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Arranged: A Clean Billionaire Romance (Mixing Love and Business)

Page 5

by Trisha Grace

  Colin immediately let go of her shoulder. “I’m sorry. I forgot you were in the car too. Are you all right? Did the doctor clear you to leave the hospital?”

  “I can be very persuasive when I want to.” Threatening to pull funds from the hospital for not following her every whim had been easy and effective. Hayley brushed away the beige stain on the edge of her sleeve.

  “You put makeup on your arm?”

  “Predators pounce when they see weakness.”

  “So you concealed it.”

  She nodded at her chauffeur, and he opened the car door for her. “Bye, Colin.” She got into the car and held in her groan until the door was shut.

  “Where to, Miss Hayley?” Desmond asked when he got into the car.

  “The hospital.” She needed more morphine.

  Chapter Five

  HAYLEY WASN’T GIVEN any reprieve from her pain. When she got back to the hospital, the doctor informed her that Julian was throwing a fit in his room. He’d chased the doctors and nurses out, demanding to be transferred to another hospital for another opinion.

  She couldn’t say she was surprised. She already figured he wasn’t the type to sit in bed and cry over what happened.

  So instead of getting the painkillers she desperately wanted, Hayley got the paperwork done so Julian could be transferred to another hospital. She wanted a second opinion on his condition too.

  A helicopter ride brought them to another hospital. She waited in the corridor while Julian went through rounds of checks, hoping for his sake that the doctor would come back with a better diagnosis.

  “Mrs. Nicholson, your husband has been transferred to a hospital room.”

  Hayley looked up from the article she was reading on her phone and followed the nurse. “Are the results in already?”

  “Not yet. The doctor will get back to you once the results are in.” The nurse stopped outside the door and turned to her. “He’s inside.”

  Hayley’s lips curled. Julian must have created quite a fuss or the nurse wouldn’t display such dread at having to enter the room. I don’t really want to go in either.

  She knew what was waiting for her on the other side of the door.

  Before the accident, Julian already hated her. Now, he would probably detest her. They were both in the accident, yet she was up and perfectly fine while he had lost the use of his legs.

  “Thank you,” she said and took a deep breath. “I’ll take it from here.” There was no point in having two people suffer the wrath that was almost certainly to come.

  He’s just received terrible news. It was understandable that he was upset. And he doesn’t have anyone else. At least Hayley had the Casas. Actually, Julian had Colin too.

  Hayley shook that thought out of her head. What kind of person would she be if she walked out on Julian at this point?

  She pushed open the door and stepped into the large room.

  Julian, lying back in the hospital bed, gave her a head to toe scan. “Ready for a night out, I see.”

  She’d ridden up front with the pilot while a nurse and Julian were in the back of the helicopter. She’d made sure she remained out of Julian’s way, so she wasn’t surprised that he hadn’t noticed what she’d been wearing all day. “How are you feeling?”

  “Perfect! I’m sure you’re happy. I’m useless now. Your parents have every right to get rid of me.”

  “I have over half my father’s shares.” After a heart-attack scare, her father had transferred over half of his shares to her, making her the largest shareholder. Strolling over to the long windows, she glanced out at the darkness, at the woods that would probably be calming in the day.

  Perhaps she should have come by tomorrow morning instead. Perhaps the tranquility of the woods would inject some semblance of peace into Julian’s animosity toward her. “And I’m not interested in kicking you out of the company,” she said and turned around to face Julian.

  She wanted Julian to see her face. She wanted him to know she meant what she said.

  Julian’s eyes narrowed.

  “You’re the reason it’s doing so well.”

  “But I’m a cripple now. You have every right to take over the company.”

  The reason she hadn’t been in line to run the company was because she was a woman. Running Espel and Nicholson Holdings was a tough job—too tough for a woman. That was what her parents had thought, and Hayley hadn’t cared.

  Why would she? She would be married to Julian, and they were supposed to have their happily ever after. Julian’s success was her success.

