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Massimo: The Anastasi Family Syndicate Book One : Social Rejects Syndicate

Page 10

by LC Taylor

  Carlisle was suddenly there, along with more men. People were gathering around, asking what happened. I couldn’t speak. I was officially in shock.

  Tears dripped down my face uncontrollably.

  “Shit.” Donny kneeled in front of me. “She’s in shock. Carlisle,” he motioned to him, “take her out of here. She doesn’t need to see anymore.”

  “I’ll take her to Massimo’s office.”

  Hearing his name made me look up at Carlisle.

  “Massimo?” I whispered as my body shook.

  “Yea, baby doll, we’re going to take you to his office, ok?”

  “Massimo,” I repeated, my brain stuck on repeat.

  “Did you call him?” Carlisle asked someone.

  “He just landed. He’s on his way.”

  Strong arms lifted me off the couch. “I got you, Sweetheart. Massimo will be here soon.” I think Carlisle was who spoke, but my mind was a foggy mess. “The victim... she’s one of ours.”

  “Yeah, we’re trying to pull the tapes now to see what happened.”

  “Let me know.”

  I was moving, clutched in Carlisle’s arms. I closed my eyes and leaned against his chest, my body shaking from shock. I couldn’t control my tears or speak. Carlisle set me down on the sofa in Massimo’s office. I drew my knees up to my chest and began rocking. All I could see was Krissy’s lifeless eyes staring back at mine as they morphed into my mother’s dead eyes.

  Chapter 26


  I barely made it onto the runway when Donny called me. A dead woman was found in Fantasia. He didn’t have many details because he’d just arrived there himself.


  I scrubbed my palm over my stubble. “Freddy, do whatever you need to do to get me back to Discoteca fast.”

  “You got it, Sir.”

  Pulling my phone out, I called Donny back. “I’m in the car. What do you know?”

  “Not much other than she’d requested a specific bottle of wine.” Donny sighed, “Darcie said a regular reserved that room. A Domme by the name of Allison Stanley. She changes out her submissives pretty frequently and tonight she was scheduled to break in a new one.”

  “Did she not check him in with the staff?” While you had to have a membership to partake in the club, one of the perks was being allowed to bring a guest if they were your submissive. I knew the girl he was talking about; she was there most nights. Ms. Stanley liked to change out her submissives weekly, not caring if they were male or female.

  “No. There is no record of who was with her tonight or where she is now. Her last submissive moved to Phoenix.”


  “There’s something else.” Donny took a deep breath. “Madison is the one who found Krissy.”

  “WHAT THE FUCK?” I screamed into the phone, making Freddy glance in the rearview mirror. “Why was she in Fantasia?”

  “Delivering the bottle of Champagne from downstairs. Boss, she hasn’t talked. Other than screaming initially, she’s only said your name. I think she’s in shock.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Carlisle is with her now.”

  “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” I hung up and tossed my phone onto the seat next to me.

  “Everything alright, Sir?”

  I shook my head. “No...”

  Freddy didn’t ask any more questions. He could sense my anger and sped up the car.

  Madison found the dead girl—someone she knew. Someone she worked with. This was a fucked-up situation.

  My girl was in shock and I wasn’t there to help her. My own selfish needs started bubbling inside me. This was going to make her leave me, I just knew it. She was already on the fence about being with me, knowing death was going to be around me like this, she’d surely run.

  “FUCK!” I grunted, slamming my hands into the back of the seat.

  “Sir?” Freddy asked in confusion.

  “I’m sorry, Freddy, it’s just... Madison is the one who found the girl. I’m being selfish right now because this will make her leave me.”

  “She won’t leave you.” Freddy grinned. “I’m quite sure she’s strong enough to handle this with you by her side. She doesn’t strike me as the type who will tuck tail and run. I imagine she’s in shock because she’s probably never seen a dead person.”

  Thinking about his words, I nodded. “I hope you're right, because if she leaves, I will burn down this town to bring her back.”

