The Blue-Spangled Blue (The Path Book 1)
Page 47
How similar would they be to the real Tenshi and Tana? Would he be able to keep the truth a secret from them forever? What would happen if they discovered the truth, read Tenshi’s journal, scanned Brando’s files? Would they consider him a monster?
Would they consider themselves monsters?
In the end, he decided, these last questions didn’t really matter. They were all monsters, all three of them. So was everyone else, when you came right down to it.
That’s how the demiurge forged us.
His grim, grey smoke billows within us all.
But at its center, Brando thought with trembling joy, glows a holy spark.
A tenshi.
A bit of the divine.
To: modupe@oduyoye.per.nng
Subject: Going-ons
Date: September 16, 2697 20:15:29 (SST)
Professor Oduyoye:
Good to hear that you’re doing well. The condition of you sister brings me great sorrow. She’ll be in my mind during meditation.
Tomorrow Regent Alwan turns control of Jitsu back over to the restructured government, though a small peace-keeping force will stay behind to ensure that the resettled inhabitants of Station City—which they’ll be renaming, did you hear—are safe and unmolested. I’ll be sworn in as interim prime minister at noon in a ceremony that most people in the capital will likely attend. As head of Jitsu’s first secular government, I’ll have a lot of work on my hands, but that’s fine. I love this world, and I want to see it grow. I wish you would reconsider my offer. We’re definitely going to reopen Ra-Koreji, and there’s nobody better than you to run it. But I’ll respect your decision.
The past four months were a whirlwind, what with the CPCC investigation and military trials. Major Sosa’s conviction and public execution hit the Dominatudan hard, but I think they’re too ashamed of what he did to make waves. The deaths of the squad leaders and the dozen or so functionaries that were involved has squelched any debate.
Which brings me to Ben Wu. You asked me to find out the outcome of his case, so I snooped around and learned that yes, he did recover his daughter, with the help of the AF. For turning state’s evidence, they charged him with a lesser crime, and it looks like they’ll commute his sentence. I hope he and his daughter find peace and enlightenment.
The AF, I understand, is still battling the remaining Brotherhood forces, which have now broken into warring factions. The AF ran them out of the Beta Pictoris system at last, though at a huge cost. All those men and women lost when Brotherhood HQ exploded—may their families find comfort. But it wasn’t in vain. They discovered a massive plan to take over the CPCC. A thorough one, but thank the Founder it failed. Have you heard whether they figured out who ordered the heads killed? The AF found a cache of ships and weapons in the lifeless Gamma Doradus system, I saw. The Brotherhood was already trying to move the materiel out, but the AF was able to compound about five hundred vessels. Five hundred. Just imagine what might’ve happened. It’s a good thing Jitsu became the stumbling block.
In truth, our mutual friend did, no? I often think about him. The CPCCAF wants him for questioning, though it seems Wu testified that Brando did nothing he wasn’t forced to do by the circumstances. They can’t find him, though. He went somewhere he can’t be traced, and the Oracle, or rather, Samanei, is no doubt keeping him busy. I hope that, far away from the traumas that opened her nascent soul to Sakra’s spite, she’s begun to heal.
Wherever they are, I wish them both peace and life. Theirs was taken away by force. I can’t, for some reason, be angry at them. Even though they did terrible acts, I keep asking myself what I would’ve done in their place. It’s not my duty to judge. That’s what our faith teaches us, and no matter how much these events have made me waver, my faith is sure.
At the same time, I suppose it is my duty. As prime minister, it will be. So I guess, if they were brought before me, I would need to apply the full force of the law against them.
Let’s hope they stay forever lost, no?
The Ogdoad enlighten you.
Meji Pishan
The origin of words not common in Standard is indicated by an abbreviation: B for Baryogo, K for Kaló, Sp for Spanish.
Al-Muzzaml—private intelligence network run by Yen Bandera
Anca L’ermandá—(K, lit. “House [of] the Brotherhood”) area in the Cimmeria Region of Mars where most of the ruling families of the Brotherhood reside.
Anshyano—(B) a satorijin who doesn’t work within the government or as a giya.
