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Hope on the Range

Page 23

by Cindi Madsen

  “Some of my proudest accomplishments have come from pettiness.”

  Eric laughed again. “Mine, too. Admittedly, being here this past month also made it clear that I can’t run a ranch on my own. I’ve barely scratched the surface of what I need to know. Which brings me to my comment about taking the highway…”

  During his pause, the munching sound of the horses filled the air, along with the light metallic clink of the buckles on their bridles, and a bird soared overhead with a loud caw.

  “A buyer is interested in buying RichTech, and I’ve decided to sell and take on a new challenge. With my company, I’ve always been comfortable taking bold risks. But with my aunt’s ranch, I worry I’ll screw it up.” His gaze met hers. “You’re underutilized here, Tanya. Help me run my ranch, and not only will I take you on as a partner with an equal say on what happens, but I’ll build the biggest damn stable you’ve ever seen for your rescue horses.”

  For a moment, all she could do was blink at him. “Are you being serious right now?”

  He pressed his lips together as if he was trying not to laugh. “I’m one hundred percent serious. I’d already surmised I’d want to hire someone like you, so once you told me about your dream of running a rescue ranch, I saw a way for both of us to get what we want.”

  Could it really be that easy? No going into debt, no strings, just her dream offered up on a silver platter? “Equal say? As in we listen and talk and then you decide which way we go?”

  “What kind of bullshit equality is that? We’ll have a small staff, but you and I will run the show. If anything, I’ll defer to you because you’ve lived this life your entire… You get it.”

  Diesel stepped a few paces to nibble on a new patch of grass as Tanya’s thoughts bounced around her head. She knew she needed to ask the next question. She just wasn’t sure she wanted the answer. It was something she should’ve asked before her excitement level had been cranked to ten. “Where exactly is this ranch?”

  “Palisade, so not as harsh winters, either.”

  So about a five-hour drive southwest. Just long enough to make traveling back and forth an ordeal, but not a ridiculous distance that couldn’t be done on the weekends. “Can I think about it?”

  “Of course.”

  Tanya exhaled as all the possibilities and consequences and pros and cons whirred through her head.

  As soon as she returned to the dude ranch, she sent Eric off with Miguel and a family reunion made up of five different households to do the sorting exercise—basically, they paired mothers and calves and herded them into a corral on the other end, which taught teamwork as well as provided a fun challenge.

  After rushing through her chores, Tanya found herself in Phoenix’s stall once again. It was amazing how much better the mare looked after a few weeks of eating and healing. The chunks of clumped hair had been cleared away with tender brushing, and the coat was gradually regaining its glossy sheen. Winston bleated, and Tanya opened the gate for him. Half the time, the goat and the mare slept in the same stall. This morning when she’d come in to check on the animals, Winston had been sleeping atop Phoenix, both of them as happy and cuddly as could be.

  Tanya cupped grain and let Phoenix eat out of her palms. “You’re doing so well, aren’t you, beautiful girl? The fire’s over, and you’re ready to come out stronger than ever.” She slapped the few remaining kernels of grain off her palms and petted Winston’s knobby head. “Any progress with the new kid?”

  Tanya chuckled at her “kid” joke, but Phoenix and Winston had the audacity to act like it wasn’t that funny.

  “Why don’t we see if we can’t cheer him up?” Tanya secured the latch behind her and Winston and moved to the stall with the Appaloosa. Pops had been so angry she’d brought another horse home that he’d turned bright red and stormed off before she could even explain.

  During their meeting this morning, he’d lit into her, bellowing that they weren’t going to reward her for disobeying a direct order. If she took Eric up on his offer, there wouldn’t be lectures and orders. No more feeling like a teenager who has to ask for permission at work and at home…

  The idea called to her, but then Brady’s face flickered, slamming the brakes on the idea. Going above and beyond with her chores to prove she could handle everything had kept her busy for the past three days. Thanks to the benefits they’d added to their friendship, she was currently suffering from two types of withdrawals—chatting with her best friend and getting naked and sweaty with him.

