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Holding the Truth

Page 36

by Calle J. Brookes

  Bailey had a feeling that was exactly that. It wasn’t truly about him wanting something that was best for her. It was about him making atonements for how he had hurt her...or hurt her mother. It was once again his selfish wants, rather than her needs or desires.

  Just like it had been back in April when he had almost let her die. Just like it had been when she’d been a girl.

  Bailey bit back the rush of anger.

  Anger would lead to stupid decisions. She looked at Clay quickly. He was reaching for his ankle and the weapon she knew was there. She shifted her body more to the left to block his movements from Lou.

  She’d taken that holster off of Clay herself the night they’d slept together. Unless someone miraculously dropped out of the sky, that .38 was their only hope. “That was your choice. Clay won’t do that to me. And I won’t do that to him. Whatever happens between us, I know that. Clay will never hurt me.”

  The exact opposite. She knew deep in her soul that the one thing he wouldn’t do was hurt her deliberately. He’d do anything to protect her. Anything.

  Include get between her and a madman with a .45. She tensed when he pulled the weapon free.

  “Damned right I won’t.”

  chapter 151

  Murdoch pulled into Addy’s driveway behind the other sheriff’s Tahoe and killed the engine. It was after one in the morning, but no doubt Addy was just as used to middle of the night interruptions as Murdoch was.

  And the guy’s light was still on. The house was big and older and right in the middle of a family neighborhood. It was the only one with lights still on.

  It would be a good place for a man with kids. Or a small blond deputy to love him.

  He had just hit the wraparound porch when someone inside yelled.

  He hesitated. Listened.

  If Addy and the little deputy were having a lovers’ quarrel, he didn’t want to intrude.

  Not tonight.

  Strange that the two of them would be arguing now, though. He’d thought things were good between the two.

  He almost envied Clay. While he’d never personally get involved with someone he worked with, having someone in your life who mattered made the lonely nights a hell of a lot more tolerable. And Bailey Moore was a very pretty woman.

  It had been a long time since Murdoch had had a lover. Maybe it was time he took the woman who’d asked him out last week up on her offer.

  He’d put her off, saying that with his new relocation, he wouldn’t be good for a woman to have around and get her hopes up with.

  He didn’t think she’d been looking for permanency, though. Just a good time.

  But those kinds of relationships had never been his thing, either.

  He raised his hand to knock on the door.

  Movement behind the thin curtain had him looking through the glass. Someone screamed.

  A woman.

  Just as the sound of a gunshot being fired rocked the entire house.

  Murdoch didn’t hesitate. He pulled his Glock out of the holster on his waist and kicked at the lock. When that didn’t work, he kicked it again. And again.

  Until he was in.

  Chapter 152

  Clay lurched Bailey out of the way, but he knew he’d been too late. He’d fired his .38, and it had struck home; hitting his damned target.

  But the .45...

  It had struck her when she’d thrown herself over his right side. Covering him with her much smaller body.

  He could still hear her scream.

  It took him half a second to realize it wasn’t her screaming, but Lou.

  Her hands tightened on his shirt, and she looked up at him. “He didn’t shoot you?”

  “No, honey. He didn’t. He shot you.”

  “I thought as much. Hurts just like it did last time.” She gave a small cough, then wheezed.

  Lou screamed, again and again. Clay knew it was just seconds before a bullet ripped into him next. And he didn’t give a rat’s ass about himself. But he had to help her.

  “Clay...” She whispered his name.

  “Hang on, honey. Just hang on.”

  He had nothing to stop the bleeding. Nothing. Just his shirt. He pulled it over his head quickly and balled the polo up.

  Someone was there, kicking in his damned door. Clay didn’t care. He glanced up.

  Murdoch Lake had just broken through his front door. The guy had a weapon pointed right at Lou.

  Who was clutching his shoulder, crying and rocking like a damned baby. Lake had Lou secured in seconds.

  Clay didn’t know how the other man had gotten there or why. And he didn’t give a damn.

  All he cared about was her.

  Chapter 153

  Murdoch recognized the man screeching in the corner. The guy’s photo had been pinned to his own bulletin board since April. The guy had almost killed his future sister-in-law, after all.

  He didn’t take that lightly.

  Murdoch grabbed a table runner from an entry table and wrapped it around the bastard’s shoulder. “You’ll live. For now.”

  And then he forgot about Moore. And turned to Addy. The guy was staggering to his feet, the deputy cradled in his arms.

  The blood stood out on her shirt. “How bad?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I’ll drive.”

  “Call this in. I don’t want him getting away.”

  Murdoch didn’t see that happening. Lights were coming on up and down the street.

  People were appearing at the doors.

  Murdoch ran out and down the porch. There was a guy two houses down that he recognized.

  His brother-in-law Lamar’s older brother. “Luke! The deputy’s been shot! Get over here!”

  Luke came running. “What can I do to help?”

  “There’s a bastard bleeding in the damned living room. He shot her. You keep an eye on him until the TSP comes. I’m driving Addy and Moore to Barratt County Gen. Send the Dillons that way when you can.”


