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Page 13

by Scarlett Dawn

  A cocky grin curled his lush lips. “We’re doing this?”

  “We are.” I leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “I’ve decided I’m not going to write an article about shifters and mates.”

  That cocky grin didn’t disappear. “I knew you’d decide to go that way. You have a good heart.”

  “Sure, sure.” I rolled my eyes. “I will need to pick up my stuff from the hotel. I left it all there.”

  His voice lowered into a sexy purr, “We’ll get it later. Do you want to have some fun first?”

  I pushed the blanket off my shoulders. “You know I do.”

  “Get naked first.” He started taking off his own clothes, too. “I’ll rip shit if it gets in my way.”

  We finished stripping down at the same time.

  Wolfe helped me to my feet. “It’s playtime.”

  * * *

  Wolfe gently released my elbow, moving toward his high-piled desk, He searched through the top layers of papers. Wolfe bent down and began a search through another stack.

  Clearing my throat, I nibbled on my bottom lip, watching him search, not really wanting to go near the desk, but asking, “Can I help you find something?”

  Clipped words. “I’m looking for the remote.” He picked up a pile, letting it drop off the desk onto the floor in a shower of white sheets. “It’s been a while since I cleaned this off.”

  Quickly, I peered around the room, not seeing a viewing screen, wondering why the hell he would want a view screen on right now, anyway—unless he was into porn. “Remote?”

  An absent finger flick in his bed’s general direction. “For the music.”

  I bit my lip hard, trying not to laugh, my gaze flying to his nightstand, understanding the contemporary contraption on top was a radio. “Um…music’s nice, but it’s not needed.”

  He paused in his search, hands full, staring at the pile of papers. “No?”

  I shook my head once. “No.”

  He dropped the pile, muttering, “I wanted to make our first time here perfect. Apologies.”

  “No problem.”

  He flipped his gray hair off his face, his golden eyes trained on me, trapping my gaze. Cracking his neck, his long legs started eating up the distance between us at a fast clip, freezing me in place. His eyes dipped, zoned directly on my lips. “I think it’s time we began, don’t you think?”

  Wolfe didn’t give me a chance to speak, my eyes instantly closing, an immediate deep groan escaping as he dipped, finally feeling that mouth again as he placed his soft as hell lips roughly on mine, their plush texture molding against my lips, a spark of heat firing to life deep within my gut. He jolted against me, his fingers flexing against my skin, digging in the barest bit as his own groan vibrated throughout the air, a quiet, sensual rumble.

  The warmth enveloped me further as he tilted his head more, his lips dragging across mine before possessively plundering my lips. I threaded my arms up between his, eating at his mouth hungrily, my hands running around his neck, tugging him closer to wrap my arms around him tight, hanging on.

  Groaning deeply, his chest vibrating against mine, he shoved my back against the large windows, fingers threading into my hair. He gripped tightly, biting roughly at my bottom lip, tugging and soothing.

  Wolfe’s voice turned guttural, ordering, “Open up, dammit.”

  I firmly kept my mouth closed, teasing him.

  I shook my head minutely, following his lips, crushing mine to his, stroking his mouth greedily, needful.

  His wolf growled deeply in his chest, even while sliding his warm tongue over my lower lip. A soft moan flew past my lips, then his thumbs moved to my jaw, and that swiftly, he pressed down, my mouth instantly opening as he tilted his head further, sliding his hot, moist tongue past my lips. He rubbed his tongue against mine in a sensual glide.

  I was quickly spun in a whiplash movement, my front slammed against the glass. He snapped my wrists just above my head, my arms bent. Wolfe demanded, “Don’t move them.”

  He grunted behind me, smacking my ass hard enough to burn, then his palms slid up, cupping my breasts gently, a heavy exhale of air against my ear, all male. His warm fingers caressed my breasts in tantalizing glides, enjoying every curve. Wolfe pressed his hard, hot body against my backside, his muscles rock hard against me, his…fucking hell…massive cock, heavy and hard pressed against the curve of my ass. I shouted in pleasure, my head falling back against his shoulder when he pinched my nipples roughly, palming me possessively.

  He hummed softly, his golden gaze reflecting on the window, watching my face in the reflection. “What happens when I head here, I wonder?” he crooned softly, one of his hands gradually running down my stomach, his fingers trailing lightly over my flesh until he skimmed my hairline, parting my intimate folds. One of his fingers easily glided through the wetness waiting for him, my body jerking against his. He hummed a groan deep in his chest, his lips skimming behind my ear as he began a gentle play around my clit, teasing me, his voice a guttural exhalation, “You’re so wet for me.” He nibbled delicately along my ear, whispering, “Do you like how I play?”

  “God yes.” I could barely see straight.

  Biting the side of my jaw hard, Wolfe held me immobile while a second finger joined his sensual play on my tender, aching flesh, rubbing softly, almost to my core before returning to my clit. His erotic actions deliberately punishing before he released his bite on my jaw, he began rubbing two fingers around my core in unhurried circles through my increasing wetness. My body trembled against his.

  His fingers thrust inside me viciously, my channel gripping his digits just as resolutely as I needed. I shouted, pleasure falling past my lips, even as he squeezed my breast hard, my ass instantly rubbing against his cock, grinding against his fingers.

  “Ah…ah…,” I shouted again as he started pumping his fingers in and out of me without mercy, hearing him groan against my neck.

  He pressed his cock against my grinding flesh, taking his hand away from my core, quickly dropping his other to place it on my hip and jerking my ass in a purely blatant offering. He placed the blunt head of his cock at my core, both hands now gripping my hips.

