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Guarding the Mermaid

Page 8

by Eve Langlais

  “Behind?” she repeated as he stopped at the dead-end rock wall. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you’re all about your own gratification.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” He shot her a dark stare.

  “Just that doggy style is more about the man’s pleasure. If you’re the kind of lover who likes his partner to come with him, then missionary or cowgirl is the way to go.”

  “Who says I don’t take care of her first?” The sultry look melted every single bone in her body. She was ready to throw herself at him and say, “Show me!”

  Why had he suddenly started flirting back? She could handle him when he was a jerk, but this teasing, sexy man?

  “You think of someone else’s pleasure first?” She snorted. “I highly doubt that. You’ve got selfish written all over you.” She ignored him to stare at the rock. Touched it as well and felt the rough surface, solid and cold.

  “You’re touching the wrong spot.” For a moment, when he tugged her hand, she thought he might put it on his crotch. Instead, he shoved it into the mirage wall. “This is where you scan your card.”

  “What on Earth?” She stared down at their arms, the wrists appearing severed at the rock. Yet she could feel the firm grasp of his fingers. The tingle that spread at his touch.

  “Told you. Holograms.” He pulled free and stepped to the side. “Activate it.”

  She retrieved her card and tried not to flinch as she shoved it into seemingly solid stone. She scraped the edge of her hand on rock. She was too far to the left, but she heard the click of locks disengaging nonetheless as her card came close enough to the reader to engage it.

  Visually nothing had changed. She frowned. “So now what?”

  “Now you enter.”

  “Enter where? There?” She pointed at the wall she’d touched. “That’s rock. Real rock.”

  “Not all of it. The door opened under the notched piece.”

  “What if it didn’t open? I’ll smash my face.”

  “You can check first.” He shoved his arm up to the shoulder through the wall. “See. Open.”

  “You go first.”

  “Don’t be a pussy.”

  “I’m not a pussy. I want to see you use it first.” Given the number of horror movies she’d watched, the first person through usually got devoured by the monster. She preferred not to dwell on what sometimes happened to those who stayed behind.

  “We used this entrance the other day.”

  “Go. I’ll follow.” She shooed him.

  “I am not getting paid enough for this.” He sighed and disappeared from sight, passing through the rock, leaving her alone.

  Kind of freaked her out. Excited her, too, because this was truly epic stuff. Hidden doors and holograms. What else would she encounter?

  Feeling much like Alice must have the first time she went down the rabbit hole, she closed her eyes and stepped in.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jett snickered as he saw Red step through, eyes shut tight. Her trepidation amused, which might be why he quickly stepped in front of her and held still as she rammed into him.

  “Darn it!” Her arms flailed as she weaved on her feet.

  He caught her before she could fall. “Watch where you’re going, Red.”

  There was no glare in her gaze or censure when her eyes opened. Rather mirth. “Ha, ha, funny guy. You might be rock solid, but your shirt gave it away.”

  A man could only swell in pride at her comment. “Never walk into situations with your eyes closed.”

  “I’m a little too old and far-gone for lessons in life.”

  The reminder flattened his lips. As they went through the hall, he noticed her glancing around.

  “Those aren’t just air ducts, are they?” she said.

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Look at them. They run the whole length of the hall.”

  “Part of the decontamination system. Don’t move.”

  “Wh—Ack. Ugh.” The misting spray hit her, and she grimaced.

  He waited until it dissipated before saying, “Keep your mouth shut if you don’t want your tongue disinfected.”

  “Next time a warning beforehand would be helpful.”

  “But that would ruin my entertainment.” Jett winked before opening the door into the lab proper.

  “There’s my star patient and new assistant.” Chimera sounded entirely too cheerful. Fake, too, considering less than twenty minutes ago Jett had caught him in a full-blown tantrum over some test results he didn’t like.

  “Good morning, Dr. Chimera. Sorry I’m late. Jett forgot to tell me what time I’d be starting.”