Aransa—(B) midwife
Archon—Standard translation of the Baryogo word ratowanin: ruler of Jitsu’s theocratic government and of the Neo Gnostic religion on that world.
Arojin—(lit. "other-born") one who has achieved gnosis.
Baryogo—a Belter creole spoken on Jitsu.
Grey Prison, the- Neo Gnostic term for the physical universe.
Blue, the—see Wende
Bouncecom—an illegal communications device that circumvents normal channels
Chirurgic—a now illegal AI medical robot (also docbot)
Chrome—projectile handgun whose nearly frictionless barrels and laser targeting give its bullets deadly supersonic speed and accuracy.
Civil Security—Jitsu’s policing force and army
Close, the—see Karibudan.
Conduit, the—discovered in 2523 by Dédalo Mostrenco near Alpha Centauri, the Conduit was a path through hyperspace which allowed Soltec and the military to dominate human expansion into space for close to a century, until Mostrenco killed himself in an explosion within the Conduit that closed it forever in 2619.
CPCC—the Consortium of Planets, Corporations and Colonies; the unified government of nearly all human habitats, founded in 2530 as a replacement for the dissolved United Solar Republics.
D-sleep—the practical cessation of bodily function for the duration of a space flight to allow a body’s encasement in suspensor gel. When accompanied by participation in a faux-life, d-sleep is referred to as hypostasis.
Defenestration—exiting higher dimensional space
Demiman—(K) a criminal (term originated on Mars)
Demimundo—(K) the underworld; the criminal underbelly of the CPCC
Diet—legislature of the CPCC, made up of three houses: the chamber of deputies, the citizens’ assembly and the senate.
Dominatudan—ultraconservative group of Neo Gnostics on Jitsu that want to cut the planet off from the rest of humanity. Also known as Dominians or Strict Dominians.
Eight, the—(also called the Ogdoad) the eight-sided being, a quantum singularity believed by Pathwalkers to exist separately from our universe; two separated from the Eight, providing the basis for our universe. Every time a human reaches quantum enlightenment, a piece of the two is returned to the Eight.
Enlightenment—1) in Pathwalker theology, the gradual process of reaching ra-Yindawo, i.e., becoming a higher dimensional being (quantum enlightenment) 2) in underworld lingo, an assassination in which the body is left to be found, usually as a message.
Faux-com—technology that allows users to “exist” in virtual environments by means of direct neural stimulus.
Faux-confererencing—use of virtual environments for communication.
Faux-life—a fantasy world generated by frames. During space flight, travelers typically log into a faux-life and mentally ‘live’ there in virtual bodies (doppelgangers), interacting with somatoids, virtual personas that appear completely real, and surrounded by keshiki, interactive environments.
Fenestration—(also known as “holing”) travel through higher dimensional space; a ship must accelerate to .6c in order to fenestrate, and upon defenestration, must travel a considerable distance from the defenestration point before holing again.
Fidensio—(affectionately “Fidensito”) the legendary healer and prophet revered by Fidensistas
, followers of a syncretic religion blending Catholicism with Mesoamerican shamanism.
Gimmal—rotating chamber that creates gravity. Older ships without gravity sinks or gravity tiles have an outer hull around an inner gimmal that purls, or spins to create centrifugal gravity.
Giya—(B) the guide to enlightenment in charge of a teyopan
Gnosis—the third and penultimate stage of enlightenment: complete self-knowledge
Hesukrito—(K) Jesus Christ
Hypostasis—the combined system of d-sleep and connection to faux-com or existence in a faux-life.
Iho/a d’angel- (K, lit. “son/daughter of [an] Angel) member of one of the Aztlan Angels’ ruling families
Imrizabu—a tunnel through higher dimensional space
Interstellar Net, the—information, communication, entertainment, education all depend upon this massive, Consortium-wide network that uses tunneled transmission beams to maintain its connections.
Jagen—(B) enormous, fifteen-meter long reptilian monsters, which roamed Jitsu’s vast wastelands for a million years, but which are now confined to the southern continent.
