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Lessons in Love

Page 34

by Kathryn R. Blake

  Pam should have suspected the sharp smack he gave her next, but it still surprised her. "Ow."

  "Questioning your boss's intentions while lying naked in his arms is not a wise pursuit."

  "Touchy, touchy," she muttered, not at all intimidated by his scowl. "So, you're saying I can have my old job back, once I'm released from your guardianship?"

  "What makes you think I ever intend to release you?"

  "I meant legally, not figuratively."

  "Legally, I would like us to be married within six months. During that time, I would love to have you working at my side as my assistant, if that's your wish. However, if you take longer than six months to make our wedding arrangements, I will drag you off to a justice of the peace and see the job done myself—properly."

  "That sounds kind of romantic. I don't want a big ceremony anyway."

  "Unfortunately, we may not have a choice in that. Headlines that the CEO of Peterson Enterprises eloped will only raise speculation as to the reason."

  Pam clapped her hands over her face. "Oh God. It will have to be a huge media event, won't it? I don't think I'm ready for this."

  "You won't be doing it alone. I'll hire a planner, and she'll make sure you have all the help you need."

  "Even still—"

  "We'll talk about it later. Though I do want to make one thing clear. If you choose to come back to work, the spankings won't stop. I will take you over my knee and paddle your delectable rear end if I feel you require a reminder as to who's the boss."

  Stretching upward, she kissed his chin. "As long as the boss is also willing to comfort his assistant when she requires a little TLC, I'm sure she'll be amenable to his conditions."

  "She'd better be. And offering TLC is one of the things this boss does best."


  Kathryn R. Blake

  Kathryn invites you to enter her world "Where Romance and Fantasy Entwine." She writes about dominant, alpha males who are extremely protective of the women they love. However, part of that protectiveness includes the desire for a certain amount of control. These men do not suffer defiance or disobedience lightly. In fact, those are transgressions they absolutely refuse to tolerate, and will take firm steps to ensure such rashness on the heroine's part never happens again.

  Kathryn's books have nothing to do with abuse, where the protagonist desires to hurt and degrade the female under his charge. These spankings, though painful, are always given with love and a desire to correct undesirable behavior or habits.

  Though not all of Kathryn's books contain spanking, most of them do. However, even in Kathryn's novels where the hero firmly believes in using corporal punishment as a deterrent, he has no desire to cause the heroine injury and takes no delight in hurting the woman of his heart. In fact, sometimes he finds it extremely difficult to follow through on his threats or promises.

  These men aren't infallible, and they do make mistakes, but love and respect will always triumph in the end.

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  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Kathryn R. Blake and Blushing Books!

  Lessons in Love

  A Simple Misunderstanding

  Arrested by Love

  A Dom's Dilemma

  Acting Lessons

  Past Interference

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