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Ruthless (The Clans Book 8)

Page 10

by Elizabeth Knox

  “You need to calm the fuck down,” he tells me, his lips pursed.

  I lean my head back and cackle like a schizophrenic witch. Has he lost his ever-loving mind? “Calm down?” I ask him. “Why should I calm the fuck down, Philippe? You ruined what little bit of something we had here in one drunken night. You have such a problem with me being a slut, and yet you’ve been fucking your secretary?” I jab at him, advancing on him. I see something flash in his eyes, but he doesn’t back off as I get close to him, my words spitting into his face. “At least I have the decency not to get myself pregnant!”

  “I told you I was drunk. I don’t even remember any of it. I never would have chosen to do this sober,” he defends, his tone even lower as he tries to chill me out. It only makes me angrier.

  “That’s no fucking excuse.”

  I stomp, my heels clicking against the tiles as I go to the kitchen and find his stash of alcohol, grabbing anything and everything I can find. If I am going to have to be around him, planning a wedding while he is the father of someone else’s child who is also going to wave her baby bump in my face, I won’t be doing it sober.

  Chapter 19


  I sit in front of the television in the guest bedroom, sipping on wine and watching something mind-numbing on Netflix when Philippe comes in and takes the remote, shutting it off and standing in front of me. I am in a big tee and panties, the same outfit I have had on for a few days now.

  After my display in the living room with Luna, I had gotten so drunk and angry that I had a party of one and destroyed quite a bit of the furniture and accouterments with my heels. If he had called me a bitch and kicked me out, I might have deserved it, but he had given me a free pass I guess since he had made me feel the need to do such a thing.

  I had tried to let him take me sightseeing the next morning, but an hour in, and we had been fighting the whole time. I demanded to be taken back and since then our conversations had been stiff. Any progress we had made went down the drain, and could anyone truly blame me? He could easily just choose to marry his secretary instead. Would his family care? Did they even know what their son had done?

  She looked like she could easily be Italian or Romanian, though I think I heard him mention she was from the Czech Republic once. Who knows?

  I insisted on staying in a guest room because I didn’t think it would be fair to sleep next to him or fuck him when he had fucked Luna before he had fucked me without my knowledge, but I had been punishing both of us for this for days now. I hadn’t gotten to see any more of Munich, which would be worth it even if I want nothing to do with Philippe anymore. But if I am being honest, the biggest reason I am staying away is because I do want him. I want him physically, and while I am not in love with him yet, I am fond of him and his approval, his kindness to me. I miss it, and that’s dangerous when I could get broken because he has a baby on the way with another woman.

  “You can’t just sit here and ignore me anymore,” he says to me, and I look up at him, really look at him, in surprise. He doesn’t look like himself at all. He is in more casual clothes, well, casual for him, and his eyes have dark circles around them like he hasn’t been sleeping well. I haven’t seen him pick up any alcohol at all since we’ve been here either. His tone, though, is what gets me the most. He doesn’t sound angry or harsh, he sounds desperate.

  I want to say something, but I hold back a little longer to see what he will say or do. I don’t want to give in too easily and get my heart trampled all over.

  I didn’t think when I agreed to this engagement that my heart being in it would ever be a possibility, but he has changed my mind in a way I don’t like. It feels like I am out of control, and I can’t let him have that kind of power over me, especially with that woman living right next door and carrying his child. Or what she says is his child anyway. There has still been no proof of paternity, but I am going to demand it as soon as it can be done.

  He sits on the edge of the bed and looks tired as he speaks to me in a low tone. “Please, I need you to give me another chance. I made a mistake, a big fucking mistake, Carla. We both know that. And there is nothing I can do now but beg for you to forgive me and to let me try again to make this work between us. Otherwise, we might as well admit defeat and part ways now, which is not something I want. Just because Luna is carrying my child does not mean things have to change with us. I have made it clear to her I will not be canceling our wedding, not unless you tell me to. And if you do, I still will not be with her. I do not care for her like that at all. She has always been only my secretary, and once the baby is born, I will get a new one. We will work this out, you and me.”

  I look him over as if there will be some kind of flashing sign over him letting me now if he is being sincere or not. But it’s the risk we all take when we choose to believe, trust, or forgive anyone. We will never know for sure what we are stepping into; a sea of gold or a pile of shit.

  “Okay,” I rasp out, not knowing what else I might let slip if I try to say anything else. “Okay, we can try again.”

  His mouth turns up just slightly on one end, but he doesn’t give me a full smile. “What do you say to us going out tonight and letting loose? There are many amazing places in Munich that I think you might enjoy.”

  Now, he is speaking my language. “Just you and me?” I ask, wiggling my eyebrow playfully at him.

  He actually chuckles. “Yes, other than bodyguards stationed outside, just you and me.”

  I hop up and go to my bag, but he puts his hand out to stop me.

  “If you want to wear something new, there are some clothes for you in the master closet.”

  I narrow my eyes at him and wonder what kind of conservative shit I will find, but I follow him into the room across the hall anyway, a room arguably big enough to fit three king-size beds if anyone wanted, and open up the closet that could be a small bedroom in and of itself.

