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ICE on FIRE: Knights of Silence MC

Page 16

by Amy Cecil

  “What the fuck you talking about?” he said defensively.

  “If I have to explain it to you, old man, then you don’t deserve her,” I said, laughing all the way out the building and to my bike, Hawk following closely behind me. He didn’t say a word, just mounted his bike and started it up. He’d gotten the message loud and clear.

  Chapter 23


  I woke up feeling like a truck hit me. I could smell something cooking downstairs and although the smell wasn’t repulsive, the thought of eating anything made me feel sick. Whatever the hell bug I had, I wished it would just leave already. I looked over at the clock on the nightstand: 5:30 pm. What the hell? Have I slept the entire day away? I had to get up. I was sure Honey needed some help. Caden and Rebel were going to be back soon.

  I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and threw my hair into a ponytail. I got dressed in a pair of leggings and a big, oversized shirt and headed downstairs. As I’d suspected, Honey was in the kitchen, busy cooking up something. She looked up when she saw me. “Well, there is our little sleepyhead. How are you feeling, hun?” she said.

  “A little better. Have I been sleeping all day?” I asked, confused.

  “You have. Whatever bug you got, it has totally wiped you out. I made you some chicken soup. Are ya hungry?” she asked.

  “I’m sorry, Honey, but I don’t think I can eat anything right now. But I would love some ginger ale, if we have some.”

  “We don’t, darlin’, but let me shoot a text to Ice to pick some up for you. The boys are on their way back. He texted a few minutes ago to let me know that Hawk would be joining us for dinner.” She pulled out her phone and sent the text.

  Why did he text her to say he was on his way home and not me? Oh, for fuck’s sake, Emma, stop it. He didn’t text you because he probably knew you would be sleeping, I told myself. I had to get control over the green-eyed monster growing within me. It wasn’t like me to be like that. But lately, my emotions had been everywhere. It felt like my period was about to start any day now. My period? I thought for a moment. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had my period. Well, it was no wonder with all the stress I’d had to endure over the last several weeks. I shrugged. I was sure that’s all it was. Stress.

  “Can I help you with anything?” I asked Honey.

  “No way, baby doll, you are not well. You just sit your pretty little self down and relax. I got this,” Honey replied. “And just so you know, Ice gave me strict orders: if you are not better by tomorrow, you are going to the doctor.”

  “Yeah, he told me,” I said, defeated. I hated doctors. It was just a little bug. But I had learned that when Ice said he wanted something done, it got done. Plain and simple.

  A little over an hour later, the boys returned. Rebel returned first, then Caden and Hawk returned not long after.

  Caden approached me when he arrived. “Hey beautiful, how are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I’m doing better,” I replied.

  “You look awful,” he said.

  Gee, thanks, tell me what you really think. I just wanted to run upstairs and cry. Not only did I feel like shit, apparently I looked like shit too.

  He could see my reaction to his comment and followed up with, “No babe, I didn’t mean it like that. You just look like you still don’t feel well. That’s all.”

  “I know. I guess I’m just a little overly sensitive these days. Once I feel better it will pass,” I replied.

  He went into the kitchen and got a glass out of the cupboard. He filled it with ice, grabbed the bottle of ginger ale from the bag he was carrying, and poured it into the glass. “Here ya go, darlin’. Hopefully this will make you feel better,” he said as he handed me the glass.

  “Thank you.” I felt like a child. Why is he treating me this way? Why is he being so distant? He sat down next to me on the couch and pulled me into him. Ok, so maybe he wasn’t being distant. Maybe I was reading into things that aren’t there. Shit, I should just go back to bed.

  He leaned over and whispered sternly in my ear, “You are going to the doctor tomorrow.”

  “Yes, Dad!” I replied sarcastically. The look he gave me could have sawed through wood, but I didn’t care. He was not my father, nor my keeper. I had a mind of my own, damn it. But I knew that wouldn’t change anything. I would be seeing a doctor tomorrow; he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Everyone sat down to dinner and Caden motioned for me to sit next to him. I was starting to feel nauseated again and really didn’t want to eat anything, but Honey poured me a bowl of soup and encouraged me to sit down to eat as well. Reluctantly, I agreed.

