Book Read Free

Vote Then Read: Volume I

Page 117

by Carly Phillips



  2 Months Later

  Liam Maxwell is the biggest dickhead that I’ve ever met. Unfortunately, he has the biggest dick I’ve ever felt, and my body remembers that all too well. I think I’ve caught him staring at my ass on a few different occasions, but then he acts like an even bigger asshole, making me think I imagined the whole thing.

  He’s beyond arrogant, but also unbelievably sexy, and it drives me crazy. For the first time in my life, I actually feel like I have a healthy sex drive, possibly even overactive, and it’s all due to him. Thankfully, except for my first day, he’s given me almost complete autonomy, hardly acknowledging my existence, so it’s slightly easier to ignore my inconvenient attraction.

  “Why am I so drawn to him, Heather?” I groan. “My life would be much easier if he wasn’t so pretty.”

  Her laughter rumbles through the phone. “Aves, you know I support you one-hundred-percent, but I’m actually glad you’re feeling like this.”

  “What the hell? Why?”

  “Because you’ve never been hung up on a man before,” she explains. “You were with Stuart for seven years, and even in the beginning, you never talked about him this often. Every time I hear from you, it’s, ‘my asshole boss this’...or ‘my asshole boss that.’ Asshole or not, you’re wildly attracted to him, and you can’t get him off your mind.”

  “But why? I can’t stand him.”

  “Maybe. But your body likes him an awful lot.”

  I gasp as I look at the time. “Oh, shit! I’m late for a meeting. I’ve gotta go. Talk to you later.”

  I rush to the conference room to find my team of publicists waiting for my arrival with the bane of my existence sitting at the head of the table.

  “Nice of you to finally join us,” he says. “Usually the person calling the meeting has the courtesy to show up on time.” He looks at his watch pointedly. “I’m sure we would all like to get on with our day so let’s get started, shall we?”

  “Of course.” I nod to my team of eight, ignoring the jerk up front. “My apologies for being late; I had a phone call run over. I’ve asked you in here to review our game plan for Finn Ryan’s disastrous run-in with the paps.”

  Finn Ryan is one of Hollywood’s biggest heartthrobs right now. He’s gorgeous, incredibly talented, and philanthropic. The Irish accent doesn’t hurt either. While he usually keeps his nose clean, he’s got himself into a mess by causing a bit of a brawl. Finn punched a paparazzo that was getting too close to his wife. In a shark tank like that, once a single punch is thrown, all hell breaks loose.

  Lydia, one of my publicists, raises a single finger. “I have an update. The guy that he punched has been discharged from the hospital. He has a fractured jaw and a mild concussion from banging his head when he crumpled to the ground. He’s threatening to sue.”

  I roll my eyes. “Of course he is. Mr. Ryan’s attorney is already on stand-by. I’ll be making a statement to the press later this afternoon. Mr. Ryan will formally apologize for his actions, but I will be sure to emphasize that his intentions were honorable.

  “His wife was going into labor with their twins. The guy that he punched was getting too close, blocking them from getting into their vehicle. When Mrs. Ryan got shoved in the process, almost falling face first to the ground, Finn stepped in to protect his wife and their unborn children.

  “This idiot won’t be suing once the media learns that he could’ve caused harm to the babies. Which by the way, mom and babies are doing just fine. They were born about an hour ago, slightly small since they’re early, but they’re healthy. I have a photographer from People scheduled a few days from now to showcase their happy family of four. The press will be eating out of our hands. Nobody can resist newborn babies.”

  Chuckles ring out throughout the room. I make the mistake of looking at my boss to find that he’s still wearing his signature scowl. I swear that man has a stick permanently wedged up his ass.

  “Any questions?” Liam asks.

  My team all shake their heads.

  “Very well, you’re excused.” Liam turns to me. “Except you, Ms. Jacobs. I’d like a word.”

  My eyes narrow. “Of course.”

  When my team leaves the room, he says, “Shut the door, Avery.”

  “Why? I have a press release to write. I don’t have time to stroke your ego.”

  “Shut. The. Goddamn. Door,” he growls.

  I roll my eyes as I push it shut. “There. Happy?”

  He mutters something that sounds suspiciously like, “I would be if you were riding my dick.”

  “What did you just say?”

  Liam twirls a pen between his long fingers. The same fingers that played my body like a maestro. “I said, I will be if you get rid of this paparazzi prick. Finn Ryan has a twenty-million-dollar contract riding on the outcome of this mess. The studio doesn’t want to deal with someone who has a temper. It’s our job to make sure that he comes out of this squeaky clean.”

  I prop a hand on my hip. “At what point during the meeting did I give you the impression that it would end any other way?”

  His eyes dart up quickly as if he had just been staring at my boobs. “Just don’t fuck it up.”

  I glare at him. “I won’t. Is that all?”

  “A thank you would be nice.”

  “Don’t hold your breath.” I pause before walking out the door. “On second thought, go ahead. Since you’ll run out of oxygen before I thank you for anything.”



