Unknown Omega

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Unknown Omega Page 13

by V T Bonds

  Unhappy with how long I study Vander, Seeck growls at me. I blush and push up against him, the warning noise making my core flutter. Nudging him with my elbow, I thrum a warning through our bond. I do not want to be aroused in these hectic surroundings.

  Vander gestures for us to follow him, then turns and walks through the double doors. Seeck steers me towards the nondescript entrance, the bland door the same as the rest in the row of buildings. We enter a bright room that threatens to blind me with its cheeriness. The walls boast screens that change from a close up of vibrant flowers to a different neon bloom. Tables and chairs fill one side of the sizeable room, and the other has an enclosed station labeled ‘front desk’. The area is empty, so we continue into the building with no issue.

  Seeck is on high alert, his body language tight and his strain apparent in our connection. I’m lost by the time we arrive, dependent on my mate to lead me out of this maze, but I have no doubt he knows where to head in reaction to any kind of threat.

  The little room we enter makes me feel comfortable. Not because of the décor—it is stark, with white walls, gray floors, an odd cooking area, a bed, and a few chairs—but because of the occupants. It is full of humongous Alphas, all of which have saved my life—and my lifemate—multiple times. They are family, and the surge of camaraderie that fills my heart is from both mine and Seeck’s emotions.

  Without preamble, Vander speaks, “Bad news. Jumoke did some digging and identified our attackers as part of a secret branch of Jaoli military. New Intel suggests they found us because of leaked info from Command. If it were just us, we’d go sniff out the weak link, eliminate the issue, and return to our den. But now we have Nova to think of.”

  I sense the intense calculation in Seeck’s thoughts, but the gaps in my knowledge make it difficult to follow along.

  “Who's Jaoli?” I ask.

  “A major city in Sector Three. We stole some high-profile prisoners of war from them. They lost immense negotiation powers because of it. But there’s no way they could have known it was us unless someone from Command told them. We don’t exist in any official manner, so someone on the inside, with tons of credentials, leaked our info. Which means a high-ranking person wants us dead. We can’t go to base,” Seeck explains.

  “We have alternatives, Seeck. You can take off with Nova, go settle somewhere,” Dirk suggests.

  The turmoil in our bond causes nausea. It would hurt Seeck to part from his teammates.

  “No,” I blurt. “He can’t. We can’t.”

  They all turn to me. Having so much Alpha attention on me sends my heart skyrocketing.

  “We’re family. Seeck can’t leave you, not even for me, and I- I can’t handle losing anyone, and each of you are important to me. This is our family, Seeck, and we won’t part from them. I know it means an odd life, but… this is my family. Don’t you dare think for one second that we'll separate from them.”

  My eyes burn with a red-hot strength, something unfurling in my chest and sending sparks through my nerves. After surveying each face, I turn my attention to my flame-haired mate and am met with eyes full of pride.

  “Well damn guys, it looks like I won’t get to escape from you fuckers. My Omega has adopted you. You’re stuck with us,” he purrs, stroking my cheek.

  A weight lifts from the room, edges of mouths following suit.

  “So, what do we do? Where do we go?” I ask, leaning on Seeck. The adrenaline kicks at my heart, but I’m tired.

  Vander uncrosses his ankles, leans forward, and considers each person in the room.

  “We lie low for a bit. Head to the outskirts of Baseon. Hide in plain sight for a few months. Gather more intel while Nova gets stronger. Then, when the time is right, we’ll find the fucker that’s gunning for us and take him out. Depending on variables, we’ll decide what happens when that’s complete,” he announces.

  All the males in the room give grunts of approval.

  Seeck pulls me to face him, squeezes my shoulders, and rumbles, “That means three more days of travel before we find a place to settle. Can you handle that, Nova? We can transporter hop, if you need us too.”

  “I can walk.” I almost choke in my haste to respond. I don’t know what transporter ‘hop’ means, but it sounds twenty times worse than walking.

  The room fills with masculine chuckles, and I grit my teeth to control my body’s reaction. Seeing my expression and sensing my impending arousal, Seeck sobers and snatches me close.