  “Do we happen to have any saltines?” I asked.

  “We sure do,” Honey replied. She rummaged through one of the cabinets and produced a box of crackers. Hopefully between the crackers and the ginger in my soda, my stomach would start to feel better.

  Like a good little girl, I ate my soup. It was really delicious, and the combination of the soup and the crackers was making me feel better. Maybe that was all I needed. Maybe I wouldn’t have to go to the doctor tomorrow. I was still feeling fatigued, but I was sure that was just from throwing up so much.

  After dinner, we all hung around the house talking. Ari and Rebel went for a walk together and about two hours after dinner, Hawk reluctantly left. We all headed to bed not long after. As Caden and I were getting ready for bed, I asked him, “Caden, why do you treat me like a child?”

  He looked at me curiously. “Babe, I don’t treat you like a child.”

  “Well, actually, you do. I’m a grown woman and I have been taking care of myself for a very long time now. I think I can determine if I need to see a doctor or not.”

  He stopped walking toward the bathroom and turned toward me. “Babe, you may think of it as me treating you like a child. And I can understand why you might think that. But let me explain something to you. You have been and always will be the love of my life. I have loved you long before I even knew I loved you, if that makes any sense. When we were kids, you always looked up to me and I felt that it was my role to protect you. Now that we are adults and have found our way into each other’s hearts, the last thing I want is to see you hurt or sick. I worry. I’ve waited so long for you and I refuse to lose you now.”

  “Wait a minute, who said anything about you losing me? I’m in this for the long haul. I thought we have already established that.”

  “That’s not what I meant. If something is wrong and you are really sick, I want you to get it fixed. I don’t want you sick. I want you healthy and happy and by my side, always.” He paused for a moment and when I didn’t say anything, he continued, “So you may think I am treating you like a child, but babe, it’s only out of concern for your health. That’s all.”

  “Oh,” I said, realizing that I had been ridiculous to think that way. And when I thought about it, I realized that if the tables were turned, I would feel the same way. I just wasn’t used to being with someone that I cared that much about, or who cared so much for me. He was right. “Well, if you put it that way, I guess it’s ok,” I replied teasingly.

  He laughed, walked over to me, and kissed me deeply. If he hadn’t been holding on to me, my legs would have given out just from that kiss. I looked up at him. He was so tall; his 6’5” build towered over my 5”8” height. His size was mesmerizing and made me feel so protected. He said, “So, are you calling the doctor tomorrow?” He still hadn’t shaved his beard, and it made him look damn sexy. I found myself hoping he decided to leave it.

  “Yes, I will,” I replied. His mere size was intimidating enough, not to mention the incredible hold he had over me. Suddenly, I no longer felt sick. All I wanted to do was to devour him.

  My arms slid up around his neck and I started to play with his hair. It was soft and silky in my hands and I realized that I‘d never paid attention to the fact that he had absolutely gorgeous hair. It was slightly longer in the back, his curls grazing his neck. “So, bi
g boy,” I said teasingly, “if I promise to go and see a doctor tomorrow, can I get something in return?”

  “Oh babe, you know I will give you anything I have to give. All you have to do is ask,” he replied eagerly. He knew exactly where I was going, and to my liking, he was playing along.

  “Can I have you?” I asked seductively. “Now,” I added with more urgency.

  He stood there for a moment, looking at me intently. Then a wicked smile came across his face. He took a step back, held out his arms, and said, “Baby, I’m all yours.”

  That was all I needed to hear. I fell into his arms and it felt as if I was coming home. All my worries and fears of the last couple of days vanished. I was exactly where I needed to be and he was all mine.

  Caden wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. His warmth seeped into my skin and his strong arms surrounded me. The chemistry between us was so strong it filled the entire room. It pushed through my body with a fierceness that I couldn’t control.

