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Fallen Academy: Year Three

Page 2

by Leia Stone

  She just nodded but didn’t say anything else.

  Great. I loved surprises, especially ones you found out about in Hell.

  Straightening my back, I leaned on my cane, and followed her out of the room. My clothes were made of some thick, durable canvas cloth but amateurly sewn together. The only thing that seemed store-bought was a pack of cotton underwear Raksha had brought me. It had been in a plastic Walmart bag, which raised about a hundred questions for me, but I kept my mouth shut.

  Did Raksha go up to Earth and get them at Walmart? Was there possibly a Walmart in Hell?

  It seemed plausible.

  We walked slowly down the matrix of hallways, until I was officially lost and winded. Raksha waited patiently while I leaned against a wall to catch my breath. Just a little over a week in bed and my legs were mush, weak and quivering.

  When we finally reached a set of plain double doors, I could hear multiple hurried voices.

  My fellow captive turned to look at me then, and I noticed her brown almond-shaped eyes were beautiful when they weren’t staring at me with malice. On her forehead, in stark contrast to her skin tone, rested the red crescent demon slave tattoo.

  “Listen carefully, Brielle. You are my charge. You are my responsibility. If you do anything to embarrass or discredit me, I will beat you within an inch of your life. Do you understand?” Her words were like steel, slicing my barely healed neck wound.

  I’d actually grown to like her. A psychologist would probably have something to say about that. Maybe that’s why her words hurt so much. She wouldn’t hesitate to screw me over, and she wanted me to know it.

  I simply nodded curtly, coming to the realization that I would have no allies here. She may have been a captive of the Dark Prince, but she was a somewhat willing one, it seemed.

  She appeared pleased with my immediate consent to her demands. “You are permitted your meals in here with the others from now on. You have also been permitted training sessions with some of the others. They all know who you are, and they all know you’re important to the Dark Prince, but they also know you carry angel blood.”

  Great. So basically they would all hate me. Whatever, nothing I wasn’t used to by now. It was like starting Fallen Academy all over again. There was a Tiffany in there somewhere, no doubt.

  She continued. “Consider me your daily shadow. Do not lose your shadow.”

  Don’t try to escape. Got it.

  I nodded again, not daring to speak for fear I might cry. The scene of everyone at my funeral had been messing with my head all night, and it kept playing in my mind even now. Lincoln pushing Raphael and flying off. I couldn’t unsee that.

  My shadow opened the doors then, and I was hit with over a hundred calculated stares. The voices quieted, and one by one I looked at the rows and rows of tables, full of demons. Larkspur, Abrus, Snakeroot, Grimlock, Brimstone—they were all there. My eyes flicked to a single female Succubus demon in the back, and I nearly ran the hell out of there.

  Raksha shoved her thumb into my lower back and pushed me into the room. It was the first time since I’d been brought down here that I prayed.

  God, let me survive this. Let me see Lincoln and my family again.

  I knew from my early days at Fallen Academy that showing weakness wasn’t good, so I held my head high, gripped my cane, and walked into the room.

  If they wanted to jump me, they could. I was outnumbered, still weak, and drugged to boot—not a good combination. As I passed the first table, I tensed every single muscle in my body, waiting for one of them to attack.

  No one moved. They just glared.

  By the time I made it to the buffet at the back, I thought I might actually survive the day.

  Raksha carried my plate, spooning eggs, bacon, and fruit onto it, not even asking what I wanted. She’d become like some evil second mother to me.

  She walked over to a table I hadn’t noticed before, one full of humans. Well, demon-gifted humans anyway. A quick glance across the arms of those who sat there, told me they were a mixture of Dark Mages, Necromancers, Beast Shifters, and Nightbloods. But these weren’t young Tainted Academy kids. They were hardened middle-aged criminals, littered with scars.

  The room was still and silent. I had no clue what to do. How would I eat with a hundred pairs of evil eyes on me, and drugged oatmeal sitting in my stomach?

  Raksha helped me sit at the end of the table, and then looked out across the quiet room. “As you were!” she snapped.

