Rogue Assassin

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by Adam Johnson

  Six-Three rubs Holden’s ear. “I know, bro. We’re gonna get her home with us, and we’ll get you both patched up.” He turns to look at me. “You’ll be okay. It looks like shit, but we’ve seen worse. Just hang tight. These back-woods roads are bumpy as hell, so I can’t promise a smooth ride back here. Holden will help where he can, but he’s hurt, too, so he can only do so much.”

  How the fuck is the wolf going to help keep me from bleeding to death? I want to ask, but a warm tingle flows through my body, and the next thing I know my lids become heavy, too heavy to keep open.

  The End

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  About the Author

  AJ is an international and USA Today best-selling author of dystopian sci-fi, horror, romance, and more. She started her novel journey with the self-published supernatural thriller Whispers of Death in 2015, and her catalog continues to grow as her Muse screams at her to keep writing.

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  Read more of the Bargains Struck trilogy

  Fed by the Fae: Bargains Struck Book 2

  Dealing with Demons: Bargains Struck Book 3




  Making a deal with a wolf is never a smart move. Making a deal with Evervale’s most wanted fleabag is a just suicidal. So, naturally that’s what I did. It is also why I will never drink again.

  Chase Nakamura is a beautifully dangerous enigma.

  I couldn’t say no.

  Even if it means having to delve into the depths of my magic and bring forth a darkness, I swore I would never touch.


  With a creature lurking in the shadows of Evervale targeting my pack I need protection.

  One only a witch can provide.

  That witch stumbled into my domain on Halloween night, beautifully quirky and so sassy.

  I wanted her help and I wanted her.

  I always get what I want, no matter what the cost.

  Only this time what I want comes at a risk.

  That risk is my life.


  Becky Murray

  Chapter 1


  “Cheer up, Maya. It’s Halloween. You should be enjoying yourself.”

  I looked up at the wolf who had just spoken to me. Willow, the barmaid at Evervale Inn, was the only wolf I tolerated. She was nice enough, didn’t smell that bad and didn’t have the ego that the rest of the pack had.

  “Clearly I haven’t had enough to drink,” I muttered.

  A glass of bright green liquid appeared in front of me. Glancing from it to Willow, I raised an eyebrow. I wasn’t so sure that I trusted whatever that drink was, it didn’t look appealing at all.

  “What is that?” I asked.

  Willow shrugged, sending me a dark smirk. Yeah, I definitely didn’t trust what I was about to drink. Let’s be honest, I wasn’t going to turn down a free cocktail.

  “Why does it matter? It’s free. Besides I really don’t remember what I put in each of the cocktails,” she replied. Taking a deep breath, I brought the glass up to my lips and took a small sip of the green liquid. The taste hit me hard, almost forcing me to spit it out. What the fuck was this? I couldn’t even distinguish the different alcohols in it.

  “Drink up and I will get you another one. On the house, because you’re the only witch I like. And you need to lighten up,” Willow said. I didn’t have a chance to give her some smartass remark, she was already off serving someone else. I followed her to see who it was that had caught her attention. It was the Alpha wolf’s youngest son, Riley, and his pet vampire, Drax. I didn’t have much to do with the majority of Evervale. The witches chose to keep to our coven and not get involved in the drama amongst the other races that lived in our small town. But I knew what was going on in the wolf camp. Everyone did, no matter how hard they tried to cover it up.

  I rolled my eyes at the two of them, turning my attention to the rest of the crowd in the Inn. I noticed that there were a few of the younger witches from the coven, but other than that, I was on my own. Nothing new there.

  “Didn’t expect to see you here tonight, Maya. I didn’t think big parties were your scene.” Sighing deeply, I turned back around and came face to face with the very vampire I had just been watching. Glancing over his shoulder, I noticed that Riley was nowhere to be seen.

  “Your master let you have a moment alone, did he?” I mocked. Drax’s eyes narrowed at my comment, his lips twitching in a slight snarl. I loved pissing the vampire off; he was so easy to wind up. We didn’t cross paths often, but whenever we did, I always had a bit of fun.

  “Despite what you might think, Maya. We don’t do everything together. I do have a life away from the wolves-“

  “Do you? Because from what I’ve heard your home is with them. You refuse to mingle with your own kind,” I interrupted him. Drax let out a low growl. I smirked, taking a sip from my drink, shuddering as the liquid slid down my throat. It was foul, but I could feel it taking effect.

  “Why do you have to be so difficult, witch?” Drax snapped.

  “You came to me, Drax. I should be asking you why.” I retorted.

  “I was trying to be nice. Include you in the night. You looked like you were bored and I was thinking I could cheer you up a bit. It’s called socialising,” he said.

  Had I had been sober, I might have found his actions endearing, if not a little strange. Willow’s drink seemed to be weaving its toxic magic through me, though. This meant rather than being nicer I became an even snarkier bitch.

  “Why would I want to socialise with a vampire? Blood is not my drink, Fangs. But thanks for the thought.”