  “Not too late, especially considering I haven’t gone to bed. Exciting things are happening, my dear.”

  Exciting if you counted the fact that two subjects up and died overnight, bleeding out of every orifice with no sign as to why.

  “I can’t wait to learn. Where do you want me to start?”

  “I love your attitude. Jett, now that you’ve brought Nurse Frederickson to me, you can call it a night. Or is that a day?” The doctor chuckled at his own lame attempt at a joke.

  Dismissed. Totally expected, and yet leaving her didn’t sit right. For one, he didn’t entirely trust Chimera. The man plotted something. He always plotted.

  Still, Jett couldn’t refuse a direct order.

  He turned on his heel and tried not to wonder if he’d ever see her again.

  He shouldn’t have worried. Staying away from her didn’t prove to be an option. Chimera had him reassigned. Put him to watching her on the cameras, ready to act at a moment’s notice if needed. Not that he could figure out what he’d be protecting her from. She was only given access to the main lab. The only dangerous thing in there were her own two clumsy feet.

  He hated the new job. Not only did he have to sit for hours at a time watching a boring screen, he had to watch her.

  It proved a strange form of torture, especially because everything she did drew him, from the way the tip of her tongue stuck out when she concentrated to the roundness of her ass when she bent over. She didn’t do it consciously, yet she tempted him.

  Then to make matters worse, he couldn’t help himself from running into her in person. If she went for breakfast, he soon followed. Outside for a walk, he suddenly had an urge for a rare cigarette.

  In his defense, he followed orders. Dr. Chimera possessed a very suspicious mind. Despite all his security precautions, he remained convinced that she might betray.

  Jett joked with the doctor, “You think she’s gonna write a message and tie it to a pigeon with connections to the outside world.”

  Rather than laugh, Chimera eyed him quite seriously and said, “Actually, foxes make for better carriers.”

  So he spied on her to allay his boss’s mind. Stalked her really. And the worst part? The thing that pissed him off the most?

  He enjoyed it.

  What he didn’t enjoy as much was the inexplicable jealousy. Take the other evening for instance. She’d spent two hours in the communal area watching some movie that had her giggling. It drew attention. All of the young attractive women did, and so when she left, it was quite normal for the guys remaining to discuss her.

  “I wouldn’t mind tapping that,” said Barry as he lined up his cue to hit a ball.

  “Think she’s into tag teaming?” Len threw the comment out just as Barry pulled back, totally skewering his shot.

  “With those lips, she can probably suck a golf ball through a garden hose.” Barry suctioned his cheeks.

  “And she swallows,” confided Abe with a shit-eating grin. Problem was Jett knew for a fact he lied.

  “She’s never touched you,” Jett announced, his low timbre nonetheless carrying.

  “What?” Abe absently said as he rubbed chalk on the end of his cue.

  “I said she ain’t ever touched you. So why you talking smack about her?”

  This time Abe heard him and turned
. The smirk on his face antagonized. “Who says she didn’t?”

  “I do.”

  “And I guess you’d know given how often the two of you end up going down Construction Alley together,” Abe said with a sneer.

  Odd how it didn’t bother him that they thought he slept with her. What bothered him was other assholes discussing it. “Take it back. Admit you lied.”

  “Or?” Abe, being a newer fellow, obviously hadn’t been paying attention to the rumors. Jett knew there were plenty about him. All of them mentioned his temper.

  Which flared.

  “Or I am going to spank your ass in front of your buds until you snot and cry for mercy.”

  “You and what fucking army?” Abe stood tall, a big dude, probably at least twenty or thirty pounds heavier than Jett.

  Didn’t matter. Jett was born meaner. He advanced on the other guy while Travis, a good shit, if too stupid to know when to get out of the way, inserted himself. “Jett, he isn’t worth it.”

  “He’s lying.”

  “No, I’m not. That nurse Becky is a whore. A cock-sucking—”


  Jett punched him. Right in the face. Abe recoiled but didn’t fall.

