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Ruthless (The Clans Book 8)

Page 6

by Elizabeth Knox

  The distinctive sound of shoes hitting against the concrete, slowly getting closer. “You alright, sweetie?” I don’t recognize the voice, but I turn and see someone who I don’t know. He must think this is some good Samaritan bullshit.

  “I’m fine. Thank you for your concern.” What I’m saying is complete bullshit. I don’t really mean to thank him. There are guys like him everywhere, ones that try to target pretty women coming out of clubs. I think most ladies see these guys are just trying to get a quick lay, but the small percentage of women who fall for this fake white knight bullshit is what keeps men thinking they can get away with it.

  I pull the zipper on my small purse and grab my phone when I feel a pressure on my shoulder. “You don’t look like you’re okay, sweetheart. You a bit sad or something?”

  I can’t fathom why this jerk thinks he has the right to touch me. “Get your hand off me!” I scream out as I face him. He raises his brows in shock for a moment but chuckles immediately afterward.

  “You can’t seriously mean that. What’s a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone, kicking this building, huh?” This guy looks like a typical asshole. He’s tall, white, has dark hair and equally dusky eyes.

  I’m about to give this man a stern talking to when a familiar voice speaks before I do. “You heard the lady. Now, get lost.” Philippe hisses out, clearly not amused.

  I’m a bit taken aback by him coming in to be my white knight. “Who the fuck are you, the asshole who made this lovely girl so upset in the first place?”

  “Lovely girl,” I scoff, rolling my eyes. This dude obviously doesn’t know me. If he did he wouldn’t ever use the word lovely to describe me.

  I expect Philippe to answer him because he’s one of those nice guys. Sure, he has a lot of power and I’m sure he knows how to use it . . . but he’s never used force around me. That is, until I see his fist flying into this dude’s face. Philippe knocks the guy back and as his fist comes out of my view, I see the guy’s nose is bloodied.

  He brings his hands immediately in front of him to cover his nose, “What the fuck, dude?!”

  “She told you to scram and you didn’t. Take a walk or I’ll make sure you can’t walk.”

  The stranger laughs, throwing his head back and puffs his chest out like he’s preparing for a fight. “Oh, you some tough guy? You sure don’t look like one. You an investment banker, lawyer or something?”

  For the first time since I’ve met Philippe I see him smile in a devilish way. “What do I look like to you?”

  I take the opportunity to try and make my way over to Philippe when the stranger grabs me by the arm. He shouldn’t have done that. Philippe takes his fist back again and knocks it into this guy’s head. He moves back quickly, stammering for a moment and I dart over to Philippe. I’ve been in situations somewhat similar to this, but never have they been this intense.

  “I’m not a fucking investment banker, but you’re going to wish I was.” Philippe snarls out at the guy, taking my hand in his we walk around the corner to where I parked my car and get inside after I unlock it.

  I’m about to ask Philippe how he is, but he beats me to the punch. “Are you okay?”

  I furrow my brows in confusion for a moment. “Me?”

  “Yes, you. I can only imagine how uncomfortable that was for you.”

  I nod, “Yeah, well you showed up at the right time, so thank you. I was going to ask if you were okay.”

  “I’m fine. I’m just pissed. I didn’t realize my bride-to-be was a lesbian. It’s obvious after meeting another one of your friends.” Philippe tells me and I notice how his tone changes when he says the word friends.

  I can’t help it but I let out a long giggle, grabbing his hand back in mine. “Philippe, I think it’s adorable you assume I’m a lesbian. Trust me, I’m not. I love men the same way I love women. Although that isn’t public knowledge so if you ever tell my family I will deny it completely. Does my answer clear up your thoughts?”

  “Yes,” He responds, still sounding a bit irritated.

  I decide to loosen things up a bit and make a joke, “If you want, we can go back inside and invite Misha over for some activities tonight.”