  “MY brave, stubborn, and amazing Omega. You can mother them all you want, but tread carefully, because I’m a territorial bastard. Mine,” his lips descend, plundering my mouth and staking his claim in front of everyone.

  Fierce desire wells up, and I melt into his dominance. He pulls back and we both heave in air. As my breath saws in and out of my lungs, my exhaustion forms into a yawning pit at the base of my skull, something that threatens to swallow me up.

  Without hesitation, Seeck lifts me into a cradle hold and I close my eyes, curling into his chest.

  “To Baseon, after a meal and a few hours of sleep,” Vander announces.

  The room is silent for longer than I expect, so I open my eyes. Vander stands beside my Alpha, offering me something in the palm of his hand. I check with Seeck, not sure of his reaction. He nods for me to take it, so I do.

  Not expecting it to weigh much, I fumble when I first pick it up. The knife is gorgeous, the blade sharp. It folds into its handle in a simple yet elegant design. Something catches the light and I look closer. On the edge of the grip is an etched design, small and discreet, but I recognize it. It’s a replica of the tattoo on Seeck’s chest.

  A sob builds in my throat, the profoundness of this gesture sinking in. He accepts me.

  “We’ll teach you how to use it, with time. Hold on to it until then,” Vander says, patting the back of my hand. Seeck tenses around me, but I stroke his pectoral and he relaxes.

  Jumoke takes Vander’s place and rests his arm along Seeck’s shoulders. My Alpha growls, and I can’t blame him. Jumoke enjoys pushing buttons, grinning at Seeck’s reaction. He holds out his hand, palm up, and a thin circle rests on it. Another agitated noise leaves Seeck, but Jumoke explains. “It’s a bracelet, or an anklet, whichever way you want to wear it. It’s connected to an encrypted and closed-circuit tracking system. We each have something with a tracker in it, so if you ever get separated from us, push the little button on the inside, and a hologram will point you towards whichever one of us is closest. And we’ll always be able to find you with this.”

  Seeck sighs, and I take the delicate looking thing. It shines in the light, and a tiny pattern catches my eye. It’s their sigil, repeated over and over until it looks like ridges. When I put it around my wrist, I gasp in shock. It disappears except for a tiny white line on my wrist that looks like a scar—which is the button sitting against my skin.

  The sob builds, my heart too full for words.

  “But don’t worry, Seeck won’t be losing you. Just look at the honeymooner—he won’t even let me get a quick peck on the cheek, will he?” Jumoke pesters, and Seeck snarls.

  A surprised scoff pops out before I can stop it, which eases my mate’s worry. Jumoke lifts his hand as though to pat my knee, but Vander hauls him away, muttering under his breath.

  Kwame stands facing Seeck, keeping about two feet between us. He lifts both hands so I can see what he’s holding, and my tears threaten to fall. A shimmery belt stretches between his palms, the design stunning. It looks to be one very long piece of cord, woven in and around itself in an intricate pattern.

  He lifts one side, slides a clasp open, and hooks his thumb through a hidden loop.

  “Pull this, and you have enough rope for almost anything. It may look insubstantial, but it will hold. For you, my brother’s lifemate,” Kwame closes the clasp, folds the belt, and offers it to me. I take it, the first tear spilling from my eye. I rub the clasp and feel where their imbedded crest makes a rough spot. He smile
s, squeezes Seeck’s shoulder, and disappears around my Alpha’s back.

  Dirk replaces Kwame, but he seems closer because of his massive size. He unfurls one fist to reveal a thin, brown piece of metal. Confused, I look at him.

  “It’s a hair clip. It’ll keep your hair out of your face…” he clears his throat, his eyes flicking between mine and Seeck’s, “and incapacitate an Alpha my size for an hour. Press this end to their skin, or clothing, then pull this end. It’ll zap them real quick, then you can make your getaway. Or, you know, if he gets too wild, just use it to knock Seeck down a peg or two,” Dirk jokes, and I laugh as tears stream down my face. Dirk looks to my lifemate for permission, then leans down and slides the clip into my hair. Seeck allows him a quick peck on my forehead, then he too walks away.

