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Blind Date: Single Dad-Baby Romance

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by Victoria Snow

  Blind Date

  A Single Dad Baby Romance

  Victoria Snow

  Copyright © 2019 by Victoria Snow

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Epilogue: One Year Later


  My hot neighbor, a s$xy single dad, and now… my blind date!

  I mean what could possibly go wrong.

  Until I find out he is the father of my student,

  And the school has a strict ‘no dating with parents’ policy.

  But losing my innocence to him felt ‘oh so good.’

  My job is at risk,

  But all I can think about is the pleasures he gives me in bed.

  The thrill of those multiple ‘O’s’ EVERY NIGHT!

  I’m falling so hard for his chiseled abs and blue eyes. Wasn’t this to be a ‘no strings attached’ relationship?

  Chapter 1


  I stood in the middle of the kindergarten classroom, taking in the bright colored numbers and letters on the wall, the tiny tables and chairs in clusters around the room, and the one large desk in front of a dry erase board on the wall.

  “It’s your classroom. You’re welcome to change it if you want. Just remember, there isn’t any money for it now, so you’ll need to use what’s here or your own money.”

  I turned to Mrs. Snyder, the Waller Elementary School principal, and smiled. “It’s fine.”

  It was more than fine. It was my first very own classroom. The children were gone home for the weekend, but the smell of art supplies and juice filled the air. In my classroom. I was giddy at the idea.

  I earned my master’s in education a year ago, but back in my home town in Illinois, I could only get substitute teaching work, which I supplemented with temp work. Two weeks ago, I left Illinois for a much warmer Florida at the encouragement of my best friend from college, and now I was about to be a full-time teacher.

  It was kismet. Since it was April, I’d totally expected to do temp work while I sought teaching positions starting in the fall. But here I was standing in my classroom taking over the position from a teacher who left to have a baby and planned to be an at-home mom, so she wouldn’t be coming back. I wanted to do a happy dance but restrained myself. I didn’t need the principal thinking I was an oddball.

  “Make sure you’ve reviewed the policies and procedures manual. We take the rules very seriously here at Waller Elementary.”

  “Yes, I’ll read them again.”

  “I think you’ll do well teaching here, but you’re young, and a few parents may have some concerns about that.”

  “I understand. I’ll do my best to show them I know what I’m doing.”

  Mrs. Snyder’s smile had a hint of a smirk as if she thought I didn’t really know what I was getting into. “Also, we have a strict policy about having relationships, beyond friendship, with other staff. And there are to be absolutely no relationships with parents.”

  I nodded, but my mind went back on my classroom and imagining myself teaching my students. After all, I’m a professional, and would never cross the line with a parent or fellow teacher.

  “As I said, you’re young and very pretty, and some of our single male teachers and dads, or maybe even a few of the married ones might take an interest in you.”

  “It won’t be a problem.” I waved the idea away. I wasn’t the type to have men falling all over themselves as Mrs. Snyder seemed to suggest. Not that I was unattractive, because I thought I was good enough looking, but I carried extra weight, and for some men, that was a deal breaker. I imagined it would be even more so here in Florida where most the women I came across were skinny, tanned, and had sun-streaked hair. That most definitely wasn’t me, but of course, in Illinois in the winter, I didn’t want to spend too much time outside because it was frigidly cold, and the little extra weight kept me warm, right?

  “Then I guess we’ll see you Monday, bright and early. Mrs. Keener, the substitute for this week, left the lesson plans on the desk if you’d like to take them home over the weekend.”

  I nodded. “Yes, I’d like to see what the children are working on.”

  Fifteen minutes later I had the lesson plans in my bag, and I was in my little used car heading back to my condo, which was another serendipitous event. The condo complex was on the beach but the unit I bought was affordable. It was probably cheaper because the view was on the pool and not the beach, and because it needed a little bit of work. But still, I couldn’t believe my luck to get such a great location. It was like God was smiling down on me. I hoped he was still smiling on my blind date tonight.

  The only area of my life that hadn’t had any good fortune was my love life. Perhaps because I was so focused on school, and working to pay for school, that I didn’t have the time to date. But at twenty-three years old, I still hadn’t had a man touch me, and I was ready to turn in my V-card.

  It’s not that there hadn’t ever been opportunities. Nor was it because I was saving myself for the ‘right’ guy, or marriage. Mostly, I was a virgin because I hadn’t met anyone who turned me on enough. I didn’t think I needed to be madly in love to sleep with someone, but at the very least I should like him and be sexually attracted to him. I just hadn’t met anyone who made me want to get naked yet. So, I let my best friend Angela set me up with someone in the hopes that he’d be able to help me complete the last thing on my ‘start a new life’ bucket list.

  As I took a shower, I wondered what he’d look like. I hoped he was like the hot guy I’d seen sometimes down at the pool with his daughter. He was exactly what I’d expected Florida men to look like; dark hair lightened by the sun and tanned skin over defined muscles. He was sexy on a stick and had to know how to please a woman. He was a father, so he had the skills required to make a child.

