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Mated to the Pack

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Cupping his face, she lifted up, taking possession of his lips. She didn’t care that she could taste herself. All that mattered was letting him know through actions she understood.

  Her virginity wouldn’t come without a price.

  He moved between her thighs, and she stared up at him, waiting.

  He held his cock within his fist, the tip brushing against her entrance.

  This is right.

  He belongs to us.

  Staring into his eyes, she knew there would be no turning back.

  Luther, the Knight pack, they were her future, her family.

  She cried out as with one thrust he slammed in deep, tearing through her virginity and claiming her as his own.


  Something happened to Luther as he took her virginity. His wolf was so close to coming out, and he felt his teeth start to fill his mouth. Pressing his face against her neck, he scented her pain, but he also felt her pussy tightening around him.

  The coopery tinge of blood filled his nostrils, another sign that he’d taken her. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close, hoping to console her. Pulling back a little, he stared down into her eyes and saw the tears filling them.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “It’s not fine.”

  When a loud bang came on the door, Luther gritted his teeth.

  “Is Lucia okay?” Luke asked, concern filling his voice.

  “We heard a scream,” Noah said.

  The scream she’d released when he pushed inside her would stay with Luther forever. Was this another reason why he had to take her first? His father had warned him that being an alpha would weigh heavily on him. He had to make the tough decisions, and they’d always be part of him.

  All he needed to do was be man enough to take that responsibility.

  “She’s fine,” Luther said.

  “Are you sure? He’ll kick my ass, but I’ll take him with me,” Luke said, making her giggle.

  “I’m fine,” Lucia said. “I’m more than fine.”

  “You’re sure?” Billy asked.

  Luther rolled his eyes.

  She chuckled. “At least I know I’m going to have at least four other men to kick your ass if you ever hurt me.”

  He cupped her cheek. “That would never be possible. There’s no way I could ever hurt you, Lucia.”

  “So fast,” she said.

  “We’re wolves. We don’t waste time on trivial things like dating.”

  “I’d love to date though,” she said. “It’s one of the human things I’d really like to do.”

  “We can date.” He’d do whatever she wanted so long as she stayed happy. Her happiness was of the most importance to him.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” she said.


  “Five men.”

  “You can take your time. They’re all devoted to you.”

  She lifted up a hand, touching his face. He moaned, pressing his face against her palm, and her thumb lifted up his lip. His teeth were showing.

  “You want to bite me?”

  “I want to do more than bite you, Lucia. I want to put the Knight mark on your shoulder and fill you with my seed. Anyone who is a wolf will know that you’re claimed and will leave you alone.” He’d stayed perfectly still within her, giving her plenty of time to become accustomed to the length of his dick.

  “You drive a hard bargain,” she said.

  He chuckled. “I’m hoping I drive the best bargain.”

  “The best I’ve ever had.”

  He felt her pussy ripple around him. She was still so wet, and as he started to pull out of her, she tensed up.

  Gripping her hip, he didn’t stop as only the tip remained within her.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  She shook her head.

  Slowly, he rocked back and forth. The hand on her hip, he moved to settle between her thighs. He felt his cock within her, and he teased up to stroke her clit.

  She cried out, arching her back. Her tits shook as he rocked within her.

  He watched, waiting, seeing her come apart before he slid his cock all the way inside her. The moment he hit the hilt, she cried out his name and begged him not to stop.

  Luther repeated this move with a couple more thrusts, watching her as she came. He didn’t stop teasing her clit, and when he felt the answering pulse of her pussy, he pounded inside her as her cunt gripped him tightly, trying to milk his cum from him.

  Taking hold of both of her hands, he pressed them above her head, holding her in place as he fucked her, taking her long and hard, knowing she’d have to recover. She was a wolf, so she’d heal faster.

  She pushed up against him as he thrust in deep.

  His teeth were pulsing, the need to bite growing stronger within him.

  He couldn’t hold back, and as she tilted her head to the side, giving him the access he needed, he struck. Biting her neck, he felt the connection, the pull, the pack, as he mated her.

  His cock hardened to the point of pain, and as he came, he spilled his cum into her pussy while tasting her blood on his tongue.

  She cried his name, screaming over and over. Their joining brought the connection he had to Luke, Noah, Ryan, and Billy. All four of them were brought to their knees as the pleasure washed through them.

  Their pack, united within one night.

  Their female in their home for them to take care of.

  All of their lives they’d waited for this moment, and it was finally upon them.

  Lucia milked him dry of every single drop of cum. He didn’t pull out of her. Staring down into her eyes, the beautiful blue eyes that would stay with him forever, he smiled at her. “Hello there,” he said.

  “I feel them,” she said, breathing in and out looking so damn sexy as she did it.

  “We’re pack, baby. We’re together now, and nothing and no one will ever tear us apart.” Luther knew without a doubt that this was the life he always dreamed. To have a woman among all five of them. Their bond as a pack was united from a young age. Nothing and no one could ever come between that.