  Quiet, happy tears slip down my cheeks as I cry, unfazed by the uncertainty of our plans.

  I have a family, no matter how odd they may be. I have an Alpha, bonded mate, and soulmate, all wrapped up in one sexy package. It doesn’t matter that we don’t have a place to set down roots. It doesn’t matter that our future will be full of danger.

  My Omega heart sings with pleasure, and my Alpha’s purr of happiness wraps around me.

  I am home.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  She amazes me. I worried about the day when I’d have to choose between her and my teammates. I jumped to the conclusion that because she’s female, she’d want to settle down somewhere quiet and play house, forgetting how fierce and loyal an Omega is for the ones she loves.

  She would have tried her best to gut me, had I told her we were abandoning my teammates. The determination in her eyes when she challenged me had my cock rock hard and ready to slide into her tight heat. She was like a bear protecting her cubs.

  She’s perfect. And we’re in a safe location.

  I unlock the bedroom door and shove her inside, too eager to feign patience. She squeaks at the sudden movement, but I’ve already locked the door behind us. She’s disheveled from my fingers, since I could not stop myself from touching her the closer we got to safety.

  It’s been days since my knot locked her to me. I need her naked and gasping under me. I grab her demure dress at the neckline and rip it down the middle. Her huge pale blue eyes search my face, her emotions a jumbled mess. Desire simmers in them, but I can’t decipher what’s going on in her head.

  The sight of her creamy skin and feminine curves makes my mouth water. It takes great restraint to not strip off her undergarments and mount her against the door.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, arousal making my voice gruffer than I intend.

  “This feels different. Is something wrong with me?”

  This is a side of her she’ll never reveal to anyone else. The uncertain, scarred, and scared woman overwhelmed in an unknown world.

  “No, my new Omega, there is not a goddamn thing wrong with you. It feels different because you aren’t in heat,” I reply, yanking her into my arms.

  I lick her ear and groan at the fantastic flavor. Her breath hitches, and tiny hands grab my shoulders.

  “But is… I don’t think… without my heat, I don’t think I can handle you,” her luminescent eyes shine up at me, worry clear in every line of her face.

  I cup her cheeks and push my love through our link, refusing to manipulate her with a purr.

  I lean in and whisper against her lips. “You can, Nova. Let me show you. You’ll beg for me, without the influence of your heat, my rut, or my purrs. You were made to accept me, just as I was made to fill you.”

  With tongue and teeth, I invade her mouth, luring her into arousal. Her scent builds around us, and I fight to keep my growl in my chest. Exploring her skin with gentle but firm hands, I note which areas make her gasp, startle, or melt. I lick my mating mark, and her moan almost snaps my control. Seamless desire whirls within us, our shared bond compounding our pleasure. My cock weeps in want, but I deny it and focus on my lifemate. Her flames build, and soon I have her naked and sprawled on the bed, overwhelmed and desperate for me.

  Still, I withhold my dick from her. Impatient fingers tug my hair, but I pin her spread legs to the bed with my forearms and savor her with my tongue. I taste and tease every millimeter, my cock spilling precum through my pants and soaking the sheets. Her moans turn to overwrought pleas and her body writhes against the bed.

  Thighs strain as her explosion nears, and I look up her gorgeous body to see her brown curls tangled on the pillows as she flips her head from side to side. Her back arches, her core clamps tight, and a delicious gush of slick fills my mouth. I don’t waste a drop, and her gasps of release morph to squeals of disbelief.

  “Seeck, stop! I can’t-”

  “You can. You will. Again,” I demand.

  My fingers join in, and her hands try to intervene. I have no idea where the restraint comes from, but I don’t growl. Instead, I gather her wrists in my left hand, which still pins her thigh to the bed, and resume my feast. Her other foot braces against the mattress to dislodge me, but her strength is no match for mine. One finger, then two, explore her insides while my tongue plays with her sensitive nub. After a few moments, her leg stops trying to thwart me and instead wraps around my shoulder, pulling me closer.

