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Starred Tower: System Misinterpret Book One - A Post Apocalyptic Cultivation LitRPG

Page 46

by Ryan DeBruyn

I put my hand out in front of the hole, but he refuses to give me the slice. I roll my eyes.

  “I won’t tell you of the failure of our escape, no. I will tell you of my time as a stable-hand,” I say, clicking my teeth shut and proffering my hand more insistently than before. He places the fruit into my palm, and I shove it into my mouth before he can reconsider.

  I feel a static charge shoot down my throat along with the slice of Sun Fruit, and then a radiating pulse from there. It isn’t painful but is a bit unpleasant. It almost feels like something is vibrating every organ in my chest. I shudder but know I can ignore this sensation. I need to tell him a story, or I might not get the other ten needed to kill myself.

  “That’s it. The only training dummy they brought back from the failed escape?!” one of the barbarians walks by and says to its companions as they pass by the stall I am mucking out. The elves decided that my punishment was to do two jobs. Most of the day, I am still a training dummy for their pointy-eared students. Then, after that is complete, I am escorted to a real stable near the fortress gates.

  I glare at the backs of the skinny elves that spoke, and my eyes pass over the enormous white- and black-striped beasts they keep here. They call them Moonstalkers, but they resemble a white tiger from Earth, just larger and capable of more terrifying things. I read the plaque outside the beast’s stall.


  Mount to Fartusian


  This beast is more powerful than some of the students I fight in the training arenas. I shudder and remember them riding us down on our failed escape. Then I shake my head. No, the others weren’t even killed. They let them go, laughing at the direction they chose. The elves let the others escape and took only me back. The others are still alive. I don’t care how much the elves believe that the Gartusk would have killed them all. They still live. They will come for me.

  I finish cleaning the stall and take up my tools to move on to the next. I’ve just latched the door when I hear someone shout to keep it open. An entirely black Moonstalker rushes down the aisle toward me, and I open the door, hiding behind it. This all-black cat’s name is Carnage, and he is the meanest mount in the place. It makes a kind of sense because Barbacoa is its master. The beast snaps its jaws at me, and I duck out of the way, wanting to release my [Blood Bolt] upon the bullying creature but knowing that it will only cause me trouble. After Barbacoa and his mount are inside, I close the gate and gather up my tools, hurrying away before the elf recognizes me. I’m brought up short by an overheard conversation.

  “That was a hotly contested bit of Moonderium,” one of the elves that rode in with Barbacoa exclaims to the man dismounting in the stall next to him. “It’s getting harder and harder to gather it, and this one was even spawned in our zone.” His neighbor grunts and begins untacking.

  “Remember we got fifty pounds of raw metal today and only need a total of three. We’re getting close to being allowed off this floor! I can’t wait to go home and see my family. It feels like it has been ages,” the other man responds.

  “You know the time dilation here makes it almost three to four days inside for every day out there, so at least you aren’t missing as much time with them, right?” the first one says, sounding like he has told himself the same on many occasions.

  I hear the stable door for Barbacoa’s mount click, and I rush into a nearby empty stall I already cleaned. I pretend to be working to avoid notice and keep listening. Some of this information I’ve already confirmed, but maybe I will learn even more.

  “With my new strength, I want to try to beat the fiftieth floor of the Spire again. Owning a fortress like this makes you a commander instantly regardless of Moon Well rank. My kids would be set after that,” another scout chimes in. This is another thing I have heard on numerous occasions. They all claim to want to conquer the fiftieth floor again, or attempt it. They are on the fifty-first, so how that is possible, I am not entirely sure.

  Could the other seven towers in the world allow you other rewards? No, I am confident that the other rankers I meet from other Territories got the Elysium City as well. Maybe conquering your tower and then a second one is how you get a fortress?

  “You don’t even have kids,” the first elf to speak says as he exits his stall. “Hey, you, stable-hand—make sure our mounts get extra food today. They worked hard.”

  “Well, one day, I plan to!” the latest addition says as their voices move away. I glance up and find myself mostly alone in my area of the stables. There are things to be learned from these elves, and before the others come to rescue me, I will find out all their secrets. I exit my stall and smile. I will—

  A creak of a door interrupts me, and I turn to find the source. Did I not latch the stall I just left? My heart stops as I see the black head of Carnage poke through Barbacoa’s booth. The slight opening gives it courage, and it bangs its head into the stall, smashing the door into the wall.

  “A mount is loose!” I shout and jump back over the closed gate of the cell I am in. My scream alerts the terror to my presence, and it comes charging toward my safe area. It swipes its claws at me over the top of the closed door, but I roll out of the way. I sneer at the thing. I could kill it with relative ease, but if I attack it, I doubt the elves would believe it was done in self-defense.

  Some scouts rush into the area as Carnage hisses and claws at the wooden door, pulling off chunks of wood in its furious attempts to get at me. They will get it back in its cage now, and I can get back to work.

  “I bet fifty Spirit Cores on the Blood-Witch,” one of the nearby scouts shouts his intentions to the others in the stable. I feel my eyes widen. They wouldn’t.