  Chapter Six

  Lucia woke up alone. She reached out to touch Luther’s side of the bed, but he wasn’t there. Lifting her head up, she frowned. No one was around, but she caught sight of a note on Luther’s pillow.

  She opened the letter and smiled.

  Hey, beautiful,

  I’m making breakfast. I couldn’t bring myself to wake you. You looked too stunning to disturb. Last night was amazing, and now I can work on that human thing you want so much, some wooing.

  Your alpha,



  She loved the kisses at the end, and her heart fluttered. Last night had been perfect in every single way.

  Pulling the blankets off, she walked to the bathroom. She did her morning routine, brushed her teeth, washed her hands, and stood staring at her reflection in the mirror. There were some fingerprint bruises from Luther’s possession last night. Touching her lips, she felt how swollen they still were from his brutal kisses. They’d been perfect though.

  Last night had been fast.

  She didn’t know them, but her mother had told her it would always come later.

  The wolf and the heart wanted what it did, and she was just to enjoy it. Everything else would come later. Her parents had enjoyed a love so sweet and tender, and she knew they’d taken time over the years to get to know each other.

  Now they were gone.

  She felt the tears and pushed them away.

  No matter how much she tried to forget it, everything was still raw.

  One day, she’d go back and see what remained of her home.

  Pushing some of her hair off her shoulder, she entered the bedroom to find clothes waiting for her.

  These didn’t look like men’s clothes this time but women’s clothes. She saw tags still on them and smiled.

d gone shopping for her.

  Taking the tags off the clothes, she pulled them on, marveling at how well they fit. The clothes were designed for her and her alone. Running her hands down the arms, she released a sigh and headed toward the door.

  Opening it up, she stopped as she saw Ryan waiting for her.

  Heat flooded her cheeks as she remembered last night and how they’d all come to make sure she was fine.

  “Morning, beautiful,” he said.

  “Morning. Did you bring me the clothes?” she asked.

  “I did. You look stunning. I doubt Luther will like it. I bet that sucker loved having you in his stuff.”

  “They were his clothes?” she asked.

  “Yes. He’s the alpha. What he says goes.”

  “And you’re happy about that?”

  “More than happy. He’s the one that is in charge and makes all the decisions. I’m not interested in that.” Ryan offered her his arm. “Can I escort you down to breakfast?”

  “I’d love that.” She took his arm.

  “Luther has gone all out. He’s making some orange rolls, bacon, waffles, eggs, and I was sure I saw a breakfast casserole.”

  “He likes to cook?”

  “Oh, yeah, he loves it. Of course, that means we have to do all the dishes, but that’s not much trouble.”

  She chuckled.

  Ryan talked a lot.

  She stopped.

  Luther had been the one in charge, making all the decisions. What if they all didn’t want to be mated to her?

  “What is it?” Ryan asked. He held her hand, bringing it up to his lips to kiss.

  She nibbled her lip. “Do you want this?”

  “Want what?”

  “This. The mating. I … we don’t know each other.”

  Ryan sighed. “Did you not see how hot I was for you last night? Time doesn’t matter. Not to us. We’ve got all the time in the world to get to know each other. We’ll take care of you. I want you, more than anything.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes.” He cupped her cheek and stepped her back until she hit the wall.

  His lips crashed down on hers, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. His tongue traced over her lips, and she whimpered at the overwhelming pleasure of his kiss. “Fuck, you are everything. I can’t wait to have you underneath me. To feel how wet you are.”

  She was already wet and ready for him.

  Her stomach started to growl, and she groaned.

  “I think I should take you to get some food. Come on, before the hungry horde eats it all.”

  They entered the dining room, and indeed, the table was full of so many delicious things.

  Her place was across from Luther. Ryan held her seat out, and she couldn’t look away from the man opposite.

  The one who’d taken her virginity.

  “Morning.” He mouthed the words, and she smiled. “You okay?” Again, he didn’t speak up, so she nodded.

  She was a little sore, which was to be expected, but it wasn’t the end of the world.

  “Thank you for the clothes,” she said.

  “If it was up to me, you’d walk around naked,” Luther said. “Or in my clothes.”

  “Well, I’m pleased you got them.”

  “It’s a pleasure. Noah picked them out.”

  She turned to Noah, who was watching her.

  “What is it?” she asked, looking between the men.

  “We can see his bite on your shoulder.” She looked toward her shoulder. There were teeth marks but nothing of any real importance.

  “Is it bad?” she asked, looking at all the men, her men. She felt a wave of possessiveness toward them. She didn’t want them to belong to anyone else. They were hers.

  “No, it’s perfect. It shows any wolves that you belong to us,” Luther said. “What would you like to eat?”

  “I don’t know. There’s so much on offer.”

  Noah grabbed an orange roll and took a large bite out of it. “I recommend these suckers. They are so good. They’re your best yet.”

  She watched as they all dived in, and she felt like part of it all. They were a family, and now that she had their mark, she was their family too.

