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Arranged: A Clean Billionaire Romance (Mixing Love and Business)

Page 12

by Trisha Grace

  “I’m not letting you go alone.”

  She cleared her throat as she was jerked back to reality.

  “Pack your things. We have to leave soon.”

  Hayley shook her head. “I’m not letting you add another item to all the reasons why you hate me.” She tried to pull her hand back, but Julian held on.

  “I don’t hate you.”

  Hayley laughed again.

  “I mean it.”

  “Right. You care so much about my well-being that you’re willing to stay in that wheelchair for the rest of your life.”

  Julian blinked.

  Of course he wasn’t willing. “I guess we’re staying.”

  “I’m not the kind of person to give up. I won’t ever stop trying to get back on my feet.”

  Hayley cracked a smile. “I know, but I don’t want to play any part in causing even a second of delay.”


  She sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ll stay in the apartment. I won’t even step into the elevator.”

  Julian sighed and ran his thumb over the back of her knuckles. Before last night, the only physical contact she had with her husband was when she’d helped him during physiotherapy.

  Watching his thumb run over her knuckles felt strange and surreal.

  “I really don’t like the idea that he knows where you are,” Julian said and looked right at her. “And I really don’t mind missing the sessions.”

  Was she in the twilight zone? Was she still sleeping? She must be in a dream. Hayley shook her head. Stop living in your fantasy. “I mind.” This was real life, and the reality was that her husband couldn’t stand her.

  “I won’t be angry with you over it. I promise.”


  Julian sighed. “It seems you can be rather stubborn.”

  Hayley pulled her hand from his. Her phone buzzed before Julian could continue. She checked the message from Leanne. My parents are calling to wish you happy birthday. I told them we had to bail out last night because an emergency happened at work.

  She sighed heavily. She’d completely forgotten about her birthday, and now she had to lie to Frank and Paula.

  “Is everything okay?”

  She nodded just as her phone rang, and she answered the FaceTime call from Leanne after sucking in a deep breath.

  “Happy birthday!” her best friend, along with her parents, shouted into the phone.

  She laughed. “Thank you.”

  “Leanne says you can’t come over today.” Frank took over the screen. “What happened? We’re closing our truck for the day.”

  “I told you, Dad. She has to stay home,” Leanne said from behind her father.

  Paula took the phone from Frank. “Why? Is your husband hoarding you? If you’re just going to stay home, then we’ll join you.”

  Join us here? Hayley hadn’t expected that. “Um …” She struggled to find an excuse to get out of that.

  “Mom, I don’t—”

  “It’s decided,” Paula said. “We’ll just cook at your place. We’ve bought everything. We’ll see you there. We love you, darling! Happy birthday!”

  “Happy birthday, baby girl!” Frank waved and ended the call.

  “No. No, no, no.” She groaned and tipped her head back.

  “I don’t mind them coming over.”

  She rubbed a hand across her forehead. “Paula and Frank don’t know what’s going on between us. They think I’m happily married.”

  “Okay. What’s wrong with that?”

  She frowned. “Are you kidding? Because we’re not, and I don’t want them to worry about me.” Neither did she want to disappoint them.

  “Marriage is forever, Hayley. Think it through,” Paula had told her. Which was why Hayley hadn’t told Paula and Frank that she was going to serve Julian with annulment papers once he was back on his feet.

  “We’ll be fine. Don’t worry. I won’t let them think we’re unhappy.”

  Hayley pinched her lips.

  “I promise.” He smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was your birthday. I didn’t get you anything.”

  “I didn’t expect you to.” She stood and glanced at the phone.

  “We’ve always played our part well to the outside world, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t like the idea of lying to them.” It would only make things worse when she had to break the news of her divorce to them.

  Hayley groaned and buried her face in her hands. One step at a time. She didn’t have a choice. As Julian said, they would play their part. “We need an explanation for the guards.”

  “We’ll just say we’ve always had them. We’re rich. Rich people have guards.”