  Philippe rips his hand away from mine, “What the hell? First I think you’re a lesbian and now you’re acting like a slut. I was fine with going outside of our traditional values and marrying an Italian woman, because I know just how important this alliance is for us . . . but I didn’t agree to marry a whore.”

  I whip my hand back and slap him across the face, “I might be a lot of things but I’m not a whore. I’m a modern day woman who enjoys sex. I happen to love sex, and I only have sex with people I know. I’m not going around being irresponsible in any way. Damn Philippe,” I grumble, pausing for a moment before I continue. “You can’t tell me you don’t enjoy it too. If we’re going to make this work you can’t be so bashful. We’re spending the rest of our lives together for fucks sake.”

  “So, what . . . you’re going to want to be with women too?” I think about the question he’s asking me . . . one I never intended to have to think about. I knew I’d have to marry Philippe, but I never put too much thought into changing certain aspects of my life. “Fuck, you do. I didn’t agree to this, Carla.”

  Philippe throws open the car door, slams it shut and darts off. I’m left sitting in my car alone, wondering how the hell all this just happened.

  Chapter 10


  I walked around for a couple blocks before I found a taxi to take me back to the apartment I share with Carla. I’ve been home for about thirty minutes and Carla isn’t anywhere to be found. Not that I’d even be able to get ahold of her. As stupid as it may, we haven’t even exchanged phone numbers yet.

  I go into our kitchen and pull out a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon from the wine fridge, put the electronic wine opener on the top and walk away to the cabinets where our wine glasses are. By the time I’m back at the bottle, the cork has been taken out. I place my hand on the wine opener, take it off the bottle and pour myself a heavy glass. After today, I need it.

  I make my way over to our living room and sit in the chair directly in front of our floor to ceiling windows. It gives us a beautiful view of the city.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket so I take it out and see it’s a business email. I debate for a moment on putting myself fully into work, but decide against it. Instead, I’m going to call the one man who can give me some much needed advice.

  I dial my father’s number, knowing it’s a little past seven in the morning and pray he’s awake. Luckily for me he answers on the last ring. “You’re calling awfully late.” Is the first thing that comes out of his mouth.

  “It’s not that late,” I mutter, taking my wine glass in hand, I take a sip.

  “Ah, something is wrong. I can tell from your tone.”

  “I hate how you always know.” I grumble out, focusing on the city as we continue to speak.

  “When you’re a father hopefully you’ll be blessed with the same gift.”

  “Yeah, at this time I don’t ever see that happening.” I admit.

  “Why, does Carla not want children?”

  “I’m not sure. We haven’t exactly gone over that.”

  “Okay, so tell me what’s on your mind.” He says, and I think about how lucky I’ve been to have the relationship like I do with my father. Whenever I’m going through something whether it be personal or business I don’t ever have to worry about going to him. He’s always willing to give me advice.

  “I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into. Carla is so much . . . different than I ever imagined.” I leave it at that and expect him to give me some words of wisdom, but what he says surprises me.

  “Is that it? You need to give me more than that.”

  “She’s not going to be a typical Romanian wife. Hell, I don’t think she’ll be a traditional Italian one either. I’m just sitting here wondering if this is going to be a
loveless arrangement.” I admit, running my hand over my forehead in frustration.

  “I can’t help but think you want it to be.”

  “I’m sorry, what?” I say, flabbergasted at what he’s said.

  “If you wanted to be in love with her, you’d try. You’d make more of an effort at whatever struggle the two of you are going through this early on and squash it. Now I’m not asking you to tell me what it is because that’s none of my business. You two are about to be married, which means you’re going to be partners. Philippe, I know how your mother and I raised you. More importantly, I know the type of man you’ve grown into. You must give Carla a chance, and in order to do that you need to get to know the real Carla Moretti —not everything her father has promised her to be, because I highly doubt he knows his daughter in the way you will. She’ll open up to you soon, son. Just be patient.”

  “Yeah, maybe she’s a little too open.” I grumble out, hearing my father scoff in the background.