  “I’ll take that bet. Carnage is an A-9 Moonstalker. Surely even our mounts are stronger than the slaves,” another one calls out, and I can feel my heart begin pounding. Carnage continues to tear its way through the wooden barrier that separates it from death, and the elven scouts have chosen to wager.

  Chapter 53

  September 26th, 151 AR

  Jeff Turle

  “Sire, I know you banned me from the mirror, but someone is calling for you from the portal.” Crash’s voice disturbs me brushing my teeth. I nod since my mouth is full of paste and hope the AI saw it. Either way, I will be out in a moment.

  Just need to place my points. I look over to the Status screen.


  Overall rank: F-7

  Free points: 6

  Free Physical points: 15

  Free Mind points: 0

  Status Effects: Chef’s Physical Boost [Blue] (37 Hours remaining), Chef’s Mind Boost [Blue] (13 Hours remaining), Well Fed (23 Hours remaining), Fetid Odor [Yellow] (3 Hours remaining), Training Room [Purple]

  Total Bitcoins – 299

  Physical Stats – Chef’s Physical Boost +2 [Blue]

  Strength – E-1 {31 / 100}

  Speed – E-1 {32 / 100}

  Endurance – E-1 {36 / 100}

  Mind Stats – Chef’s Mind Boost +2 [Blue]

  Capacity – F-5 {2 / 10}

  Synapse – F-6 {1 / 10}

  Recovery – F-5 {1 / 10}

  Spells & Skills:

  Gartusk Language – E-3

  Infusing – F-7

  Iron Muscles – E-1

  Jade Bones – E-1

  Sea of Qi Size – F-9

  Current Fill: 19 / 19

  I grimace a bit at the Mind Stats because I am still falling behind even with the books and avid reading. It’s been three weeks, and we’ve kept a really good schedule down here.

  We’ve gotten daily quests done every day, and both Tet and Mur have learned the basics of cooking, thanks to Crash and Dante’s Kitchen. We’ve turned in the final quest item for the E-rank monster cores instead of an additional application. It’s crucial to upgrade each application to a minimum of E-rank for the daily quests. The workouts and cooking quests alone have made my growth in statistics over the last few weeks astronomical.

  As I walk out of t
he Locker Room, which has a new place in the overall Training Room, I study the changes. The entrance portal is as far away from every application as it can be. The room I just exited is at the far end of the rectangle, and right beside it, the library and cots sit across from each other on the long edges. The kitchen comes next and sits across from the central table and the shop. They provide a bit of separation for the two apps that make the most noise: the weight room and forge. Then there is a large empty area before the metal stairs that lead up to the entrance.

  Part of the reason this change became necessary was due to the threats of explosives that were thrown around above. However, the more significant reason for this change was for what I anticipate will happen next. I hurry through the central area between all the apps lining the walls. Once I arrive at the entrance, I find my two hobgoblin companions staring up at the portal with Crash.

  “Jeff, are you in there?” Veronica says from above. She isn’t visible from here, and I find myself slightly disappointed by that. I take a deep breath and look between my friends. Around me, there are eight lone cots that we dragged here. We figure the people coming down might want a place to lounge over the twenty-four-hour move.

  “Okay, everyone, time for you guys to hide till we know how they will react,” I state in English. Both Mur and Tet have become quite a bit better at the language thanks to the library and Old-World picture shows.

  “The move should only take twenty-four hours,” I continue to the two Gartusk. “Once we arrive, I’ll force them to sleep outside until we are sure they can be trusted, okay?” Tet shrugs, and Mur wrinkles his nose at me.

  “Fine. Mur do this. You come to cook for us, though?” Mur says, showing that his true anger is at losing good meals from the kitchen and not allowing others access to the Training Room. I chuckle and nod. As soon as they move back into the weight room, a concrete wall closes off that entire three-quarter section. When it slams into place, I look to Crash.

  “You’re sure they can’t break that?” I ask the AI.

  “We can’t be sure of what skills the new group possesses but can assure you that it is tough to damage the Training Room,” Crash replies calmly. I nod to him, but he adds, “Please do come and cook for Mur and Tet. We like that they explain the tastes of food for us.” Then he vanishes as well. I chuff and shake my head before climbing the stairs.

  “It’s safe, Jeff,” Veronica says, clearly trying to coax me out of my hiding spot. I roll my eyes. Honestly, I don’t want anyone to come into the Training Room. To let in people from Star Bucks, the same guild that reported my earlier conversation to the Church, is grating. Time to try taking Veronica and not the others. I walk through the portal to gasps from five new people and Veronica.

  “Stay where you are.” One of the people surrounding Veronica steps in front of her, and I can feel my eyebrows rise as I study him. My contacts trigger [Identify].

  Hector Crat


  I assume this is the group leader sent to protect Veronica, but I feel my jaw clench. This is where Hector wants to start?

  “Hello, Veronica,” I mumble and then stand still, doing as the D-rank Hector ordered. Veronica smiles at me a little sheepishly, but the rest of the group crowds in front of her. Taking her alone is looking less and less likely by the second.

