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War of Fangs (The Unseen Book 1)

Page 15

by L. A. Boruff

  Chapter 12

  My body was sore and I was still sleepy, yet we were headed for the Isla Del Sol, an island in the middle of Lake Titicaca. We were driving a cheap car that Anthony traded for the damaged SUV in a questionable used car lot. We’d slept in rotations. The sun was beginning to pink up the horizon.

  The Inca believed that the Isla Del Sol was where the sun god, Inti, was born. “Why do we keep visiting sites tied to Inti?” I asked, irritated. “Surely there are sites to be found that are more closely tied to Supay.”

  “We haven’t found any indication of where Supay was born. We have lots of lore about Inti, so I figured we would check those sites first. Maybe both Inti and Supay were born to this world at the same time, in the same place,” said Michael.

  “Legend tells us that deep in the earth, the Uku Pacha, or as we call it, underworld, was tied to the realm of Supay via a spring,” said Anthony from the driver’s seat. “That’s the spring known as the Spring of Life. Most likely, based on what legends we do have, we'll find the entrance to the underworld in a cave in the Andes.”

  “So we're only going to the island to eliminate it from the list?” I asked.

  “Yes,” said Elias. He turned in the tiny car and gave me a tight smile. “We knew this could take some time, Ri. We’ll find it eventually and get back home.”

  I stared out the window, pouting. I didn’t understand why we weren’t starting with the most likely places, rather than the least likely. I pulled out an empty blood bag and stuck a needle in my arm to add to their stash. It made me a little queasy at first to tap a vein, but I'd gotten good at it. With my little donations and their rationing, we were staying ahead of their blood intake. Elias's eyes dilated as he watched the blood drip into the bag.

  “So, the bad guys, last night. They said I’m definitely Unseen. They said they didn’t want to hurt me. So I have to assume they want to breed me.” I contemplated the passing landscape and ignored the look I could feel Elias giving me.

  He changed the subject, clearing his throat and turning his body away from the sight of my blood. “The Inca believed that the sun and moon were born from this lake. That’s why I added it to our list of places to check.” He reached back and squeezed my knee. “Obviously, we know the sun and moon were not born in a lake on Earth, but it could’ve been that in the retelling of the legend, Inti and Supay were replaced by sun and moon.”

  Michael’s slid his arm around my shoulders and kissed my forehead. “Besides, there’s a library in one of the villages here that's rumored to have ancient texts. I’m hopeful we'll find a lead in one of the books there.”

  I settled in for the rest of the eight-hour car ride. We needed to stay out of sight for a while, so staying on the Isla Del Sol* was a good option. If we were lucky, the Junta would think we’d given up or were still hiding in Cusco.

  At least they let me stop for some bedding. I fluffed my pillow and tucked in against Michael. My eyes closed easily—I wanted to sleep away the nightmare of the past few days.

  My sleep was fitful and full of confusing dreams. I couldn’t remember what I experienced in my sleep, but I woke several times. Anthony’s voice crept into one of my dreams. “Sleep, Coya,” he said. “You are safe. We would die to protect you, my beautiful queen.” Calm washed over me and I remembered nothing else.

  I slept straight through the rest of the drive, including two pit stops to let the cramped men stretch their legs. I woke lying against a sleeping Elias, the early morning sun bathing his hair in warm gold.

  “Wake up, Coya. we're here,” Anthony whispered in my ear.

  “Where is here?” I blinked at my surroundings, brain still fuzzy.

  Michael opened the back door and offered his hand to help me out of the car. I was stiff from my fight the day before and the long sleep lying in one position. “We’re on the coast of Copacabana, in Bolivia. You even slept through the border. The border guard was unconcerned with three men transporting an unconscious woman covered in bruises.” Michael rubbed my shoulders as he explained. “Anthony didn’t even have to calm his mind. He took our papers and gave us the appropriate ones and waved us on.”

  I yawned and stretched. “Did you calm me in my sleep?” I asked Anthony as he stepped out of the car.

  “I did, Coya.”

  “How? Without pain, I mean.”