  More neighbors were coming toward them. “And Luke—make sure they don’t lynch him. Understood?”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll keep them in hand. Just go. Get Bailey to the hospital.”

  Murdoch beat Addy to the Tahoe by seconds.

  Chapter 154

  Lake drove like a bat out of hell, and Clay appreciated it. Bailey was whimpering in his arms, but she stayed conscious the entire time. She’d even joked about Murdoch Lake being a miracle.

  He couldn’t argue. Lake’s kicking through the door had distracted Lou from shooting again.

  Clay was alive because of it. “Honey, why did you do that?”

  “I couldn’t let him hurt you.” She said it so simply, the honesty threatened to tear him in two.

  “I wanted to protect you. Not the other way around.”

  “Hey, I’ve finally got you almost trained, Clay. I couldn’t let all my hard work go to waste.” She gave him a watery smile.

  Lake had left the interior light on so Clay could see her.

  He didn’t take his eyes off of her.

  They pulled into the ER parking. Lake laid on the horn to get attention inside.

  Then he climbed out and jerked open the back door of the Tahoe.

  Clay didn’t want to let her go, but it was the only way to get her out.

  With Lake’s help, he got her out.

  Bailey never lost consciousness, just continued to watch him.

  Someone shoved Lake aside, and Clay flinched seeing the big man there.

  Alvaro, looking just like the man who’d saved Bailey the last time.

  “I hope to hell you’re as good at putting people back together again as your brother.”

  Alvaro snorted. “I’m better. Tolvert called ahead. We had the gurney waiting. Deputy, I’m beginning to think you have a thing for me. You keep showing up here.”

  “What can I say? It’s the eyes. Your sisters have them, too.” Bailey wrapped her fi
ngers around Clay’s.

  Her eyes closed.


  “Just taking a breather, Clay. I’m fine. I promise. I just need Dr. Alvaro to sew me up again.”

  “I can do that, kid. Let’s get you inside, and I’ll show you my blind stitch.”

  “I can see why Nikkie Jean likes you. It’s your dry sense of humor.” Bailey’s words could barely be heard, but she was making jokes. Quips. And clinging to his hand like she’d never let go.

  But Alvaro separated them once they were in the ER. He started calling out orders, and people were everywhere.

  Then Bailey disappeared behind the thick metal doors. And all Clay could do was wait.

  Chapter 155

  They covered her face with a mask. She focused on the face of the beautiful man above her. It helped. Reminded her that his sister was her friend. That his sister-in-law was, too.

  There were people in her world who did care about her.

  Like Jillian and Ariella and Bert and Jake and Veri and Jeremy and...Liam.


  They loved her. They were who she was going to fight for. She wasn’t ready to give them up yet. She wanted to hold Liam’s little fingers when he learned to walk.

  She wanted to hold Clay after a hard day on patrol.

  She wanted to figure out what was going on with Bert and Veri and if they’d ever just start making out already.

  A nurse jabbed a needle in her arm.

  Another hooked her up to some monitors. Bailey tried to turn her head to look. She’d memorized her stats when in the hospital the last time she’d been shot.

  Someone held her head still. “Don’t move, sweetie. We’re going to get you prepped for surgery. Then the doctor will take that bullet right out, ok?”

  “Ok.” She tried to talk around the tubes, but it wasn’t easy.

  Her side burned. Breathing was hard again. But she was still lucid. Still watching Dr. Alvaro.

  It was easier to focus on him than on the pain.

  On what her father had almost done. On Clay.

  “Is Clay ok?” she asked again.

  Alvaro leaned closer. “Bailey, repeat that.”

  “Is Clay ok? Hit his head.”

  Dr. Alvaro nodded. “We’ll have someone check him. You just quit moving that mask and relax.”

  She hadn’t realized she had somehow moved the oxygen mask, but she had.

  The nurse righted it. Bailey breathed in.

  Dr. Alvaro was such a pretty man, like his brother. And his eyes were just like his sister’s. That reassured her some.

  Made her feel like she was less alone.

  And he was far too handsome for his own good. But not as handsome as Clay.

  Clay, who she loved more than she had ever loved anyone before.

  She wanted to see him. Make certain he was ok.


  “Shhh. We’ll take care of the sheriff,” a nurse said. Bailey barely heard her.

  Bailey kept her eyes focused on Dr. Alvaro until the drugs took hold and all lucid thought left her.

  Chapter 156

  People came. From everywhere.

  Clay just stood in the middle of the damned ER for the longest time. Until one of the nurses led him to the waiting room.

  He knew the way to the damned waiting room. He was a Barratt, after all.

  He couldn’t stop shaking. His legs weren’t going to hold him up much longer. It didn’t have a damned thing to do with the pounding in his head.

  Clay couldn’t even breathe. What was he supposed to do? To think?

  A few hours, an eternity passed. Maybe. It could have been just a few minutes. Clay couldn’t tell. Someone said his name. Put a hand on his arm.

  Clay turned. Houghton. When had his cousin gotten there?

  He looked at his cousin next to him. He wasn’t even certain when Houghton and his wife had arrived. But Houghton was there, next to him. With his hand on Clay’s shoulder.