  Holy shit, the chick has balls of steel.

  A few growls reached us, and someone mumbled something that sounded like “Fuck you, princess,” but it had worked. They averted their eyes, carrying on with their conversations as they had before we’d entered.

  After taking a seat next to me, Raksha leaned in closely. “Everyone at the Dark Prince’s residence has been ordered not to touch you outside of training sessions, and to obey my command as if it were his.”

  She pulled away with a grin, and I could see she liked the power the Dark Prince had given her. Hell, I’d do the same thing. I’d lord over these assholes, barking insults all damn day.

  But I knew better than to respond. I simply nodded and grabbed a piece of bacon, chewing it slowly as my tablemates stared at me.

  If Shea were here, she’d tilt her chin up and stare these bitches down, but I just kept my gaze on my plate. I knew I was way in over my head. My spirit had been broken, and I was very aware of the fact that, against my will, James’s version of the prophecy was coming true.

  “So, the Dark Prince really trusts her to join our mission?” a Dark Mage with jet-black hair asked Raksha, while glaring at me over her plate of food.

  Raksha nodded curtly. “He does.”

  I raised one eyebrow. “Mission?”

  Raksha’s hand snaked out under the table, squeezing my thigh so hard that I almost throat-punched her.

  The raven-haired Mage grinned. “Makes sense that he wouldn’t tell you yet. He’ll wait until the very last moment. Until he absolutely has to. That’s his style.”

  Raksha snorted. “As if you know his style. You’ve met him twice.”

  The table erupted into snickers and jests, but I just kept my face blank. I didn’t want to do anything that would earn me an ass beating later.

  Raven rolled her eyes, and then tipped her head to me. “Is it true you trained with Archangel Michael?”

  Oh God. What did I say to that?

  I shrugged. “A few times.”

  Every head at the table was now pointed in my direction, sizing me up carefully.

  Raven smirked. “Can’t wait to see what you learned in the training arena.”


  Continuing to stare at my plate, I shoved a spoonful of runny eggs into my mouth.

  Raksha reached over and patted my forearm. “She’s not ready to train yet. She’s still on the medicine.”

  Raven nodded as if in understanding. “Some days after a hard day of training, I miss the medicine.”

  What did she just say?

  I frowned, unsure if I should ask the question that was now burning a hole in my tongue.

  One sharp look from Raksha told me I shouldn’t say anything, but the question still rattled around my brain like a broken record.

  Are we all prisoners here?

  Chapter Three

  After breakfast, the others went to “train,” whatever that entailed, and I went with Raksha to run an errand. What that errand was, I had no idea; I was told nothing, and I’d learned early on to ask no questions.

  As we traversed the halls, Raksha looked over at me. “It’s half a mile there and half a mile back. This will be your exercise while we wean you off the medication. You’ll be permitted a short nap after, and then you’ll take your dinner tonight with the Dark Prince.”

  I faltered at that last part, nearly tripping over my cane.

  “Will I eat with him every night?” I tried to keep my voice calm.

od, please say no.

  She side-eyed me with amusement. “I doubt it. He’s very busy. This is a special occasion to welcome you to the group.”

  Oh great. I’m being welcomed to the evil Hell squad.


  We walked slowly, stopping for me to rest against the wall when fatigue got the best of me. Raksha never complained, never snapped at me, just stood there, quietly waiting for me. I knew it was probably unhealthy, but it made me like her. There was more to her, I felt. Yes, she threatened to kick my ass if I embarrassed her, and she’d thrown me across the room before, but she was also helping me. Feeding me, making sure I got a bath, helping me regain my strength.

  Maybe I was so lost and alone that I needed a friend, even if it wasn’t a real one.

  “Do you have family?” I asked casually, wondering if we could perhaps become closer.

  The color drained from her face and she straightened her back. “Come on, they won’t wait all day,” she snipped before stalking off down the maze of halls.


  If offending Raksha were a class, I would have an A+.