  “Here,” Hector states as he pulls a bag stuffed with other empty bags off of his back. “Just take anything out so you can temporarily store the anchor in your item. We’ll help you carry whatever you need. The rest you can leave here to make it look like the subspace exploded.” Hector nods proudly as if somehow the plan is worthy of admiration. I frown and tilt my head at the pile of bags.

  “Not exactly,” I say in response and hold up a single finger. “This subspace is quite a bit more special than your leaders know. I can take Veronica and move anywhere of my choice. The Church will never be able to find us, and we will be guaranteed to be safe. Come on, Veronica,” I finish, holding out a hand and hoping that I can somehow sneak it by Hector. Of course, there was never a chance of that. Hector holds out an arm to block the way, not that Veronica moved anyway.

  “I don’t think you understand, Jeff,” Hector says, his mouth forming a frown. “We are to escort you out of here. Darren is currently up above, speaking with the Church Guards as a distraction. We don’t have much time. After today, a new Vicar will be chosen, and this chance will not come again. Let’s go.”

  “Jeff, they are the best group of hunters we have in Star Bucks. Darren picked them for their loyalty and strength. We couldn’t afford to send anyone more powerful away from Beach. It would compromise our standing in the city,” Veronica says, her voice quiet.

  “I’m afraid that only two people can fit in the subspace,” I lie convincingly. “I would’ve left already, but I don’t want Veronica to die because of my selfishness. Maybe you should try to do the same.” I hold out my hand again.

  “Selfish? You claim we are selfish for not wanting to send Veronica with a—” Hector begins and then cuts himself off. Jacque clearly told these men and women something. My hands clench at my sides, and I look into Veronica’s green eyes. She refuses to return my gaze. “Listen, we are one of the best hunter groups in the area. We’ve worked together since the F-ranks. We don’t need your fancy moving subspace. Just anchor it to your item and leave with us.” I slowly exhale a deep breath, my cheeks puffing out a bit as the air escapes. That was the best chance of it just being Veronica and me. Time to switch tactics.

  “Okay, the only way I am taking Veronica and you is if you swear to follow my orders once we are in the wilds. Otherwise, I will leave on my own. You can all figure out another way to keep Veronica alive,” I say as I throw the tracking button, which I forgot to get rid of the day Jacque followed me three weeks ago, onto the floor of the basement. Hector steps forward, closing in on me.

  “I can kill you right now and receive a massive reward from the Church for service rendered. So I suggest you stop with the threats,” Hector hisses in my ear.

  “If you turn me in to the Church, Veronica will probably die,” I whisper back with as calm a voice as I can manage. “So, I would suggest you stop with the threats,” I finish, staring Hector down. I hope this works.

  Hector pulls back and narrows his eyes at me, as does everyone in the group except for Veronica, who seems to almost want to say something. I wonder what has her tongue-tied. In the Star Bucks building, she seemed to command everyone.

  “I’ll talk with my fellow Buckies! Maybe we’ll swear to follow your orders as long as Veronica doesn’t overrule them. Deal?” Hector states angrily.

  I nod while rolling my eyes, and he turns around to speak quietly with the others. After the conversation ends, each one steps forward and swears to follow my orders. It isn’t much in the way of assurances, but I can only hope it will keep them from attacking my Gartusk below once I reveal them. After everyone is done, I turn to Veronica, holding out my hand.

  “Let’s go. I need to take you into the subspace one by one. You’ll all fit for the moving feature,” I say, correcting my earlier falsehood.

  “Ahh, my group and I will go first in that case,” Hector says as he steps forward again for obvious reasons, and I can only shrug. It was worth a try.

  I lead each member into the portal one by one and can’t help but chuckle at the exclamations and looks of shock that they wear once they see the plain concrete room.

  Veronica is the last through the portal, and she refuses to take my hand at first.

  “They’re still alive, right?” she asks, and I groan. This will be an enjoyable trip if that’s the degree to which our trust has fallen.

  “Come on, I’ll show you.” I grab her arm, but she still fights me, so I release it immediately.

  “What did Jacque tell you?” I ask, my voice quiet. I’m unable to meet her eyes now—I can feel a lump in my throat and don’t even think I can say anything more.

  “He said to be very wary arou
nd you. That you might be part monster. Is that true?” Veronica says, and I feel my stomach lurch. I thought Veronica was like me, someone who was sheltered and unable to cultivate. And her mutation was something that made me think she would understand my ears, but I might have been mistaken. My stomach turns itself in knots, and I turn away. She must sense my hurt because she grabs my shoulder. “I’m sorry, Jeff. I just don’t understand any of this. I’ve never even been out of a concrete building except for the rooftop. I’m terrified.”

  I nod and hold out my hand, somewhat understanding what it’s like to be on your own for the first time in your life.

  “Just trust me, okay?” I ask and force my face into a smile. She reaches out and grabs my hand, and together we walk into the Training Room.

  “Crash, move to the location discussed,” I state, and the blue man pops into view at the table. The group jumps, and I feel Veronica tense beside me as her hand attempts to crush mine. Luckily, my Iron Muscles, Jade Bones, and new physical stats make the squeeze feel like something I’d expect from a child.

  The portal winks closed behind me, and we are off to the wilds.


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