Jinja—(B) the Oracle’s shrine, built on the site of Domina Ditis’ grave.
Jitsu—(B, corruption of “Ditis”) originally called Ares, Jitsu is the second planet of the binary star system Eta Cassiopeiae 2; claimed officially by Soltec in 2533, it was actually discovered by Domina Ditis twelve years previously when she was sucked through a spatial rift and stranded there with the abusive crew of her uncle’s ship.
Jitsujin—(B) inhabitant of Jitsu
Juresh—(B) capital city of Jitsu
Kaló—offshoot of Latin-American Spanish spoken in the Cimmeria Region of Mars, some orbital platforms around Jupiter, and in other areas controlled by the Brotherhood and the Aztlan Angels.
Kantõ—(B) home, house
Karada ra-Kusini—the southern continent of Jitsu
Karibudan—(B) The Close, a guild of omedeyo that provide security and care to the Oracle.
Kasike—(K) syndicate boss
Kasikeria—(K) the rule of a kasike (both his authority and the physical reach of his power)
Kedarumsha—(B) someone who has reached quantum enlightenment while still alive
Kehatsu—(B) awareness, the first stage of enlightenment for Neogs.
Keshiki—virtual interactive environments
Kewbox—a portable faux-life connection with a basic keshiki that is used for interrogations.
Kinguyama—city in the Mashkanu prefecture on Jitsu; birthplace of both Tenshi and Samanei Koroma; first municipality on Jitsu to adopt a non-religious governmental structure
Kiyish—(B) a spike from the Urim carried on pilgrimages; dropped into the sea at particular coordinates dictated by the ramatini
Kleinballs—tools used in meditation; contemplation of them is supposed to turn the mind inward on itself and help push one toward gnosis.
Klika—(K) gang
Konk rifle—slang for concussion rifle; this weapon fires com energy waves and is typically used against large targets
Konsehero—(K) counselor
Koweke—(B) brother-in-law
Kude Kisiwa—(B) a chain of islands between the Northern Continent and Southern Continent, also The Distant Isles
Kwate—(K) friend
Kyosu—(B) university professor
L’ermandá—(K) see Brotherhood, the
L’onda—(K) Brotherhood code of honor
Lazgat—small energy pistol
Matakite—(B) seer, a person who accepts the Pathwalker faith after having a vision
Materia—(K) spiritual medium
Mitawa—(B) title for Pathwalker ascetics
Moku—(B) mild hallucinogen and depressant used in meditation, derived from the mohiyo plant
Mothergod—a slightly offensive expletive, used commonly by Wiccan Catholics and natives of Earth
Muher—(K) wife
Mushri—(B) leader of a religious order
Muwanani samadan—(B) the unenlightened: derogatory term for non-Pathwalkers.
Nako—(B) a term used to describe activities or objects that hamper enlightenment
Narthex—airlock between sensitive systems on a ship; tubular interface between vessels.
Navarch—commander-in-chief of the Consortium Flotilla
Neo Gnosticism—see Path, the
Neog—(slightly derogative) Neo Gnostic, an adherent of Neo Gnosticism or pertaining to that religion. Preferred term: Pathwalker
Nosisu—(B) see Gnosis
Nuova Rinacenza—the New Roman Renaissance, a cultural movement that spawned the Nuova Pace Romana, a Wiccan Catholic Empire that lasted from 2305-2419. It was defeated in the Solar War (2410-2420) that gave birth to the USR.
Ogdoad—(see Eight, the)
Ohete—(K) jerk; unnecessarily mean individual
Omedeyo—(B) a non-binary, intersex, two-spirit, or genderfluid person
Oni—(B) feathery haired, upright, meter-high monkey analogs
Oracle, the—Pathwalkers’ direct connection to the Ogdoad. A sort of prophet, an Oracle appears once every century or so and is the only living being in constant communion not only with the Ogdoad, but also with the created souls that have been rejoined to it.