  I struggled to keep up, my heart hammering in my chest, my weak legs quivering until finally I saw sunlight filtering in through windows up ahead. Raksha was standing in front of one, arms crossed as she waited for me.

  Sunlight? In Hell?

  When I finally caught up, I gazed out the window only to realize it wasn’t sunlight filtering through—it was fire. I could see now that we’d slowly walked in circles, gradually rising higher and higher until we’d reached the top floor, which was ground level. That meant we were living underground. A terrifying thought.

  Surrounding the huge stone castle-like structure was a ring of what I could only assume was hellfire. Beyond the fire ring were hordes and hordes of demons and spectral ghosts, milling aimlessly around the desolate land, seemingly lost.

  She obviously didn’t like personal questions, but maybe she wouldn’t mind a general one.

  “So bad souls come here forever?” I watched a young man fight with a demon over food.

  Raksha followed my gaze. “Fallacy. Souls come here for a length of time that is adequate for their soul to learn its lesson. Then it reincarnates and is given another chance on Earth.”

  My jaw dropped. Reincarnation. Raphael had mentioned that, but I hadn’t thought souls could reincarnate from Hell. It gave me hope in the grand scheme of things. Maybe God wasn’t as cruel as I thought.

  “And even though they’re souls, they still need food?” I watched the spectral ghost fight for an apple.

  She eyed me suspiciously, probably wondering how much to say. “The demons need food, the souls don’t. Lucifer provides them with the illusion that they need food, so they feel hunger, and fight over what little is left, but they don’t actually need it to survive.”

  I scoffed. “How lovely of Lucifer to do that.”

  Is that a grin curling at her lips?

  “Come on, it’s just through here. Keep your head down and don’t ask any questions,” she quipped, and then we were moving again.

  My legs were Jell-O, and my hand was sore from holding up all my weight on the cane, but I pushed through the pain out of pure curiosity as to where we were going. We passed a darkened hallway and came upon a single red door. It was lacquered to the extreme; so shiny it seemed lost in this dark place.

  Raksha checked her watch, standing there for a whole minute in silence, then finally reached out, and opened the door.

  “Head down,” she hissed.

  I tucked my chin in as I dropped my gaze to the floor, trying to act as submissive as possible, which was hard as hell for someone as fiery as me. In my peripheral vision, I could see someone inside the door was opening a portal as Raksha and I waited.

  Suddenly, a dark figure stepped into the light, male from what I could tell.

  “Greetings, Raksha.” He spoke in a clipped tone.

  “Mathias,” Raksha shot back, equally clipped.

  He reached out, handing her some type of package.

  “And from my family?” she asked, taking it from him.

  There was silence for a beat. “Oh, were they supposed to write?”

  I could tell he was playing with her by his tone. I wanted so badly to look up, but I knew better. Play the part, stay alive.

  “Don’t. Fuck. With me!” Raksha rumbled, and he burst into laughter.

  “You know, you’re sexy when you’re pissed,” the man informed her, then handed her some type of envelope that she quickly placed in her pocket.

  “Same time tomorrow,” she replied begrudgingly, before turning on her heels.

  “Look forward to it!” he called after her, and then she shut the red door.

  Was it an Abrus demon, or a human of some kind? I couldn’t tell, and everything down here smelled like demon, so my nose was no help.

  I hobbled after Raksha in silence, trying to process what just happened.

  The portal must go to Earth.

  It looked like the man controlled the portal, not Raksha.

  The man is also bad.

  What’s in the package?

  Raksha does have a family.

  All of those things swirled in my brain, and for the first time since I’d landed in this hellhole, I had the smallest sliver of hope that I might get out of here.

  With each step I took back to my room, I felt stronger and stronger.

  I’m going to get out of here. I have to.

  By the time we reached my room, I was exhausted. Raksha unlocked my door, told me to nap, and then locked me inside without another word. Kicking off my boots, I slipped into my little twin bed with the rumpled red cotton blanket.

