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A World Within

Page 21

by James Somers

  As the people gathered around to help tend to the king, the captain of the guard picked up the unrolled parchment and held it out to read the news which had shocked the king so greatly. It read:

  “My dear, King Turin, I have enjoyed your royal hospitality for too long and now it is time to go. I and my men will be taking the Andromeda in order to put her to good use. And you might do well not to send your ships out upon the Waron Sea anymore, now that I have the greatest fighting vessel in the world at my command. Thank you for this kind gift, Sire.”

  “P.S: You may find the real Captain Samuel Hastings’s body about twenty miles back on the Gennedian road. Look for the grave marked with my name in the Dubois Cemetery there…Yours Sincerely, Captain Nathaniel Blackborne.”


  The Andromeda rose and fell with the swells on her way across the Waron Sea. Captain Hastings turned to Marissa and said, “I hope that you and your companions will join me in my quarters for dinner, Princess.”

  She shot a quick glance at the others and then accepted. “We would appreciate that very much, Captain.”

  He smiled. “Very good. Now, I’m sure that you and the others would like to settle into your cabins. King Turin had all of your effects sent onboard ahead of you. While I attend to my duties up here on deck, Mr. Skulk will take you all below and help you get settled into your quarters.”

  Marissa gave him a nod of thanks as Captain Hastings signaled for his quartermaster. Mr. Skulk hurried over to their group, surveying them all with a weary eye that sent a chill down Daniel’s spine. For some reason the man just didn’t appear trustworthy to him.

  “Mr. Skulk, please show our guests to their individual quarters and see to it they all have a proper change of clothing for dinner in my cabin this evening.”

  “Aye, Captain.”

  The quartermaster made his way around their group and motioned for them to follow as he led them below deck. Daniel took a last look at Captain Hastings who was now speaking with several members of his deck crew. They were brutish looking men and smiled with apparent satisfaction as though the captain were sharing a private joke with them.

  Marissa and the others descended three levels and then followed Mr. Skulk down a narrow passageway illuminated by lamplights mounted upon the wall. Small tags bearing each of their names hung on some of the doors lining the corridor. “These are your rooms, My lady,” Mr. Skulk said to Marissa. “I took the liberty of laying out dinner clothing for each of you. You’ll find a wash basin and toiletries inside and there is a latrine at the end of this hallway. Dinner will be in two hours. I will return then to escort you all to the captain’s quarters.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Skulk,” Marissa said. “I think we can manage from here.”

  Mr. Skulk nodded and then made his way past the group and back up the stairs. “Well, gentlemen, let’s find our rooms and get settled in. Be sure and be ready in two hours. We don’t want to keep the captain waiting.” Marissa found the suite with her name tag upon the door.

  “Aye, we wouldn’t want that, would we?” Meineke whispered. Daniel placed his finger to his lips to hush the wil before the princess heard him. Then they each found their individual quarters and went inside.

  Daniel went into his cabin and closed the door. There he found a single porthole window. The room was clearly meant for one occupant only. Still, it was very nice, considering the sorts of conditions he’d read about on these types of vessels. After a quick scan of the room, Daniel settled in next to the window. He watched the sea pass by as the Andromeda made her way across the Waron.

  Watching the constant bobbing motion of the waves, Daniel barely noticed his sudden desire to sleep. He felt so tired. Before Daniel realized it, he had fallen asleep leaning against the window sill.


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