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Winning His Wife

Page 3

by George H. McVey

  The rancher looked at Mister Kleburg. “Robert, you and your men know where my ranch is; we’ll see you when you get there. I’m going to take Gavin here out to the ranch and introduce him to Diablo.”

  The head of the King Ranch nodded. “We’ll be out as soon as we get our gear loaded. You got room to bunk us or do I need to rent rooms here in town?”

  “You are staying with Hattie and I at the new house. I’ll put Gavin up in the cabin, it will be his place if he wins your bet anyway. There’s enough bunks in the bunkhouse for the rest of your men.”

  “We’ll see you directly then.”

  Gavin followed Cooper and soon they were heading through town. When they passed near the dry goods store Gavin asked to stop for a moment. Cooper nodded. As they dismounted Cooper spoke to Gavin. “Listen, there’s something you should know before you go in there. Mister Crowthers has a bunch of daughters. They’re all husband crazy. They’ll start trying to rope you into a courtship or outright marriage the moment you enter, so be careful.”

  “Thanks for the warning. They can’t be that bad.”

  Cooper laughed. “You have NO idea!”

  Gavin should have heeded the man’s warning but in his defense he’d never met three more brazen women in his life. The fact that they were barely of marriageable age didn’t seem to slow any of them down.

  The tallest one walked right around the counter not seconds after he’d entered. “Well hello there handsome, what’s your name?”

  “Umm. Hello, I’m Gavin Knight.”

  “Gavin Knight, what a fitting name for a handsome man like you.”

  “Leave him alone, Penny. I saw him first! Hi Gavin, I’m Lissy, welcome to Crowthers Dry Goods. Can I help you find anything?” The slightly shorter dark-haired girl came over and laid her hand on his chest. “Oh, you’re strong. Are you new in town?”

  Gavin tried to move away from the woman in front of him but the first one had slipped up behind him and he turned and almost collided with her. She put her arms around his neck. “Why don’t we ditch my sister, Gavin? It’s almost my lunch time. I’d feel so very safe if you’d escort me to Graham’s Grub and have lunch with me.”

  “Umm I just came in to get some apples?”

  “Are you saying you don’t want to escort me? Don’t you want me to be safe?”

  “Ma’am I do want every woman to be safe, but I’m heading to Mister White’s Ranch to break a horse. I don’t have time to take you to lunch.”

  “Then how about supper?”

  Before Gavin could say anything there came a sharp voice from the counter. “That’s enough Penny, you too, Lissy. I’ve told you two to leave the young men alone when they come in here to shop. I won’t tell you again.”

  “Yes Papa.” The two young women answered in harmony almost like a hymn at church.

  “You two go upstairs and help your mother. We’ll talk about your behavior later.”

  The two women left, but not before each of them touched him one more time and said goodbye to him. After they were gone the man behind the counter sighed. “I’m sorry about that. I’ve tried and tried to get them under control. I guess I should try and find them all husbands to take them in hand like my oldest daughter. You wouldn’t be interested, would you?”

  Gavin’s voice took on a desperate tone. “I just want a few apples, if you have them.”

  The man sighed. “I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t want to marry one of them either even if they weren’t my daughters. I’ve got red delicious or granny smiths, which will it be?”

  “Can I get three of the red ones?”

  Once the transaction was done, Gavin all but ran out of the store. From where he stood on the boardwalk, Cooper White was laughing. “I tried to warn you.”

  “There isn’t enough warning in the world. Please tell me there’s another place to shop in town. Those girls were all hands and had me trapped. If their dad hadn’t come in when he did.” Gavin shuddered at the thought of what might have happened.

  “Oh you don’t want to trust him, his first daughter was just as bad. He caught her and Reverend Theodore alone in a room and forced them to marry. His youngest just eloped with another local man not too long ago as well. When his girls start acting all man crazy he finds them a husband to take them under control. I never shopped at Crowther’s until after I got married. You can get almost anything you want at Jackson’s Mercantile. If they don’t have it they’ll order it and you don’t have to fight off the husband hunters.”