  I would’ve fired anyone else for talking to me the way Avery just did. She’s blatantly insubordinate on a daily basis, but never in front of anyone else. She’s the consummate professional unless she and I are alone together. When that happens, she’s pure fire and sass, and my dick fucking loves it.

  The sexual tension between us is ratcheting to an unbearable level. I promised myself that I wouldn’t go there again—that her first day on the job was our way of working each other out of our systems—but that’s apparently not the case. If anything, it’s exacerbated the situation.

  Every time I’m in my office, I think of her pliant body bent over my couch. I envision setting her on my desk, spreading her legs, and licking her from ass to clit. And when I’m jerking off in the shower, it’s to the memory of her riding me, tits bouncing in front of my face. Fuck, I miss her tits. A button on her blouse came undone earlier, exposing a little glimpse of the curves that lay beneath. I couldn’t stop staring at her chest, wishing I could suck her taut pink nipples into my mouth.

  Christ, I’m fucked.

  I groan as I adjust myself beneath the conference table. In all my thirty-five years, I’ve never met a woman who can push my buttons like Avery can. She’s a raving bitch more often than not, but just the thought of her makes me hard. The woman loathes me, no doubt, but I obviously have the same effect on her. She wants me, whether she likes it or not. I’m not sure if she even realizes it, but her lips part anytime she looks at me like she’s thinking about kissing me. Whenever she catches me staring at her ass, her nipples pebble through the silky blouses she favors. She crosses and uncrosses her legs to ease her throbbing center, whenever I’m even more of a prick than usual, as if my assholery excites her.

  I’ve never been more attracted to a woman. Before she waltzed into my life, nothing and no one has ever caused me to lose focus. This business is my life, and I fucking hate her for being such a temptress. But then again, that just makes me want to redden her perfectly plump ass with my hand until she begs me to drive my cock into her. Mouth, pussy, ass—I’m not really particular since the end result is the same.

  I rake my hands through my hair, trying to think about anything but Avery so I can walk out of here without tenting my slacks. When it takes a good twenty minutes of reciting sports stats in my head, I’m resolved on what I need to do. Plain and simple, I need to fuck someone else until my dick stops craving the one woman I can’t have.


  4 Months Later

  “So, you work in public relations, huh? I bet you meet lots of celebrities.”

  I slowly sip my dirty martini as I look my date over. He’s a good-looking guy—about six feet, brown hair, brown eyes, and an athletic build. In short, he’s exactly my type, but so far, he’s boring as fuck.

  “I do. Although it’s not as glamorous as one might think. They’re just normal people.”

  He laughs. “Yeah, normal people that cause messes you have to clean up.”

  I chuckle. “Right. So, what was it that you did again, Chad?”

  “I’m a bartender,” he replies. “But I’m trying to break into the acting biz.”

  Of course he is. This is L.A. after all.

  I nod. “It’s a tough business to get into.”

  “Yeah, much harder than I thought, for sure. I bet you know some casting agents and directors though.”

  “I’ve met a few here and there.”

  Chad flashes his pearly whites. “That’s what I thought. So maybe if tonight goes well, you could pass my name along?”

  I quirk my head to the side. “You want me to pass your name along for what, exactly?”

  He digs a business card out of his wallet. On one side is a headshot, and the back has his contact information and a mini bio.

  “You know, for jobs. In this city, you have to know someone to get your foot in the door. I figured you could be my someone.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “You did, huh?”

  Is that why he asked me out? For my connections? What an ass!

  Chad seems to sense my irritation, so he starts backpedaling. “Well, you know, just in passing. If you want to. Now, enough about me, tell me more about you. What do you like to do when you’re not working, Avery?”

  Ha! When am I not working? This is the first personal outing I’ve had since arriving in L.A. six months ago. If I’m not in the office or meeting with clients, I’m asleep. Heather finally talked me into trying online dating since, according to her, all busy professionals do it. It took some serious creativity to allow enough time in my schedule to make this date happen.

  “I work a lot,” I admit. “I don’t get much time for anything else.”

  His gaze heats up as he places his hand on my knee. “Oh, I see. So, you’re just looking to hook up then? If you’re pressed for time, we can skip dinner and just head to my place.”

  Okay, as much of an opportunistic jerk as this guy is, I actually consider his offer. Maybe sex with him will scratch this damn itch that I can’t seem to get rid of. It doesn’t help that Liam was looking exceptionally fine today in his new Tom Ford suit and freshly cut hair.

  “Um...” Before I can answer, my phone buzzes in my purse. “I’m sorry, I have to check this in case it’s a client.”

  “Of course. Please do.”

  I retrieve my phone and see that the bastard himself has sent me a text. It’s like he knew I was thinking about him or something. I frown when I read his message. He’s demanding that I return to the office to discuss something that we’ve already gone over in great detail.

  “It’s my boss.” I offer Chad an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, but I need to take care of this real quick.”

  I’ve learned the hard way that when Liam Maxwell wants your attention, he won’t take no for an answer. There’s no sense in trying to ignore him. I sigh as I respond to his message, resigned to the fact that I’m about to be clam-jammed.



  Who the fuck is that? His eyes haven’t left Avery’s cleavage once. Are they on a date? Where did she find this douche?