  “Mother fucker.” He charged at Jett, who treated him like a bull and swept aside at the last minute then snared the other man with a foot.

  Abe went tumbling. Jett pounced, shoving his knee in the man’s chest, an arm braced across his neck, and his mouth close enough to hiss, “You should have apologized.”

  “Fuck. You.”

  Jett smashed his head against Abe’s nose and felt a moment of satisfaction at the sharp scream.

  Only then did he rise. Glance coldly at those watching. “Anyone else want to disrespect the ladies in this place?”

  Frantic head shakes all around.


  Abe, though, still hadn’t learned his lesson. “I’m going to fucking report you.” The words wet and bubbly as he bled copiously from the nose and mouth.

  “Go ahead.” Jett smiled. “I dare you.”

  And perhaps he did. Because the next time he saw Abe, the fucker mumbled, “Sorry.”

  But sorry wasn’t enough. Chimera didn’t tolerate trouble-makers, which was why Jett wasn’t surprised when Abe ended up in a cage in the secret lab, strapped to a bed, asleep, with a bile-yellow IV stuck in his arm.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He was watching her again.

  Funny how Jett always had an excuse every time she saw him. He just happened to suddenly be grabbing meals at the same time as her. Just happened to indulge in a game of billiards when she came to watch the newest movie for the residents.

  Kind of flattering, except for the fact he never came near her. Pretended not to look at her. Avoided actual contact or speech. Yet, she was aware of him. Every single nerve ending tingled when he appeared.

  Was it the same for him?

  She had just about decided to tackle him in a hall and demand to know what his problem was when he appeared in the lab.

  Tall, dark, and scowling. “Let’s go.”

  Taking her time, peeling her gloves, she replied, “Go where? And if you’re about to say your bedroom, then I should warn you I am wearing granny panties. But if cotton’s your thing, then I’m good to go.”

  Ah, the sweet look of confusion on his face. “We’re going outside.”

  “Outside to do what? This better not be the start to a slasher movie where you chase me through the woods.”

  He blinked at her. “Jeezus, Red, how the fuck does your mind work?”

  “In weird and mysterious ways. And I wouldn’t talk. Look at you.” She deepened her voice. “Come. Now. Me. Say. So.” She thumped her chest.

  He didn’t appear impressed with her caveman impression. “Chimera ordered me to take you outdoors for some fresh air. Apparently, it’s been a few days since you’ve been out of the lab. So move your ass, or I will drag you.”

  “By the hair, Neanderthal style?” she teased, but she did remove her white overcoat. And thank God she no longer had to wear that stupid nursing cap

  It surprised her Chimera had ordered her to get some fresh air. She wouldn’t have expected the man to remember that a human body needed a glimpse of the sun. He worked her hard. She never had a moment to sit still. Drawing blood from the rats he kept in the far corner. Giving them coded serums, their colors reminding her of the time she spent working in the coma ward. She spun vials. Added drops. Prepared slides. Entered data. Given all her duties, she acted more scientist than nurse, and yet, the work proved fascinating.

  Even if she didn’t quite understand what he did, there existed a certain excitement in working closely with Chimera. The man’s mind worked a mile a minute. Always thinking. Observing.

  Was it his skills of observation that saw her staring overly long at Jett? Whatever the reason, the orders were for Jett to take her for a walk.

  She almost asked him if he’d brought a leash.

  Before leaving to go outside, she grabbed a sweater. The fall arrived earlier in the mountains, the crisp breezes holding a promise of the winter to come.

  They made it outside without saying a word. A bit of a record for Becky. However, she wanted to see how long it took before he broke it first.

  He waited until they got to the worn dirt track the inhabitants of the clinic used.

  “How are you feeling?”

  For once she didn’t note any mockery, or disdain. A hint of concern? Possibly.

  “Not bad actually.” The tickle in her lungs remained. The occasional sharp stab. But nothing she couldn’t handle. But just in case, she’d begun stockpiling pain meds, going to the doctor at the clinic who dealt with employee ailments. Claiming a migraine got her a handful of pills each time. She had quite the collection now.