  If she hurried and took care of the new horse, she should be able to squeeze in about an hour with Brady before racing back to work for the fishing expedition. Pops could do it himself, but he’d use it as evidence the injured horses took up too much of her time for her to properly do her job as well.

  The Appaloosa stuck his head over the gate and sniffed Winston. The wobbly goat placed his front hoof and peg leg on the wooden stable door and nudged the horse’s pink and white nose. The horse gave a half-curious, half-nervous neigh, backing up and then slowly approaching again.

  Another sniff. Another nudge.

  Tanya opened the stall and brushed the horse’s gray dappled side, careful around the cuts and bruises that boiled her blood. Rage, determination, and empathy made an interesting mix, tugging her heart this way and that.

  Within a minute or two, Winston had made himself at home, and Mr. Grey—wait, that was probably the wrong way to go with the name. On the other hand, it’d be fun to tell people that Mr. Grey would see them now… Regardless, the gelding didn’t seem to mind the company and even bent his neck to nibble at the hay.

  With the horse eating and Winston there as added comfort, Tanya half skipped and half floated toward her truck, thinking of all the ways she could seduce her best friend.

  Her boyfriend? She hadn’t referred to him as such yet but found she liked the idea. Considering he’d called her his as they’d been snuggled up in the grandstands, surely he wouldn’t have a problem with it. Maybe they’d pull a prank on the entire town and announce their couple status at the rodeo.

  Another thought hit her, causing a sinking sensation to go through her gut. She needed to talk to Brady about the job offer. She groaned at the idea of delaying sex yet again—they’d never gotten their steamy night in the hotel room, and she’d been frustrated since. Last night, she’d planned on sneaking over to his cabin, but a thunderstorm hit fast and furious, making the gelding so nervous she’d been afraid he’d reinjure himself pacing around and rattling the stable door.

  Okay, so it wouldn’t be a seductive, fun conversation to have, but given that it involved a total life switch-up—one that left a lot of miles between them—she could use Brady’s input. Pressure grew underneath her ribs, crowding her lungs. How could she leave Silver Springs? Especially after finally crossing lines with Brady.

  Then again, it’d been a rockier transition than she’d expected. What if she stayed, only for them to discover they constantly bickered and that soured everything else? And the even bigger question: How could she say no to having the freedom to run a ranch the way she wanted, a financial backer willing to build stables without her having to go into debt, and the ability to rescue a whole slew of mistreated horses?

  As Tanya neared the main cabin, she slowed her pickup to a crawl. Along with the numerous teenagers, Liza’s twins often ran around the unfenced yard, as did a whole mess of animals.

  Since Brady’s truck was up front and there weren’t any tractors in the field, Tanya headed to the stables. And there he stood in the center of the aisle in all his rugged cowboy glory. He gifted her with a heart-melting grin, and everything she’d been contemplating flitted from her brain. The only thing left was how long it’d been since she’d savored those lips and that unbelievable body of his.

  Tanya took a few large strides and leaped into his arms. Brady caught her, his hands bracing her butt,
and his mouth crashed into hers. “God, I’ve missed you,” he murmured between kisses. His large, capable hands massaged her ass, awakening the kind of desire that consumed and conquered.

  “Me too. It’s been a madhouse since Friday night.”

  “I’m guessing your dad wasn’t very happy about the horse?”

  “You’d guess right.” She leaned her forehead on his and sighed, savoring the sense of rightness that came from being in his arms. “And speaking of, I…”

  The rest of the sentence faded into oblivion as Brady’s lips sucked at her neck. A moan slipped out, and she glanced toward the open doorway. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, pulling him closer, even as she said, “We’re going to get caught. I only have about an hour before I have to be back at the dude ranch, but maybe we can head to your cabin?”

  “I have a better idea.” He released his hold on her, and a rough, strangled noise sounded in the back of his throat as she slid down his body. She gasped as his erection knocked against the insistent, greedy spot between her thighs. “Up the ladder,” he gritted out. “There’s a blanket in the loft.”

  She didn’t have to be told twice.

