Vote Then Read: Volume I
Page 114
Chase: Okay…you want us to get a cute, hairless baby?
Evelyn: Hair is fine.
Chase: ?
Evelyn: OMG, Chase. Not a FUR baby. Just a baby.
Chase: You mean a hairless puppy?
Evelyn: *eye-roll*
Chase: Wait, babe. You want US to have a BABY???
Evelyn: Yes!!! I mean, we’ve got this huge house and with you being named President of the company and me doing screenwriting now, maybe things are all aligned where we can start that family we talked about. Plus, BB wants a baby sister or brother. Sorry for the mile-long text, by the way. I’m just excited.
Chase: I love it when you’re excited and can totally imagine your eyes all lit up right now. Having a little one sounds wonderful, babe. I think we should get on it. Like, right NOW.
Evelyn: Really? Well, that’ll be kinda impossible to do since you’re not home.
Chase: Well, as a matter of fact, Henry is just pulling up our driveway. I was coming home early to surprise you so…get ready for me.
Evelyn: Chase Hunter, I’ve been ready for you my ENTIRE life.