  “You have to breathe, Clay.” Houghton’s hand was tight on his shoulder. It was probably all that was keeping him from sinking to his knees.

  Bailey’s blood coated his shirt. It was...everywhere.

  Far too much of it.

  Where the hell was Alvaro?

  The surgeon should have been out already. That he wasn’t told him it wasn’t good. It was too close.

  She’d already died twice.

  If he believed in third-time-you’re-out...

  “Breathe, Clay.” Houghton flooded him. Right there in his face, blocking out the lights of the hospital around them. “You have to. Pull in air. Then push it out.”

  Clay had no choice but to obey. “She’s in there. And she’s hurt. Protecting me. I should have been the one to protect her.”

  Houghton would understand. Look at what had happened to Mel. Houghton would get it.

  Maybe his cousin would be able to tell him how to breathe now.

  “Yes. And she’s getting the best care possible. I’ve made certain of it.” Houghton’s tone was just as grim. “Alvaro—I looked up his record. He’s one of the best. She’s in good hands, but if you want, I’ll get Rafe here. Jillian and Margo are already on their way. For Bailey.”

  Clay didn’t have a clue what that meant. “I don’t—She’s alone. I’ve let her be alone for too long.”

  “We’re here, Clay. She’s not alone. And when she wakes up, your ugly face can be the first thing she sees. I promise. Even if I have to buy the damned hospital back from the county.”

  Another hand landed on his back. Clay jerked.


  People were...everywhere.

  Far more than the last time they’d been in a hospital waiting on word of Bailey.

  “Her friends from W4HAV. They heard she was hurt. And they want to be here to help her. To show support.”

  Clay looked closer—the women all wore apple-green shirts. With the charity logo on the front. They were grim, and they were silent, and they were just there. A good dozen women in green.

  There were nurses he recognized—from Finley Creek Gen.

  Dr. Netorre was there with them, looking pale and wounded. She’d been hurt in the storm, he thought. But she was there for Bailey, that same green shirt on.

  Even the governor’s wife was there. In apple green. How had she gotten there so fast?

  And Lacy Deane was speaking with the charge nurse twenty-five feet away. Her husband and Kevin Beck stood behind her.

  Mel, Houghton’s drill sergeant of a wife, was demanding someone get Clay some clean clothes to wear and to bag up his clothes as evidence.

  Jake and Celia were there, their sons snuggled close as both children slept.

  The fear and worry they felt was written on their faces. The guilt on hers. The hell she’d gone through a few hours ago over her uncle. The anger and fear on Jake’s.

  So much like the last time for his sister.

  Now it was for Bailey.

  Lou Moore again.

  He never should have stopped looking for him. Expecting him to be near. Instead of assuming he’d run off like the coward he was.

  Someone stepped closer. “Clay, we’ll need your clothes. Evidence.”

  Elliot Marshall. His region chief. Clay nodded.

  The urge to get the bloody clothing off was all he could actually feel.

  He didn’t see that changing until he had Bailey back again.


  “Here.” Someone tossed a bag at Marshall. Clay thought it was the man’s younger brother. He knew him. He worked for Houghton.

  But Clay couldn’t remember his name right now.

  “Clay, come on.” Marshall had him by the arm and practically dragged him out of the crowd. The crowd staring at him, wondering what had happened. “We’re going to go talk.”

  Clay didn’t think he could give the other man any answers.

  Chapter 157

  Marshall led him to a restroom. Clay stepped into the stall as
the other man handed him the borrowed jeans and FCU T-shirt.

  “It’s the waiting that’s so hard,” Marshall said. “When Gabby and Brynna were in the explosion, it was the waiting.”

  Clay just grunted.

  “I’ve been where you are. The not knowing. The moments when you’re waiting to just know if you’ll ever just breathe again.”

  Clay wasn’t exactly up for the heart to heart right now. Just breathing was still a big part of his agenda.

  “You don’t have to say anything, Clay, but I know you needed to get away from them all. You’re going to hold yourself together until the surgeons tell you exactly what you need to know.”

  “You need to get back in there.” The lobby had been filling up. “Handle things. I can’t right now.”

  With TSP’s darker green. There was green everywhere.

  One of their own was in trouble, and now it was time for the TSP to rally around.

  Like they had when Bailey had been missing the first time.

  “Don’t worry about it. Sheriff Lake and your Tolvert are dealing with everything in your stead. Moore was taken to Finley Creek County. He was in stable condition, last I checked. Not that you will want to know; but she might. He won’t get to her again. I can promise you that.”

  “Lake...I don’t know why he was there. He just kicked in the damned door and arrested Lou.” Clay would have done that, arrested Lou.

  If it hadn’t meant letting go of Bailey. He would never let go of Bailey.

  “He was there because of his uncle. He wanted to see what you knew about who had killed him. Or it was divine intervention. Take your pick. Whatever the reason, he was there when you needed him.”

  “Lou. I don’t know why. But I think it was Lou who killed Charlie.”

  “Charlie woke enough to say so to Dr. Alvaro before he died. Alvaro was in another surgery before I could speak with him. But it was a .45 they pulled from Charlie’s wound. We’ll know more after we talk to Lou Moore.”


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