  He is right. The inside is stacked with womens’ clothes, and while there are a few more conservative pieces, I find beautiful party dresses at the back along with some strappy designer heels.

  I find a tight, lavender dress that is basically just straps and will just barely cover me. It is skin tight as I slip it over me, and I notice Philippe’s approving nod. I pair it with silver heels before retiring to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. Maybe I can teach him to have just a little fun tonight, and it will only be with me. Well, maybe only with me. We will see how far I can get him to go.

  But it certainly won’t involve some secretary.


  “I am going to go get us some drinks, be right back,” Philippe says into my ear, leaving me on the dancefloor to fend for myself. I am working up a sweat, the alcohol going right through me as we dance the night away. I am surprised that Philippe has some moves he has been hiding from me, and it is so easy for just a little while to forget about the problems that we have waiting for us back at his place, just looming next door. But the way he is with me tonight, trying so hard to have a good time, I have to believe he is being genuine with me about being sorry and starting over.

  Not able to stop as another hard beat gets my body moving, I slide into step with bodies around me and end up grinding against another woman. Her hair is a fiery red, but I doubt it is the kind she was naturally born with. It looks fresh out of the bottle. Her tits are a little bigger than mine, but her waist is smaller as if she has been modeled out of clay to look like a Barbie doll. She is cute but not typically my type. She smells of peaches, though, so it is fun to dance with her.

  I don’t really notice as one song changes to another that Philippe has been gone a little too long, not until I find myself feeling parched after dancing to three songs with two different women. The second one was a lot more fun, and I caught a flash of a tongue ring as she sang along to the song I didn’t know the words to since it was in German.

  But when I run into him on the sidelines, I know Philippe has been watching me. For a moment
, I am afraid he is going to accuse me of something like being a slut or a lesbian again, but he just hands me my drink. “Sorry, I was just having fun watching you. I have tried for so long to figure you out the hard way instead of just observing.” I only barely catch what he says over the volume, and I say nothing, pensive as I sip my vodka drink. I don’t know what all is in it, but I can tell it is not very strong, he probably doesn’t know his mixed drinks that well.

  “You looked sexy,” he tells me. “And like you were having a lot of fun.”

  “I was having fun,” I tell him, running my finger teasingly down his chest through his shirt. “Life should be fun. There’s no time for boring.”

  “Okay, then, tell me, what would you suggest we do for fun tonight?” he questions.

  The first thing that comes to my mind is probably way too intense for him, but as I look him over, a little loosened by alcohol and more open to me being myself than ever before, I throw caution to the wind. “Bringing a girl home with us,” I tell him with a straight face.

  “Like a threesome?” he asks, his brow creased. I am about to tell him it’s okay; that he doesn’t have to do that with me. I know he is such a conservative man that it would be asking way too much. But then he points to the dance floor. “Which one do you like?”

  “You don’t have to do this for me,” I tell him, shaking my head. “I already accepted your apology.”

  “It’s about fun, living a little, right? Not about an apology. If I don’t like it, we don’t do it again. I will just need a little more liquid courage.” I smirk, knowing that this could easily be one of the top ten best nights of my life as I point to the blonde in the green dress with the tongue ring.

  “Her. I want her.”

  Chapter 20


  Before me are two beautiful women, their bodies exposed for me in the dark of the guest room, but as I think about what my men and other staff think of what we are doing in here and about a million other negative things, I know I am far too deep in my head. I know that men are supposed to want to do this. A lot of men have fantasies about this and even pay good money to be in the middle of this exact scenario.

  To my right are two women – my fiancée and a stranger we have brought home from the club – locked in a sensual kiss, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths like they might find a grand treasure there. For now, I watch them as they put on a show for me. Carla assured me she would ease me into this, and I would enjoy myself, so I reluctantly am letting her take the lead. If it were just the two of us, I would prefer to fight for dominance as we have in the past. There is nothing better than the constantly switching dynamic like a pair of lions in the heat of the savannah. Especially with her.

  I think it’s true what they say about crazy women being the best in bed.

  I happen to have a full bottle of wine beside the bed, and I take this moment to tuck down half of it so that maybe I will have the courage to face this thing that I never saw myself doing. If someone had told me even after I walked in on a drunk fiancée in bed with two women that I would be indulging myself with two women at once, I would have called them crazy as fuck and sent them on their way with a threat to their life. This is not what an upstanding gentleman does, even if it is easy to assume mafia men are from the wrong side of the tracks. We are actually true gentleman when it comes to these things. I doubt Ion lets another woman or man in his bed with Mariana, and I don’t dare ask either for fear of rumors flying around. Even if this turns out to be the most pleasurable night of my life, it isn’t something I need to shout from the rooftops or make a routine.

  I turn back to them as hands land along my back, working out the kinks in my muscles. Even if they are naked, all they are doing right now is giving me a deep massage, so I close my eyes and relax into it, waiting for the warmth to come over me from the wine and the drinks I had at the club earlier.