  “The position is yours,” she said, this time staring right at Julian. When she walked away from Julian and this world, she was going to leave everything behind. She wasn’t sure what her parents would do. They certainly wouldn’t sit around and let her do whatever she wanted. Her father had always made it clear to her: she had to protect the Espels’ interest in the company.

  “I’m not interested in the company.” Hayley had never cared about the company. Her disaster of a marriage to Julian had only given her a greater distaste for all the fighting their parents were doing over Espel and Nicholson Holdings. “I’ll make sure it remains yours.”

  Losing his ability to walk didn’t detract from Julian’s ability to run the company. At least not in Hayley’s eyes. But she knew what their fathers would think.

  The muscles along Julian’s cheeks twitched.

  “And you’ll walk again—no matter what the doctors say.” Hayley grabbed the TV remote off the small cabinet next to the bed and strolled over to the couch. She had grown somewhat used to the pain tugging at her with each breath and movement, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t exhausted.

  “The nerves in my spine are damaged beyond repair. You would’ve known if you bothered to stay and find out.”

  Hayley kicked off her heels. Having to walk in them was excruciating. Since Julian would probably continue to rant at her, she might as well get comfortable. “You’ll get better. I’m sure you will be able to walk again.” Yes, Lord. Heal and restore Julian’s legs. “I’ve—”

  “You’ve got a medical degree now?” Julian pushed himself up in bed, and Hayley slipped her heels on before hurrying over to him.

  She reached for his arm, thinking he wanted to get into the wheelchair next to his bed. But the moment she touched him, he shoved her back.

  He might have lost the use of his legs, but his arms were still powerful.

  Her ankle gave way as her body tipped back, which only unbalanced her further.

  Before she knew it, she’d landed on her bottom. She would have been embarrassed, except the crushing pain robbed her of the ability to feel or do anything else.

  Julian said something, but she couldn't register anything besides pain.

  Pain. Pain. Pain. Hayley wrapped her arms around her torso, at the screaming pain in her ribs. They hurt so badly she wanted to pull her knees to her chest and cry for help.

  But she wouldn’t allow herself to cry—not in front of Julian.

  I’m okay, Hayley repeated in her mind and slowly breathed through her nose. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been on the floor, but it was time to get up.

  With as little movement as possible, she shifted.

  That was when she noticed her broken heels. So much for expensive shoes. She kicked her heels off, then gritted her teeth and pushed herself to her feet. Ahhhh! Pain. Pain. Pain. She would settle for OxyContin right now. Why didn't she at least get some over-the-counter pain killers? Aspirin would be good too.

  Hayley brushed the dirt off her dress, refusing to be embarrassed for standing around without her shoes.

  “Looks like you’ll have to go shopping before going on your date.”

  “For a married man who’s sleeping with his secretary, you sure are judgmental.”

  The muscles along his cheeks twitched again.

  Okay, maybe she shouldn’t have said that. It was probably the pain talking. “I’m sorry,” she said. �
��Save your strength for your recovery.”

  “I won't be getting better! Which part of that do you not understand?”

  “Why?” She clenched her fists. “Because the doctor said so?” She shouldn’t engage in a shouting match with Julian. She should walk away.

  They were both in pain. They both needed rest. But she clearly wasn’t that good a person because she didn’t care. “Because you’ve always accepted what others said?” She didn't know Julian well, but she’d heard him on business calls. If he wanted something done, he would find a way to do it.

  “Is everything all right?”

  She glanced over as Colin entered the hospital room.

  “Colin, care to explain to my dim-witted wife what the doctor said about my condition?”

  “From what I’ve seen, you’re someone who can do whatever you set your mind to. So stop whining.” She grabbed her bag. “Here’s a present for you from your dim-witted wife. The day you’re up walking again will be the day you are free of me. Get up and walking, and I’ll get an annulment. It’ll be as if this nightmare of a marriage never happened. That should be enough motivation for you.”