  The car barely stopped before I was jumping out of it. Oscar, my guy at the front, moved, opening the door when he saw me coming. I barreled inside, sliding to a stop at the bar. Carlisle had cleared out the bar, closing it down to handle this problem.

  “Boss,” Donny greeted me. “It’s looking like the Sureños could be involved.”

  I was nodding my head, but not really listening to him, my sole focus was finding Madison. “Where is she?” I pushed around Donny.

  “Benito and Branson are moving the body now.” Donny rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Not her! Where. Is. Madison?” I pushed around him, searching the floor for her.

  “Your office.”

  I tore around the bar and pushed open the door. Carlisle jumped to his feet, ready to protect Madison.

  “Sir?” Carlisle relaxed. “I’ll leave you with her.” He nodded to the couch where Madison was wrapped up in herself, rocking. “She’s been asking for you since she saw, well . . . you know.”

  I rested my hand on his shoulder, “Thank you for taking care of her. Let Donny know he’s in charge for now. And Carlisle,” I glanced at him, “I’m sorry about Krissy.”

  Carlisle nodded as he walked out, leaving me alone with Madison. I shut the door and locked it, ensuring our privacy. Looking at her fragile state broke my heart. Crouching down in front of her, I brushed her hair back with my hand.

  “Madison,” I cupped her cheek, “Baby... can you hear me?”

  Her eyes were glazed over as she stared through me. She was trapped in her own head; I’d seen this before with one of my guys, Alec.

  He suffered from PTSD from his time spent in the marines. He told me it was like his brain shut down, blocking out the trigger that set him off.

  “Bella,” I tried again, this time placing my hand on her leg. She flinched beneath my touch, her eyes swinging down to stare at my hand. Slowly raising her eyes back to mine, she blinked.

  “Massimo?” she whispered.

  “Yeah, Bella. It’s me.”

  She leapt into my arms, knocking me to my ass on the floor. Her arms and legs wrapped around me, clinging to my body in a vice grip. I rubbed her back as I rocked her. “It’s ok. I got you.”

  “Massimo,” she whimpered my name. “That girl... she’s... she’s...”

  “I know. It’s going to be alright, Madison. I’m here now. You’re safe.”

  “Her eyes... my mother...” she hiccupped, a sob breaking free. She wasn’t making any sense as she spoke through her tears.

  “What do you mean, your mother? Baby?” I twined my fingers through her hair. “You’re not making sense.”

  “It reminded me of my mother,” she said again, her arms tightening further. It was like she was trying to become one with my body—trying to hide away in my arms.

  “Listen.” I tugged her back, forcing her to look at my face. “That woman was Krissy Holder.”

  “No... I know.” She pushed off my lap and stood.

  I stood quickly, dusting off my pants, and grabbed her hand. “What is it, Madison? I want to help you, but you have to let me in.” I pulled her against my chest, holding her against me.

  “I want to go home.” She started crying again. “Please, Massimo. I don’t want to be here.”

  “Home?” My gut churned. This was it. This was the moment she left me.

  “Yes, take me upstairs, please. I can’t be down here right now.” She cried harder, gripping my shirt in her fists.

  Blowing out a sigh of relief. �
�You want to go to my apartment?”

  “Yes, home. Please,” she mumbled against my shirt, her tears soaking the material.

  Lifting her off the ground, she wrapped her legs around my waist and buried her head in my shoulder. I held her tight as I unlocked the door and swung it open. Drew stood on the other side, guarding us.

  “Sir,” he nodded.

  “Drew, I’m taking Madison home. Please let everyone know I’ll have my phone. Call me as soon as this is taken care of.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He followed me to the elevators and ensured we got on without anyone stopping us. Madison never budged, clinging to me like her life depended on it. Stepping inside, I carried her straight to the restroom and set her down on the bench.

  “Baby.” I lifted her chin. Her face was swollen and red from crying. Tears still fell helplessly, staining her cheeks further. “I’m going to start a bath. I’m only going to grab some towels and bath stuff.”