  Their hands are warm, and I find after a few minutes, after I stop trying hard to keep track, I can’t tell whose set of hands are the ones now roaming along my entire back and chest, one teasing the top of my pants. It makes it easier to pretend that it is only my fiancée for now since that seems to make it more comfortable for me. Though, I hope I don’t have to call this whole thing off in the middle and send the other poor girl packing because I can’t get over the fact that there are two of them.

  I am being laid back now, my pants and boxers coming off to reveal my erection which causes a gasp to come out of the stranger’s mouth. I can’t help but grin at that. It is a common reaction of women when they see my girth, and at least I am pleasing to the eye if nothing else in this scenario.

  Each of them positions their body on either side of me, sliding their feminine forms and silky skin over mine teasingly. As they begin to nibble at my skin and wrap their legs around me, I can feel their wet warmth against me and feel myself get even harder if it were possible. Then, each of them slides down to my mid-section, their hands resting on my upper thighs. I decide to open my eyes and catch another show as they kiss and cup each other’s breasts right above me with their free hands.

  Carla moans into the other woman’s mouth, and I twitch as I listen to the sound. She moans louder, and I want so badly to reach out and grab her and take her right there. There is something to watching the woman you’re with being pleasured in any capacity. It’s sexy as hell, and it makes me want to finish the job for her.

  Both move their hands to slide over my balls, each grabbing one in her hand to massage, and my eyes roll back in my head. I don’t know where they learned to do this, but it feels amazing.

  Their other set of hands trail down each other’s bodies, stopping just below the navel before both look over to me with a glint of fire in their eyes. I could cum right fuckin here, and I am starting to get what it is about this that others rants and rave about. As their eyes stay on mine, I watch their hands slide down to each other’s centers, both of them arching their backs in response, mouths open in a small ‘O’ shape when they find each other’s sensitive spot and begin to rub.

  I turn my focus to my fiancée, the tip of my head growing damp as I watch her buck herself into the woman’s hand, working hard along her clit. Carla’s breathing is heavy already as she struggles to maintain a rhythm for the other woman who is smirking at the way she has my fiancée going. My body is full of heat as Carla moans and calls out before cursing and bucking herself even harder, her legs spreading to accommodate the woman’s other fingers slipping inside her where I am craving to be right now.

  Carla begins to shiver and collapses over me, her mouth licking up and down my shaft as her breathing is heavy from the pleasure she just got, but it looks like this other woman is not done with her. As Carla begins to take my length into her mouth, the other woman shifts to be behind Carla and slaps her ass, surprising Carla into deep throating me. I instinctively thrust into her with a growl, loving the feel of the wetness and tightness. She doesn’t seem to mind as the woman from the club slaps her ass once again before getting her face down underneath her, a glint of her tongue ring winking at me before she begins to flick at Carla’s clit with her tongue.

  Carla tries to moan with my cock in her mouth, and the vibration causes me to gasp, my cock trying so hard to press deeper inside of her but coming up short at the back of her throat. My hand lands on her head, tangling in her hair as I begin to guide her in a quick motion so that she is face fucking me, and my control is all gone. And the more the other woman pleasures my fiancée, the better it feels to be inside her mouth.

  I can’t believe I am ready to blow much too fast, but I get the feeling as Carla swallows what she can with a few stray trails seeping out the sides of her mouth that we are far from done.

  Chapter 21


  My hands shake in a way that gives me away as I carry the tray full of delicious breakfast food into the master bedroom where my fiancée still sleeps. I used my shoulder to flip on the light so hopefully she
will wake up, and sure enough, she slowly pushes herself to a sitting position as she blinks up at me, trying to get her bearings.

  The night before is a blur and a rush of feelings. I never in a million years would have guessed I’d have a threesome, and certainly not with my future bride. But there is something about her wild side that I need in my life. It makes it a little less boring even if it makes me more than a little uncomfortable at times.

  The sex was incredible, and it was amazing to see her in her element, but it is not something I can see myself doing on a regular basis. Maybe for spicing things up on big anniversaries or something, and I hope she will understand when I tell her that. But my focus right now is on something else. I want us to spend quality time together in a way we haven’t much since meeting one another. She has this habit of keeping others from getting close to her, but she has to let me in if I am going to give her this ring.

  Her long lashes hood her eyes as she looks over the food I have given her before she brings her delicate hands up to begin eating this food like she is a caveman. Her looks and her personality are so contrasting, it still takes me off guard even now that I know this duality of hers so well even if I know nothing else.

  "What's all this for?" she asks between her last few bites, and I smile at her, prompting her to give me a strange look back. She knows I am up to something.

  "I wondered if we might have kind of a lazy day in bed where we can talk," I say cautiously as she dabs at her mouth with a napkin. "What better way to start such a day than with a late breakfast in bed?" She glances at the clock to see that I am right - it is a little before eleven and I have already had my fill of breakfast. I am so accustomed to being close to lunch by now that I could not make myself wait. But it gave me plenty of time to think about what to say this morning.


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