  “I’ll remember that. Let’s get out to your ranch, I’m anxious to take a look at Diablo and start working with him. I usually go slower but I can’t afford to lose this bet.”

  “What do you lose if you don’t break him in three days?”

  “Everything I made at the King Ranch over the last month breaking 100 horses. Which is a large chunk of change.”

  Cooper shook his head. “Then why make the bet?”

  Gavin smiled. “Honestly? Two reasons: a thousand dollars is a lot of money and I wanted my own spread to raise and train horses. The second reason, Robert Kleburg is so full of himself I wanted to show him I could do it.”

  Cooper laughed. “I will admit the man is confident.”

  “Yeah, that’s one way of stating it.”

  The two laughed and when they arrived Cooper pointed out the large paddock set off by itself where a large Bay mustang, that was almost red with a black tail, mane and face, pranced in the sunlight. “That’s Diablo. If I was able to get him trained he’d make a great addition to the breeding program. With his reputation, if you can break him we’d make a fortune with hard-to-break horses being brought to us. So even if it takes you longer than three days, if you think you can tame him and train him, keep at it. Might cost you some money at first but would be so worth it in the end.”

  Gavin nodded. “I’ll break him and I’m gonna do it in three days. May take longer to fully train him as a cattle horse but he’ll be ridable at the end of the third day.”

  Cooper smiled. “Let me show you the cabin. It ain’t much but it’s warm and dry, only two rooms but better than a shack.”

  “Long as it’s got a roof that don’t leak and a place to lay my head I’m fine. I’ll drop my gear and then head out to start working Diablo if you don’t mind.”

  “I thought Kleburg gave you until tomorrow to start.”

  “He did, but I want to evaluate just how much work it’s gonna take today and maybe get a jump on things.”

  Cooper laughed again. “I think I’m gonna like having you as a partner, Gavin Knight.”

  The two headed over to the cabin to get Gavin settled.

  Chapter Three

  Everything was going well for Adelle. They’d gotten out of Denver undetected and for the most part Mister Bennett had been a good guide and protector. She’d had to put him in his place the first night when he’d suggested that he should sleep in her tent beside her for her safety’s sake. She’d pulled out the four shot pepper box derringer her grandmother had given her and informed him she was safe enough and that if he thought he was going to take advantage of her she’d pull the trigger and leave him to bleed while she rode to Durango, which he’d shown her on the map at their lunch break, and take a train from there. After that he gave her space and didn’t try to make another advance toward her. However, she could feel him watching her and staring at her like she was a piece of meat to a hungry wolf.

  They made it to Durango and she’d checked into a boarding house that only allowed women. Leaving Rufe Bennett to fend for himself until the next day. They’d made plans to meet at the livery at ten and continue on. They had two more days and they’d reach Creede and Adelle would be free to start her new life. Rufe informed her that he was going to one of the saloons to gamble. She reminded him that they would leave at ten the next day and she needed him clearheaded enough to guide her to Creede. “Don’t worry about me, Miss Smith.” He said with enough sarcasm in his voice for her to know
that he knew Smith wasn’t her real name. “I’ll be there ready to ride. You just remember that you still owe me for half the trip. Don’t go spending my money on female frippery at the mercantile. Unless you’d rather talk about another way you could pay me for my help.”

  “I know you aren’t a gentleman, Mister Bennett, but could you at least refrain from indicating I’m less than a lady?”

  “Oh I know exactly what you are, Miss Smith, and one day I’ll show you exactly what we both know you are.”

  “Don’t even, Mister Bennett. I really do know how to use that derringer and I won’t hesitate to leave you bleeding in the dust.”

  “We both know you can’t shoot a man, little girl. You’d shake and drop that gun so fast. I’ll have you when the time is right and you’ll never even say a word against me.”

  Dread crept up Adelle’s spine; this man wasn’t going to let her go easily. She just had to make it to Creede then find friends quickly that would stand up for her and with her. She said a prayer as she made her way to her boarding house, unsure if she should even let herself travel any further with Mister Bennett. Maybe she should just take the train from here to Creede or even somewhere else.