  While she climbed the ladder, Brady did one last check for witnesses. Then he boosted himself into the loft and unfurled a patchwork quilt, spreading it across the straw that covered the wooden floor. “Is this okay? I’m afraid if anyone sees us on the way to my place, we’ll get held up, and I don’t think I can wait another minute to have sex with you.”

  The blood in her veins turned molten, upping her sense of urgency as well. “Not only do I feel the same way, but being up here is adding a whole forbidden, clandestine vibe. Do you need me to—?”

  Brady snagged her wrist and yanked her to him. “I need you all right.” He kissed her long and deep as he eased her onto the colorful quilt. Thanks to the straw, it made for a softer landing than she’d expected. “I’ve been thinking about you all day long, and when you walked in, I almost thought I’d dreamed you into existence.”

  “Maybe you did, and this is just a dream.”

  “Well then, there are several things I plan on doing before I wake up.”

  Chapter 22

  Maddox was underneath Jess’s Corolla, taking care of the last few fixes, when a shadow cut through the stream of sunshine that’d been creeping underneath the car.

  His heart thumped harder as Harlow dropped to her knees and peeked at him.

  “Afternoon, Sugar,” he said. “I was hoping you’d show up soon.”

  Her smile was brighter than the sun, and so was the happiness flowing through him. The girl who’d told him she wouldn’t give up on him tossed aside her hat, flattened her belly to the ground, and rolled until she was under the hood beside him.

  One of his exes used to complain if he kissed her without scrubbing his hands or showering first. Harlow, on the other hand, just charged through the dirt and grass like it was nothing.

  Desire flickered as she completed another half roll, leaving the front of her body against his side. Her curves pressed into him, and as if that wasn’t amazing enough, her mouth drifted to his.

  His thirst for her overloaded his system, and he dropped the wrench in his hand—barely missing his face—as he twisted to better participate in the kiss. They probably didn’t have long before someone would check on them, so he cut the kiss shorter than he wanted. Since he could kiss Harlow all day every day, it’d always be too short.

  Still, her enthusiastic greeting filled him top to bottom with the kind of yearning he hadn’t allowed himself to feel in a long, long time. Dangerous, but he couldn’t help himself anymore, not after her very convincing speech the other night.

  “Hi,” she said. “Also, I can’t believe you’re still calling me Sugar.”

  “It’s sticking… Get it? Sticky like sugar.”

  She giggled, the sound a balm to his soul.

  “Plus, you’ve got this caramel-and-honey-colored hair.” Maddox lifted the strands and slowly let them fall. “Chocolate eyes. Strawberry lips.” He leaned in for another peck. “And like I keep saying and you keep trying to deny, you’re sweet—sweeter than I deserve for sure.”

  “Hmm.” She skirted his jaw with her fingertips. “If I’m being honest, I sort of love it. Now I just need to think up a nickname for you.” She bit her lip. “How about Hot Pants Roping Partner?”

  “It’s kind of long,” he said, running his knuckles down her arm and linking their fingers. “And aren’t hot pants basically booty shorts? I’d rather you be wearing those.”

  She blushed and gave his shoulder a shove before using their entwined hands to yank him back to her.

  “Okay. Let’s go with Sexy-Pants Mechanic Dude—or SPMD for short. Now you sound like a doctor of sexiness.” She grinned, so pleased with herself that he didn’t bother telling her he might have trouble responding to that, even if she happened to remember the acronym.

  The truth was, he’d respond to whatever Harlow Griffith called him.

  “Hey, you two.” Jess squatted next to the tire of the car, and an orange tabby cat circled her ankles, rubbing and purring. The camp cook didn’t strike Maddox as the type to rat them out. However, she was engaged to Wade, who was a stickler about the rules, so Maddox reluctantly let go of Harlow’s hand. “I just wanted to say thank you for fixing up the car, so I made some cookies, and this batch actually turned out.” She lifted one. “They don’t even look like cow pies.”

  “Do they usually?” Maddox asked without thinking, and Jess nodded.