  He leaned down and kissed me, softly at first, and his kiss gradually became more urgent. My legs went weak as his tongue tangled with mine. The intensity of his kiss left me breathless and wanting more. I reached for the edges of his shirt and started to lift it up. I needed to feel the heat of his body against mine. Hell, I needed to feel him. All of him. He released my lips and took a step back. Suddenly, I felt cold and alone. I asked, “What’s wrong?”

  I could see the love in his eyes. I could also see lust. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him. So what was the problem?

  He said, “Nothing is wrong. I just want to make sure you’re feeling up to this. The way I’m feeling right now, I may not be gentle, babe. I just want to be sure that you are feeling better.”

  The last thing on my mind at the moment was how I was feeling. But he was sweet to worry about me. About half an hour ago I’d felt like shit, but now I was on fire. I felt amazing. I nodded, and then added with confidence, “I have never felt better.”

  He growled at me and pulled me to him, claiming my lips again. I thought, I could kiss this man for eternity and never tire of him. The slow, demanding way he took my mouth to his made me cling to him like a starved kitten clawing for food.

  I dropped down onto my knees and started to fumble with the fly of his jeans impatiently. I wanted his cock badly. He helped me by sliding his jeans down just far enough for me to get to the prize. He looked so damn sexy standing there with his pants partially down his legs.

  Once his cock was free, I took it in both hands, gently running my hands up and down his shaft as I looked up at him. I licked the little notch on the underside of the head, moving my tongue rapidly against him.

  “Baby!” he growled, letting me know how good I was making him feel. He reached down and tangled his fingers in my hair, urging me to go on. He didn’t have to coax me too much as I gladly wrapped my mouth around his cock. I opened my mouth, sucking him in as deep as I could, taking his tip to the back of my throat. Every bit I could take I worked with my tongue over and over. He moaned in pleasure. My left hand rested on his balls, alternately rolling and gripping them. His cock got harder in my mouth and he started moving his hips toward me a little with each stroke. He grasped at my hair a little tighter. Looking up at him, I could see his eyes were fixated on the pleasure I was providing him. The expression on his face was one of pure need. In that moment, I realized that I held a power over him like no other. This powerful, strong man who provided guidance and protection to everyone around him was at my mercy. The feeling was intoxicating.

  Before I knew it, I was being lifted from under my arms. In one fell swoop I was turned around and bent over the bed. Caden had undone my jeans and they hovered at my knees as his cock entered me from behind. Holy fuck, it felt good. He growled again when he was completely sheathed by me and pumped me hard. He was so deep inside me I thought my insides would explode. He maintained a hard, steady rhythm and before I knew it I detonated into one of the most amazing orgasms I had ever had. Caden came right after me, grunting and groaning as he released himself inside me.

  Afterwards, we snuggled as we were lying in bed. It seemed that neither of us was tired, but neither of us had anything to say. As my thoughts wandered, I realized that Caden had never told me why Mark did the things he did. Lying here in the quiet seemed like the perfect opportunity to ask. “Cade? Can I ask you something?”

  “Sure, babe,” he replied.

  “Why did Mark target you and the club? Was it because of me?” I asked guiltily. I worried that I had brought everything down on the club by going to him for help. And if that was the case, I needed to make amends somehow.

  “No, Emma, it wasn’t your fault. It was mine,” he replied.

  “Yours?” I asked indignantly. Why would it be Cade’s fault? That’s ridiculous.

  He was quiet for a while and then he spoke. “Yes, sweetheart, it was my fault. I really wanted to wait to tell you everything, but since you asked, I realize that it is not fair to keep you in the dark. Mark did all of this because of me. He found out about our relationship when we were kids and used you as a pawn to destroy me and my club.”

  “But why?” I asked. None of this made any sense to me. Why would Mark go after Caden and the club? Had he even known Caden?

  “That’s the tricky part. You see, Mark Grayson was my older half-brother.” I stared at him in shock, unable to say anything. Caden took advantage of my silence to continue. “You remember me telling you about Ace and how he took me under his wing? He treated me as if I was his own kid. My rise through the club was not only because of my merits, but also because of his influence.”