  “They’ve been to my parents’ place. There are no guards there.”

  He put a hand on her back. “I’ll handle the questions. Why don’t you go have your morning coffee and take a break before they get here? I’ll be with you after I reschedule my sessions.”

  “You canceled the sessions?”

  “I thought we were going away to the safe house.”

  “Okay. It’ll be good for you to be occupied with the sessions while Frank and Paula are here.”

  “I’ll still cancel today’s sessions.”


  Julian paused for a moment. “Because a loving husband wouldn’t spend the day in therapy on his wife’s birthday. It’s just one day.”

  She licked her lips. “Julian, Frank and Paula have known me for years. They know me better than anyone else. They’re my family.”

  “I won’t embarrass you.”

  “It isn’t about that. I … I don’t want them to be worried that I’m in a pretend-marriage.”

  “You’re not in a pretend-marriage.”

  Hayley rolled her eyes, then wanted to laugh when Julian sighed.

  “I’ll be the best husband ever, I promise.”

  Hayley studied Julian for a moment. Something isn’t right. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, why?”

  Why? Because you’re not the Julian I know.

  “Everything will be okay,” he continued.

  “Fine. I’ll cancel the sessions for you.” Another text came in from Leanne. I can pretend to pass out so they’ll have to spend the day at the hospital with me instead. That made Hayley laugh.

  It’s okay, Hayley replied. Come on over.

  She looked down when Julian put his hand on her back.

  “Go get your coffee. I’ll reschedule the sessions. I need to call the security team anyway to let them know we’re not moving to the safe house.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” He nudged her toward the door.

  “Thank you, Julian.” She wasn’t sure what was going on in Julian’s head and why there was a sudden change in his attitude, but she was grateful.

  Hayley turned, but Julian reached out and grabbed her hand again.

  “Happy birthday,” he said and tugged at her hand, pulling her closer.

  She froze when he gave her a peck on the cheek. “Um, thank you,” she said when she could finally get her throat working, then fled the room.

  Julian grinned as he watched Hayley bolt from the room. He thought his plan was off to a bad start when he realized it was her birthday. He had been honest. He didn’t know it was her birthday, and he hadn’t gotten her a present.

  But that didn’t mean he couldn’t get one now—after he updated the security team on the change of plans. They wouldn’t be happy. He’d insisted they set up the safe house last night so he and Hayley could leave this morning. The security team also needed to hire special vehicles because he was still stuck in his wheelchair.

  Julian wished he could be up on his feet. He wished he didn’t have to be stuck in a chair when there was a psycho-killer coming after Hayley. But that wasn’t an option now, so he was done moping about that.

  Besides, things were turning around.

  Hayley would have to pretend to be
in a happy marriage with him while Leanne and her family were around. This would be a perfect opportunity to show Hayley what they could have.

  He called the leader of the security team, Jeffrey Marsh, about the change of plans and was in a good enough mood to laugh at Jeffrey’s annoyed tone. Once that was settled, Julian ordered a pair of diamond earrings for Hayley before wheeling himself out to the dining table.

  “Julian,” Hayley said after Doreen had served breakfast. “Frank and Paula mean a lot to me. They’re family—real family. Not like the ones we have.”

  He thought he’d reassured her, but it seemed she still didn't trust him. “I’m not sure how a real family works, but I get what you’re trying to say.”

  Hayley waited, not saying a word.

  “I promise I’ll behave.”

  Her lips curled.

  “How did you get so close to them?”

  Hayley dropped her gaze to the fruit salad in front of her.

  “It’s okay if you don't want to talk about it.”

  “Ted Shears,” she said and jabbed her fork into a piece of apple.

  He nodded. “So, is there anything I shouldn't say?”

  “Just be the way we are when we're out entertaining and we should be fine.”

  They didn’t get to talk much. The security team arrived soon after, a group of eight men. Two would join the guards at the entrance of the garage; two would be stationed at the garage’s elevator. Two would guard the elevator in the lobby while another two would be with them in the apartment.