  Just before she reached her boarding house two men grabbed her and dragged her into an alley. “Well look here Slim, that fella was right, she’s a right ripe little peach, ain’t she?”

  The other one smiled at his partner. “Let’s see how right he was.” He grabbed her reticule and tore it open, dumping everything on the ground. “Don’t see that money she was supposed to be carrying.”

  “Let me see.” The other man pushed her into his partner’s hands and took the bag. “My mama used to sew her money into the lining to try and hide it from people like us.” His hands rubbed around the edge of the bag and she heard the popping of the seams she’d sewn. “See just like that slick fella told us, only more than he said.”

  The two smiled. “He told us not to touch her either, we gonna listen to that?”

  The other man’s smile darkened. “Not taste such a ripe little peach, what’s wrong with you Slim? Ain’t you hungry?”

  She started to struggle as the man holding her started to move his hands to places he shouldn’t touch. She opened her mouth to scream when the other one slapped her. “You make a single sound, pretty peach, and we’ll gut ya.” He held up a knife as he came closer. Then all of a sudden in the mouth of the alley there appeared a dusty old cowboy. “Hey! What are you owl hoots doing to that young woman?”

  The two men took one look at the Colt on the stranger’s waist and turned and ran, leaving Adelle free and unhurt but penniless. The cowboy walked up to her. “Did they hurt you, miss?”

  She shook her head. “No, but they took my money.” She fell to her knees and started picking up the things from her reticule and stuffing them back inside. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”

  “Miss, I don’t know how to tell you this but I followed those two because I overheard them talking to a gambler at the Lucky Lady Saloon. He wanted them to scare you and rough you up so you’d let him stay close on your trip. Are you traveling alone with that gambler, miss?”

  Adelle was angry now. “I was just contemplating taking the train to my destination but now I don’t have the money to do so or to pay him when we get where we were going.”

  “Well now I cain’t help ya with the money part, but I can help get ya to Creede safely. I’m heading there myself. What time are you leaving in the morning?”

  “We’re to meet at the Livery at ten.”

  “I’ll be there and you can inform your protector that I’m going with you the rest of the way. Tell him I saved you from being attacked. He won’t know if those men succeed at robbin’ ya or not. When we get to Creede you go straight to the Hearth and Home and make sure and talk to Mrs. Fontaine or Mrs. McCrea; they can help keep you safe. You also talk to the town marshal and tell him what happened here. He’ll see you’re safe if he can.”

  “Thank you, kind sir. What’s your name, if I may be so bold as to ask?”

  The old cowboy smiled. “Well I have a couple ma’am, but most people just call me Cookie; Cookie Bullfincher.”

  “Well thank you again Cookie, I look forward to traveling with you.”

  “Yes ma’am, I’ll see ya to Creede safe and sound and keep that sidewinder away from ya.”

  “You’re an angel of a man, Cookie.”

  The old Cowboy smiled a wide friendly smile. “I’ve been told that a time or two, miss.”

  The old timer saw her safely to the door of her boarding house before nodding his head and slipping back the way he’d come. She thanked God for the chance meeting with the old cowhand and prayed that she’d figure out what to do with Mister Bennett. Maybe if she could talk to the marshal in Creede he’d have some idea to help her.

  The next day had not gone pleasantly. Rufe was highly upset that Cookie was joining them and had thrown a fit about how he was the one hired to keep her safe. “Yes, you were,” she stated. “Then we got here and you left me alone to gamble and two men tried to rob and violate me. This cowboy came to my rescue, so he is coming with us. If you don’t like that then you can leave. I believe I paid you half of your fee up front and you’ve brought me half way. So you are free to leave since you didn’t actually protect me anyway and Cookie and I will make our way to Creede without you.”

  The gambler had gotten in her face. “I don’t think so, little girl. You hired me for the whole trip and I’ll take you the whole way. You just remember that old cowboy won’t always be around to look after you.”

  “You’re right he won’t, but then again you won’t be around to try and press me into things I don’t want either. It wouldn’t surprise me to find you tried to arrange last night so I’d have no choice but to become what you’ve insinuated you want me to be. However, I will never become what you suggested; not for you or anyone.”