  “Yeah, I do. You told me that he was like a father to you,” I replied.

  “Well, he is my father.”

  “What?” I asked, confused.

  “I believe it’s true. From what Mark told me, Ace gave him up for adoption. His mom didn’t want him and Ace didn’t want his kid involved with the club. I gather he did it to protect him from the chaos that we live in. So the Graysons adopted him. My mom knew Ace from high school. I don’t know much about their relationship, but apparently Mom and Ace hooked up later, and I was the result.”

  “So why did your mom marry Tyler and not Ace?” I asked.

  “I guess he did the same thing to her that he did to Mark’s mom. He didn’t want this life for his son. My meeting him after Mom and Tyler’s deaths was by chance. At that point, I was a grown man and he really didn’t have much say in my life. I assume that he felt sorry for me and wanted to do what he could to help.”

  “Did you know? Did you know that he was your dad?”

  “No, he never said a word to me about it, but he did treat me as if I was his son.”

  “So, Mark knew about you?”

  “Yes, and apparently he had been planning this whole charade for quite some time. He told me that I took what should have been his. He wanted the club life and he wanted Ace.”

  “How did he know you were Ace’s son?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. He said he just knew. I never really gave him time to explain. However, one of the last things he said to me before he died was that I stole his life. That thought obviously fueled how he felt and what he did.”

  “Oh God, that’s so sad.” I stopped talking and took in everything Caden had just told me. It was so hard to believe that Brianne and me getting taken and Caden killing his own brother all resulted because a man was jealous. Because a man wanted a different life than the life that he had been dealt. It made me think about all the horrible things that happen to people every day for the same reason. It was just so sad that people could be driven to such drastic extremes by jealousy.

  “Caden? Are you ok with all of this?” I was worried for him. It was a lot of baggage for him to deal with, not to mention that he would have to face the fact that he murdered his own brother. Can a man survive that kind of guilt? I asked myself. Only time would tell.

  He squeezed me tig
hter to him and said, “Babe, I’m not the kind of guy to get consumed by guilt. I’ve told you before that I’ve killed many. I’m not proud of it, but if I were in those situations again they would all result in the same outcome. I did what I had to do.”

  Chapter 24


  Finally, everything is going my way. Today we meet with the Satans and finalize the details of the tradeoff. Today, if all goes as planned, Brianne will be safe. Today, I will make my formal proposal to the most amazing woman I know. Today, she will say yes.

  After I left the house I headed straight to Kandi’s to meet up with Hawk and Rebel. The meeting with the Satans was at 10 am and I wanted to go over a few things with the boys before we met up with the Satans at the Waterford Hotel.

  I was in the back office at Kandi’s when Hawk and Rebel walked in. “Hey, Ice. Are we ready for this?” Hawk asked.

  “I sure as hell am,” I replied. “This is a big day in Knights history. Do you boys feel it?” I asked. They both looked at me as if I’d lost my mind. I continued, “We are moving out of guns, boys! This is huge!”

  “Oh yeah, that,” Rebel said. I got the impression that he wasn’t fully behind this move.

  “You have a problem with this, Reb?” I asked.

  “Naw, man. I’m good with it,” he replied.

  “So what in the hell is your problem?” I didn’t understand his indifference and it was pissing me off. I didn’t want a fucking cheerleader. Hell, I’d never get that from Reb anyway. But shit, I wanted some enthusiasm.

  “Shit, Ice. I’m sorry, man. I’m all in, I really am. I just got a lot of other shit on my mind today.”

  “Well, get your head on, brother. We have a big deal going down today and I don’t want anything to go south. You got me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I then added, “And if this shit has anything to do with my sister, I don’t want to hear about it.” I’d given him my consent to date Ari, and I’d been glad to see her so happy for the last couple of days. But I was not about to become a relationship counselor for them. Their relationship was their business and I wanted no part of it.


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