  Jeffrey briefed Hayley and him on the operations, explaining that it would be best if she didn’t leave the apartment unless necessary.

  Hayley shrugged. “I can do that.”

  “And since we already have the vehicle and we assume that Ted Shears may be watching, we’ll make a big show of leaving tonight. That way, there’s a chance he’ll assume you’re no longer here.”

  “Perfect.” Julian liked that idea. “But that means your family can’t visit after today.”

  “I understand. I’ll tell them we’re going on vacation.” She turned to Jeffrey. “No one mentions the name Ted Shears around Paula and Frank.”

  “We’ll be like wallpaper,” Jeffrey said and tipped his head to the side. “They’re here. They’re coming up the elevator.”

  Hayley looked over at Julian.

  “I’ll behave,” he assured her, and she rewarded him with a smile. When the elevator dinged, Julian took Hayley’s hand and pulled her closer. She glanced down at him in surprise, but she didn’t pull her hand away.

  “Happy birthday, my darling!” Paula came out and pulled Hayley into a tight hug, and Julian let go of her then.

  Leanne and a man, who Julian assumed was Frank, strode out of the elevator with their hands full.

  “Happy birthday, my baby girl.” Frank lifted an arm and put it around her. “We have two cakes. One was supposed to be for last night.”

  “You guys should’ve just shared it among yourselves.”

  “It’s meant for you. We’re not going to eat your birthday cake without you around.”

  Leanne glanced over at Julian, then back at Hayley. “Happy birthday, babe.” She shared a look with Hayley before nodding at Julian. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” Julian said, then extended his hand toward Paula. “Hi, Paula. Frank.” He pumped Frank’s hand once. “We’re so happy you could join us.”

  “We’re excited to meet you,” Paula said. “We didn’t get a chance to speak with you at the wedding.”

  Frank, however, didn’t seem excited at all. “What’s going on with the security? They checked our IDs before letting us up.”

  “Reporters have tried sneaking in before. With Hayley here, I wanted to be more careful.” That answer seemed to please Frank.

  Frank nodded with a smile.

  “Let’s put all of this stuff down in the kitchen,” Leanne said.

  “This way.” Hayley cocked her head to the side and led the way.

  They spent the next hour prepping their lunch. Even Julian had to chip in to help. The penthouse had never been this noisy as everyone joked and laughed—mainly at how inept Julian was in the kitchen.

  Though he’d never seen Hayley step into the kitchen at the penthouse, she seemed to be able to handle whatever task Paula and Frank threw at her.

  The noise and laughter continued over lunch. Grilled steak, gourmet fries that Hayley helped Paula perfect for the food truck’s menu, and salad with a special tangy dressing that Frank created. Despite all the world-famous restaurants he’d dined in, Julian never had a better tasting meal than the one in front of him. It didn’t hurt that Hayley was having so much fun and kept turning to him with that bright smile of hers.

  Besides being able to hold Hayley’s hand or hook his arm around her waist for no apparent reason, he truly enjoyed Frank, Paula, and Leanne’s company. The three of them treated Hayley like their own family, and it made Julian want to be part of that. It made Julian want to have something like that with Hayley.

  In the middle of their conversation about how Julian would never survive a day without his maids, the phones—all except his—started buzzing on the dining table.

  Paula glanced over at her phone, frowned, then tapped on it. Leanne and Hayley did likewise, only to snap their heads up from their phones. They locked eyes with each other as if all hell was about to break loose. Paula, however, stared into space after sliding her phone over to Frank.

  Julian wasn’t sure what happened, but he was certain he was the cause of the sudden tension.

  Paula turned to Hayley. “Perhaps there’s something you haven’t told us.”

  Hayley cleared her throat.

  “It’s a misunderstanding,” Leanne said.

  “I wasn’t talking to you.”

  Hayley and Leanne shared another troubled look.