  “Do you want me to be your mate?” she asked.

  The words spilled from her before she could stop them. Biting her lip, she saw the shock around the table.

  “Why would you ask?” Luther spoke up first.

  “Taking a mate is a huge thing and not something that can be thrown away on a whim. This is all of our lives, not just yours.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of forcing my pack to take a mate they didn’t want. We come as a package deal, Lucia. I told you this last night.”

  “And she just needs to hear us say it,” Billy said.

  All eyes turned to Billy.

  “Yes, Lucia. I want to be your mate. There’s no doubt in my mind that you are mine.”

  She nodded.

  “Same here,” Noah said. “You’re ours. I want you, and I think our little display last night should have told you that.” He shrugged.

  “Forgive our bonehead brother,” Luke said. “We want to mate with you. It’s why we were out there last night. Showing you that we all wanted you. I know it’s not exactly easy to see, and this isn’t about sex. When Luther bit you, he connected all of us. We’re all bonded together. It’s what we want.”

  “As a pack, it’s what makes us lethal,” Luther said. “I’d never force a mating on anyone, believe me.” He wiped his mouth and stood away from the table.

  Guilt flooded her, and she covered her face with her hands.

  “Don’t worry about Luther,” Ryan said. “He’s…”

  “Delicate?” Noah asked.

  “Fuck off, Noah.” Ryan rolled his eyes.

  “What? He gets a little touchy over this subject.”

  “Because there was a risk we wouldn’t all want the same woman,” Billy said.

  She got to her feet. “I’m going to go and talk to him.”

  She’d upset him, and now she’d go and put it right.


  Luther knew he shouldn’t have walked out. It wasn’t like she intended to insult him, but he was pissed. Last night had been so fucking magical. It had touched him in ways he didn’t think was possible. She’d been a virgin, and it had rocked his entire world.

  Running fingers through his hair, he stared up at the sky. Taking a deep breath, he waited for the calm to once again grip him.

  Seeing her this morning, her hair spread across his pillows, he’d been tempted to wake her up, but he’d not been easy on her.

  She made him ache.

  All he could think about was her.

  She was an obsession to him.

  Something he couldn’t control.

  “When you find the one, you’ll know, and you’ll never want to give her up. She’ll make you want to do the craziest things.”

  Running fingers through his hair, he let out a breath and gripped the back of his neck. He heard the door open, and he knew it was Lucia without even turning around.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “I know.”

  “It’s just that … this is all moving so fast. I didn’t even know you existed. Well, I did, but I didn’t know you were my mate.”

  He turned toward her.

  “You can feel this then?”

  “With all of you, yes. With you, it’s stronger. More intense.”

  “I’m the alpha. It will.”

  “I always imagined finding the one and falling in love and it being something that was careful and structured and normal.”

  “There’s nothing normal about us?”

  “No, nothing.” She nibbled her bottom lip, which always made him think of kissing her until she stopped. “And it scares me. All of this scares me. A week ago, we were celebrating some teenage girls coming of age and making it through their first transition into a wolf, and now I’m all alone. I’ve found my ma
te that is in one of the most feared packs. I watched both of my parents get killed. I was hunted and afraid, and now I don’t know what to do.”

  He walked to her, pulling her into his arms and holding her close. He wouldn’t let her go. She didn’t need that.

  In that moment, she needed love and comfort. He couldn’t imagine for a second going through what she had, even though he’d been captured at a young age. He’d fought his way back home, and he’d been intent on hunting those down that had taken him, killing them. His father had asked him not to, begged him to reconsider.

  Following a path of pain and destruction wouldn’t help ease him.

  So he’d changed.

  He’d taken his role as alpha more seriously, and he’d worked on his life here, being feared.

  “Do you think any of them survived?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, Lucia.”

  If humans had taken them, he didn’t even want to speculate what was happening to them right now as he sat with her.

  Stroking her hair back from her face, he closed his eyes.

  “I know we’ve moved fast here, but that doesn’t mean we don’t care,” he said.

  “How can you care for someone you don’t even know?”

  “We know you, Lucia. We can feel your pain. We’ll make sure you’ll want for nothing.”

  She held him tight, and he closed his eyes, basking in her closeness. This was what he’d fought to have. A woman. A mate.

  Lucia was perfect in every single way, stunning beyond compare, and the reason he’d keep on fighting another day.

  Chapter Seven

  One week later

  Standing in the garden, Lucia ran her fingers through the flowers, marveling at their beauty. For the past week she’d been on rest. Between the two-day run that had left her exhausted and the mating, her men had demanded that she take time. They’d also been out a lot but always leaving one of them behind to stay with her. Luther was never part of the group. They took it in turns, and today was Billy’s day. He’d been given the job of weeding the yard.

  He had some headphones on and was singing away to a tune she didn’t have a clue what it was.

  She watched him for a few minutes and then decided to slip away and go explore. The other men had been all around her, making it impossible for her to breathe without one of them asking what was wrong.


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