  “Please, Seeck. Please!” Her throaty voice fills my ears, and I almost give in. My dick jerks against the fabric of my pants, leaking ridiculous amounts of fluid, angry at being denied. I keep tormenting us both until her cries reach a fevered pitch—she sits on the edge of another orgasm.

  I pull my digits from her tight heat and remove my tongue from her tasty bundle of nerves. She gasps in disbelief, the pain of denial burning through our link.

  My breath caresses her clit as I whisper, “Beg, Nova. Beg for me. Beg for my knot.”

  She does. Music too pure and passionate rings through my eardrums, piercing my heart with its honesty. I kneel, release my agonized cock, and smirk down at her wild appearance.

  This is my Omega. My lifemate. My Nova.

  She pulls me to her, no memories haunting her even with me on top. She’s too aroused, too desperate to think of anything except relief.

  I plunge into her, my restraint gone. She shrieks with my first few strokes, her body unaccustomed to my size. She’s so tight around me that my knot starts inflating, but I’m not ready to give her that yet. I reach down between us and pinch her extended button, and she hurtles into an orgasm so fierce her clamping hurts. I retreat until only the first inch of me remains inside her, then I grind my fingers together.

  She loses any hope of sanity. Her entire body locks up, and her heart swells inside my chest.

  She’s helpless in my arms, defenseless against me.

  She’s perfection.

  I remove my fingers, place both palms above her shoulders, and grit my teeth as she returns to the planet. It feels like an eternity passes before she lifts her lids, and I wait longer for her to focus.

  “Look at me, Nova. I love you,” I declare, and moisture fills her eyes.

  Slick seeps from between us, but I refuse to move until her vision clears further.

  After a few deep breaths, she speaks. Her voice is husky as she says, “I love you too, Seeck. My Alpha. My lifemate.”

  I let go of the reins, thrusting, pummeling her with my full force. She grabs my wrists and wraps her legs around me, holding on for dear life, breathless with the intensity of my pounding.

  Sinking deep, my knot locks us together, and I roar in fulfillment. She ruins me, her channel squeezing as she orgasms around me. Complete and utter bliss consumes us, and nothing exists outside of our connection.

  No longer is she dying in an ugly world. No longer do I wander in death and decay.

  No longer is she an unknown soul, lost in the wilderness. No longer am I incomplete.

  We are an unbreakable entity, perfect in our joining. Everlasting.



  The sounds of their matin
g impact us all. We know we will hear this often, since their claiming is so new.

  They make me ache. Not just in my loins, but in my heart. Since we first learned of our sabotage from within Command, a foreboding has begun behind my sternum. The further we traveled from base, the stronger it has become.

  Now, as I sit overlooking the cityscape, their bliss echoes through the walls, but that negative sensation nags at me.

  I get these premonitions more often than I care to admit, but never have they led me wrong. I can’t pinpoint why I’m having this one, though.

  My knee-jerk reaction is to blame the new couple. I yearn for what they have, but doubt I’ll ever find my lifemate. Most likely my heart aches because now I understand what I’m missing.

  I look over my shoulder at Dirk. We'll be bedding in the same room tonight. Vander and Jumoke share the room on the opposite side of Seeck and Nova.

  These walls have thick padding, this skyscraper built for those who can afford comfort, but don’t want to live in the city center. I doubt Betas can hear through these barriers, but we can.

  Dirk tugs on his shirt with a look of discomfort on his face.

  On instant alert, I study him, but he shows no other signs of illness.

  My vision fills with the cityscape, the colors of the sunset glistening on the buildings. So much movement.

  Dirk stands and stalks to the food storage, flipping through the contents with upset movements.

  My eyes return to the skyline, noting the different structures and passing traffic below.

  My roommate scratches the back of his neck and growls in frustration. Agitation pours from him.

  As if pulled by something, my eyes return to the view.

  The thumping black mass in my chest expands, warning of calamity.

  I’m searching for something, I realize. There is something in the city that will change my fate.


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