  “Liam,” my date whines. “Are you listening to me?”

  I look across the table and take in the blonde. What was her name again?

  I look down at my phone. “Excuse me, I just received an urgent message from the office.”

  Blondie pouts. “Okay, I suppose I’ll just order another drink.”

  I nod. “You do that. I’ll be back in just a few.”

  I head down the hall toward the restrooms, which are thankfully located next to the bar area where Avery is sitting. It’s been six months since she started working for me and each day gets harder and harder to resist her.

  I haven’t been able to seal the deal with another woman since the first time Avery and I fucked. Not that I haven’t tried. I’ve met up with at least two dozen Tinder matches, but the bleached-blonde surgically enhanced women that I usually go for, have lost their appeal. The only time I even considered having sex with one of them was because I swiped right on a woman that bore an awfully close resemblance to Avery. Too bad she had to open her mouth and ruin it.

  I’m so sexually frustrated, I feel like I’m about to implode. I know it’s affecting my work which makes me livid. I’ve never been a laid-back boss—my business has grown exponentially because I have high standards. But I’ve always maintained the charm that I’m so well known for. Now, people go out of their way to avoid eye contact with me. Everyone but Avery, that is. She fights me tooth and nail over every-fucking-thing. And worst of all, I let her. I look forward to it because sparring with her makes my dick hard. It’s like foreplay. Foreplay that ends tonight, one way or the other. I can’t do this anymore.

  I pull up Avery’s number in my phone and send her a text.

  Me: I need you back in the office tonight so we can discuss your action plan for improving McAllister’s image.

  She surreptitiously looks down when her phone vibrates. I can tell she’s offering an apology as she fishes her phone out of her purse and types a reply.

  Avery: We’ve already been over this. I have it handled.

  Me: I disagree. There are some points that I’d like to discuss. Meet me in the office in 30 minutes.

  She frowns as she reads the new message.

  Avery: I’m sorry, but I’m on a date, and I’ve had a couple of drinks. I will see you in the morning.

  Me: It wasn’t a request, Ms. Jacobs. If you’ve been drinking, take a cab and use the company card to pay for it.

  I can practically hear the litany of curse words running through her head. She shoves her phone into her purse, not bothering to reply. I smile victoriously as she gives the douche the brush off. I wait for her to exit the restaurant before returning to my date to do the same. I need to haul ass to get to the office before Avery.

  “Is everything okay?” she asks as I return to our table. Seriously, what the fuck is her name?

  I dig enough money out of my wallet to cover the bill and set it on the table. “No, actually. I need to head back into work. I’m sorry, but we’ll have to do this another time.”

  She bites her lip, trying to look sexy. “Can’t you spare ten minutes? You’re the best match I’ve had in, like, a month and I really want to suck your cock. I don’t mind doing it in the bathroom.”

  I don’t even hesitate. “I’m sorry, I really have to go. Raincheck?”

  Jesus, what the hell is wrong with me? I just turned down no-strings-attached head.

  What’s-her-name frowns. “Okay, then. Another time.”

  Yeah, not likely.



  I storm through Liam’s office door, not bothering to knock. “This better be really important, Liam! I finally had a chance to take a night off, and you just ruined it.”

  He actually has the nerve to look smug, sitting behind his desk like a king holding court. “Tough shit, Avery. That’s the nature of this business. Besides, we both know that your date would’ve left you feeling unsatisfied at the end of the evening, so why bother going through the motions?”

  “What the hell is wrong with you? You are the biggest egomaniac I’ve ever met!”

  He smiles. “It goes with the big dick.”

  I turn away and rush out of his office without another word. That man is impossible to work with! I don’t know if the pay is worth the shit I have to put up with anym
ore. When I reach my office at the end of the hall, I go to slam the door shut behind me, but I don’t get the chance because Liam is bursting through it.

  His nostrils are flaring. “Don’t ever walk away from me again.”

  I throw my purse on a nearby chair. “Don’t speak to me like that and I won’t.” I look him directly in the eye. “I am damn good at what I do. You know this, Liam; it’s why you hired me. Yet, lately, you’ve been treating me like a goddamn intern, hovering over everything I do. I won’t tolerate it anymore.”

  Liam’s jaw clenches. “That’s because this is my fucking company, something you’d do well to remember. I know you’re fucking spectacular at what you do. Every fucking thing you do! Do you think I’d put up with your bullshit otherwise? You’re the most infuriating woman I’ve ever met.”

  “I’m infuriating?” I laugh. “That’s rich, considering you’re the most aggravating man on Earth.”

  Liam runs a hand over his jaw. “It’s called sexual frustration, sweetheart.”

  “Right,” I scoff. “You’d have to be abstinent to experience that.”

  Trust me, I know. For the first time in my life, I understand why people obsess about sex so much.

  He rolls his lips. “Exactly. I haven’t fucked anyone in over six months, and quite frankly, I’m done with this dry spell bullshit.”

  Wait...what? We last had sex six months ago. Could he possibly be referring to that?

  I shake my head in disbelief. “Six months ago is when you and I...when know.”

  He lifts an eyebrow. “Fucked over my couch?”


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