  I was a teacher, but in this case, I’d love to be his student as he taught me about the pleasures a man and woman could give each other.

  I ran my hands over my breasts as I imagined his large hands cupping and massaging them. I closed my eyes and pinched my nipples, pretending his lips were sucking them. Little sizzles of pleasure pooled between my legs. I wondered what it would feel like to have him slide inside me.

  I hadn’t planned to masturbate, especially since I didn’t have a lot of time to get ready for my date. But images of my sexy neighbor made me hot and wet. I reached over for my wet/dry toy sitting in a bath-side basket and turned it on low as I ran it down between my folds. I’d let Angela talk me into waxing my nether regions. I’d only been brave enough to get a bikini wax with a trim, even though I had no plans to be in a swimsuit much less a bikini, something else she urged me to buy.

  Angela was braver, having gotten the full Brazilian wax. “I can’t wait for Rick to see this.”

  I tried not to roll my eyes. All I’d heard since she met R
ick a couple of months ago was how great he was in bed. I wanted to be happy for her. I was happy for her. But of course, after a while, there was only so much I could take on how they did it and where they did it, especially since I was still a virgin.

  Tonight, I’d finally be meeting Rick, and apparently one of his friends. If I was lucky, I’d know what all the hubbub about sex was about. At this moment, my experience was just with my own hands and Fred, my vibrator.

  The buzzing toy hit my clit, and my breath caught, pushing my mind back to the hot dad at the pool. In my mind, his hands were on me, his lips sucking my hard nipples, and his warm cock seeking entrance. I pushed Fred into my pussy. I didn’t have a lot of time so I pushed him deep and turned up the vibration.

  I gasped as my pleasure built. My pussy contracted in response. I moved Fred in and out, in and out, as need coiled tighter and tighter. I squeezed one of my nipples and turned up the vibration to high. In an instant, an orgasm shot through me, radiating from my core.

  I turned the vibrator off and washed it. Orgasms were pleasant enough, but in my experience weren’t the spectacular highs Angela was always talking about. A part of me worried that maybe there was something wrong with me. What if I finally had sex with a man and it was like what I experienced when I pleasured myself, pleasant but not earth-shattering?

  I pushed my concerns away and got ready for the evening. I put on a dark pink dress that accentuated my strongest assets; my breasts. It was a little snug around my hips, but Angela insisted men liked that. I hoped she was right.

  I left my dark hair down in long waves, another thing Angela insisted men liked. I put on makeup but didn’t overdo it. Mostly blush, mascara and lip gloss.

  “I hope you like me, Mr. Blind Date.” I stared at myself in the mirror, wondering what I’d gotten myself into. I was a smart successful woman. I didn’t need a man to fulfill me. I laughed at myself. “You don’t need him to fulfill you, Ellie, you just need him to fill you.” I snorted at my own innuendo. “Here goes nothing.”

  I drove to the restaurant and made my way to the bar where I was to meet Angela, Rick, and my mystery date.

  “Hey, you look fantastic.” Angela greeted me with a hug. “Ellie this is Rick. Rick this is my best friend from college, Ellie.”

  I shook his hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Same here,” he said.

  I had to admit, Angela picked a handsome man. I hoped that boded well for his friend. His eyes lifted to look behind me. “And here’s my friend Will.”

  I turned with a ready smile and fingers crossed that he made my heart pound with lust. At first, my smile faltered, and then it cranked up to high. Rick’s friend was my hot neighbor.

  Oh My F*ck*ng God!

  Chapter 2


  I was asking myself what the hell I was doing agreeing to go on a blind date as I entered the restaurant. It wasn’t like I couldn’t get laid if I really wanted to. But unlike Rick, I wasn’t in a position to live the beach playboy lifestyle. I had a five-year-old daughter, and she came first before everything, including my libido.

  I was a little surprised he asked me to go on this date. He knew my position. It wasn’t like he and I hung out at bars trolling for women. When we hung out, we were usually kite surfing or snorkeling, not bar hopping.

  “Angela really wants to hook her friend up,” he’d said to me. “You’re the only one I know who I can be sure will treat her friend well. I don’t trust Kirk or Danny not to be complete douches.”

  I had to concede that. Kirk and Danny were fun on adventure outings but were a bit douchey when it came to woman.

  “Besides, from what Angela says, you might get lucky.”

  I didn’t want to get lucky. I had my hand for when I needed the pop of an orgasm. The rest of my life was filled with trying to be a good dad and working to make up for the fact that my baby’s mama abandoned her. When I really needed to be inside a woman, I headed to one of the touristy spots, usually with Rick, and picked up a willing woman who was in town only for the week. Of course, since he met Angela, we hadn’t done that.