  The smile that crossed his face made her skin crawl. “We’ll see, little girl. Never is a long time and I’m a gambler. I can be patient when I need to be.”

  Then he climbed on his horse and they headed out of Durango, her stomach in knots at the fact that she was traveling with the man who had set her up to be robbed and violated so he could force her into his bed. She prayed long and hard that she’d be able to get to Creede safely and do as Cookie suggested. Find these two women and the local marshal to help her out with Rufe Bennett when the time came.

  Gavin had put his gear up and gone out to check on Diablo. When word got out that he was going to attempt to break the big Bay, several of the hands had come out to watch. Their being close to the fence made the big horse more anxious. Gavin had entered the ring with the stallion and the big horse had started to paw at the ground and toss his head. Gavin stood still and the big horse man

  tlemoved close and started to raise up and stomp both front hoofs on the ground. Gavin had seen it before and knew that the horse was working up the nerve to attack him and try to stomp him into the ground.

  Gavin slowly backed up to the fence and climbed over it. He then looked around until he saw a Cottonwood tree over by the ranch house. He’d walked over, pulled his knife out of his boot and cut a long switch off the tree, stripping all but a couple of green leaves at the very end. He climbed back in the paddock with the horse and moved to the very center about an arm’s length from the beast.

  Once again the horse started to rear up on his hind legs, only this time Gavin took the switch and swatted the horse on the nose with the leaves. The horse settled on his feet and shook his head before circling away from Gavin. “Now then, Diablo, one of us has to be in charge here and the sooner you realize it’s me, the sooner all this will work out the way we need it to.”

  The horse’s ears went back and he snorted, he circled back around to Gavin and started to rear up to stomp him again, and again Gavin swatted him on the nose. The horse shook his head and circled away again. “Every time you try to show me you’re in c
harge I’m gonna swat you on the nose again. You need to let go, buddy, I’m in charge here, not you.”

  They repeated the same dance three more times and then the big horse decided to change things up and circle the opposite way. Again when he went to rear up, Gavin swatted him on the nose. Finally after a few rounds of going both directions, the horse stood still and Gavin moved closer and with the hand not holding the switch reached out for the horse who then tried to bite the cowboy. Again, Gavin swatted him in the nose. It only took five swats until the horse stood still and allowed Gavin to reach out and rub his nose right where he’d been swatting him. “See, big fella, when you cooperate with me you don’t get stung, you get rubbed, and sometimes you get a treat.” The cowboy slowly reached into his leather vest pocket and pulled out a slice of apple he’d cut and put in the vest earlier and held it out on his open hand to the horse. Diablo snuffed it, then lipped it off his hand before crunching it down. “Now, isn’t that better than getting swatted?”

  He moved closer as the horse trembled but stood still and patted his neck before backing away about ten steps. Then he reached into his pocket again and pulled out another apple slice and as he held out his hand toward the big Bay he whistled once, sharply. The horse’s nose worked as he picked up the scent of the apple and his ears came forward at the whistle. Gavin just stood still and when the horse started moving toward him he whistled again. The horse walked up to him and took the apple from his hand and Gavin gave him another pat.

  Now would come the ultimate test: he dropped his hand and backed up five steps and turned his back, moving ten more steps away but keeping his ears open for the big horse to come charging at him again. But the horse didn’t, he stayed where he was. Gavin turned now, half way back to the fence where the others were watching and talking and he held out his hand, no apple, and whistled again. The horse’s ears came forward and he snorted and bobbed his head up and down. But he didn’t move. Gavin waited a few more minutes, then reached into his pocket and pulled out another apple slice and then whistled again. This time the big horse came and took the apple from his hand. Just like before Gavin turned his back on the big horse and walked closer to the fence line. This time he kept his back to the big horse and whistled again. Within a few minutes the horse walked up and pushed Gavin’s shoulder with his nose. Gavin turned and patted the horse on the side of the neck. “Now we’re learning to trust each other, aren’t we big fella.” He reached in and gave the horse another slice. Then he turned his back and walked to the fence and climbed out of the ring.


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