  She didn't wait for Julian’s reply. She spun around to leave, ignoring the sharp pain shooting up her right ankle. It seemed it wasn't just her heel that had broken off. “I have to go,” she said to Colin.

  “Mrs. Nicholson, are you walking out barefoot?”

  There was no way she would hobble out on her broken heel, but she didn’t bother to reply. She was only focused on one thing: painkillers.

  “Mrs. Nicholson.” Colin followed her out of the hospital room and cut in front of her.

  She pressed a hand to his chest so she wouldn’t knock into him, and Colin reached out to steady her.

  “Be careful, Mrs. Nicholson.”

  “That’s Julian’s mother. Just call me Hayley.” When she’d first gotten to Julian’s penthouse, she’d enjoyed being addressed as Mrs. Nicholson. That was who she’d grown up to be: Mrs. Nicholson.

  She’d since learned that a label meant nothing. And after her short encounter with Julian’s parents earlier, she didn’t want to be reminded of them.

  “Julian didn't mean—”

  She held a hand up to stop Colin from speaking. Colin dropped his hand from her arm, but she didn’t move back. She wanted to conserve her strength. “You don't have to placate me. I’m not a child. And honestly, I don't care.” She sighed and pressed a hand against the corridor wall, letting her mask fall. “All I want right now is some painkillers.”

  Was it normal to be in so much pain that she wanted to throw up? Actually, she couldn’t decide if she wanted to throw up or pass out.

  “I’ll get the doctor.”

  She waved to a nurse. “Please get me a hospital room—as far away from my husband as possible.”

  Julian didn’t bother to look over at his best friend when he came back into his room. He continued staring at his legs. He’d been trying to move them since he woke. In his head, he had no problem moving his feet or toes. But they weren’t moving; they weren’t even twitching.

  “Did you do this?” Colin picked up Hayley’s broken heel. He moved over and sat on the couch when Julian didn’t answer. “How are you feeling?”

  “How am I feeling?” Julian glared at Colin. “I can’t ever walk again.”

  Colin shrugged and dropped the shoe beside the couch. “Hayley seems to think otherwise.”

  Julian laughed once. “And you think she knows better than the doctors.” He’d demanded to move to the best hospital in New York, but did it matter? Both doctors had told him the same thing. His spine had suffered too much damage. He wouldn’t be able to walk, not anymore.

  He had tuned out when the doctor started recommending therapy and counseling that would help him adjust to life in a wheelchair.

  “You’ve never been someone who accepted whatever was presented. If you wanted a company, you would do whatever it took to get it.”

  “I didn’t want to marry Hayley. Look where I am. I wouldn’t be in this state if it wasn’t for her.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. This isn’t her fault.”

  “If she hadn’t been flirting around, we wouldn’t have left the party early.”

  “So you’re blaming your jealousy on her?”

  “Jealousy? I wasn’t jealous. I’m like this because of her.” Julian clenched his jaws. “How is it that I lose my legs and she’s perfectly fine? She must be a witch; she must’ve cursed me.”

  “Did the doctors check your head?”

  Julian glared at Colin again.

  “You didn’t lose your legs. You still have them. And since when do you believe in witches?” Colin waved it off. “Anyway, Hayley isn’t perfectly fine. She’s hurt too. Did you forget she was right next to you when the truck hit your car? You might not like her—”

  Julian opened his mouth to interrupt, but Colin raised his hand to stop him.

  “You hate her. I get it. But Hayley is right about one thing: If anyone is stubborn enough to defy the doctors’ words, it’s you. Focus on getting well. From what I’ve seen, she has your back.”

  Julian snorted.

  He wasn't going to admit it aloud, but Hayley was right. He was the sort who went after what he wanted. He could do this.

  It didn't matter what the doctors said. If he had to spend the rest of his life trying to get back on his feet, he would.

  Chapter Six

  “MR. WELLS.”