  She sat stone still as I moved around the room. Turning the water on, I dumped some bath oils in, and then dimmed the lights. Taking care of her was my number one priority right now. The world outside could go fuck itself.

  Chapter 27


  I felt like a bystander in my body as I watched Massimo deposit me on the bench. He lifted my chin. “Bella, I’m going to start a bath. I’m only going to grab some towels and bath stuff.”

  My eyes tracked him as he moved around the room gathering stuff. I watched as he turned the water on and dumped something into the tub. He squatted in front of me and brushed my hair back from my face again. I knew I must’ve looked like a maniac. I’d been crying long enough to induce swelling under my eyes.

  “I’m going to undress you now, ok?” He ran his hand down my arm. “Madison, do you understand?” Forcing a nod, I allowed Massimo to pull me to my feet. “You good?” He eyed me as he slid his fingers beneath the hem of my dress. “I hate that I didn’t get to see you in the sexy dress.” He brushed his thumb across my thigh as he drew the material up my legs and over my hips. His hands paused at my waist, his eyes searching mine. “Still good?”

  I nodded once, holding his gaze. Massimo tugged higher, forcing me to raise my arms so he could slip it over my head. Tossing it to the floor, he ran the back of his hand across my stomach, causing my skin to prickle with goosebumps.

  “I’m going to take this off.” He fingered my bra as he released the snaps and eased it down my arms. “Almost done.” He discarded the lace on the floor and moved his hands to my hips. His thumbs hooked the elastic of my thong, easing it slowly to the ground. “Lift your leg,” he whispered, pulling it off one leg at a time. Finally, I was standing completely nude in front of him.

  “God, you're beautiful.” He looked me over. “Let’s get you in the tub, yeah?” Gripping my arm, he guided me to the edge. His fingers laced with mine as he helped me into the warm water and sink down until I was sitting. “Take your time, Bella.”

  I watched as he slowly walked to the door. “Wait.” I called out, halting his movement. “Don’t leave me.” My eyes pleaded with him. I was too afraid to be alone—afraid another memory would hit me and send me spiraling.

  “You want me to stay?” Massimo tilted his head, waiting for me to speak.


  One word held so much meaning, and Massimo understood. I watched him kick off his shoes, then slowly strip off each article of clothing. His fingers worked the buttons of his shirt, tossing it to the floor in a heap. His pants came next. He released the snap then eased the zipper down. He shoved them down his muscular legs, taking his boxers with them. He stalked toward me, his eyes never breaking contact. “Slide forward.”

  I scooted up, giving him room to crawl in behind me. His legs stretched out beside me, by body cradled between his thighs. I felt his arms snake around my midsection and pull me against his front. Leaning back, I closed my eyes as I rested my head on his chest. The warmth of the water and the sense of security I felt in his arms eased my tension.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered into the room.

  “For what?” Massimo grabbed the bath poof and poured some bodywash onto it. He began washing me with a tenderness that made my heart thump against my chest.

  “Freaking out.”

  “Don’t apologize. A lot of people react that way the first time they see a dead person they don’t know, and you knew her. Your reaction is normal.”

  “It wasn’t my first time.” My voice cracked as I spoke the words. Massimo’s body stiffened beneath me and his hand stilled against my skin.

  “What do you mean?”

  I took a deep breath, mustering the courage to tell him about my past—a past I’d spent so many years trying to bury until it all came rushing back tonight.

  “I was nine when my mother died. We were home alone because my dad was still at work. I remember we were playing a board game in my room when we heard the crash. My mother stood up and ushered me into my closet to hide. We lived in one of those houses that had the doors with slats on the closets. You know the kind I’m talking about?” I paused, gathering my wits, then continued. “She put me inside and told me not to make any noises, no matter what I saw or heard. At the time, I didn’t understand what was happening, I was just a kid. My mom covered me with a blanket, then kissed me before she shut the doors and went to call the police. I didn’t understand why she didn’t hide with me. If she had, maybe she’d still be alive.”

  Massimo squeezed my leg, brushing my skin beneath the water. I covered his hand with mine, lacing our fingers together.