  “You’re struggling because Carla doesn’t fit into the box you expect her to, and she won’t, son. Listen, I love you . . . however your mother instilled such traditional values in you. She made you think in a specific way and you know I love your mother dearly, but I should’ve done a better job at trying to prepare you for the fact life may not go as you expect it.”

  As much as I don’t want to accept it, he’s right. I grew up in a very traditional household because my father was almost always away for business. This left me with my mother whose family had only ever married Romanian people. “Thanks. I get your point. I’m gonna get going, but I’ll call you soon.”

  “Alright. Call me whenever you need me.” He says as I hang up the phone.

  For the next hour I spend time feeling like a woman who’s trying to spice up her sex life with her partner. Everything from blow jobs with a donut wrapped around someone’s penis, to people throwing food or having sex in food . . . or on food. Something like it. I still don’t understand, but I’m making an effort to look outside my viewpoint and not to stay within what I know.

  I stay on an article telling me more about sloshing and slowly read it, kind of getting into the idea, but also freaked out too. I can’t imagine getting maple syrup spread around my face and all over my body. It makes me want to shiver, thinking about it getting stuck in certain areas.

  “Oh my god. Are you really reading an article about sloshing?” Carla giggles from behind, causing me to jump. I didn’t even hear her enter our apartment.

  “Yes, I am.” I admit, turning to face her. I keep my eyes trained on hers, “I realize I’ve been a dick and I’m sorry. It’s never my intention to make you upset in any way and I can guarantee I’ve probably done that already. Listen, I’ll cut to the chase, I’m trying to apologize. You’re so . . . over the top and I’m so . . . boring. I’ve been with many women but none of them have been as bold as you. Hell, I’m going to be blunt here. I want this to work but I’m not an idiot. We’ll both have to put in work to make our relationship successful. I’m not a prude, but I’m certain I seem like one to you. So, I’m willing to negotiate here. You teach me some things I don’t know, but when we’re married you’re mine. I don’t do sharing, Carla. My opinion may change in the future, but it won’t at this second.”

  Carla smiles, “That seems fair. Deal.”

  Chapter 11


  The last couple days I have done nothing but try to think of a way to ensure Philippe doesn’t get harmed. My sister is so determined to get revenge against the Clans and while I understand the anger she has, what I don’t understand is why she wants to hurt my precious Philippe. He hasn’t done anything to me, my sister or my family. However, those who threw us to the side like we were nothing more than trash on the street deserve whatever is coming to them.

  Philippe is still in Seattle with that witch who’s trying to steal him from me. She can try all she wants, but she certainly won’t succeed. If anyone is going to be with my Philippe, it’ll be me. I’ll make sure to slit her throat myself before I give him up. She’s not even Romanian, but an Italian. How disgusting is that?!

  I’ve done a lot of thinking and if there’s anyone who will be able to help me get Philippe back . . . it’ll be Florin, his most trusted advisor who also doubles as security. I made sure to get in early this morning, start up my computer in Philippe’s apartment which doubles as my office and wait. Florin is always here and I mean constantly. He’s inside Philippe’s apartment fourteen hours a day when Philippe hasn’t left town, but when he’s gone, Florin will sleep on the couch.

  I watched from my apartment and saw Florin leave and walk around the corner. He’s a creature of habit who always goes to the café a block away from here to get his coffee and pastry. I set up everything the way I needed it to. I even prepared myself just in case things take a turn the way I think they will.

  I’m wearing a sapphire blue blouse with a short pencil skirt. I have glasses on today for no other reason than to look more visibly appealing and my hair is tied up in a messy style. I topped my look off with a peach colored lipstick and I’m ready for whatever happens.

  The click of the lock being turned causes me to jolt my attention upward, staring at the door. I ensure to make my expression seem anxious, or unsure who is about to enter but I’m already well aware.