  Colin smiled politely at Charlene through the crack she’d opened in the door. He frowned and coughed when he was assaulted by a wave of smoky incense.

  “I’m sorry.” Charlene stepped out of the house and closed the door behind her. She brushed her hands on her black shorts and tugged on the hem of her pale yellow tank top. “Trying to chase away the insects in the apartment.”

  Colin cleared his throat. “It’s all right, Miss Blunk.” He looked at the door. “I’m sorry for the unannounced visit, but I only need five minutes of your time. It’s about Mr. Nicholson.”

  “Okay …” Charlene glanced over her shoulder for a moment. “We can talk out here. My place is a little messy.”

  “I’d prefer to have the conversation inside. I only need five minutes.”

  Charlene licked her lips and nodded. She opened the door and hurried inside.

  A deep woodsy fragrance saturated the house, and he glanced into the dark bedroom that Charlene was making her way to. She hastily closed the door, but not before he noticed a flickering, warm glow as if she’d lit candles within.

  Why didn’t she just open the curtains? It was two-thirty in the afternoon, so there was plenty of sun.

  “Please, have a seat.” Charlene gestured to the teal fabric couch.

  Colin sat on one end, and Charlene joined him on the other end of the couch.

  “What can I do for you, Mr. Wells?”

  He drew a long, slow breath. It had been a while since he had to fire anyone, but that didn’t reduce his hatred of it. He wrinkled his nose at the strong fragrance in the house, reminding him of the temples in Thailand and India that he and Julian had visited while backpacking.

  Exhaling through his mouth, Colin reached into his suit jacket and handed the white envelope to her. “I’m sorry, but we’ve decided to let you go. I’ll get someone to pack up your desk and send your items to you on Monday.”

  “Wait.” She stared at the envelope without opening it. “You’re not transferring me to another department?”

  When Julian got sick of his previous secretaries, which usually was immediately after he’d slept with them, he would simply transfer them to another department so he wouldn’t have to deal with them.

  But Colin couldn’t allow Charlene to stay in the company. “No.”

  Colin put his hands on his knees and shifted forward, ready to stand and head out.

  “Why? I’ve heard the gossip. Everyone else gets transferred to another department. Why am I the onl
y one to be fired?”

  “You know why.” Colin might not know Hayley well, but he’d seen her strength and loyalty over the last couple of days. Which was why he took it upon himself to fire Charlene.

  “Does Julian know this?”

  Not yet. Colin hadn’t discussed this with Julian. His best friend was focused on only one thing right now—getting himself back on his feet. Colin didn’t see the point in getting him involved in this.

  Besides, Julian wouldn’t care what happened to Charlene.

  “I didn’t sleep with him. The rest of his ex-se—”

  “Mrs. Nicholson never walked in on any of them with him.”

  “I didn’t—”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  Rumors of the possibility of Julian getting kicked out of the company were already swirling. He’d received several concerned calls from clients and managers. None of them was so direct as to ask if Julian would remain as the CEO. All of them simply called to check in on Julian.

  It wouldn’t take long for Old Nicholson to start trying his hand at pushing one of his puppets to take over Julian’s position.

  Colin’s greatest ally turned out to be someone he hadn’t even considered—Hayley. And he wanted Charlene gone from the company so Hayley would never have to see her again. That was the least he could do for her.

  “So Julian lost his legs and now the woman has all the power.” Charlene’s words wiped the polite smile from Colin’s face.

  “The woman is Mrs. Nicholson. She is Julian’s wife.” Colin turned his gaze to the envelope Charlene was clutching. “There’s a recommendation letter in there along with a very generous severance package. If you’d like to keep both, I suggest you watch what you say.”

  Charlene pursed her lips. “I’ll leave without a fuss. Just let me speak with Julian. I only need five minutes.”

  Colin steepled his fingers. “Miss Blunk, let me make this very clear. If you show up in front of Mr. Nicholson again, I will personally make sure you won't be able to get another job in Manhattan.”

  “You don’t understand.”


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