  Paula stared right at Hayley, “What’s this about your husband having an affair with his secretary?”

  Julian cursed mentally while Hayley closed her eyes and sighed.

  Charlene. Though Julian had slept with more than one of his secretaries, he never had a problem with any of them since they always got to go on with their lives. He’d always made it clear that nothing would come of their relationships, and so far, he hadn’t met any crazies.

  He turned to Hayley. “Charlene?”

  “She did an interview to discuss your relationship with her and how you’re doing,” Hayley said.

  “I never slept with her.”

  “Julian.” It was clear Hayley didn’t believe him.

  Frank laughed once without humor.

  “Nothing happened,” he said. “Hayley walked in on us, and that was it.”

  Paula’s jaw dropped.

  “That was it?” Frank shouted.

  “I mean—”

  “I didn’t walk in on them having sex. I probably would’ve if I’d been a few minutes later.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us, darling?” Paula tipped her head to the side, her eyes filled with sympathy. “Was it that day when you dropped by the food truck? When we said you looked like a CEO’s wife?”


  Paula stood and snatched up the plate in front of Julian, then turned to Hayley. “We’re leaving. Now.”

  Frank stood along with Paula. “Come on, Hayley. You can stay at our place.”

  “Wait.” Julian grabbed Hayley’s hand. “Wait. Please.”

  “A real man remains faithful to his wife.” Paula handed the plate to Leanne. “Throw everything away. I don’t want this man eating any of the food I cooked.”

  Hayley pulled her hand from Julian. “Paula, I can’t leave.”

  “Why?” Frank asked. “You don’t have to be afraid of your parents. You can stay with us. As we’ve said, you’ll always have a place with us. You don’t have to remain with someone like that.”

  “She can’t leave, Dad.” Leanne slammed the plate down on the dining table. “I can’t stand J
ulian either, but Hayley can’t leave.”

  “Why?” Paula stuck her hands on her hips. “Why? What’s—”

  “Ted Shears.”

  “Leanne.” Hayley shot a glare over at her best friend.

  “What about that man?” Frank stared at Leanne, then at Hayley. “What’s going on?”

  Hayley sighed and licked her lips.

  Leanne crossed her arms. “Ted Shears escaped.”

  “Since when? Why didn’t you girls tell us?” Frank rubbed a hand against his chest.

  “Because we were afraid you’d have another heart attack.” Hayley helped Frank back to his seat and glanced over at Doreen. “Get him a glass of warm water.”

  Julian couldn’t believe how fast things had gone downhill. He didn’t say a word until Leanne and Hayley explained what had happened. “I’ll keep her safe.”

  Frank scowled. “Stay with us. We can have guards at our place too.”

  “No one has ever managed to break into the penthouse before.” Julian rubbed a hand over his mouth. “I know you’re … I’m sorry. I’m sorry about what happened. I was stupid and—”

  “And now that you’re in a wheelchair and have no one but Hayley, you’re sorry and will do anything to keep her.”

  “No, that isn’t it. I—”

  Hayley put a hand over his. “I’m staying,” she said in a soft but firm tone. She didn’t move her hand even at Frank’s glare.

  Paula, oblivious to the growing tension between Frank and Hayley, grabbed as many plates as she could. “Once I’m done throwing all these away, we’re leaving. Go pack your bag.”

  “I’m not going to lead Ted Shears over to your place. If he wants, he can come here.”

  Julian didn’t care why Hayley was staying as long as she did. “I’ll die before anything happens to her.”

  Paula dropped all the plates on the dining table. The loud clang and the flying food made Hayley shrink back. “Julian Nicholson.” She slapped her hands on the dining table and leaned forward. “If you try and stop me from taking Hayley away from here today, I’ll skin you. Do you understand me?”

  Hayley stood and moved over to Paula. “Paula, please.” She looked over at Julian. “Can I have a few minutes with them?”

  Did he have to make a case for Hayley to stay?


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