  I lay there for a while, just staring at the stone ceiling and processing the day. Could I get Raksha to send a letter telling Lincoln I was alive? It would take a lot more trust and bonding than we currently had, but I vowed to work on it right then and there. Raksha seemed to be the only one who gave a shit about me. If my family knew I was alive, it would give me something to live for until my escape.

  I was drifting off to sleep when I felt something familiar. A tug on my mind. I couldn’t figure out what it was or what was familiar about it, until I heard her.

  ‘Brielle!’ Sera shouted into my head.

  A sob escaped my throat and I bolted upright, hands shaking as adrenaline coursed through me.

  ‘Sera! Oh my God.’ Tears streamed down my cheeks as I felt her energy consume me. The huge gaping hole in my heart felt a little bit more full right then.

  ‘You’re okay? You can hear me?’ she queried in disbelief.

  Sobs racked my body as I clutched my chest. ‘I can hear you. I can hear you.’

  Up until that moment, I’d been so alone, but hearing Sera’s voice, knowing she was down here with me, made everything better.

  ‘I’d have thought you were dead, but I could still feel you. Far away yet alive. What happened?’

  I sighed. Where did I begin?

  ‘They’ve been drugging me, but they cut my meds in half today,’ I started, then I told her everything. Making the creature with Lucifer, seeing Lincoln and my family mourn me, the errands we ran today—everything.

  She listened. Interjected a few times to call Lucifer a douchebag, but she listened.

  When I was finally done, she was silent for a while before she spoke.

  ‘So, they’re training you for something?’

  Even though she couldn’t see me, I nodded. Or at least I didn’t think she could see me. ‘And others. Tons of demons and demon-gifted humans live down here.’

  ‘Hmm. Well, it doesn’t change our plan. We need to reunite, and get the hell out of here. No pun intended,’ she mused.

  I grinned. It was good to have Sera back. I felt my sanity returning at the thought that I wasn’t alone down here.

  Fatigue was pulling at the edges of my mind. The medication was still in my body, albeit in a lesser dose, and that walk h
ad worn me out completely. The adrenaline rush from speaking with Sera was starting to wear off as well.

  ‘I’m tired,’ I mumbled to Sera.

  ‘Sleep now. I’m here. We’ll make a plan, and we’re going to get out of here, okay?’

  I wanted to believe her. ‘Okay.’

  For the first time since I’d arrived, determination settled into my bones. I realized then that the Dark Prince had almost broken me, but in the end, it was I who would break him.

  I’d break him into a thousand pieces.

  “Wake up.” Raksha’s voice shook me from the groggy depths of a drug- and exhaustion-filled sleep.

  My eyelids felt heavy and I groaned. “One more hour,” I begged.

  This was the norm, napping for several hours in the afternoon after my morning dose of drugs. My body hated the medication. It made me feel queasy, exhausted, and physically weak.

  “You’ve already slept through lunch, and the Dark Prince likes an early dinner. You need to get yourself presentable,” she hissed.

  At the mention of dinner with the Dark Prince, my eyelids flew open. A low growl came from my stomach, and then the memory of Sera hit me.

  ‘Are you still here?’ A moment of panic gripped me. Had I imagined it?

  ‘Right here, sugar. I can’t see anything in this magical box he has me in, but I can sense things. Now that I can see through your eyes, it’s better.’

  A relieved sigh left me. I didn’t want Raksha to know I was talking to Sera, so I stopped and gave her my full attention. “You think he’ll give you permission to stop the drugs? They make me so sleepy.”

  Raksha shrugged uncaringly. “That’s up to you, child. Show him how obedient you can be, and he’ll extend more luxuries.”

  I nodded. “Is that how you got to be so close with him?”

  Her gaze narrowed. “I know my place here. I know what’s at stake, and I obey orders. Do that, and you can have more than me. You are very, very special to him. Like a daughter.”

  Literal vomit rose in my throat at her words, which was impressive considering I hadn’t eaten in hours. The Dark Prince thinks of me as a daughter? Ew. He slit my throat two weeks ago! What kind of father figure did that?


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