  In a brutal invasion, he slammed his hips forward, my mouth flying open on a silent choke, my eyes wide in pained pleasure. His cock—Christ, he was huge—slid in only a bit, his groan of pleasure audible, muttering, “Fucking hell.”

  He pulled his hips back, shoving forward again harshly, fingers digging into my hips, a hissing growl erupting from him as he slid in a bit further. My pants heavy in the air, a scream of intense pleasure flew past my parted lips on his next retreat and plunge, his hips driving forward, his cock sliding back through my channel brutally, dominantly, slamming to bump against my cervix.

  Wolfe shoved deeply, the head of his cock ramming deep against my channel, his hips flush with mine, balls deep inside me, his own shout booming, “Fucking…hell!” He groaned gutturally, holding still, his grip bruising on my hips, letting me adjust to his massive size, muttering on a heavy pant, “You are so damn perfect.”

  I ordered breathlessly, “Fuck me. Fuck me now.”

  “We sure as hell aren’t stopping,” Wolfe growled quietly, his fingers digging in further, his grip on my hips unrelenting. He pulled his hips back, both of us hissing with the friction before he slammed back into me, my palms flat on the window, my body jarring with the motion. He tilted his hips back, retreating, and began a violent pace of plunging into my gripping channel, his cock stretching me past full, a keening cry falling past my lips, hearing him shout curses of pleasure behind me. Our skin slapped loudly, his dominance over me undeniable, my head tilting back as I shouted in pleasure, tipping my hips further for his cock pistoning in and out of my gripping, wet core.

  His groan of approval was loud as he began thrusting even more savagely into me. He growled quietly under his breath, quickening his pace, thrusting, driving ruthlessly into me. I grinned through bared teet
h when he pressed me flat against the window, one of his hands gliding down my leg to lift it slightly, curving it around his, holding my thigh and hip tight as he started thrusting again—but in a slower, more deliberately gradual, merciless taking. I lifted a hand, grabbing onto his hair, still bracing myself on the window with the other, my voice a soft moan.

  He hummed a quiet moan, too, pressing his hips flush with mine, retreating, thrusting forward unhurriedly, deliberately, erotically slow, the friction, his cock sliding through my wet core unbelievably shiver worthy.

  My body trembled against his, his voice guttural, “Don’t be scared.”

  Of what, I had no time to ask.

  Unexpectedly, I was tossed into the air. I landed on my back on his bed, breathless, and quickly catching up as my legs were parted. Wolfe rested his frame over me, sliding between my thighs, his palm cupping the my nape, our lips meeting as he gently began thrusting back into me. He filled me past full, our lips stroking and gliding just as hungrily as before, our groans and quiet demands filling the air.

  Wrapping my legs around his waist, I ran my hands through his waterfall of soft hair, gripping tightly as our tongues met, his taste un-fucking-believably delicious, both of us moaning softly. Our tongues slid sensually as our hips continued to meet sensually in a gentle rhythm, my body beginning to tremble under his soft onslaught of pleasure, only slowly increasing in speed. Our hands explored one another’s bodies, my palms sliding over his clenching and flexing back muscles, his palm skimming around my nape to my throat, trailing his fingers over my collarbone and lower, cupping one of my breasts.

  I groaned softly, my fingernails digging into his back muscles momentarily as he hit my sweet spot deep inside. He cocked a brow, driving into me quicker, hitting my spot again. My nails dug into his ass as he lifted one of my legs higher, his stroking, driving thrusts becoming more insistent, our groans loud.

  Our needs took over anything else we might have said as he continued his steady, quickening drives, teasing me to the edge, then lowering me…slowing our pace once again…only to repeat…and repeat…my shouts of pleasure intermingled with his. Our greedy lips and tongues and teeth only separating occasionally, his thrusting plunges unrelenting, our heated, damp bodies rubbing sensually against one another’s.

  I stared up into his fierce, beautifully terrifying features, his cheeks flushed, his lush lips even redder and kiss-swollen. My head arched back, screaming his name as I fucking—finally—launched over the edge into ecstasy, my core squeezing his pumping cock brutally after the prolonged eroticism he had put me through. I barely heard Wolfe’s harsh curses of pleasure as he pounded his cock in and out of me violently, slamming one last time brutally, a deep, resonating shout of my name echoing in the air.

  With our pants heavy in the air, his muscled, bulky frame collapsed on top of mine, barely catching himself over me. His damp head rested on the pillow next to mine, his heated breaths flying over my cheeks, ruffling my damp hair.

  He mumbled on a pant, “You’re going to have to give me a moment after that to go again.”

  I choked quietly on a chuckle, sucking oxygen, not even able to move. “I won’t argue on the goal, but I’ll argue on the timeframe.” My chest pumped heavily against his, our hearts beating rapidly. I turned my head to face him, our noses touching. “A nap first sounds about right.”

  His shoulders shook the barest bit, cheeks flushed, lips still kiss-swollen. A purely sated male. “I’ll wake you.”

  I yawned heavily. “Just five minutes.”

  My eyes dipped closed, and I was out…only to be woken precisely five minutes later, stretching languidly like a contented kitten when his lips and tongue swirled over my stomach, stroking and kissing me softly.

  I was the luckiest mate in the world.


  New York Times bestselling author and award-winner, Scarlett Dawn, is the author of the Forever Evermore new adult fantasy series, the Origin paranormal dystopian stories, the Mark new adult science fiction saga, and the Lion Security contemporary series.






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