Orakuru—(B) see Oracle, the
Osculate—to dock using a narthex
Path, the—religion begun by Alejandro Dresch on Earth in 21st century: very popular on Mars, Jitsu, the asteroid belt and some corporate platforms. Called Neo Gnosticism by many non-believers. Teaches the creation of souls through enlightenment.
Pocho—(K) born into the Brotherhood but raised without knowledge of its ways.
Portbot—semi-sentient robot used for menial tasks.
Purl—(n) the spin of a gimmal; (v) to engage the gimmal
Quantum enlightenment—the final stage of enlightenment; the joining of the created soul to the Ogdoad.
Ramatini—Sage, an ancient title usually designating the closest companion of an Oracle.
Ra-Koreji—(B) school founded by Brando D’Angelo and Tenshi Koroma
Ra-Yindawo—(B) the nirvana-like plane that contains the Ogdoad
Rasaro Platform—principal orbital transport hub for Jitsu
Ratowanin—(B) see archon
Reporumatudan—faction of Pathwalkers that want Jitsu to embrace off-worlders. Also Reformers.
Samadan—(B) new members of a teyopan (children born into the community became new members at seven): unenlightened seekers of enlightenment.
Sancha—(K) mistress
Satori—basic enlightenment, the second stage on the Path to ra-Yindawo.
Satorijin—(B) any Pathwalker who has reached satori.
Seudo-novelas—(Sp) faux-lifes broadcast daily that are similar to present-day soap operas.
Shangazi—(B) omedeyo sibling of one’s parent (like aunt/uncle, but nonbinary)
Shimanga—(B) Shattering, a denomination of Neo Gnosticism.
Shell—illegal artificially intelligent mercenary robot
Sikarito—(K/B) lowest level in syndicate ‘army’
Slidewalk—common form of public transport for pedestrians.
Soburinim—(B) my niece/nephew
Solpat—patois of Japanese, English, Spanish and other languages (similar to Baryogo)
Somatoids—computer generated pandemoniac personas within a faux-life. Can adapt and alter in personality, just as though they were actual people.
Sonari—the name of the clan Tenshi’s family belongs to
Squink—youngster (Martian slang, derived from K eskuinkle)
Standard—(also Solar Standard) derivative of English used as the lingua franca of the CPCC
Station City—a neutral area of Jitsu jointly controlled by the CPCC and the government of that world.
Sub-kasike—(K) underboss in syndicate
Suspension pods—used for g-intensive spaceflight. One’s body is cushio
ned and suspended in suspensor gel, simulating more normal gravity. As bodily functions must be slowed down to d-sleep for the duration of the trip, the pods are generally equipped with links to the Interstellar Net and a faux-life generating ‘frame, allowing passengers to keep mentally active and crew to pilot the ship from a pseudo-bridge.
Suspensor gel—a high-impact colloid which cushions the body against the stresses of gravity-intensive space flight. Used in conjunction with suspension pods.
Takiwajan—(B) district head, prefect
Tanim—(B) my daughter
Texas—area of a space craft that contains the crew’s quarters
Teyopan—(B) Pathwalker place of meditation and learning.
Teyopanjin—(B) full members of a teyopan, those who’ve attained kehatsu. Most people within a prefecture stay at this level their entire lives, cut off from the rest of humanity by a series of dogmatic restrictions that limit them to a non-material existence.
Trucha—(K) laser blade.
Umbini—(B) a dyad or dual being (normally used to describe any of four entities that make up the Ogdoad)
Umma—(B) mother
Unified Chinese—(Xīn Hànyǔ) unification of various dialects of Mandarin that was imposed on Unified China in the 23rd century.
Urim—a strange meteorite on the Southern Contient.
Welkin—Solar slang for all space beyond the Solar System
Wende—(B) (also awomi) a psychological state in Pathwalker meditation, achieved typically through rapid, unthinking action. According to Dominian doctrine, wende occurs when the reconstructed self reaches out to the Ogdoad, yearning to become a soul and reunite with the source. Called the Blue in the original English version of the Revised Bible.
Wey—(K) guy, man
White Doom, the—the environmental and economic collapse brought about by mismanagement of Earth’s resources by white hegemonic capitalism, leading to the present ice age.