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A Spinster at the Highland Court: The Highland Ladies Book One

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by Barclay, Celeste

  Morning dawned as a fresh start, and Elizabeth looked forward to seeing her brother and sisters again.

  Edward tried to gain Elizabeth’s attention the night before, but she refused to look anywhere but at her trencher. Edward worried that something had happened to upset her. Upset her beyond their encounter in the woods earlier in the week. He suspected her reclusiveness had been in response to their unexpected tryst. If his brother hadn’t insisted upon his attendance, he would’ve liked to hide too. Now he wanted to know what happened in the cottage and since her return to the castle. She seemed in high spirits when she left the young man, but the young woman who sat before him that night looked anything but happy. Edward found himself waiting near the stables yet again, and his patience was rewarded. The small portal popped open just as it did the day before, and a small feminine figure emerged. Just as she did the day before, Elizabeth slipped past the postern guard and into the town. She didn’t waste time, heading straight to the cottage. She didn’t look around and knocked only once before opening the door. She slipped inside, and Edward was left in the shadows again.

  Edward’s legs cramped as he alternated between standing and squatting in the alley between the cottages. Elizabeth remained in the cottage throughout the day. She stayed inside until the sun began to set, and Edward worried she’d miss her chance to reenter the castle grounds before the gates were shut for the night. He’d just decided to seek her out when the door opened.

  “I wish I spent more time with you and the girls. I miss them, and they are growing up barely knowing me.”

  “Lizzie, they do. They love you just as I do.”

  Edward ground his teeth as he listened to another man say he loved his woman. That was how he’d come to consider her. She was his, and he wasn’t going to give up that easily.

  “Take care of yourself and them, Thomas. Watch over your mother. She seems tired these days. She shouldn’t have to do so much on her own. Our father is failing us all.”

  “That may be, but none of us are going to change Laird Fraser.”

  The tension slipped away as he pieced together that Elizabeth was visiting her siblings, not a lover but her family. Then the man’s words sunk in. Fraser was neglecting all his children. Elizabeth might see him the most, but he neglected her by not arranging for her future.

  “You’re right, Thomas. I hate it, but you’re right. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to come again until next week. I’m sure Father has someone watching me. I’m pretty sure someone was watching me yesterday and today. Maybe even following me.”

  “Elizabeth. Be careful. If not Laird Fraser, then your mother will have a fit if they find out you’re visiting us.”

  “Let them. Father should be ashamed, and Mother turns a blind eye. It’s unchristian of them, for all of Mother’s piety.”

  “Lizzie.” Exasperation filled Thomas’s voice.

  “I know. Don’t fret. I won’t make it worse. I’ll bring what I can for the lasses and your mother. Are you sure I can’t bring anything for you? Why won’t you tell me what you need?”

  “Because there’s nothing we need that I can’t provide.”

  “Tom, that wasn’t what I meant.”

  “I know, Lizzie. You must go before you’re locked out of the gates.”

  The brother and sister embraced quickly, and Elizabeth hurried through the waning sunlight.

  Chapter Six

  Edward tried to find Elizabeth when they returned to the castle. He followed her once more at a safe distance and was glad that he did. Two men tried to step in her path just before she got to the castle gate. Edward was shocked to see Elizabeth brandish a knife, and even more shocked when he crept closer and recognized she knew how to hold it. It didn’t take the two men long to realize the same thing. She was trained and willing to fight back. They edged aside and let her past. Edward wasn’t so forgiving. He stepped from the shadows and launched his attack before either was prepared. He threw his fist into one man’s nose and heard the satisfying crunch before swinging his fist toward the other man’s jaw. The crack he heard was just as gratifying. He warned both men to stay away from women who weren’t theirs. Once he was inside the castle, he searched for Elizabeth. She appeared for the evening meal, but she sat quietly for most of it. She spoke when spoken to, but she did little to engage. Edward worried the incident with the two men had shaken her. He wanted to ask her if she was all right. She seemed to be retreating further into her shell each night.