  “I don’t know. You were crying. Your mind allowed me to come in and soothe you, and it relieved us to know you were resting.” He walked around the car and pulled me into a hug.

  We were in a parking lot with a ferry boat docked within walking distance. The boat ride to the island was two hours long. We’d decided to try staying in places that might fly under the radar. From what we could tell online, the hostels on the island didn’t book online. We’d called in the reservation and they assured us on the phone that we would be able to pay in cash.

  I tried to grab my bag, but between the three of them, they carried them all. “Freaking vampire gentlemen,” I grumbled under my breath. Anthony burst out laughing. Whoops. I forgot about their sensitive ears. Elias and Michael turned around and grinned at me.

  “Get used to it, Coya. You’re capable of carrying your own bags, we know that. But we care for you and want to show you in small ways. Carrying your bags is such a minuscule thing to us. If you’d prefer, we could carry you?” Anthony lunged at me as if to pick me up. I squealed, shoes slapping the pavement as I ran and jumped onto Elias's back, sore muscles forgotten in the light-hearted moment.

  “Run, Eli, he’s coming for us!” I yelled. Elias dropped the bags he carried and grabbed my legs, running us to the ferry. Laughter poured from my mouth the entire way—free and light. My hair streamed behind us and I bounced on him like I was riding a horse. I gripped him, my laughter turning to a sigh as I realized the bouncing was turning me on. I can't take me anywhere.

  Michael picked up the bags Elias dropped, and he and Anthony jogged behind us. Elias dropped me a little too quickly and I rocked into Anthony’s arms, laughing like a maniac. “Oh my god, I’m going to pee!” I ran over to a public bathroom beside the ticket stand.

  I did my business and was washing my hands when something in the mirror caused me to jerk my head toward the door. For a split second, I saw the old woman from the little restaurant in Cusco. She walked past the open doorway.

  My hands flapped water and soap all over the place as I ran out of the bathroom. I frantically searched for her gray and black hair, but she was gone. “Anthony!” I shouted.

  He was beside me in an instant, Michael and Elias not far behind.

  “The woman from the restaurant walked by the bathroom door. But, you guys shouldn’t move that fast in public!” I scolded. “Someone will see, and you’re supposed to keep this super secret, right?” Elias and Michael ignored my scolding and took off to search the immediate area.

  “After the week we’ve had, I’m not leaving your side again. If you need to pee again, I’m going with you,” said Anthony. I was quickly learning he was the most protective of the three, which was odd since he’d spent the least amount of time getting to know me.

  It must be in his nature to be a little possessive. As long as he yielded when I asked him to, I could deal.

  Elias came back and grabbed my hand. “I didn’t see anyone come out of the bathroom before you, but I wasn’t staring at the door the entire time you were in there.” Anthony stayed with me while Elias and Michael jogged around a larger area than their first search.

  He picked me up and twirled me around in a hug. “I’m touched that you yelled my name, Coya. I know any of us would die for you, but knowing you thought of me first makes me want to take you into that bathroom and do things that might make you uncomfortable in public.” He planted a big, wet kiss on my lips.

  I giggled into his lips. “Oh, Anthony, I’m growing used to your protectiveness. You instinctively came to mind first. And I wouldn’t necessarily say no to the bathroom.” I returned his kiss, then p
ulled out of his arms toward the other two guys as they walked toward us. They shook their heads—they didn't find her. Did I imagine her? I really had been on edge.

  Grabbing their hands, I started walking toward the ticket booth where a young couple stood in line, staring at us. I turned my head to Michael, “Are they talking about us? About me kissing Anthony then grabbing your hands?”

  Michael gave me a blank look. “Hmmm? I’m sorry, Baby, I wasn’t paying attention. I was thinking about what I’m going to do to you when we get to the hotel tonight.” My lady bits, already a little active, jolted me. They weren’t adverse to whatever was going through Michael’s mind.

  Elias squeezed my right hand. “Yes, Ri. They commented something I won't repeat to you, because what they think doesn’t matter.” My bubble of temporary euphoria popped. No matter how comfortable we might become with each other, the world would remind us daily we were nothing but freaks. If only they knew.