  “Hmmm.” The grunt ended that line of talk.

  Looking over at the woods, she remembered something she overheard in the cafeteria. “Is it true someone got attacked by a monster in the woods?”

  “Hardly a monster.”

  “So what was it? Bear? Wolf? Mountain cat? Yeti?” She named a bunch of things.

  His reply? “Yup.”

  “Yup, to what?”

  “Does it really matter? The thing that attacked that nurse is dead. You don’t have to worry about it.”

  “I’m not scared.”

  “Maybe you should be. There’s danger in those woods. Remember that.”

  “I will.” She stopped and stared at the dark pockets between the dense trees. It would be easy to get lost. As the temperature at night kept getting colder, the risk of death by exposure if a person remained outdoors increased. Add in wild animals and it meant she had a plan in mind for when the pain got too intense.

  “Hey.” He snapped fingers in front of her. “Don’t you go thinking like that.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “I served in the army. I know that look.”

  “And what look would that be?” she asked, shoving her hands into the pockets of her sweater.

  “The one that says you wanna die but don’t want to pull the trigger yourself.”

  She shrugged. “You caught me. Can you blame me? I know what’s coming.” The pain. The agony. The pleading with someone to end it.

  “You’re a nurse. Use some pills.”

  “Pills aren’t a sure thing and not exactly plentiful around here.” Being ensconced in a clinic meant not having access to any of the good stuff. The stash she’d managed would barely take off the edge.

  “Then you ask for help if it gets too bad.”

  At that, she snorted. “Are you seriously telling me I should ask someone to kill me when the cancer gets to be too much?”

  “Better than walking in the woods looking to get mauled by a bear.”

  “So it was a bear.”

  “Would you stop focusing on the fucking animal we killed?” He grabbed her by the arms and frowned. “I am trying to be serious.”

  “Why?” She stared at his face, noticing his intent expression.

  “Hell if I know why. You’re the most annoying woman I’ve ever met.”

  “Yet here you are walking me around and giving me advice on offing myself.” She pulled herself free. “Again, I have to ask, why?”

  “Fucked if I know.” He kicked the ground.

  “I do. You pity me.” The one emotion she couldn’t handle. Was that all he saw when he looked at her? A sad and broken woman?

  She swept past him only to feel herself yanked back as he snared her by the arm.

  “Don’t get all pissy. Yeah, I feel sorry for you. You’re going to die. And that blows.”

  “It does. But I’ve come to terms with it. And so should you.” Tears stung at her eyes.

  “Ah, don’t fucking cry.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  She walked away from him, arms wrapped around herself. Hating him for prying open the shields she kept around her emotions. Didn’t he understand what a tentative grip she had on sanity? No one wanted to die. No one wanted to deal with it.

  Hearing a shout, she looked over her shoulder and saw someone walking toward Jett. Given he was busy, she wandered away from him toward the lake. Not her favorite thing in the world, if she were honest.

  Something about the cold water brought a chill to her bones. Reminded her of the middle of the night when she woke in a sweat, a cold sweat, gasping for air.

  Staring into the cold depths, she saw movement. Darting shapes. Their scales shimmering as they sluiced through the water. The deep, deep water. She’d heard say that the lake was considered almost bottomless given it went far below any of the sensors they’d used in an attempt to measure.

  Why, a person could step off this very edge and sink so long and so far no one would ever find the body. Nor would a person survive. The temperature remained only a touch above freezing, the glacier melt from the mountains feeding the lake and keeping it chilly no matter how bright the sun shone.

  The water had a translucent beauty to it and must have had a mirroring effect because, for a moment, she saw herself reflected in it. But her in a way she’d never imagined. Her hair floating in a sinuous halo around her face. Her skin pale. So very pale. The slender fingers of her hand reaching. The mouth opening to whisper, Join us.


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