  His opportunity came as the meal ended and the women rose to retire with the queen. The king decided to join his wife, so Edward was expected to follow. He angled himself to walk into the queen’s salon alongside Elizabeth.

  “You seem reserved tonight,” he murmured. “You barely smiled and didn’t seem to eat much. What is worrying you?”

  Elizabeth’s eyes widened both by his nearness and his frank assessment.

  “Nothing,” she replied. “I didn’t sleep well.”

  “Dreaming of me again?” Edward tried to infuse humor into his question to lighten the mood, but her look of shock, then embarrassment, made him wonder if his playful suggestion might have been close to the truth.

  He brushed his hand against hers within the folds of her skirts.

  “You’ve been hiding, Beth. What’s wrong? Am I the reason?”


  Edward wasn’t prepared for such a blunt response. Before he said more, Elizabeth slipped away.

  The third week of Advent was spent in a prolonged game of cat and mouse, beginning with them once more in the chapel celebrating Mass. The priest lit the pink Advent candle, and Edward breathed a sigh of relief that they were one week closer to Christmas, and one week closer to the merriment that would justify his desire to dance and celebrate with Elizabeth. Edward watched Elizabeth throughout the service, but he was more careful after the first incident that forced Elizabeth into additional hours of prayer for his indiscretion. The days that followed became a new routine for him as he tracked Elizabeth to the cottage. Her visits were shorter because she had no more excuses to avoid her duties. She slipped out when the queen retired for an afternoon nap, which meant Elizabeth only had an hour or so of freedom. Edward followed at the same distance, but was thankful Elizabeth faced no more threats along her route.

  When he was at the castle, he made some circumspect inquiries about Laird Fraser and his family. It didn’t take long for him to discover Laird Fraser was a known philanderer, and his wife wasn’t much better. Most of the courtiers were aware of the couple’s many affairs. Edward pieced together that Laird Fraser’s mistresses were for his pleasure, while Lady Fraser’s lovers were for politics. Not many people were aware of his bastards, but a few greased palms told Edward that the courtier sired more than the three Elizabeth seemed aware of. Edward’s heart hurt and his head throbbed when he imagined how Elizabeth would react if she learned she had more siblings than she had already met. The more he learned about her parents, the deeper his desire grew to whisk her away.

  Edward waited before he moved toward the path in front of the cottages. He took one step before his path was blocked by a young man who was much larger than he appeared when Edward caught glimpses of him within the doorframe. He planned to confront Elizabeth that afternoon, but it would seem he had another confrontation first.

  “Why do you keep following my sister?” Thomas crossed his arms as he blocked Edward’s way.

  Neither man was fooled that Thomas might keep Edward from barreling through him, but they both recognized Thomas would do some damage, nonetheless.

  “Your sister?”

  “You already know who I am. You know we have two younger sisters too. You know we live here with my mother. You know all of this because you’ve been skulking around for the past week. You’ve also been asking a lot of questions.” Thomas’s statements sounded more like accusations.

  “If she’s your sister, then why do you let her take such risks as going about town without a guar
d or chaperone?”

  Thomas snorted as he burst into laughter.

  “You don’t know her well.”

  “I know her well enough.” Edward stepped forward, so their booted toes almost brushed together.

  “Just how well do you know my sister?” Edward couldn’t miss the steel creep into the young man’s words. He was glad to hear the protective tone, but he wasn’t in the mood to pick a fight.

  “I know I want to marry her. I know I admire her. I know she frustrates me with her recklessness. And I know she’s willing to put herself at risk for those she loves.”

  “I suppose that sums her up, but that doesn’t explain why you’re following her.”

  “But it does. She’s reckless and fearless, which will get her hurt one of these days because she’s also naïve.”

  “That she is. If you do care, I’d hurry and catch her now.”