  Anthony pressed himself against me. “Don’t worry. When we're done with this adventure we can lose ourselves among the Unseen. In the circles we'll run in, polygamous relationships are completely normal.” He squeezed my shoulders. “Most factions of the Unseen have poly relationships. Given the various abilities and physical traits among us, they’re a bit more open and accepting of what humans call alternative lifestyles.”

  It was our turn at the ticket booth and Elias paid for our crossing. We boarded the boat and found seats at the front, on a hard wooden bench. The wind on the lake whipped my hair around my face violently. I shivered and three jackets were offered to me.

  Laughing, I pulled my own hoodie out. “I’ve got this, guys, calm down.”

  Michael pulled me close. I turned to find him staring at me with lust filled eyes. I squirmed in my seat a little and leaned close to his ear. “Will you walk me to the bathroom, husband?” I bit his earlobe to be sure he got my point.

  He put his hand at the small of my back and stood, helping me to my feet. His palm warmed me and my honey pot started cheering.

  I jerked open the—thankfully—private bathroom door and we rushed inside before we were noticed going in together.

  “I want fast and hard, Michael.” I pressed my body against his and ran my hands between our bodies, down his front. He was rock hard.

  “You got it, Baby.” He unbuttoned my pants and yanked them down to my ankles. After taking off his own, he twirled me around and bent me over at the waist. I pressed my hands against the wall and turned my head toward him.

  He stroked me and discovered I was soaked, completely ready for him. He rubbed his head in my folds, wetting himself to enter me. My breath hitched in my throat in anticipation. I could feel more moisture gathering between my legs.

  He rammed into me, calling out my name in a hoarse voice. Grabbing my hips, he moved me forward as he pulled out, making his entry and exit of my body faster. When he pulled me back, I grunted with the force of his body colliding into mine.

  My arms shook with the strain of holding myself up against the wall. He set a punishing pace and I was soon moaning louder than I should. He pulled out and turned me around before picking me up. I kicked my jeans off as he lifted me.

  Pushing me against the wall, he entered me roughly again and gripped my ass so brutally I knew I would have finger bruises on my butt cheeks in a couple of hours. He used his hands on my ass to lift me and bounce me on his cock. I moaned again.

  “Put your mouth against my neck if you can’t stop moaning.” His words came in bursts between my bounces on his dick. I complied and moaned into his skin. When my orgasm hit me, I sank my teeth into his neck, causing him to reach his climax. His last thrusts were wild and erratic and immensely satisfying.

  We cleaned up and walked out of the bathroom like we were carefree kids on a vacation. Before, my body had been sore; now it was energized. I felt alive and dirty after my first quickie in public. Forbidden fruit is delicious.

  We sat back down, Michael on my left and Elias on my right. I pulled Michael’s arm around me and settled in to enjoy the view.

  “Eli,” I asked after a while, “when things die down, can we start training again? Even though I know you’re not really a trainer, I had a lot of fun.”

  “Absolutely. I loved watching you improve and learn,” Elias replied. “I still have lots to teach you. And you’ll want to spend time with Michael and Anthony too, they know different styles than I do. We each bring something a little different to the table when it comes to fighting.”

  I spent the rest of the trip daydreaming about how a typical day would be when we were finished with the damned mission. I’d be basically the same person, but I’d live as long as my family. My boys would be with us. We would raise our children together. I could learn how to live with being immortal alongside the kids.

  If our mission was a success, I’d be an adult Supay, I might have to learn about the Supay lifestyle and culture right beside them. Explaining who I was would be so difficult.

  Maybe we’d have a few more children, and we’d live in a big house, happy and safe. If there are any gods listening, please let us make it through this, whole and together. We’d been through enough.

  “I miss my babies.” I didn’t mean to speak the words out loud, really. I should’ve known their crazy hearing would pick it up.

  “I do too, Coya. I’m just glad the kids age slowly, so we won’t miss much.” He made a great point. At least we wouldn’t be missing major milestones in their development by being gone a few more weeks. I’d already missed the most important parts.