  “Oh, I think you lie, little witch. I am pretty sure you have more to do with blood than I do.” Drax smirked as he got off the stool he had been perched on. “I won’t bother you anymore. Now I understand what Riley means; the witches are the bitches of Evervale.”

  “Go back to your wolf, Drax. Get your leash back on and leave me alone,” I snapped. Drax laughed as he walked away, unfazed by my last dig at him. I let out a low hiss and knocked back the rest of my drink. I sent Willow a look, stopping her in her tracks when she started back to me. I didn’t want another drink; I just wanted to leave this shit hole.

  Pushing my way through the crowd, Willow cut off my escape. Damn it, that wolf was quick. I locked my gaze with hers, mirroring her stance of crossed arms and a raised eyebrow. It seemed we had reached a stand off. I had a feeling she would win. I knew no matter how much of a fight I put up, I would end up staying. It wasn’t the first time this had happened between us.

  “Where do you think you’re going, Maya?” She asked.

  “Home,” I replied, simply.

  “Try again.”

  “Willow, I’m not in the mood to play this game. Your little vampire pet annoyed the shit out of me and pushed my last nerve. Spoilt my night. So, if you don’t mind, I would like to leave,” I said.

  “Look, I could do with some decent company for the rest of the night. I promise to keep the vampire away, and feed you endless amounts of alcohol. In return, I ask for your wit and sanity,” she proposed.

  I sighed deeply, relaxing, nodding as I did. It was a fair trade, and it wasn’t like I had anywhere else to go on Halloween. I wasn’t in the mood to join in the normal ritual the cove
n usually did.

  Yeah, I wasn’t your normal witch.

  I barely used my magic. I had my reasons. I was always going to be a disappointment to them. Being the daughter of the head witch didn’t help. It simply added more pressure on me to be the next best thing.

  “Come on, let’s get you a drink and you can damn well appreciate the hard work I put into this party. Also, please make sure you at least look like you are enjoying yourself? I don’t want you scaring off the guests,” Willow joked.

  “Let me remind you it is you that wants me to stay. So, if I want to sit and look miserable, I will,” I pointed out. I knew that it wouldn’t take long for me to lighten up, but I wanted to remind her that I was doing her a favour. Not the other way around. Willow simply laughed, shaking her head as she led me to the corner of the bar. Taking my seat on the stool, it didn’t take long for one of her disgusting tasting cocktails to appear in front of me.

  I was going to regret this in the morning.

  Chapter 2


  I would be lying if I said I was fine with missing out on the celebrations in the town that night. Lurking in the shadows, unashamedly watching the inhabitants of Evervale head to the Inn, I felt a pang of jealousy. This was the first year I would be missing the Halloween party that was put on every year; and it looked like I was missing out on a damn good one. Every single guest, be it human or Supernatural, were dressed to the nines. Willow had put on a black-tie event. An interesting choice of theme; one right up my street. Spotting my little brother entering with his gang of idiots, I let out a low growl. He was wearing one of my suits.

  The little shit.

  I may have been banished, but that didn’t give Riley the right to go snooping through my belongings.

  I thought back to his visit to me that morning and wondered if our father had caught him sneaking back in. Had Riley been questioned on his whereabouts? I suppose I should have expected his response to my request to be let back into the pack; he was a loyal pup. There was no way he was going to break the rules for me. But I had hoped I could have convinced him that I was innocent of the murder of my father’s Beta.

  It sure did suck being the oldest son of the Alpha of the Evervale pack. The pressure that had been placed on me since birth had been great. Now with my banishment, it had been handed to Riley. I knew that my little brother wasn’t coping with it; not as well as I had anyway.

  “You know I can have you arrested for snooping around in the shadows.” Tensing, I turned to my left, seeking out who had spoken. Bringing my wolf to the surface so that I could utilize his sight I was able to pin down the human that had disturbed my solitude.

  “Ace fucking Carter. Our new detective. What can I do for you?” I snarled.

  The man in question stepped out in front of me, an infuriatingly cocky smirk plastered on his lips. Not a hint of fear in him. I wasn’t stupid, this bastard wasn’t just a detective; he was so much more than that.

  “Hello, Chase. I didn’t think you knew who I was. I mean, I knew of you, of course. Your father speaks of you and your siblings often at the council meetings. But it’s a pleasure to meet the famous Chase Nakamura in the flesh,” Ace said.

  I still hadn’t figured out how Ace had made it onto the council of Evervale so soon after his arrival in town a few months prior to my misfortune. I wasn’t even sure why the human was here. I was fairly certain he was a hunter; and he knew more about what was going on in Evervale than he let on.

  “Well, here I am, in the flesh. Now what do you want?” I demanded.

  “To ask you a few questions about-“

  “How about you and your questions fuck off,” I snapped, cutting him off.

  Ace raised an eyebrow at me, that smirk still plastered on his lips. Oh, how I longed to wipe it off. I could feel my wolf thrashing around inside me, and I was so tempted to let him loose.