  Edward scowled as he pushed past the younger man. Edward didn’t bother trying to be inconspicuous as he sprinted across the field and then ran through the streets. He caught up to Elizabeth just as she slipped through the castle door. He caught the door before it closed and followed her through. He heard her gasp, and the air shifted as she struck out. He moved aside in time to only have her fist clip his shoulder. He caught her wrist and tugged her against him.

  “Beth, it’s me. It’s Edward. Stop fighting me.”

  Elizabeth stilled and panted as Edward’s arms wrapped around her.

  “It’s been you. You’re the one who’s been following me.”

  “Yes. You scare me with your disregard for your own safety. How can you consider traipsing around town is safe without any type of guard? Even if you’re going to visit your brother and sisters.”

  “You found out,” she breathed.

  “You said yourself that I’ve been following you.”

  “Why? Why does it matter what I do?”

  “If you weren’t hiding from me, I’d have made my proposal once again. I don’t think you believed I was in earnest.”

  Elizabeth jerked away from Edward, and this time he let her go. She fumbled in the dark to light a torch.

  “We can’t talk in here. The sound carries out just as it does in. Follow me.”

  Elizabeth led them in silence as they wound through the castle until she stopped before what looked like a solid wall. She stepped aside and lifted the torch to illuminate the hidden door.

  “There is a small indentation where your waist is. Press your fingers into that, and you will find a release. The door will swing in, and you’ll have to move the tapestry.”

  Edward stepped forward and found the release Elizabeth described. He pushed into the chamber, but in the moment, it took him to realize she’d led them to his chamber and not hers, she ground out the flame and jerked the door close. Edward searched for the catch to reopen the door, and when he found it, he also found darkness awaiting him.


  Elizabeth had memorized the number of steps to travel when she walked and when she ran. Nearly half a score of years moving through the back passageways taught her to navigate with care. She heard Edward calling to her, but there was no sound of feet behind her. She made her way back to her chamber where she quickly stripped off her clothes. She rang for her maid and told her to make excuses for her. The maid was to tell her parents she had a headache or some other malady. Elizabeth had no intention of leaving her chamber only to encounter Edward in the Great Hall.

  Edward was in the stables before the sun rose the next morning. He needed a long, hard ride to ease the frustration that had taken root inside his mind since he met Elizabeth. His frustration was as much emotional as it was physical. He longed for another tryst like the one in the woods. His body ached to have her pressed against his, and he wanted time to watch Elizabeth as passion bloomed into pleasure. Passion and pleasure he created. His mind swirled with everything he learned over the past week about her family, and he wanted to bellow at her for repeatedly taking so many risks.

  Edward entered the silent stable to a voice he’d recognize anywhere. It came from the same back corner as it had the last time he heard it in the stable.

  He finished saddling his horse and brought him out of the stall before walking around the corner.

  “Still haven’t learned your lesson?”

  Elizabeth yelped in surprise, and her horse stomped before whinnying.

  “Shh, Reubadair. You’ll wake the lads.”

  “You named your horse Reaper? That doesn’t make me feel reassured at all.”

  “No one asked you to feel anything.”



  “You’re still riding without a guard and on a horse that’s named for death. Why do you insist upon courting disaster?”

  “You take an interest, for what, three weeks, and suddenly you’re my self-appointed guardian? I think not. I’ve been riding Reubadair since he was a colt. I trust him more than anything or anyone. And I’ve been riding out on my own ever since I arrived here, and that was ten years ago.”

  “Bluidy hell. You’ve been riding alone since you were eleven? What is your father thinking, leaving you unattended like this?”

  “He’s thinking he has better things to do. Now move your beast before mine nips at him. Reubadair isn’t as patient as I am.”

  “I’m coming with you.”

  “Only if you can keep up.”