  Chapter 13

  The boat docked on Sun Island. We climbed off of the ferry boat onto a tiny wooden dock. Walking single file to the shore was a little nerve racking. The dock was narrow, wooden, and seemed like it was built a good two thousand years ago. I could feel the water pushing against the wood and a little bit of anxiety crept up my neck. “It feels like we're walking the plank.” I tried to joke to lighten my mood, but my voice was piercing.

  Anthony squeezed past Elias to press close to me, one hand on my arm. He was trying to calm me again without using his juju. Knowing he was there to watch over me helped me push the anxiety down.

  We were met on the beach by a smiling attendant in a polo with palm trees embroidered on it. “Welcome to the Isla Del Sol!” she said in a cheerful voice before speaking the rest of her greeting in Spanish. Elias pulled out some Bolivian currency, and paid one of the many tolls required to be allowed to hike and visit on the island.

  I left Elias and Anthony to sort out where we needed to go and tugged Michael to wander on the beach. A violent shiver made my teeth chatter. I hoped the rest of our time on the island warmed up.

  We walked hand in hand toward the waves lapping up the rocky beach. The lake was enormous and gave the feel of being at the ocean, except with the magnificent Andes in the background. We stopped and Michael put his arms around me from behind. My head fit in the hollow of his shoulder perfectly. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth of his body.

  “I never thought I’d feel your arms around me again,” I said.

  “I was thinking the same thing. I can’t stop staring at you.” His voice was deep and loving. "I watched you sleep for so long last night.”

  “I watched you too!” I laughed at our lovey-dovey behavior.

  He adopted a more serious tone. "Riley, when this is over, I want you to know I've always done what I thought was right. Even today, being here. I'm here because it's the right thing to do." He pulled on my shoulders so I would turn. His hands cupped my cheeks and he whispered, "I want to do the right thing." He kissed me and pulled me into a hug.

  "Of course this is the right thing," I said, confused. "I'll do anything to be able to stay with you, and especially the kids. And now, I don't want to leave Elias or Anthony either. It would be more than I could bear to grow old and know I'd be leaving you behind forever. I mean, I don't even know anything about the afterlife. What’s there? Where do we g
o? I can't chance that we won't find each other in death."

  "I have an idea about the afterlife, and if we find Supay, I'm going to ask him." I let that one go and tightened my hold on his waist. I heard Elias and Anthony walking toward us, talking to each other, but I wasn't ready to take my face off of Michael's chest yet. I felt like I was home for the first time in five long years.

  I didn't let go, but I did turn my head so that I could see Eli and Anthony while I hugged Michael. I hoped they weren’t jealous of the attention I was showing Michael, but hell. He was my husband and I'd only begun to have the slim beginnings of a relationship with them. They'll just have to understand.

  I tuned into their conversation about altitude sickness. Supay were immune to such things, but I wasn’t. Of course, I have to worry about altitude sickness. They were concerned for me, I shouldn't have been an ass, even in my own mind. But how glad I would be when I was more powerful—and also immune to human diseases and aging.

  Anthony drew my attention away from my inner thoughts. "Riley, our packs are full of water for you and lots of snacks." He bounced his bag a little to show the weight.

  Elias chimed in. "You're not carrying anything, and I don't want to hear any crap about you being strong enough. You are strong enough, but we're in a high region. You need to go slow and keep sipping the water. We also bought you some medicine that should help."

  "I won't complain, I'll drink my water and take my medicine like a good girl." I rolled my eyes. "Is it time to go? Because I'm toasty warm, wrapped in Michael's arms."

  Michael's chest rumbled under me as he laughed. "I'd carry you, baby, but people would question how I could be strong enough to carry a full grown woman in this terrain."

  I pulled away from him and took his hand. "What's the plan?"

  "We’re on the south side of the island. The biggest village, Yumani, is on this side of the island. There’s a perfect little hostel here. We paid our fee, so let’s head to the hostel and drop the heaviest stuff off there," said Anthony.


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