  But I didn’t, I knew exactly what his game was. He was baiting me, wanting me to attack. I was not going to give him the satisfaction.

  “What is going on amongst the wolves does not concern the humans, therefor it doesn’t concern you. So, how about you go and enjoy the party and leave me to my own entertainment,” I suggested, as calmly as I could.

  “What would happen if I went to your father and told him that you were lurking in the shadows, preying on the innocent of Evervale,” Ace mocked.

  “I’m not preying on anyone, Ace. But if you did decide to go to my father about that then I may just tell them what you really are,” I warned.

  Ace shrugged in response. I knew it was an empty threat but I had to use something against him. But even I knew my father wouldn’t believe me over him. Not now that he had wormed his way into the Alpha’s trust.

  “Now, we both know he wouldn’t believe you, Chase. But I will humour you this once and let this go. I can’t have my cover blown and you sure can’t afford to have another strike against you.”

  I was about to retort, but Ace was already moving away from me, heading towards the town centre. Letting out a low growl, I watched as the bastard merged with the rest of the idiots. Turning my back to the inhabited area, I shifted. I needed to let my wolf free and run.

  I missed the materialistic part of my previous life, but I didn’t miss the wolves I had to share it with. That didn’t make spending my days in Evervale forest any easier. The only saving grace in the life was currently living, was that I had the freedom let my wolf free. For that I was grateful.

  Chapter 3


  I regretted the night as soon as my eyes opened and I found myself looking straight up at the morning sky. There was a distinct sound of running water, almost like a waterfall. Where the fuck was I? I certainly wasn’t home. Moving slightly, I let out a groan as my body protested. Carefully pulling myself into a sitting position, my gaze swept the area I was in.

  “Oh shit,” I muttered.

  It seemed I had somehow managed to land myself in the middle of Evervale forest. I had no idea how I had got here. I didn’t even remember leaving the Halloween party.

  “Oh look, she’s awake.”

  I jumped at the sound of the male voice; scrambling to my feet and regretting the sudden movement instantly. Stumbling slightly, my gaze fell on a human figure leaning lazily against a tree, a cocky smirk grazing his lips. His sapphire eyes danced mischievously. He wasn’t human, he was a wolf. And not just any wolf.

  I was staring at Chase Nakamura. Riley’s older brother. The one who had been accused of murder.

  “Nice one, Maya,” I cursed.

  Plastering on a smile, I made my way towards what I assumed was the path back towards town.

  I wasn’t about to make myself his next play thing.

  “That’s the wrong way,” he called.

  “Sorry, what?” I asked.

  Chase pushed off from the tree, sauntering over to stand in front of me. He stood more than a few inches taller than me, forcing me to look up at him. He grinned down at me, running his tongue over his lips.

  I didn’t scare easily, but right that moment I was struggling to keep a hold of my emotions. I knew enough about Chase to not mock him. He was smart, manipulative and a damn good liar. I had plenty of sass in me, but even I wasn’t so sure I could match the black wolf stood in front of me.

  “That isn’t the way back to the town. Assuming, of course, that was where you were heading,” Chase taunted.

  “Then if you would be so kind as to point me in the correct direction,” I tried.

  Chase stepped closer to me, completely invading my space. The smell of wolf assaulted my nose, mixed with the scent of the forest that had become his home over the last few months.

  I really hated these fleabags.

  “Why would I do that, when we're only just getting to know each other?” Chase questioned.

  “I don’t think I would class this as getting to know each other,
Chase. Holding an innocent girl captive in the middle of a forest isn’t exactly a great first meeting,” I pointed out.

  I was impressed with how steady my voice sounded, despite the growing unease within me. Clearly, I was still able to portray a bit of sass even in a state of fear, this was good to know for future reference.

  “I’m not holding you captive; I see no bonds. In fact, you are very much free to go. If you can find your way out.” Chase smirked.

  My brain was screaming at my body to move, but my limbs refused to listen. The intense stare Chase had fixed on me was strangely alluring. It was messing with parts of me I certainly wouldn’t let a wolf near; keeping me pinned to the spot.

  “Get a grip, Maya,” I whispered, to myself.

  “Get a grip on what?” Chase questioned.

  Of course, wolf boy here had incredible hearing.

  He was really starting to piss me off.

  I vowed to make Willow suffer for whatever the fuck she put in her drinks last night, and for ploughing me with them. This was her fault, and if I was about to die at the hands, (or should that be claws?) of this wolf, I would haunt her for the rest of her life.

  “What do you want, Chase?” I snapped.

  Chase laughed, shaking his head slightly as he stepped back from me. I felt myself relax at the distance now between us, though he never removed his gaze from me. The bastard knew that he was having some sort of effect on me, an effect I couldn’t even explain.

  “You are the one that came into my domain, witch. It should be me asking you that question don’t you think?”

  “Hold up there, fleabag. Firstly, I don’t remember getting out here last night, I don’t even remember leaving the party. And this isn’t your domain. If I remember rightly you have been banished from your pack. That means you are a nobody. You have no place to call your own,” I pointed out.


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