  I tried to say no to the date, but my little girl, Mollie, was spending the weekend with my parents. They always said it was to give me a break, but I knew the truth. They loved to spoil Mollie. I couldn’t blame them. She was a great kid. Sometimes I couldn’t believe I’d created something as miraculous as Mollie.

  With Mollie gone, I had no good excuse to turn Rick down. So, here I was, walking into the loud crowded bar, helping my friend score brownie points with his girl. The things one did in the name of friendship.

  I was wondering how long I’d have to entertain the friend until I could bow out when I saw Rick. Then I saw the woman standing in front of him and all of a sudden, this date didn’t seem like such a hardship after all.

  She was my new neighbor, and although we’d never officially met, I knew her intimately since she’d been the starring attraction of my morning shower jerkoffs. She had spectacular breasts, which were now gloriously highlighted in a pink dress that also accentuated her round hips. Did Rick say there was a chance I’d get lucky with her?

  I immediately pushed that thought away. For one, it would put me at the same level as Kirk and Danny. Second, she was my neighbor, which meant I’d see her after tonight. My first rule when I did decide to indulge with a woman was that she needed to be someone I wouldn’t see again. I didn’t have the time for relationships, nor the desire to have my heart squashed like a bug again. Plus, I had Mollie to think about. I couldn’t let a woman into our lives only to have her leave, just like Mollie’s mother left.

  Fuck. That was disappointing because as I got closer to my new neighbor, I saw long dark wavy hair that my fingers itched to touch. And brilliant bright blue eyes, that, unless I was mistaken, not only recognized me but also liked what they saw. Double fuck.

  “Hey man.” Rick slapped a hand on my back. “This is my girl, Angela and her friend, Ellie.”

  I shook Angela’s hand. “I can’t believe you’re putting up with this guy.”

  She grinned. “He’s good in the sack.”

  Rick grinned. “Thank you, baby.”

  I turned my attention to my neighbor. “We haven’t formally met yet.”

  “So, you’re 2B.” We shook, and her hand was soft with long fingers and I couldn’t stop the image of what those fingers would look like wrapped around my dick from flashing in my brain.

  “I’m Will.”

  “You two know each other?” Angela asked with a questioning look at Ellie.

  “We’re neighbors,” Ellie said.

  Angela’s smile was wide and knowing. It made me wonder if Ellie had noticed me like I’d noticed her and told her friend.

  “That’s convenient,” Rick said.

  Just then the waiter arrived showing us to a table out on the deck where we ordered drinks.

  “So.” Angela’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Ellie. “How interesting that you’re neighbors.”

  Ellie gave her friend a look that seemed to say, ‘don’t embarrass me’. Again, I had to wonder if Ellie had noticed me around. Was I starring in her secret fantasies like she starred in mine?

  “I’m sorry I haven’t introduced myself,” I said. “I suppose I should have welcomed you.” I’d wanted to, but my ‘no relationship’ rule stopped me. Ellie looked like the type of woman who had relationships, not one-night stands.

  “I’ve been busy. And you’re busy too. You’re a dad?” She smiled, and I had the most curious urge to kiss her.

  “I am.”

  “Mollie is great. Have you met her?” Rick asked.

  Ellie shook her head. “No. My condo overlooks the pool, so I’ve seen them there together.” She turned to me. “Does your place overlook the beach?”


  The waiter brought our drinks, but we weren’t ready to order dinner yet.

  “You work at home, don’t you Will?” Angela asked. �
��Are you a drug dealer?”

  Ellie choked on her drink and I reached over to pat her back, which was bare and warm.

  “Baby, I told you, he’s a writer,” Rick rolled his eyes.

  I couldn’t help but wonder if the drug dealer idea came from Ellie. Lots of people worked from home, but for many, it was still a foreign idea and often more associated with moms. She probably wondered how a twenty-something man with a place overlooking the beach could afford it. Although, what kind of dad would be a drug dealer?

  “What do you write?” Ellie pulled herself together. Even so, I left my arm on the back of her chair, gently touching her back.

  “Marketing copy mostly. Sales letters, PR pieces, stuff like that.”

  “Does it pay well?” Angela asked. That seemed like a question probing if I could afford to take care of her friend, which was like pouring cold water on the attraction I was feeling. Would I like to fuck Ellie? Yes. But I wasn’t going to marry her.

  I took my hand away from Ellie’s back and used it to pick up my drink. “It pays well enough for me and Mollie.”

  “How about we order dinner?” Rick asked.

  The meal was pleasant, but frustrating too. Ellie was turning out not just to be beautiful and sexy, but smart and funny too. It was getting difficult to keep reminding myself that I couldn’t afford to touch her.

  “How about a walk on the beach?” Rick asked after we’d paid the bill for dinner.

  “I’d love that.” Angela gazed up at Rick and I wondered if he knew or cared that this woman was one-hundred percent in love with him. Did he feel the same? I’d have to warn him about the perils of giving his heart to a woman.


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