  “Luna, I thought you were taking the day off.” Florin states with coffee in hand. I direct my attention to my computer and open my email, appearing that I’m conducting business as usual.

  “I was going to, but there’s so much to do. I don’t want to let Philippe down, or make him think I’m not taking my job seriously.”

  “He wants you to take a day for yourself, Luna. You’re always working. So, get up and go do something.” Florin says, motioning with my hand for me to get going.

  “I —” I lose my focus and can’t think of what to say. This has never happened before and I’m frustrated because the man I love is so far away from me, touring around with another woman. She could’ve had her hands all over him for all I know. I want to vomit thinking of it, imagining a woman violating him in the places where only I’m supposed to touch.

  Florin draws his brows together and I catch the way he’s looking at me. He’s giving me an in to the thoughts running through his mind. He’s sensing every bit of vulnerability I’m portraying right now. Good. I want him to think I’m a scared, sad, little deer.

  I close my eyes tightly, keeping them closed for a few moments before I look at him with hope. “Florin, I don’t know what to do. I’m in love with Philippe and I need him to come back to me. I can’t imagine being without him for this long.” My voice cracks with a mixture of fake and real emotion. While I miss Philippe, I’m playing up how much to make Florin want to take advantage of the situation. After all, I know what type of man I’m dealing with here. At the end of the day, all men want is the same thing —sex.

  “Luna, he’s getting married. There’s no way he’s going to be with you.” Florin says and I feel anger coursing through my entire body. It’s taking every ounce of strength in me not to get up from my seat, walk over to him and wrap my hands around his neck.

  “Florin, please. I need Philippe to come home.”

  “Why? What will you do, Luna? Are you going to tell him how you feel if he does?”

  I will tell Philippe when the time is right, but it won’t be until after the tragedy that is set to happen at the wedding. “Yes, I’ll tell him as soon as I feel he’s ready. But you need to promise me you won’t tell him. I need to let him know how I feel on my own time.”

  Florin remains quiet for a while but ultimately nods his head. “I’ll help you on one condition. You fuck me, and I’ll get you whatever that heart of yours desires. You’ve been teasing, taunting the hell out of me for ages in those short skirts.” Bingo. I knew he’d want sex.

  I make it appear like I’m contemplating what he’s asking of me by biting my bottom lip and shifting my eyes away
from him. “I don’t know . . .” I feign.

  “What’s not to know? You fuck me and I get you everything you’ve ever wanted.”

  I meet my eyes back with Florin’s and partially nod, “Anal. You don’t get my pussy. That’s reserved for Philippe. Do you understand?”

  “Fine, as long as I get you until four tonight.”

  “Two,” I counter, trying to cut off time from having to be with him. I can barely stomach the idea of being with Florin, but I know I have to if I want to get Philippe.

  “At two this afternoon you’re free to go, but you suck my cock before I fuck that ass of yours.” Florin says.

  “Fine, as long as you open the liquor cabinet.” I agree and watch as he goes over to the cabinet that houses all the fine liquor. Florin grabs a bottle of scotch and comes over, hands it to me and speaks.

  “Take two heavy shots and when you’re done get on your knees and suck my cock.”

  “Fine, but you know a way to get Philippe back here?” I ask after taking my first sip.

  “Yes, we’ll just have a little accident happen with the woman he loves more than anything.” Florin wants to hurt Philippe’s mother. Maybe he’s not so dumb after all.

  Chapter 12


  Carla and I have spent the last three days connecting over things we don’t have in common opposed to things we share a love for. It’s an odd way to become acquainted, however it’s working for us. We both hate things like raspberry ice cream, but figured out we have the same favorite which is mint chocolate chip.

  I’m a dog person where Carla prefers a cat but we agreed on getting one of each when we have her settled in Munich . . . and when it comes to kids I was surprised to find out Carla wants an entire basketball team. She assured me it’s normal in her culture to want many children, however I wasn’t prepared for her to want such a huge family. I’ll have to buy a castle just to house them all.


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