  “What happened?” He kissed my neck, his other hand rested against my hip and held me firm.

  “I watched as she picked up the phone to call 9-1-1, but two men came into the room. I couldn’t see their faces, but I could hear them. They demanded to know if there was anyone else there with her. I heard her tell them she was alone, and that we didn’t have anything for them. She begged them to leave—to spare her. One of the men slapped her and then...” I closed my eyes, remembering the moment my life changed forever. “He pointed his gun to her head and pulled the trigger. I shoved the blanket into my mouth, stifling the scream that was trying to escape my body. They ransacked the dresser, getting a few hundred dollars in jewelry, before sirens sounded in the distance. I remember the blood and the way her eyes stared at me from the floor. I stayed in the corner of the closet for what felt like hours, just holding the gaze of my dead mother. My father got home as the police arrived. His screams haunted me for months after the incident. It wasn’t until he regained his senses that he began to look for me.”

  “My god, Baby. To be so young and to see something like that. No wonder this has you so shaken up. I’m so sorry you had to see that. Are you and your dad close now?”

  “Funny thing is, you’d think a child would only live through one tragedy in their life, and maybe that’s true for most, but I wasn’t that fortunate. My dad fell into a deep depression and started drinking. One minute he was the only thing I had left, then just like that, he was gone. He killed himself and a family when he drove home drunk one night. By ten-years-old, I’d buried my mother and my father. You see, Massimo,” I turned to face him in the tub, “I’m a nobody. I grew up in the system, bounced from home to home. It wasn’t until my high school year that I realized I could control my fate. With the help of my teacher, Mrs. Dobbs, I got into college and finally saw something good in my life. You deserve someone who doesn’t have all this baggage. Someone who matches your worth.”

  Massimo cupped my face with his hands. “Can’t you see I don’t care about your past? From the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one for me. Your worth is more than you realize. In fact, it’s me who’s not worthy of you. My heart was black before you. Madison, you’re the air I breathe. I’ve fallen in love with you.” He pressed a quick kiss to my lips. “I know it’s probably too fast for you, but know this... I’ll wait a lifetime for you to feel the same.
Until then, I’ll guard your heart and be your shield in this world.”

  Chapter 28


  My thumb swiped a lone tear rolling down her cheek. Her breathing hitched when I confessed my love for her. I meant it, every word. I would burn this world down to protect her.

  “You love me?” she whispered, her hands gripping my shoulders.

  I smiled. “So much it scares me.”

  It was true, what I felt for her scared the shit out of me. She had no idea how much power she had over me. If she ever walked away, I’d cease to exist. I rested my forehead on hers and wrapped my arms around her back. She shifted in the tub and straddled me in the water.

  Her breasts pressed against my chest, her pert nipples poking into my skin. She moved, causing her center to rub against my cock.

  “Madison,” I groaned. “As much as I love holding you like this; you need to stop moving or I won’t be able to control myself.”

  Her eyes held mine, twinkling with something wicked. She adjusted her legs again, bending them so she was on her knees.

  “I need to forget tonight. Give me a better memory.” She pressed her lips to mine as her hands trailed down my chest.

  “You’ve had a traumatic event. You need time to recover.” I grunted as she fisted my dick. “Fuck, Madison!” I hissed as she sank down onto my erection.

  She held my stare as she began to move against me. I gripped her hips, holding her in place. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Please... make me forget.”

  She bit her bottom lip as she rocked her body, my cock moving inside her. I leaned forward, capturing her nipple in my mouth, and suckled the tiny pink bud between my lips. Her hair fell around us as she rode my dick. My hands held her hips, stilling her body in the water.

  “Wait,” I commanded, “hold on to me.”

  I pressed my hands over the edge of the tub and pushed our bodies up, causing my erection to slip out of her pussy. Her legs wrapped around my waist, holding her slick skin against mine as I lifted us out of the water. Moving to the bench beside the tub, I laid her on her back. Her body slid against the leather, soaking the floor beneath us as water dripped from our skin.


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