  Elizabeth swung into the saddle and ducked low to leave the stable. She was off before Edward had mounted his own horse. He chased after her as she charged out of the gate, with the guardsman looking askance to see Edward following her. She took the small wall without a care and galloped across the field. Instead of turning left like the last time Edward pursued her, she kept going straight. She and the horse looked like one being as they cleared fallen tree limbs and trunks. She took him around trees and through the outlying village scattering chickens in their wake. Elizabeth steered Reubadair up a steep hill and along a ridge before bringing him to a stop beside the same creek they forded the week earlier. They were further upstream where the current was swifter. Elizabeth waited until Edward nearly caught up. His horse held its own and had gained on them easily. Before the rider and mount came even with them, Elizabeth spurred her horse again as they splashed into the water. The water came over Elizabeth’s boots, but her horse was sure-footed and didn’t flinch at the freezing water.

  “Elizabeth!” Edward called a warning, but she disregarded him. She was familiar with her horse’s abilities, and she accepted his limits.

  They barreled on once they cleared the opposite bank. She leaned low and was nearly flat against her mount’s withers. The sound of splashes carried as Edward continued to pursue her. When they crested another hill, Edward and his horse were on their heels. Elizabeth reined in, and Edward pulled his horse to a stop beside her. In front of them stretched a valley that would be filled with wildflowers in spring and summer but was now covered in a dusting of snow. At the far end of the meadow, rugged dark smudges transformed into awe-inspiring mountains wrapped in low clouds. It was a breathtaking view.

  Edward watched Elizabeth as she took in the panorama that surrounded them. Her cheeks were a deep pink from exertion and the wind. Her chestnut hair abandoned its braid long before they even reached the first ridge. She looked wild and at ease. He envisioned her passing for a woodland nymph as he saw the gleam of happiness as she took in the vista beside him. He dismounted and came around to her side. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her down. She laid her hands on his shoulder and leaned in, so her body skimmed down Edward’s until she reached the ground. He wouldn’t wait a moment longer to taste her. His mouth sought hers, and their kiss was filled with need as they pulled each other into a tight embrace. Elizabeth’s whimper of frustration and longing brought every ounce of desire and protectiveness to the forefront for Edward. He caressed her cheek and cupped her skull as he eased the pressure from his kiss, and
it transformed into a gentle communication of love and devotion. Edward poured every ounce of tender emotion into this kiss, and Elizabeth responded in equal parts. Her hands roamed over his chest when she found the opening to his cloak then skimmed his neck until she cupped his jaw. Edward took a scorching trail as he kissed along her cheekbone until he reached her ear.

  “Beth,” his whisper filled with reverence.

  Her only response was a moan.

  “You’re so incredibly beautiful. You leave me breathless. I’ve never seen anything like you riding upon that great stallion of yours. You were one with him, and you seem a wild part of nature. You terrify me and impress me all at once. I can’t decide if I should punish you or worship you. I only wish you’d allow me to do the latter.”

  “And if I wanted the former?”

  “Were you testing me?”


  Elizabeth’s simple response was more than Edward expected. His hands found the supple flesh of her backside that was encased in tight breeks. His cock pulsed as he gripped her and pulled her tighter against him. She rocked her mound against his length as she panted and he growled. He pulled her cloak aside and brought his hand down with an echoing spank. Elizabeth moaned her pleasure and her pain. He brought his hand down four more times as Elizabeth sought his mouth again. She was insatiable as she flicked her tongue to invite his to follow her. She drew on it with the pace of his slaps. Edward finished the fifth spank and lifted her to wrap her legs around his waist. He stroked the punished bottom, and Elizabeth sank into his hold. She burrowed her head into his shoulder and sighed.

  Edward sank to the ground with Elizabeth straddling him. It was his new favorite position, and he rocked slowly as their breathing returned to normal.

  “I don’t like you taking risks like that just to goad me. But worse, I wouldn’t be surprised if you ride like that no matter whether you’re alone or I’m chasing you. You truly frighten me with your disregard for your own safety.”


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