  “They don’t taste like them, thank goodness. Winona from the Silver Saddle Diner gave me a no-fail recipe I assured her I could fail at, but these actually turned out super yummy.” Jess popped one in her mouth and shoved the bite to one side of her cheek. “Do you guys want some?”

  “I never say no to cookies,” Harlow said, winking at him before rolling out from under the car.

  Maddox followed, doing more of a scoot-drag move that stirred up a cloud of dust. He pushed to his feet and wiped his hands on his jeans before taking one of the warm cookies. Jessica perched on the second-to-bottom porch step and set the plate of cookies next to her. The cat that constantly followed her around leaped onto her lap, and she scratched between its ears. “I feel like I’ve missed out on all the rodeo training. Are you guys excited for this weekend?”

  Maddox almost asked what more she wanted from him than fixing her car. Or if she’d been the one assigned to spy on him today.

  But Harlow took the lead, bragging about how good he’d gotten at roping and riding, even though he could barely keep up with her. “In some ways, I want it to be over because I get so nervous thinkin’ about it, but the other side of me wants a lick more time to prepare.”

  Lick. For the most part, Maddox had grown accustomed to Harlow’s country twang and odd choice of words, but occasionally, one still struck him funny. In further proof he was a total goner, it made him want to wrap his arms around her and kiss her until both of them were desperate for oxygen.

  “I get that.” Jess lifted another cookie off the plate. “What about you, Maddox? Excited or nervous? Indifferent?” Two creases formed between her eyebrows. “Wondering why some mom lady is asking you questions, from the looks of it.”

  “No, I… Well…” He shrugged. “I guess a little of that.”

  “It’s been a quiet day so I’m bored, and like I said, I wanted to thank you for all the work you’ve put in on my car. But I also care about you guys. I’ve never been to a rodeo before, either, so I’m super excited. Wade’s riding a bucking bronco, and that honestly scares the shit out of me. Add in the baby hormones, and I’m basically a mess of feelings.”

  Maddox had been warned to watch his mouth, but Jess didn’t seem to think twice about swearing in front of him while also telling him that she cared. Maybe if he’d had a mom like her—

; Nope. Not going there.

  At this point, he figured he might as well speak the truth. Most of the truth anyway. He still had a possible trick up his sleeve, but he wasn’t sure he could pull it off. And what if he tried and ended up hurting instead of helping? “I’m afraid I’ll screw things up for Harlow, and she’ll wish for her old partner, even if she’s a backstabbing bit—witch.”

  “Ah, a bit-witch,” Jess said, tapping the side of her nose. “I’ve dealt with a few of those in my days.”

  Harlow gaped at him. “Are you for reals? You’re not going to screw anything up. Honestly, I don’t even care if we place. I just want to show people at school that they can’t knock me down. Especially that witch with an actual B, Bianca.”

  Maddox gave her a quick side hug. Leave it to Harlow to ease his worries when she was the one with so much at stake. “Don’t worry, Sugar. I’ve got you.”

  “And I’ve got you.”

  Jess beamed at them. “I’m glad you two have each other. It’s no fun having all the pressure on your shoulders. Take it from someone who took way too long to admit she couldn’t do everything on her own. Find yourself real friends who accept you, flaws and all. Not only do they make life a hundred times better, but they’re the ones who’ll pick you up when you’re down.”

  Harlow patted his leg, and for such a small gesture, he felt it down to his bones. Jess glanced at the car that was a few tweaks away from driving like a dream—a rusty old dream, but it’d get her to where she was going nonetheless.

  “No offense, Miss Jessica,” he said, “but I’ve been meaning to ask why you even want that old car fixed. I constantly hear Wade telling you to take one of the trucks, and the road from here to town is so bumpy.”

  Jess stretched out her legs, steadying the cat, who gave her an offended meow. “Oh, I know all about the road. I got stuck in the mud my first week here and had to have Wade bail me out—despite the fact that he’d told me to take one of the trucks. But I hadn’t wanted to admit I couldn’t drive a stick, nor did I want him thinking he could tell me what to do.”


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