “Tacos,” I said the word with the last bit of strength I had left.

  Willow laughed. “Are you going to live?”

  “Tacos,” I said again.

  “Can we get tacos, Mom?” Jake asked.

  “Please, let me buy lunch. You guys earned it. You put me through my paces.”

  She smiled, putting a hand on my arm. “You can absolutely buy us some tacos.”

  “Thank god, because I’m about to stuff my face and I don’t want to be rude.”

  We got in line and ordered a small feast before finding an empty picnic table and settling in.

  “Did you have fun today?” Jake asked.

  I nodded. “I did. I’d like to do it again.”

  “There’s another beach we go to, but Mom says we can’t go to one side because there are naked people,” Jake said matter-of-factly.

  I almost choked. “Oh, yeah, that would be shocking.”

  “Jake,” Willow groaned.

  “He asked,” Jake shot back.

  I stuffed my face, smiling as I watched them. I couldn’t remember the last time I had enjoyed myself so much. I didn’t really do a lot that brought me enjoyment. Hanging out with them was a new experience and I wanted to know if it was a fluke or the real thing.

  Chapter 32


  I pushed the cart through the grocery store, trying to decide what I wanted to snack on. I stopped in front of the potato chips, looking at prices and paying attention to the price per ounce. Jake reached for the bag of Cheese Puffs. “No, get the other kind,” I told him.

  “But Mom, those don’t taste the same.”

  “They’re a dollar cheaper,” I said.

  He groaned, reaching for the other bag. “Lilly likes the real kind,” he pouted.


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